

,“ ... Le Monde "" Getting k -- Why I won't opens on connected reveal my Geor e wrth Soma favourite Stree Skool bISCUIt

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Buy this house on the Lustica Peninsula, ‘5 Montenegro for «'.140,000 Euros


5 (approx £96,000) . I, i g ~. at“ i r’”"*a~m~. » . V. , can, ' ‘1

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Livin’ the dream

Many people would love to have their own overseas retreat but what’s the reality? Rachael Street talks to Siobhan Horner about how Spain became the perfect home for her family.


The List wants to know about your favourite Scottish beaches (if you're

prepared to give away such a cherished secret). We’d also like to know the best“—

bars you’ve been to in Belfast. Send 80 words on each of your chosen spots to and we’ll pick three to publish in an upcoming issue.

uning a house ahroad is most people's idea ol paradise. right‘.’ You find an area _\ou tealh one. select a snitahl} lllll doun old larnihousc and spend the rest ol' _\our da_\s lining!) restoring it. \xlnle sour spouse tends tltc olixe grow and the kids run tree m the sunshine But as a rail ol t'ealit} 'I'V programmes lrom ,\'o (ioine Built to xi Flaw in I'M/1w ha\e shown its. the dream can \er_\ quickl} tttrn into something much more complicated. Siohhan llorner and her hushand Damian had a piett} smooth e\perience iii comparison her inlaus ahead} |i\ed in Spain. so “hen the} decided to hit} a propert} just south ol Valencia. the} had some support on the ground. 'Initiall} he got cattght up in the romance ol‘ it and thought \se'd lixc out in the \\ ilds ol‘ Spain.‘ she jokes. 'Hut “hell it catne donn to the realit}. it tnade more sense to he near somehod_\ we knew' This also meant the} had some kntmlcdge ol the Spanish s_\ stem hut Siohhan still haunt the c\change nei‘\e \\ racking.

.li‘hL‘ “iltiiL‘ stiiic‘llttl’ process is in Spanish YOU BUY A

and e\ en though in}

hushand is fluent in the

language. it‘s still \er} cotnplicated. It's hard to

knon whether \\ hat )ou'rc doing is normal

or \xhcther _\ou‘re heing '

.shal'tcd.‘ The couple had decided [0 rent out their pt‘opet'l} \\ hile the}

neren't using it. httt Siohhan‘s e\perience oi

uorking in the tune] industr} had taught her that organising this through an agent \Hillhi he a cost|_\ e\pcricnce. "the; generall} take 35 30’} connnission. uhich cuts into _\our prolit quite signilicantl}. You also don't reall} time an} idea nho is sta_\ing in )our house and I think men it you hu} a propert} just to rent otit. )ou still hecome emotional!) attached to it.' The Hornets organised all their own puhlicit} material and posted the inl'ormation on \ariotis holida} \sehsites. Man} companies do this l'or lice. or charge a llat lee ol‘ around [50 Hill). and it meant that the hookitigs all catne direct to Siohhan. ~The henelit ol this is that _\ou get to talk to a lot ol' the people and lind out a hit ahottt thetn. so at least _\ou time some kind ol' control."

Initiall}. the proper!) \Hts lull} hooked throughout the season. hut graduall) this shmcd to a trickle. Particular!) in our area ol‘ Spain. there are so man} people hining to rent that the market is just saturated. which means people have to offer reth hm prices in order to get a hooking. This is great il‘ you‘re the one going on holida) but it )ou‘re on the other end. it‘s a reall} tough marketf Non the couple are planning to Inc in their hotise during the Ion season and rent it out on|_\ dttring the summer holida}s. And \tho can hlame them'.’ It‘s a beautiful!) restored old huilding set amongst orange and lemon trees. only ten minutes from the beaches of Javea and

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