

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 16


lsla Dewartimanhill librar}. I'll

l attrsldt' Road. 13‘ “‘55 (t illplll l't'cc. llic inuch loicd Scottish author stops b} to icad horn and talk about hci \ioi’k

int ludin;v ncu rimcl (it Iii/i: out wt r/rt



Andy Cave ( icoigc Stluaic Ihcaltc.

l lll\t‘l\ll} ol ltliiiburgh. (icorgc Squatc. 335‘}~1.\h Spin Ur 19.5 in ad\ancci. \Viiiiicr ot thc 3llll5 lioaidrnaii 'l‘axkci' l’i'i/c lot \lountain l rtciaturc. ('a\c l‘l'lllfl‘ lltc \tor} ol lll\ iour'rrc} lrom thc dccpcxt. darch Yorkshir'c coal llllllt'\ to thc lllllllllllh and tract-dies ol lliiria|a_\aii climbing:

Big Word Performance Poetry lllc lion. ‘l lliiritci Struarc. llllel Str'cct. 33o ll‘lil ‘lpin U ii3i. 'l‘oronto i'h_\inci' l)\\.i}rit- \lttlgjalllt'dlll\11p\\llll Slain loiindci \lrchacl llltt\\ll and I'rotia l.ind\a_\. Site Specific Scottish l’octi'} libi'ai‘}. 5 (‘tichton'x (low. ('anoiigalc. 557 3870. law \ri c\hrbitiori ol pit-ccs b} linal _\cat‘ l’iiblic .'\rt dcgicc \tudcnts li'oin l‘ttl’lll \‘allci ('ollcgc. cicatcd lll r'cxponxc to thc Sl’l building.


Ian R Mitchell l)cnni\toun libi'ai'}. 3a (‘r'aigpaik 55Jtltl55. 3pm. l-i‘cc. lhc author ol I/rrx (in \on gncx a talk about |)cnnr\toun.


Site Specific St‘tlllhll l’octt') librar}. 5 (‘llt'llltlle ('lttw. (';tllttll:._‘;llt‘. 3370. l‘lL'L‘. St't' lllll ll).

Saturday 18

G asgow

* Janey Godley Bor'dcr‘s lionkx l‘ot‘t Rctail Park. 3‘)“ l’r‘man Walk. 775 39W. bprn. l'l‘t‘t‘. (iodlc) r‘cadx t'r'orn Hum/dumb Hi [In Dark Much charts lict' I'cinai‘kahlc lilc lioin a gangland childhood ol' \ iolcncc and .ll‘ll\t' to stand-up corncd}.


Site Specific Scottish l’octi‘} librat‘}. 5 (’i‘rchton'x (low. (unorigatc. 557‘ 3870. l'lt‘t‘, SL'L' llltl lb.


Site Specific Scottish l’octi‘} libt'ar'). 5 (‘t‘lchlon'x ('losc. (‘anongattfl 5.57 3S7h. l‘lk'L'. St't‘ lllll ltr.

Monday 20


Gordon Smith 'l'hc Hub. ('astlchill. l{o_\al \lilc. 335 4405. 7pm. H. .o\\ i‘ccountcd in “turtle/r .lli I'._\¢’\ thc l’x} chic litll‘lk‘l‘ \\ Ill l‘t‘ dlwtlwillg jttxl lltm llL‘ tnanagcs to channcl accur‘atc and dctailcd rncxxagcx ll'ttlll thc spirit \\ttl'ltl. But hc uon't bc charincling at llll\ cxcnt.

Site Specific Scottish l’octr) librar). 5 (’i‘ichton's (‘lostx (Xiiiotigatc. 557 38%. l‘lt‘L‘. 5LT llttl lb.

Edinburgh Dead Poets, Living Poems l‘nixcrxit) ot~ lidinburgh. .\lain Librar). (‘icorgc Stltlttl'c. (‘50 553-1. 5.30pm. l'lCL'. l‘llL‘lltlS ttl~ thc l'iii\cr\it_\ l.ibrar'_\. thc Pth .-\\\ociation ot' Scotland and thc Scottish l’octr} l.ibi'ai'_\ join t‘ot'ccx to pr'c‘xcnt this lcctui'c b} .-\ll\tl;lll' MacRac.

Site Specific Scottish l’octn Librar). 5 (‘t‘ichton's (‘lo\c. (‘anongatc 557 3876. l‘lL‘C. SL‘L‘ Thu lb.


e—ot M2! 43%

Wednesday 22


Gordon \\tNkl\ltlL‘ Hall. it» (ilcntarg: Strcct. ‘55 l5tltl_ o..‘~llprii L5 Scc Mon 3“


Site Specific Scullhll l’octi'} librar}. 5 ('l‘lclllttllis (lust. (atlltlngalgfi Zh-Yi l‘l'L‘L'. SL‘L‘ ‘l‘lltl ll).


Leo Houlding (it'nl'gt' Stlttat'c lhcatt'c. l'iii\ci\it} ot ladinburgh. (icorgc Struat‘c. 335 043%. Spin. 195 in adxancci. 'l'hix ciiiginatrc cliiiibcr pi'cscntx ;t\\L'\HlllL‘ pllttttix and \ ltlL‘tt\. shown; stupidl} hard climbs in South :\rncrica and liui'opc. Site Specific Scullhll l’oclt’} librar). 5 (‘richtoii'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 3870, l‘l‘L‘L‘. SL‘C 'l‘llll ll).


El Otro Lado (The Other Side): ln Conversation with Scottish, Latina and Chicana Writers National librar} ol Scotland. (icorgc l\’ lir‘idgc. 33b 45.”. 3pm. lii‘cc. tickctcd. Author‘s lroin Scotland and thc l‘S challcngc lltllltllls ol cultural idcntit}. gcndci'. class and marginalisation at this altcrnoori cclcbration ol' contcinimrar} Latina and ('hicana \xonicn's \xi'iting. llostcd b} Jcnni (‘aldcii


Gordon Smith Burden lltltrkx l'itll'l Rctail Park. Mt) l’i‘o\an \Valk. 773 30“). 3pm. l'rcc. Scc Mon 30.


100 Island Poems Scottish l’tK‘ll') l.ibrat'_\. 5 (‘richton's ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 3870. 7pm. l‘rcc. tickctcd. \\'itnc\\ thc lidinburgh launch ot' Iron l’r‘csx' book. cditcd b) Jaincx Knox \Vhittct.


Shore Poets 'l‘hc ('anons' (iarl. 353 ('anongatc. 550 4481. 7.45pm. £3 til i. 'l‘hc March installrncnt ol' lidinburgh'x l'aiouritc plattorin tor In c poctt'} and music has rcadings tirorn l)cbor'ah Mot’lat. John liastott and .-\ngcla McScwriC}.

Wednesday 29


Elaine Feinstein Scottish Pot-tr} libi‘at‘). 5 (‘richton\ (low. (‘anongatu 557 3876. 7.30pm. £3 (£3; tree to PAS lllL‘llllk‘l'\l. ’l'hc l’octr) .-\ssociation of Scotland and thc Scottish l’octr} l.ibrai'_\ pt'cscnt thc poct and author “lltlsc \iorkx include “11' Bun/(T. [an tilt’ Hrt‘t‘ltt ttlltl .lmiu or .-lll lllt' Rll.\\l(1.\. Shc ix ioincd b} lcading contctnporar} poct Ruth l’adcl.


Book Group .-\lliancc l‘rancaisc dc (ilaxgou. 3 Park Circus. 33‘) 43M.

ltlani noon. lir‘cc. chular book group for rcadcrx ot' l-‘i'cnch litcraturc. Spokcn lircnch i'cquircd.

Carl MacDougall Borders Books. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. (i..‘~()prn. lii'cc. To accorupan} his BB('3 scricx. Sum. .\lacl)ougall \xill bc rcading ll'tllll thc \torkx ol \Ulllc ot' our grczrtcxt \xritcrx and discussing thc languages dcwloprncnt. Andrew Greig Langsidc Librar). 3 Sinclair l)ri\c, (3330810. b.3(lprn. lircc. Thc author \\ ill be reading from In .‘lllUl/lt'l' Light.


* Writing Workshop with Alan Bissett Lcith Librar}. 38—30 Fem Road. 53‘) 5517. b.30—b‘pm. Tips and ad\ ice on uriting tiction from the author of But'rttt't'n and thc rcccntl) published 'I‘lu' Irrcmlr'hlt' .‘tt/(llll Spark. Beginners uclcomc. Booking essential.


Sopthviéw‘ 1

GREG RUCKA 8- VARIOUS Superman: That Healing Touch

'Titari DC) 0.


run unuuc roach

Finding his friends. his léllllll', and lltlilli" hirnselt under threat. Stipetriian is stretched to breaking point by uber— rillain Ruin. But .‘.'r|l he snap'.‘ Maybe Rucka .‘.‘r()te this ‘.‘J|lll a kryptonite pencil. because its weak stutt. best summed tip when the clownish Mr Mxyzptlk interacts with DC's ltRll‘lllt,‘ editors. It isn't post—modern. er a hilarious iii-Joke; it’s irritating. la/y storytelling and an insult to anyone who paid money to read it.

The one attempt to shake up the story With guest artists is genuiner amusing, and includes a spot-on Frank Miller parody. but simply isn't enough to reVitalise this tired tale. tDave Martini



Batman's lite rust gets ever more consoluted as time goes on and keeping up .‘Jtlll his tWiSting. sometiti‘ies coritr'adicton,. lite storiy that has been played out on the pages of DC Comics Since t939 can

rmt ti. Ut't‘ilut t‘iilii it!

tli‘ mitt l {'I' "i in.) ~lu":~t t lawn itt‘a'ul. a “'iw the ft "ii wit l«..i,.rlt',\l‘(a}:~‘r~t

“car 1a.ii:tiiei.‘

.'.reaks 7‘“.t‘lli_lt' "

l‘tt.t\"'l ftlt' clima- T‘ia- ii't‘t lt‘lt‘. ~; this

stor‘. r‘eeiis sin 'ixigh

enio, iii its \ .‘.l‘i 'iitt‘l It's like looking at a isillillt' {filtfllu at rag“,an it can't reaili. tint ,on anything on its our: litil liiiilils ill, t.) a larger picture. Orr its merits. as a stand-ali ine st/ it}. little it; \J‘t‘. illllt: It? recommend here. iHenn, Northrniire,

(LOl LE,()T|()N


Schizo Issue 4 iFantagraphicsi O...

A rmuaavuics .OOK

Named l)-,' his Italian parents after Ivan the Terrible before being dragged to |r.e on the industriai south side ct Chicago. |‘.'at‘. Biti'ietti was ali.'.a,’s gong to he a riiessed Lil) {l’lllll but at :east he had an outlet tor all his hair, angst ~ namel, some of the most interisel, personal. notoriousl, suicidal. and just plain messed up comic strips yth .Vlil ever come across. Th:s tourth ~.'olume of his yer,’ occasional Schizo publication tdra‘-‘/n from .vork done between 1999 and 2003 shows Ivan is on msttul. heartbroken and energetic torm

Living up to his self- proclaimed moniker of ‘The Funniest Livrhg American we are of c0urse in Chris Ware COUrltF,’ herei Brunetti tears into his Own pathetic lite and INES of others iincludihg Mondrian, Kierkegaard

it l MK \ \r at \‘k . or . , o 3, tow'fli

Ftlul . «lt‘


JLA: Crisis of Conscience

{3:3 O.

lltv' lat! :1»! "l illtttlliitl tinder tt‘.»- tiariner iit

[)( 3's ahead, seemingly nexer-r-ni lltltl lrifrrrite Cris/5; crossoxer, this serialrtiatr’m tit tin: issaei, ot tl‘a- rentinuing JL/i dustiie l tfrttltl‘,’ (ll America, riionthl, is a stud, in the tiasic rnoralit, tales that most superhero books (3'./’)l.'t:(l tirirri. \"r'ith this being a to:|o.'.«' or; to .‘Jllltrt ilehnéi‘ Identity Crisis series. honerer', the ’legree ot ariiliigiiity has been ratcheted up to Ls‘ist mentur‘, lexels. In iisir‘g riiagic to alter the minds rit .‘lllLtlllfi. the league riiiist negotiate a riieral «ire, area that's tar t(:lll()‘.’(:tl from their usual black and ‘Hllllt: balance.

Its an intriguing high concept for this genre that"; 'iandled .‘Jllll a tliienc, tor the long established characters of old-starters like Batman. Superriiari. Green Lantern and the Flash b,’ Johns and Heinberg ran OC screerixrriter. rriaking the same transition as the creators of Buffy and Los i. Yet it's mapped in the shroud of l/chal superhero fare. and eye—meltihgl/ coloured splash pages of tedious soperpowered battles tend to intertere Wllh an othemrse capable dramatic impetus. tDavrd Pollock)