he\ pulled bx \leallfi Rti\L'lll.tl'_\ lfhlllld


I Lunchtime Concert: The Pirasti Piano Trio RS \Stl). ltiti Remit-xi Street. 333 505- lpiii L" iL5i ()ne of Brit.iiii\ toieiiimt trim. coinpii~ing lctlic) Shaikc}. Lt'lllSl \lcllftldS \lillei and uith RS\.\ll) tutor and [‘IdlllSl l'alt l’.i\ti llie_\ make a \top Ill (ila\go\\ a\ part of a [K tour

I B.Eng Unplugged - A concert in memory of Eilidh Reid-Foster (ilaxgtm l lll\t'l\ll} ('onccrt Hall. t'nneixit} \xenuc. 33“ 1003 7 30pm

'l he conceit \klll include \llltlelll [‘L'llttllllltllt‘eS of .ill tipex of lllll\le. all tltllldllflllS \\ Ill go to the l'.llltHl Reltk l'mtei lurid attd the \lartanx \chiation [K

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Mozart’s Mentor('ii} llallx. ('audlctiggx 353 S000 7 30pm. t." {Cl QH See llltl "


I Student Organ Concert Reid ('oncctt Hall. ladiiibtirgh l'iuxeixit}. chlti Square. “(MS 3Hl‘). l allll. l't‘ee. .\ concert of organ lllll\le b_\ \tudentx ol the l'iineixit} of lidinbuigh

I Die Fledermaus King’x 'l'lieatre. 3 Icon Street. 53‘) 0000 7 30pm. L'S (It See lue 7.

I RSNO: Deneve conducts Tchaikovsky Six t'xliei Hall. l.ollll;ttt Road. 33S |l55. 7 iflpm. {l3 £3S. ('onductoi \upiemo Stephane l)ene\ e biingx ltt\ e\ceptioiial talentx to lchaikm \k_\ '\ |l;t\\ltill;lle Sun/i/iont .\'ii (i. then leading )oung tilttthl .-\|e\ei ()grintchouk l\ \Ultthl in Stratth laxt concerto l'liere'x a pre concert talk at (i.-l5pm \\llll \Villiain .\|e\ander.

I Brahms Violin Sonatas l’ol\\at'tll l’ai‘ixh (hutch. 3h l’oluartli ’l’errace. ho." S-t I 7. 7pm. [7 1935i't'3i. 'l‘lurd and Iaxt recital in \eriex b} \lttltllhl Hector Scott and .luha l.)ncli on piano leaturex Brahms alongxide eax} Iixtening pieces b_\ llke\ of \'i\a|di. Kreixler arid l)\orak. Hour long format lollo“ ed b} tea makex llll\ \ei} \uitable for children and l;llllll|t'\.


I Opera School Workshop RS.-\.\tl). I00 Reiit're“ Street. 333 5057. 7.l5pm.

t; I3 tL'Si. See 'l'liu 0.

I The Glasgow Wind Band: Of Dragons and Kings RS.-\.\tl). I00 Renlretx Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. LS iL'.l.50i. .'\n unusual blend of \t}|e\ and period» Hear the musical el;I\ll of medie\al armoured knights battling to the death. latex or clinalr}. of fair niaidenx. ol derruigdo.

I O: Stravinsky Project Part One trauma}. 35 .-\|bert l)ri\e. 0345 3.30 350l. 7.30pm. (I3 it'Si. ('horeographer .\tic|iae| ('Iark [‘l'eSelllS thix p;ii't-c|a\\ica|. part~contemporar} piece. including lllllle‘ from Sam lllSk} \ \oundtrack to .It/mllo. “he and the \'e|\et l'nderground. ’art at .\‘('lt Il'ITI‘IUIIItW 31"”).

I RSNO: Deneve conducts Tchaikovsky Six Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. L'I3 {30. See l'l‘l I0

I University Choral Society, Chapel Choir and Kelvin Ensemble (ilaxgim l'ni\er\it} ('hapel. t'nixerxit} .-\\enue. 330 4003. 7.30pm. £7 itlli. (‘atriona Holt l\0pl‘;llltll. .-\r|ene Rolpli (\tipl‘altol. \leltnlth .\lulro_\ itenori and lid“ ard ('am ell thSSl. \xith organixt Ke\ in Bo\\_\er arid conductor Marjorie l{_\crot't perform .\to/art\ Man in (' minor and /'anta\ia in I’ minor for ini'i'lianii'a/ organ.


I Die Fledermaus King'x theatre. 3 in en Street. 53‘) (\(NN). 3.50pm ck 7.30pm. [8 £14. See Tue 7.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Mozart’s Mentor ()ueen'x Hall. ('lerk Street. (ibS 30W 7.30pm. {S 9.3 3.50. See Thu 0

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir (‘aiiongate Kirk. I53 (‘anongate (m7 77.7!) Spin, Ur tiJi. l'.t'tc \ott lblet condttctx the choir ma performance of music b) Ho“ ellx. lzaxtuood. Berio. Robertwn. Vaughan \Vllllttllh and |.eighton. \Vith organixt Stuart Hope

I Scottish Chamber Choir: Passion and Resurrection Si (iilex' ('athedral. Ro}a| \lile. 33b 0(i73. Spin. £7 iL5i. 'l‘he lllll\le of Heinrich Schut/ IS the focus of the

S( '( )\ Izaxter performance. namel} lll\ .llrIHHIH/uiututt alltl Hlxliit’lil i/i' ."llN'IW/(UIHIHQ ./('\ll (‘li/ixti. \xritten III



I RS Tenors ('umbernauld ’l'heatre. Kildruin. 0|33h 733SS7. 7.45pm. (l3 iLlfli. Sensational \inging from operatic arias to popular \hou \ong\ from the most e\citing trio of lettot\ in Scotland.


I Scottish Opera Saint .-\ndrc\\ \ in the Square. I St .-\ndre\\ '\ Square. 55‘) 5003. 3pm. LS tt.5i. 'l'he ()rche\tra of Scottish ()pera presents a \eriex of concerts featuring the string and \\ ind sections.


:23 Lisa Milne in Recital l'xher Hall. l.othian Road. 33S l I55. 7.30pm.

L' l 5 £30. Aberdeen soprano l.i\a .\tilne performx a stunning programme of~ \titlg‘S and \Hll'kS b) Purcell. ('aplet. \Valton. Schumann. Strait“ and .laquex Brel.

I The Orchestra of Scottish Opera Queen's llttll. ('lerk Street. (ihS 30l‘). 7.30pm. LS U5 t£5 £l3i. Scottish ()pera'x muxic director Sir Richard Armstrong conducts the string and \\ ind \eelionx til llte ot‘eltextra performing lllllSle b} Berg. l)\orak and .\lo/at‘t.


I BBC Radio 3: Discovering Music ('it} Halls. ('andleriggx. 353 S000. I 3pm. £5. l‘ind out \xhat makes a inuxical masterpiece lick and him coiiipoxerx tl\e the loolx ol' the trade to create great pieces til. tttttxie. (’harles Ha/Iemiod pt‘e\elll\ a \xorkxhop about Kurt \Veill'x tin/in ('unr‘i'rto. \Vith e\- Seotti\lt linxemble director (‘lio (iotlld ltx \oloiSl.

I Music in the University: Phantasm (ilaxgou l'ni\et‘\it_\ ('hapel. l'ni\er\it} :\\ enue. 330 4003. 7.30pm. The itttet'nalionall} renouned l’hantaxm \ iol consort has championed tt bold and ptt\\itttttttL‘ St} le. their programme \xill include music b} B)rd. lierraboxco. 'l‘allis and Parsons from l’hantaxtn'x l-inir 'Ii’rn/n'ranu‘nh album.

Edinburgh I Edinburgh Quartet Stockbt'idge l’arixh ('hurch. Sa\e ('oburg Street. (ibb' 301‘). 7.30pm. L") (£3 to). The quartet perform Schumann's String Quartet in .t. 'l‘ippett'x String Quartet No /. .\lo/art\ String Quartet in .'t and Shmtakm ich'x String Quartet No 3.

Tuesday 14


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Ramxhorn 'l'heatre. US Ingram Street. 553 348‘). l.l5 3pm. £3. Performance of Schumann's Kri'tk/i'riana and Berg's ()I’IM / Sonata b) Valentin Schiedermair.

I Glasgow University Organ Recital (ilaxgmx l'ni\er\it.\ Chapel. l'ni\er\it_\ .-\\enue. 330—1093. 5.t5pm.

l‘ree. Kenn Bo\\_\ei performx \\\\lk\ b} Bach. Bennett and \‘ierne

I Glasgow University Music Club Easter Clul' (il.t\g'o\\ l'ni\er~it_\ ('oncert Hall. I llHt'lSll} .\\enue. 33“ 40‘): -‘ 3tlplll “Ill include performancex b_\ the lllll\el'\ll_\ \ Big Band. \\ ind Band and thou


I Edinburgh University Lunchtime Concert: Flute, Cello and Piano Recital Reid (‘onceii Hall. lzdmburgh l'iii\er\it_\. Brixto Square. (ioS 30W l.|0pm l-iee .\nii.i .lotte\. l.oui\e Paterson and l:d\\aid Harper pertortii \xorkx b_\ l ltlt\\l.l\\\kl and Weber and gn e the tirxt performance of Harper‘s «mm M ( na 3

Wednesday 15


I Contemporary Music Ensemble (ilaxgou l'ni\er\it_\ ('oncert Hall. l’nnerxit} .-\\enue. 3 30 4003. |.l0pni free. (‘ontemporar'x “orkx and

improx l\etl lllllSIL‘ performed b} \tudentx of (ilasgim t‘imerxit} '\ .\lu\ic l)cpt.

I The Frank Spedding Lieder Prize with Hester Dickson Prize RSANH). ltlll Rentre“ Street. 333 5(l57. 3pm. l'iree. ticketed. .\ programme that must include l\\o ol Schumann. l3t';tltlll\. \Volt or Strauxx. Held in conjunction “ith the Hexter Dickson l’ri/e for the best accoinpanixt. I RSAMD Wind Orchestra RSANH). llltl Rentreu Street. 3.33 5057. 7.30pm. L7 L35 textual paxx iL'5 £30 t'extnal ptt\\t. (’onductor l.ut/ Kohler ltilllx \ itili\l Scott Dickinxon ttltd \ iolinixt ll_\a (iringoltx for the concert to klelK-Sltll’l the l’artia/ to I’aganini textixal. The performance \xill includes No of l’aganini\ tnoxl fiendish!) difficult \HH'kS for \ iolin. Sonata Salim/vane and l.a (‘ani/nini'l/a.


I The Saint of Bleecker Street l"e\ll\;tl 'l‘heatre. l3 3‘) .\'icoI\on Street. 53‘) (i000. 7.|5pm. U) L33. lzdinburgh (Brand ()pera performs (iian ('arlo Menotti‘x tale of religious and taunt} lettxititt \et itt l‘)5t)\ New York.

I Scottish Opera Queen's Hall. ('lerk Street. (ioS 30I‘). 7.30pm. [S U5. See Sun l3.


I Viola Masterclass RS.-\.\fl). |()() Renlre“ Street. 333 5057. Want. l-ree. ticketed. .\l;l\lel‘eltl\\ \\ ith principal

\ iota of the BB(‘ Scotlixh S}iuplion} ()rcltextra. Scott Dickinson. /’art at t/u' l’artia/ tn l’aganini l-i'stii'al.

I Lunchtime Concert: The Virtuoso Double Bass RSAMI). I00 Rentreu Street. 333 5057. lpm.

L7 L35 textnal pass t£5 £30 textual paxxi. :\nthon_\ .-\lcock principal double baxx \xith the BB(' Scoltixh S} lltpllolt} \ltti\\\ otl music from (iimantti Bottexini. as \\ ell it\ man of the moment Paganini of course. hix .tlmm \ariationx. /’art of I/H' I’artia/ to I’aganini I'i'xtii‘al.

I The Edinburgh Quartet (ilthgou t'nixerxit} ('oncert Hall. l'nherxit) Axenue. 330 4093. 3. l0 3pm. l-‘ree. 'l'he lidinburgh Quartet perform

Shostakm ich'x String Quartet .Vu 7 in I” minor and Rio/art's String Quartet in I) minor Ila/triti'isti'r.

I Violin Masterclass RS.-\.\ll). 100 Rent'reu Street. 3.33 5057. 3.30pm. l‘ree. ticketed. With internationall} renoxtned \iolin \irtuow ll}a (iringoltx. ’art u/ the I’artia/ to I’aganini /'('\Iil'(l/. I BBC SSO Thursday Night Series ('it} Halls. ('andleriggx. 353 8000. 7.30pm. L“) £3|.50. Vasxil} Sinaisk} conduch the BBC Scottish

S) tnphon} Orchestra in a performance of Mendelxwhn's I’iano ('oni'i'rtrr .\'o l. u ith pianist Noriko ()gatia. and

Classical Music

'2: Edinburgh University Lunchtime Concert: The Edinburgh Quartet Premiere of Edinburgh composer Julian Wagstaff's string quartet piece. Treptow. inspired by the SOViet war memorial in East Berlin. The orchestral arrangement won the 2005 Emre Aracr composnion prize. but this is the first outing for the original quartet verSIon. Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh. Tue 7 Mar.

=‘.'1 Lisa Milne in Recital Just back home from touring in Australia. where she has wowed Perth International Arts Festival audiences in sell-out performances. the young Scottish SOprano is on more familiar territory in Edinburgh's Usher Hall. The evening takes on a somewhat English flavour with Walton, Britten and Quilter. Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 12 Mar.

2%: Scottish Chamber Orchestra As part of the year- long celebrations in honour of the 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth, the SCO join with deservedly favourite Mozart conductor, Sir Charles Mackerras. in a programme by the big three of the Classical period Mozart. Beethoven and Haydn. Virtuoso pianist Artur Pizarro performs with the orchestra for the first time. Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 76 Mar.

.\laltler'\ Si/ii/r/tunt .Vu .5. brought to popular tame b} the rise of HS \lim ttto\ettleltl in \‘ixconti‘x lh'ill/l III

\i'nii ('.

I The Virtuoso Cello RSAMI). Ititi Rent'reu Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm.

L7 L35 texti\a| [);l\\ t£5 £30 textual paxxi. (ierman cellist Jtillétllllex (iorit/ki and PlutllSl .loltn ’l'huaites perform \xorkx b} l’oulenc. l)eltll\\_\ and Martintl. Part of the l’artta/ to l’agantnt I'('\Ill(l/.


I The Saint or Bleecker Street liexthal ’l‘heatre. l3 3‘) Nicolxon Street. 53‘) (i000. 7.l5pm. L") L38. See Wed

Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'slter Hall. l.olhian Road. 338 ll55. 7.30pm. in a _\ear of .\lo/art celebrations. the S('() ltiHIS ('onductor Laureate Sir ('harlex Mackerrax. one of toda} 'x great Mo/artians. for a \pecial tribute.

3-4; My 1/15,", THE LIST 81