
I House Trio Thu Jun Bur. I ('huinhcrx Strcct. 220 42‘)”. 3pm. I-rcc. Rcluxcd iliiL'rIIUHII \Itil \klli] thc Hnuw Trin nn piunn. husx und drurnx.

I Rumba Caliente Jun (‘t-ittrc. lhc Lut. 4/6 (il‘it\\lll£tfi\t‘l. 467 52”” H.30pnt £7. Six-piccc huntI iL‘ti h} Sulxu (‘cIticu trninpctcr Tub} Shipr untI \t'nc/uL-Iun wcuhxt Linn Ruchu. prmithng thc linuxt III hut runnch} \(illIIti\ IrUIII I.ulin Anicricu. (‘uhu untI Nun York.

I Bill Simpson Quartet h’ii ()uccn Stu-ct Bur untI Roxtuurunt. b’II ()uccn Slim-t. 326 5097. 9pm nndnight. I‘i‘cc. 'I‘cnnr sumphnnist Bill Snnpmn Icuds lhh hurtI-su tnging. Imp-huth nuiiit.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet The Jun Bur. I ('hutnhcrx Strcct. 220 42‘)“. 9pm. I'm-c. Vurfing IInC-pr Int" thi\ Iiw—piccc huntI of top IIIlI\IL‘IilIl\. put tngcthcr cuch \wck h) inuinstu) nI' thc IitIinhnrgh jun \ccnc. (il‘lIlIIIIIL‘I‘ Bill K}|c.

I Fish Fry 'I‘hc Jun Bur. I ('hunihcrx Slit-ct. 230 42‘)“. I Ipin .iuin. I‘t'cc hcinrc I I.3()pin; £5 ultcr. Smttixh jun. I'unk. wul untI I.utin hundx jnin Iirik I)'\'Iking untI Axlt‘tiim}. Funk} \ku. rcgguc und Aim jun I‘rnni Sulsu ('clticu ()I‘I'xhtmt Huh} Iilcphuntx i4 Mur) \xith gi'imxctI-up cmcrx und nriginuls Imm thc i'jllxltm Ii\pcricncc th‘ Inlhming \\ L‘ck

( I I Mun.


I Jazz 8. Ragtime 'I‘hrcc Judng Dutnhurtun Rnud. 337 3055. 3pm. I'rcc. chului' Sundu} rugtitnc und jun \L‘\\it)li in thc ‘rcuI (iluxgtm. rcuI ulc' puh.

I The Dias Quartet (‘nttici-‘x. ()3 95 ii)lltiiilliti Strcct. 357 5825. 8.30pm. I-‘rcc. I’quuting gmmcx I‘mm thix jun-

iunk quurtct ti‘nntcd h} Btu/iliun trutnpctci' chinuItIn i)I;t\


I Martin Kershaw and Friends I'Ht‘lh I'Itmr RL‘\i.lllr;iII[ Bur tk Bruxxcnc. IIurw} \tt‘hnIx. 3H 34 St Andrcu Stjuuic. 534 335”, I35” 35min]. Kcrxhuxx pimnlm thc pcrict't innxit‘ul umvinpunnncnt in u iinc SuntIu} Iunt‘h \HIII hi\ muting; \u\ mundx.

I Kim Edgar 'I‘hc i.I\III:._' Rtmm.

I I3 I I5 (icnrgc Strcct. ‘5‘) 5| I I 3pm Hcc. Awmlic pup. jun untI originul (Ulilpihlllnlh on plum). glitlul' .tIItI \nlt‘t' Irwin Incul IIIU\IL‘IIIII Kim IztIgui'.

I Sue McNugh Duo (‘cntntrtz HIS (icurgc Strcct. I 4pm. I-‘rcc, \ht'ulixl ML‘IIugh dipx IIIIH [hc (inn! Innm rm Sung/malt.

I House Trio The Jun Bur. I ('huinhcix Strcct. 33H 43‘)“. ~ipin. i‘I'L‘L‘. Scc Sui 4,

I Live Jazz ('uic (Ii'untlc. |.\‘4 BrunththtI I’Iut‘c. 328 I 188. "pm l.i\c jun uhilc _\nu thnc. ‘I‘hix \xcck‘x IIIlhlL'di cntcrtuinmcnl mint-x mum-x) nI \uculixt I.urnu Reid untI kcflmurdixt I’uul Kim). I Live Jazz 'I'hc Junt IIntixc. 5 ()uccn Strcct. 330 438i). .\ I Ipni I-‘t‘cc. .Iun night ut the Juni IInuw utth IIuitni‘ Mcdhnc nn guilur untI ch in (Iluxgmt un huxx.

Monday 6


I Ravi Coltrane The Jun Bur. I (‘humhcrx Strcct. III) 42‘)”. H.3IIpm. L'III. Supported h} IitIinhurgh Jun I’rnjcctx untI thc Smiliin Artx (‘nunciL thc \u\ Plu} in:—' mi] ni' Icgcndur} jun \upcrxtur. .Inhn ('uItt'unc. ix ucwinjmnicd h} ['5 IIIlhIL‘IIIIh chgic \VuxInngtnn thuxw uan (icnc 1,;in ItII'lIIIhI. 'I'ucxdu} \ \\ III hc

I't'u‘hit'ti IHI iiiih Rutili‘ 5x JAK/ \htW‘.

Tuesday 7


I Live Blues iiIt' Iutii Huuw. 5 Uncut: Stit'ct. 23h ~1‘\‘I -[‘III I ICC \t't' I'm: I Ravi Coltrane iii‘t',l.1// H.1I. I (‘huinhcix \tict-t. :3“ 43"" \ "tint. 1 IH 5LT \ii‘II (‘

Wednesday 8


I Michael Simons 'Ithui (him. In" i)L'.III\IHIi i)II\L'. IIIJI M40 "3“ \j‘in L: (ilmgmt rhuth guiluim jiIuMn: iqu. i‘ilIL'\ untI ht'yian

inc I ;‘


Tommy Smith Group Iu// ('t-nnt: IIIL' inl.~1h(it.l\\lli.tti\t'l. ~10— 53”” xiilptn L'IH i'.\Pk'\i \t'II\.lIItIII.li \[.lIIti.IIti\. IuI‘tIIch lnlk Iltlit'\. incinniuhlc mm ic \t‘nicx untI ('uItiunc Ilht' HIIf.‘III.I1\ u\ the cit} \ IIIU\I i.II!IHlI\ ].I// wn plup .l t'ut'c i'.tiIIIi‘lII;_‘iI tIutc I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session HI) ()uccn 5|!ch Hui untI Ix’twtuuiunt. NI ()uccn Slim-t. 33h 5II‘I5 ‘Ipin midnight I'i'cc, 'I'hc II’lhI} upcn \C\\IUII \k'iiit'\ in In II\ ncn “mint-Mu} night \Iut V\II .IIL‘ \kclt‘ntnc tn IHIII III lhc tun I New Bands Night 'I In .lu/l But. I (‘huinhci‘x Slim-t. 33H 43”“ ‘Ipin I-it'c IhIIci'cnt up untI mining; hundx \htmtuxc lhcn‘ jun tulcnh cut'h \Kt't'h

Cumbernauld I Richie Keane Quartet ( ‘uinhcinutiItI 'I'hcutt'c. KiItIi'nni. III: in "3258“ " 45pm

L") if). .lun untI m in}: tjnuitct iL'JlIIIIIIL' thc \UC.li\ ui .-\n;_'clu King.

,‘ 4- t: _ The weight of expectation generated by being John Coltrane’s son is a heavy burden for 1‘ i any saxophonist, but Ravi Coltrane has emerged as his own man, and is a major figure in contemporary jazz in his own right. A rare chance to catch him in a club setting. The Jazz Bar. Edinburgh, Mon 6 and Tue 7 Mar.

H“. I t. :55?wa

Thursday 9

E: Imt‘tir‘gth

I Martin Waugh iiIC .Iuin IInuxc. 5 (‘Inccn \[ICC'L .‘Ih -1 ‘VI i I5 ‘I ,‘Hj‘ni 1:.1it't'I‘t‘!I~ic Iilj‘ni \\un;'I: timinx .tIun; In \tuntIuitIx inutic I.iIIIr‘II\ '?\\ \inuttu unti tht' iwt wt thc Ix‘utj‘ut k

I Ulf Wakenius Quartet qux t t‘IIIIC. the I wt. ~1h(ii.:\\in.zikct. 10' 53”“

\ ;“pin 1" \u‘IIhiI tIchut Int the Muniixh jJIIIIJI itiu~tct uhu tuuntx I’ut \Ith-cn} uth .Inhn \Itl uiicIiIin ux tum untI hm \jwnt thc I‘.i\I tItxutIc Il‘IIIIliz' .zntI ictnithn; ux j‘uit mi (Ixtut I’ctciwnk ()uuttct \t‘c pm 1c“. j‘uu' MI

I Beat Root Juice Iht- qu.’ “.11. I

('huniI‘ch \Iit'cl. If” 33"“ ‘I iiipin Itt'c \t't' “III 3


I Guest Bands Night Iht' Iu.’/ “.11. I ('huinht'h ~\tit't'i. 32H 13"” "[‘III list- Nt‘t‘ i II ;

I Late Nite Groove Ihc Iii/x Hut. 1 (‘IIJIIIi‘t'h \IIt't'I. 33H 33"” \iltiIIIL'iIl ‘uin L5 \cc I Il *


I Stevey Hay 8. the Ray Vans and Wang Dang Delta it‘li‘imlh. I.nI \\\an. iIl "Mr j".1iiiiii slim is run (mini nintx i‘illt'\ IIIH it'.IIlIIIII_‘_' I \plnilt'tI'x piniuiixt .Hlti \III}.‘L'I \lt-w} IIc}


I The George Penman Jazzmen \Innlimc ('t‘nltul. h .\ “.IIHIUH Slim-l. “5”” 3 5H “IPIII iIt‘t' \t't‘ \II 4 I Stuart Gorman Quartet I'm-It

1‘) 4i .Mhtnn I unc. ‘42 4‘th i with i‘It‘t'. IIuttI Imp IIHIII lInx tjiiuitcl tinnith h} gutluiixl Stuuil (iHIIII.III

I The Michael Deans Quartet II.” iiitk‘. ii~ iiJIiI 5IIL‘L‘I. i"-1 (iHhh 5 \I‘III i'I'L‘L' \L't‘ Sul J.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band II.” I“. Hut'hunun iitlit'i. l.\5 Iint'hunun \tict'l. i5: ‘15:, 5 i” t)[IIII i'lt't' \t't'\.1I 1


I House Trio 'I iIt' .Li/l Hui. I ('huinhci‘x Sti'ccl. 23H 43”” ‘jiin I in- SL'L' SUI 4

I Niki King and Marcus Ford .Iu// (‘t-nti'c. lhc Int. 4,!» ( iItI\\|II.lli\t‘i. 1h” 52W) .\ iIIpin. {III 'It'ntIt-i .lllti iniiniutt' .tt‘uuxtit‘ i‘tiiitlti\ untI wphixtn'utt-tI xluntIui‘tIx twin iiIt‘ \tui jun thunk-im- untI lulcnlctl guitui‘hl

I Mike Rogers Trio MI (Jim-n Sim-t Hui und Rt'\l;llll';IIIi. NI ()nu'n \Iit'cl. 33h 5H0". ‘Ipin IllItiIIIjJIIl Iicc ()nuIn} |.I// tin» It‘untt'tI h_\ guplnulin: \Ht'ulhl Riigjt‘h

I The Jazz Bar Quintet Ihc I.i// But. I ('Iiuinht'l'x Sli‘ccl. 22H 42‘)” ‘Ipin i‘l‘t't'. St't‘ 5.11 4

I Fish Fry 'I he .Iun But. I (’IiuinIu-h Sti'ccl. 33H 43‘)”. I Ipin iuni i'IL'L' Iu-Iuiv {I I .inni; t5 uItt-i' \t'c Sui 4


I Jazz 8. Ragtime 'I iIIk't' .illtiL'L'5. I)uinhui'tnn RnutI. “5 W55, 2pm I in- Sa- Sun 5

I BBC SSO Chamber Music: When the Sun Comes Out (it; HuIIx ('untIIL-riggx. 35‘ MN)” Npin L" Ib5i SICPIIL‘II HUM}. HIIL‘ HI St‘iillunti\ lllel uct'lunncd |.t// \nt'uINx. pit-with Inx quui‘tct III un cwning mi xtundunh h} HIIL' HI thc gi’cutx (ii .Xiiit'i‘it'un pnpqui wnu. Humld .-\t'|cnt


I Martin Kershaw and Friends I-‘nrth I'limr Rmtuurunt Hui & iiI;i\\L‘IIL'. IIurxc} Nichqu 1H 34 St .'\IltiIk’\‘.\ Squurc. 524 835” I25!) i “rpm Stu Sun 5.

I Kim Edgar 'I'hc Linn}; Runni.

II.1 I I5 (iciirgc Strut-t. W) b5l I.

I 3pm I'rcc. Scc Sun 5

.2 " '.'r:' k ' THE LIST 77