Sleeping Beauty Wu] x & 'I hu 1) Mar. 7 l5pm l'lhu iiial 3 lllpiiii L28 lune klllltl lice \xith cwr} pit)lll}1lttllllll ('hixmau National llallct t'uiiiplcto ll\ tltiuhlc hill of It‘haikmxk} hallcts \th llll\ laii}l.ilc lamur'ilc. Plil)t'tl h} llllt'lllllllttllttl tlant‘ctx and a Lllrp\ dc hallcl til ii\t'l fill (lilllkL’l\

Magic of the Musicals \Vcd l5 Mar 7 lltpm U750 [ll 5”. .\ \clu‘tinn til lltc llllL'\l .ilttl ltcxl lnu‘tl \iing\ ltnttt lllL‘ must \uu'cxxlul Wt‘xl lllltl lllll\lL‘ltl\ of all lllllL'


:3: “UPC Slli't‘l. “3 Vllllll. Ill. \\l(‘. \\'.-\l Mrs Jessop and the Maths Lesson of Doom \Vul K .\l;tl'. Scc Kl(l\ lixlmgx. Romeo & Juliet 'luc I4 Sat Ix Mat.

7 illpm l lliu at Sat mat 2. illpltll

Ill) L33 5“. liiiiiiiiigliaiii Rt‘pci'tni'}

'l hcatic and thc Iliut‘iiig ('niiwilium plC\t'lll llllx \L'hltill ml Sllalxt‘xpcalt'\ tiltimalc lmc lialc ti'agctl). \tai'i'ing l/i—i/t'» lli lawuiitc Su l’ullaitl.


25 :\ll\L‘ll l)ii\c. HMS will ‘51”. I'll \\'('. WA]

The Maimed Woman (La Dona Manca O Barbi-Superstar) l'hu 3 Mai: 7.30pm. £3 (UH. A llllltlltt‘ lake on the lcmalc imagination h} Sol l’iui. hiitigiiig tugclht'i \i\ \mmcii tlaiiccrx and llit‘t't' lllll\lL‘lilll\. l’url u/ Vt'ii Ii'II‘I'IiII'ii'i 3mm.

Atlas (or Before Arriving in Barataria) & Bach Sat 4 Mai". 730mm. (H (UH. l’cp Ramix and Jm‘tli ('auinmax [K‘l'lttl'lll sir/m. lulltmul h) Maria Muriw'x inlci'pi'ctatinn nl' liach'x lli-llr It'iii/n'n'i/ ('lui'iw. I’ur! u/ .\'¢'ii' li'Hilurii'x 31H”).

Rite luv 7 Mar. h’pm. L'h' (UH.

Strax itixk) '\ 'I'lit' Rilr' 0/ Spring tx i‘cxmi'kt‘tl h} Swimh chumigraplicr. liric 'l'csxicr |,a\ ignc. “llll lltltle‘ pL'l'lttl'lllL'tl h) lhc l’aragmi linxcmhlc. I’m! u/ Mu li'IriIu/‘ie's 30W).

Memories of a Saturday with Blue Whispers 'l‘hu ‘) Mar. 7.3lipm. L'h' (UH. .-\ tciith tllllll\L‘l'\;tl'} [wt'lurinaiicc from arclaimcd l’ui'lugucw chumigi‘apltci‘. l’atiln Riltcit‘u. I’url u] .Vt'ii’ Ii'l'l‘llill'lt’.\ 3006.

O: Stravinsky Project Part One Sat ll Mai: 7.30pm. [l2 (£3). The highlight itl lllL‘ NC“ 'lt‘l't‘iltil'icx calL‘lttlat' Scotland's mm Michael ('Iai‘k presents thix pill‘l-L‘ltt\\tL‘ttl. pail~miilciiipui'ai‘} piece. including Illll\lC l'mm Sti'axinxk)

and thc \k'lxct l'ntlcrginuntl l’tut u! \m lr’llllrIII('\ NIH/i.


(i3 'liungatc. 553 Jib",

How to Kiss (Your Lover) T int 2 Sat 4 Mar h’pm £5 {l ‘15 UH Alter .i w”- out run at the 'l'rawrxc laxt autumn.

'l llL'ull‘C ()hiclxln returnx \kllll ll\ xiiinultlcimg llL‘\\ \I\Uitl production. a black mint-d} iiixcxtigatmg [tit\\|Ull and tlcxti'uttiun in lmcix' rclatinnxhipx. llhpll'L‘tl h} the pour) «it Pablo Neruda Mother Savage Sat I l Mai. 7pm. LS. 'l'i‘awlling Light 'l'hcatrc prcxcntx lltl\ pit-cc inxpirctl h} (iu) dc .\laupa\\anl\ \llttl'l \tui). Incorporating hxc mum". ph} \ical theatre and xiiigiiig. the pla} naming-x the tlt'xaxtating cllcctx ill “at through thc tiiicrucmm ul (inc relationship. .-\gc\ 14+.

Perfect Pie 'l'hu If) Sat lh‘ Mar. 8pm (Sat mat lpmi. L'l.‘ (H Um Stellar ()uiiicx lhcatt'c ('umpaii} plL'\L‘lll\ thc ptcmicrc ul llttx pla} h} ('aiiatlian pla}\\i'ight Judith 'l'humpwn. “lllL‘ll uplut'cx thc i'clalimtxhip hctuccn hm lnng-cxtrangul lllL‘lltl\.


I ADAM HOUSE 3 (‘hamhcix Stu-cl. (fill 8058. The Bedbug Thu 2 Sat 4 Mar. 8pm.

(U). ()i‘iginal Rll\\lttll \t‘l'\lttlt of Vladimir

Mayikmxk} \ \aliic. \xhich cmminu tho cnttwqttt‘itu‘x till a \\tit‘ltl \xllltttttl l()\L‘.


lllt lli'ixlti Plan“. 235 9393. |\\’(‘. “'Al Trouble in Paradise 'l‘uc l4 Sui t8 Mar. 7.30pm. £4.50 (£3.50 [4). Drama lll\pll‘L‘(l h) .olliu'K .'l(ll’('llllll'(’.\ in lliim/vr/um/ uplui'ittg i'clatinnxhipx aittl l'cclingx ul' dislocation in mntctnpm‘ar) \UL‘tL‘l}.


l.atl_\\\cll Way. Mtixxclhurgh. ()(iS 22-10. ll’. ll. 'l'l‘. \\'('. WA]

A Limited Run Sat 4 Mar. 8pm. L'll) lt'7i. lilaiiic (' Smith tlll'L‘L'l\ this Bun Stcincr pla} starring And} (Bra) as a pcrplcxctl god. \xhn is demoted l'i'um hix L'L‘lL‘\llill palacc It) a llttlnltlc lk‘tl\ll. \x‘hct'c hc trim ltix \cr)‘ but to hide from tho complmit)’ of human al‘l'airx.

The Memorandum Tue 7 Mar. 7.30pm. till) ([7). Scc (ilaxgtm. (iitmmchillutz.

X Factor Dance Company 'l‘hu 1) Mar.


zHim; {Ill lL—l. .-\ tluuhlc hill t‘l ncxx \Muk thnrcugraplicd h} X l .it'tur‘x .irttxltt‘ Llllt'x‘litl. \laii (ircig and m Ramth danger tuiiicd t'lini'cugiaphcr. ('ulm l’tmlc Mother Savage in In Mar. 7 illpm

i l” lL—‘l SL‘C (ilaxgmk. lrun ll hcatrc Molly Whuppie Well I‘ Sal Ix \i.u Sec Kltl\ lixtmgx




Thursday 9 Friday 10 Inferno Jar“: Jaw)“

Prince Unleashed Pnnoe Unleashed

The Book of Love The Book of Love Tvlitlsumiim Nkilit'ti Sleeimg Beauty

SH‘UOHX‘U‘, S‘vvtkmntv

Saturday 11 Sunday 12


.Lnysuuyu th-(Tuulur‘v smug lll:(X)1;l Jury sump t‘rlxna 8n- (Lorna), TneBookofLOVe f Mklntiiiiriari Night's i‘vil(l‘$lllfllli(‘l intil'rl


This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information. including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Inferno Of?

TheMemorandurn TheMemorandum


500 Count.

Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16


Anything Goes Rain

liliKlTLtillIllKfl Nigl‘t's

InfernO/Falling Inferno/Falling Inferno/Falling Arches fawning Frank Sixwi'rki Fraul- Stwviiixg F ran» Citizens See Film Gilmoreliill

. i . \ ° i Hagan (i (it 1", Anything Goes Aimttinq Goa-s King 5

Rain Rain 5 Rain Oran Mor

Midsumiiw Night ilejStllltfin Night's Mxisuivirrw flight") RaTTTSTTOT'TI

Royal Concert Hall Theatre Royal

Magic of the Musicals Pv/l".0 8 JUEKJI

R(,"K‘(J 8. Janet Pump 8 Julie!

Memories of o: Stravinsky . Tramway 5w Contth Moth Sav‘ige Sn: Rx‘k 5‘. Pop Perer PK: TTOI'I X Factor Dance Mother Savage See Comedy ; Moly Molly Whupoie Bl’lllltoll r Mus m; i his iii»; 1:; E hit; This is this See (Liassud “flags/cal Festival Theatre In SeeClassical SeeClassical TheGrandDLke. TheGrandDme :TheGrandDuke King's g Motlu Sin/aw See Axum Tomi . Sue Around Town . Crow/tum? i HOT Ed. Arts 2 Footloose Footloose Footloose " SeeRock&Pop rations the new: ‘P frog-snow, .Torigifi'stfieit‘itigrnh theNight amuse“ A :I l dust Pint Two F aus'. Part Or we Faust Pa". One . i a Faust One Faust-'PartrTwo r r .i-Faus—t One. g

2-16 Mar 2006 THE LIST 91