
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Acacia Walk lIIlc l «\laIxIIIIIa (it-Inge. Japan. IIIWI ‘Nlnnn I poll lindIlIg out that llt'l Inolhci II.Ix \l/heuner'x IIIxeaxc \IlU-Illdt reluctantly lIcaIIx back to her home loyxn to care loI th. Ilexpitc her IIIollIeI‘x Inixlieatnienl ol her III the paxl l’all ol lapalh‘w' III ('II II Ilc SLWL'lllll Kuhn” III ('ontclnpoiaiy Japauexe I‘lllllx

(II/1mm li///(i/.‘ (i/II\L'IIII.

The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby II I... IJohII lIenIleIonI.

l Ix. .‘HH‘I (Iliyci (iolduig. Jauch ( 'oxIIIo. (iieg \\ ixe. (‘hIleopth lee IIHIIIIII In Ixxx. loIIII (il.t_\ died and IIIx IaItlilul terrier guarded IIIx _‘.!l.t\t' III I IIIIIlInIgII'x (iieyliialx Klilx loI |~l yeaix llll\ Ix .I \xhunxical

liI lion lll\III\ Ing dogcatchcix. cute orphanx .IIIII Ionniy Ing couIIcIIIon lt'x cllccllyc .Ix

I hilIlIen‘x entertainment. and adultx \x III eIIon xcclng thc likex ol Ice and (I'llanlon being upxlaged by the wee \Vextie IIIIpoxloI llux Ix IlIaIIty xcicenilig III .IIII oI B.IIII.IIIon, the IIIng lqul .IIIII the .louInalIxt ('lIaIIly (II/II Itl/ II'IIIIu

Aeon Flux 1 ISI . IK.II_\II Klixama. I \_ :IIIIRI ('haIlI/e 'l'heion. .\I.Ilton ('xokax. .lonny I cc \Illlcl. Sophie ( )konedo ‘L‘Inm lIix Illt' _\t'.ll 3-1 I R and .t IIL‘JIII} \lltlx. lllt' eia'x .Ipocalypxc ol choice. hax all but \xIpeIl out by the human race Ihe qu\I\on ale cIIixlI-Ied together in .I I topian iIlyII. loeIm'x II’IIII xly le. and the gII\I'IIIIIIeIIt Ix made up oI eyil technotiatx but rebel .IxxaxxIn -\eon l-In\ I'l IIeIoIII Ix coining alter them Bad. IIL'lI\.lII\L‘ xel Ii lllck Itaxcd IIII xct'lex III xIIIIll .\I'l‘\’ cartoonx and aimed at x\\ eaty leeux \Hlll Attention Deficit I)IxorIIeI loud alId brainlcxx. (iI'nI'I'II/ I‘I'II'IIII',

Alien Adventure 30 Il'I oooo

(Ben Slraxxen. Japan. Still] I Voice III John Boyle. Boull Iannerx WIIIIII An alien race looking tor a planet to colonixc Iind earth and unlorlunalely enter a theme park \\ here they came much amuxing mayhem. /.lI.-l.\' l/lI'IlII'I'. (i/IHg‘UII.

The Bait (L’Appat) I I.x'I ooo (Bertrand 'layel'nicr. I‘raIIce. IINSI Marie (iillam. ()hyicr Silruk. Bruno l’tll/ulu. IISIIIIII. .\IIIIII|e-claxx alxo-ranx Nathalie and lirIc. along \yilh xhady pal Bruno. try to gel the caxh to open Ilp a laxhion xtore in America by robbing rich people‘x


.Ippartlnenlx layerniclk portrait ol the IIIIIIIIIty ol conlcmpoiaiy youth Ix repetitne .InIl uncony Inclng. he labourx the Ixxue exen yxhilc lux \J‘I glxe Ilctcnt naturalixlu pcIloInIanccx l’art ol the Renault I IeIIcII I'lllll I‘I'xllyal (I/Iiwou II/m I/II Iii/I (i/IIIgoII ll/Ill/II'IIH I lint/III; Jr

Beau Travail I I<I oooo «I IIIIe |)enIx, l‘rante. .‘HUHI l)cnix I .I\.Inl. \Iichcl \Iibor. (iiegone ('oIIlI ‘Nlinili \n nnaglnatiye reworking ol lchnIaII \Iclyillc'x noxclla li’I/II II'III/I/ \III/ol. “t on IIII'LIIII’ xccx \xriter director l)cnix relocating the onIIIc material lroin the I‘llIl teutuiy BIItleI naxy to the plexent day lienth I'oIeIgn l egion In \I.leeille. Sergeant (ialoup Illcnix I .I\.IIIlI recallx the c\cntx that led to IIIIII being lolced to leaxe the corpx .Ilth being poxled to .I Iclnole outpoxt III Ihibouti. I'.l\I \lIIca \ \xoik tilled with beauty. x.IIlIchx and

my xtery .\IexIIIeIIxIIIg lilluuiaking l’ait ol Introduction to ltuiopean ('Incina xcaxoll ll/lIl/Iltlht'. I.I/III/’lll'\'/l

Big Momma’s House 2 II)(iI oo I.lolIII \Vhllexell. I‘S. ltlllm \IaitIlI I..I\xrcnce. lilton I.eBI.IIIc. \Ia I ong

tIlIunn. I'BI agent .\I.IIcoIIII lnIneI Il..I\xIelIch goex undercoxei .Ix Big \Ioinina again \axxn. (I'I‘III'I'II/ II'II'IIII'

Brokeback Mountain I IM oooo

I -\ng l.ce. I'S. IINISI llcath ledger. .lalte (Iyllenhaal. Michelle \\IllI.IInx. -\nne Ilathayxay I Hunn. Ice'x uIlIIIIalc epic poignantly cIIaItx a lurth lelatIoIIthp I\et\xeen lyxo ranch handx oycl the coIIIxe ol xc\cral decadex. In .I xtiong caxt I edger Ix lIu|_\ oulxtanding. Ilnbunig IIIx InartIculale chaiaclei \\IlIl .Iu aching humanity lexx a gay \Vextelu than .I unneixally Iexonant loxc xloiy (iI‘III'III/ II /I (IN.

Capote I I5! ... IBeIIIIell Miller. I'S. IINISI Philip Seymour llolIIIIan. (‘atIIeIIne Keener. ('III'loII ('olhnx. lI-lmin. In NS" author 'I‘rulnan ('apote Illoll'IIIaIII dragged IIIx bexl lriend llarpci (Keener) to rural Kanxax to in\ extigale the brutal Inurderx ol Iarmer llerb ('Iutter. hIx \\IIC and lIIx l\\o IL‘L‘IIIIgL‘ (IIIItII'L‘Il. \Vllal IIIIIII\\ L'd \yax xad. xhocklng and In termx III ['8 literature. near reyollltionary and \yould Iexull III the publication ol (‘apole'x only ‘non fiction noyel' In ('olIl liloml. Beautrlully perloimed but xomehoyx airlcxx and xlIlled recreation ol the eyentx that \lll'l‘tllllltlt'tl the creation III a lnaxterpiece. .X'I'II'I’II‘I/ I'I'lI'Ilu'.

Casanova I IZAI 00 I l,axxt' llallxtrom. I'S. ZtNltiI Heath Ledger. Sienna Miller. Jeremy Ironx. ()li\ er l’latt. l.ena

With both this

and Robert

Greenwald’s excellent documentary Walmart: The High CostofLoan'ce up for imminent release it’s going to be an interesting year for the American agit-prop movement, even if Alex Gibney’s film about the fall of Enron sometimes barely registers as a political work at all. Using the kind of offbeat but intense focus of the work of Errol Morris, this insightful white-collar horror is up for best documentary award at this year’s Oscars. But this one-off screening is only a taster for the forthcoming Sheffield Documentary Festival on Tour.

I FI/m/Iouse. Edinburgh (Thu 9 Mar only).

46 THE LIST 2—16 Mar 2006

()lin lllnIIII (iloxxy period romp xelting the Venetian palainoul againxl the moralixtlc killloyx ol the IIIIIIIIxIlIon .Ix he .Iltelnptx to “no the lair l-rancexca I\IIl|eII I)expite .IlI c\pcan\e attempt to Import ml by the yard through luring loin Stoppard lot .I chIpt [‘Ullxll. ll.IllxlIoIn quickly gclx caught up III layixh bill IIIeleyant Ilelailx and I edgcl‘x (‘.Ix.Ino\.I I‘t‘utlllt‘\ untolnlortably boyxdlerixed. xubxtiluting xehoolboy brayado loI xc\u.Il chaIIxIIIa (II 'lt III! u-II'IIII

The Champions (Die Champions)

I ISI I( 'lqulopII llubner and (iabriele \IIxx. (ieilnany. IINHI IS‘IIIIIII lluce teclIageIx playing loI Boruxxia I)oItIIIund'x Iunlor team lcaluie III tlIIx documentary that begmx III I‘NK and chartx their xIIccexxex and lailurex tip to SHIN I’art ol I’Ianet I-ootball (ilmeon II/ni I/II‘IIIII. Ill/Il/lrtllu'. I'.IIIII/IIIIe/I. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 mm

.. I.-\Ilain SIIananan. I‘S. DINISI Steye Martin. Bonnie Hunt. l’IpeI l’ciabo. l'onI \Vellmg. 03min l‘lie Baker lanuly are back and they are going on holiday but they hadn't e\pectcd Jimmy Murlaugh Il.e\_\ I and lIIx big brood l’athetic xequel to a bemldcrmgly xuccexxlul laIIIIIy comedy .S'I'II'I‘II’I/ I'I'II'IIH.

Chicken Little Il‘I ooo I.\l.IIk I)llIdal. I'S. IINISI Voich oI Zach Blall. l’allick Slexxal‘l. Joan ('uxaclx. (ialy Marxhall. 80min. l‘olloyxing the death oI IIIx mother. ('hiclxen little lonced by S. I'll/M xlar BralII xlI‘ugglcx to couununrcate \x Ilh a butch lather \xho'x 'IIexei theIe lor hIm'. then xendx the town mto chaox alter IIIdeiagIoning that the xky Ix lallilig. 'l‘he lyxo become the laughing xtock to all but a It“ equally oxll’aclxed oddball Il'lL‘lIdx. l'iaxl paced. Illll and a little corny but “till ilx heart III the right place. (iI'm'ml I'l‘It’tlH'. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ll’(i) . l:\ndre\y .-\d;Imxon. I'S. JINISI (ieorgie Henley. William Moxeley. Skandai Key nex. Jamex .\lc.-\\oy. Ray \\'iIIxIIIIIe. l)a\xn l'rench. 'l’ilda Syxinlon. IISIIIIII. Illlx. the Ill'xl ol~ xey en propoxed children l'anlaxy blwkbuxlerx baxed on ('S Leyx'ix' much lo\ ed allegorical noyelx. ix an abxolute xlinlxer. and one made all the more unpalatable by the lad that the \eI‘y unchrixtian greed ol‘ ilx producerx ix xo utterly palpable oy er ilx xeelningly endlexx running time. l’rool‘ that great bookx can make truly appallilig liliux. St’ll't'fl'tl I‘t'lt’tlfiv.

Clean Slate (Coup de Torchon) I ISI (Bertrand ‘I‘awrnier. l'rance. I‘lh‘l I Philippe .\'oirel. lxabelle lluppen. Jean-Pierre Marielle. IZXIIIIII. Baxed on the Jim (KI/l- Ujl‘) 'l'hompxon noyel. l’o/I ISM). thix tale ol lackluxtre layxnian ('ordier INoiI'etI ix tranxltttxcd lo l'rench \Vexl .-\lrica in 1938 (.Ullllt‘l' Ilecldt'x lo L'\lI'lIII llix L'IL‘tItl-llp operationx beyond the call ol~ duly murdering hix \xile and training hIx mixtrexx. A line and exprexxiye example ol lilm noir. in which .\'oiret'x Irrational and perplexing characterixation lindx ilx match in xchoolteacher lluppen. Part III the Renault Hench l'ilnI l'extiyal. (i/uwou' l-I'lm 'I'III'IIII'I'. (i/le‘emi'; l'l/Hl/IUNH’. lz'IlIIl/IIIIe/I, The Constant GardenerI lSI

... lI-‘ernando Meirellex. I'S/I'K. BIKISI Ralph l’iennex. Rachel \Veixl. lluben Kounde. Danny Iluxton. IZXIIIin. When Nairobi-baxed diplomat Jlixtin Quay le'x ll'iennexI oulxpoken aetiy ixt \yil’e 'I‘exx tWeix/I ix lound murdered in a remote region ol' Northern Kenya. he beginx to tllIL‘UH'r a \\ hole load oI din} xecretx. Beautifully xtruclured and xhot. Mereillex' Iilm xucceedx ax both a polemical thriller and a retroxpecliye loye xtory. \xilh Iiiennex oulxlanding in the role of a man gradually opening up to the depth ol~ hix leelingx l’or hix \y il‘e only alter her death. .SI'II'I ml I't']¢'(1.\('.

Crash I l5I .... ll’aul llaggix. I'S/(iermauy. ZOO-h Sandra Bullock. Don ('headle. Matt Dillon. Jennifer lixpoxito.

l l3min. A car accidelil bringx together a group of xlrangerx in l.ox Angelex. Imprexxiye polemical drama inyextigaling racixm in modern day l..-\. An inxightliul and oecaxxionally brilliant treatixe xupporled by xome Very line acting. (Mum A! The Quay. (1'1le eon; Glasgow


Cyberworld 3D Il‘tii I\.IIIoux. I'S. .‘tNllI Jenna I:lIlll.lll. .\I.Ill III-\xei. \\oody :\llen J-lnun Jenna l-llman Ix the cybei hoxt \xho Introducex le to \.IIIonx unrelated xegnIeIItx ol cybel .IIIIIIIatIoII Ila VIII:,II\IIr:x .Ind luts. make ill appearancex III .I xiwctacular Ilixplay ol today "x IIonl IIIIpIexxlxc graphic tethnology [H l\ HII'IIHI. (i/szeou

Date Movie I Iii .. IJaxon I‘llt'tll‘t‘l}: .\.Iion Sell/er. I S. .‘Htlm -\l\xon Ilannigan. :\II.InI (IIIIIpbeII. Jcluuter (‘oolidge ‘MIIIIII Spool on the torn \Ulll genre IIoIII the toll. \yho brought you \I an .‘It’llt' I o\\ broxi IIIIIIIIxII that contaIIIx No good \Ixual gagx ti. ’ll ml II Iran

A Day at the Races Il'IiI oooo ISaIII \\(N‘\i. I'S. I‘HW I’lIe \I.II\ BIotlIeIx. \llalI Joncx. \Iaureen (I'Sulhxan. Margaret I)IIIIIonl lllInuI \ot the Iiexl ol the Han Brothelx' lilnIx the IIIIIxIcaI IIunIbeIx .Ind IoIIIaIItIc xubplotx are .I bit too pleIItIlul

but It docx II.I\e a tan quota oI claxxit‘ comedy xet pleccx and dialogue xequencex .-\x lol the plot. It hax the brother. tIyIng to help out .I girl \xho oyxnx .I x.III.IloIIIIIII and .I lacellolxe (i/leeou film [In (II/t. Death Watch I ISI ... IBI'ItIanII 'l'axclluer. I'I.IIIce/'\\ext (ieInIany. I‘llx'lII Romy Schneider. llaryey Kt‘llt'l. llaiiy Dean Stanton I itInun Bertrand 'I.I\cInIeI‘x thought proxokmg chence liction table, lillned III (ilaxgoyx and xet III a near lutuie city. “here .I teimmally III \onIIan'x liII.I| dayx become a real IIlc I \' xoap It only llltll Ilad I‘t‘t‘ll IIIL‘ caxt' \\ llIl lire lilo/III I Part ol the Renault l'IeIIcII l'lllll I't'\ll\.ll (i/IHQIIII I'll/It l/lI'IIIII‘. (I'I'tl\k'l‘\\‘ lIlnI/Iouu'. III/lIl/Hllt'll,

Derailed I lSI ooo l.\ill\.‘lt'l Ilalxlroln. I'S. .‘INI‘I JeIIIIIleI .’\l|l\lllll. ('|I\e (Men. Vincent (‘axxel ltITIIIuI '\(l mu (‘IIaIIex Schme'x I( m cm lIle Ix pleaxant but boring until a InIxxcd train I'exIIllx III a meeting \xilh xcductiye lucmda llarrix l;\lll\IIIll| that \xill change lIIx lile I'oreyei. What threatenx lobe wine onI ol modern urban morality table \xaining agamxl the cyilx ol mlidehty lhanklully lurnx into xomething much more Mal and ttlllttL‘ll\L‘. XI'II'I II'I/ I'I'II'IMI'.

Divan ItbcI ... II’eaII (iluck. Hungary. ZIKHI *llhnm. l’lllllllldle'l (iluck Iourneyx l’roIn her birthplace III Brooklyn'x llaxIIIic community to reclaim a lainin heirloom in Hungary. 'l'hc couch or tll\.'tll Ix conxidered IIon becaIIxe ceIlaIn II;|\ltllL rabbe had xlept on It. linioyahle documentary lilm. I’art ol Jeyxixh I'lllll I‘exliytll. (hour/rm; (i/Ilwou.

Dogville t ISI ..... I|.alx Von 'lllel. l)enmark/Syxcden/l"lance/Nor“ay/Netheilan tlx/I'llllitllthiL‘flllttll)/II1II}Uttpilll/I ‘S/l 'K. 3002i Nicole Kldman. llarriet Andeixxon. Lauren Bacall. Jean Marc Bail. l’aul Bellain I7Xmin. \'on I‘rIeI'x huge. beaxlly L'\[X'l'llllt‘lll III lorm. Shot on xludio xlagc xelx III homage to the BB(' diamax ol the ()Il\ and "’le. Nomi/II tellx the xlou. ly IlixInlegratIng xtory oI (irace lKIIImaIII an unpoyerixhed \xoman \xho xtumblex into a xmall. Ixolaled. turn ol the century pioneer loan to axl. it the localx \xill take her III (II coulxe they‘re war} at lirxt but (iracc proy ex a tonic to all ax xhe helpx blind Jack McKay I(ia//araI around the houxe and baby —xItx and cleanx Ior the localx. .-\ IeIIIarkable and unique achiexement well “(will the challenge oI xitling through. l‘lllll/IUNH‘. [Lt/III/HU'L’II Downfall l ISI ... (Ulixel Ilirxchbiegel. (iermany/Ilaly. 2004) Bruno (ialll. :\le\arldra Maria Lara. ('oriIIna Ilarl‘ouch. lfitimm. Drauiatixation ol the linal dayx ol llitler‘x 'llurd Reich. ll'x a xober and xobering and tlargely I accurate lIIxtorical account ol' the Iaxt l3 dayx ol the Reich. holed up uilh their leader uixIIle the bunker ax the RUxxIanx xtorm Berlin. (ian/ giy ex a career bexl performance ax the Reich‘x leader. managing to capture both the phyxical. emotional and mental wreck [Ital “ax Hitler lll lllx linal duyx ax well ax xuggexting the Ime and blind loyalty the (‘hancellor commanded ol Iiix IIIIIIWICFx, both xoldierx and cii ilianx. Axxixting (ian/ with the latter ix a xolid xupporling caxl. including Juliane Kohler ax liya Braun. the yapid glamour pUxx who rexixted reality with Hitler until they executed their xuieide pact. (‘umvu Edinburgh

(Mum 'H