Saturday 18


BBC Radio Scotland: Sabotage ( ‘rtt llallx. (‘aridlertggx 35; SUN“ lttllt tree but ltL'kL'tL'tl. See llttl 1’)

Lost in Time Britannia l’arioptieoii Mtixie Hall. 11 i ll" ’ltortgate. 0"tS-1 037417. lprii i’l'L‘L‘lilll1tk'1xt‘lt't1 See llitt 1(i.

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Plot Britannia l’anoptieori Mtixie Hall. 113 117 'lroitgate. 07‘).S.1 037-117, 2.‘~tlprti, 1‘t'ee btit tieketed See 'lihu to.

Comedy Coach Tour ( ieot'ge Square. 113711111.55—1’)-1.~115pttt.l.‘)lL-1 Ur. L25 tartiil}. Alan .-\ttt1et‘\tttt gtiide _\oti around the ltttpp} taee ot (i1;t\git\\ It IS ‘xrtiile'x better" alter all. (i/( 'l-.

Aeneas Faversham Britannia l’anoptieon Mtiste Hall. 11 i 117 'l‘rorigate. 0708.1 037-117 (t 5l1pttl. tree but tieketed. See llttt 1t).

BBC Radio Scotland: The WhY Front ('it_\ llttllx. ('atidleriggx. i5i .S000. 7piit. l'ree btit tieketed. See 'liliu to

Big Yin Revisited llte ()ld 1-rtiitrrtarket. .-\lbion Street. IS“ 551 I. Spin. £10. l'ailed \telder' ( tar) .\1oir t‘L‘liH‘S the glut”) t1;t}xol Hill) ('ottttoll} (i/( 'l'.

Frankie Boyle in Concert 't'he (iarage. -1‘)0 Sauehiehall Street. 0S7001 i 5-101. Spin. L' 10 l {S1, 'l'lte t‘a/or' toiigttetl star of Moe/t Illt' lire/t lttttkL'S a \teleoitie stand-up appear'anee. See ( ‘ortiediari\ ()pilttott. (i/( 'I".

Glasgow Stands Up: Bruce Morton & Friends(ieolt Sliau ('oitiiiitintt} ('entre. 'lot‘}glett. (LS-15 330 .5501. Spill. £3. See l-‘ri l7.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .1ttttglL'ttt‘S. t'(i(' Btiildirig. Rentrett Street. 0x707 870707. Spin. [13. See 11m to.

Kim Hope and the Sometimes Anti-Heroes Baxtii‘a Blanea. lit‘tttlS“ tek llotel Baxetttent. ton Brtirixuiek Street. 087001354h1tx'pitt. £7 (£5). See lit 17. Laughter in the Church ( )ran .\tor. 731 735 (ireat \Vextern Road. 0S70 0| 3 540—1. Spin. £4. See 'l'hti to.

Neil lnnes: Ego Warriors 't‘he Statid. 555 \Yootllatttlx Road. 0S7“ 015 5-101. Spin. £100.“). Mttsie and L‘tttttL'tl) t'rottt tlte satit'ieal \ltttttl-ttp. Supported b} .11 Joiie\ on tlt'lltttS and 100) l"r_\ on dottble bass. (il( 7*.

Patrick Rolink: Just a Bhoy from the Bush Blaektt‘iarx. an Bell Street. 0870 013 540-1. Spin. (H). the loeal lad sheds CtttttL‘tl} light on his housing .xeheitte upbringing. (i/( 'l-.

Sex, Chips and Ouzo St .-\ndt'e\\ \ ltt tlte Square. St Andre“ \ Square. 55‘) 5902. Spin. [11 ll“). 5001110 to. Sham Wagon Britannia l’attoptieott Mtisie Hall. l 13 117 'l‘rorigate. 07081 037417. Spin. l‘t'ee btit tieketed. See llttt 1(i.

Stu Who? The Art of Wan King Bluu. 50 'lir‘oitgate. Merehant (it). 518 1350. 8.30pm. £7 tL'5lf1‘lie Seotttxh reVoltttiottar) preaeltes his eortied) goxpel that is pait-Btiddhixitt. part»Soeiali\rti and orte third masturbation. OH 'I-'.

Patrick Monahan: Roadmap to Peace (it) llallx. ('andleriggx. 353 S000. ‘lpin. L'b. The .-\ttg1tt-1t‘tSlt~1t‘;tttt;tlt Sitttttl-ltp and hix t‘r‘iend l.ionel head otl on a eonted} qttL‘Sl to tirtd otit it peaee really L'\lS1S. UK ‘I’.

BBC Radio Scotland: Laugh Out Loud (‘ity 11ttll\. ('aitdlet'iggx. 553 S000. unillpttt. tree but tieketed. See llttt 1h. lmprobabble Comedy Players 8. Guests The State Bar. l-1S Holland Street. 926 028‘). 0.30pm. £5 tHl. See Fri 17.

Festival Club The Startd. 535 Woodlands Road. 0870 000 01 1.5.5. 10.30pm. £10. See Hi 17.

Late’n'Loud (‘it_\ littllx. (‘artdleriggx .555 3111111. 111.511pttt. U). See 1'it‘t 17. Celebrity Comedy Covers Blaekt‘riars. 3b Bell Street. 0870 013 546-1. 1 lprtt. £4. Si\ Seottish L‘OlttL‘tllttlh attempt to imitate their perxonal t'a\otirite\ from the world of Stand-UP. be it Riehard Pryor or Bob Mortkhotise. (il('I-'.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlein \. ()rtiiii (‘etttie. (itt'L'lhttlL‘ 1’laee. 05505 .\”tl707 Sprii Ll.‘ See 1 ti 15

The Stand llte Stand. 5York1’laee. 55S "35: ‘tpttt L 10 1 LS: See 1H 1". although \etl 1)ottgart trades plaeex \‘-t111 Bennett \ttori

Sunday 19


Lost in Time Britannia 1’atioptieoit \iUSM Hall. 11‘ 115 lroiigate. 05‘1S1 01711~ lprii lree btit tteketed See lliti 11)

Princes Square Kids Comedy Club l’r'itiee\ Square. 1S Btieltariart Street. 335 (HMS-1 jitttt 1'tL‘t' lHttt Rtt\\'t1111t'('1tt\\11 tot t'tttll\ttt.t\1\ltt.t1\tltfl,1‘.tlltttttl tttodelltitg. taee painting arid titoie llllt ;t\'1t\t1tt'\. tilt '/

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Plot Brttartttta l’artoptieort .\1tt\ie Hall. 11* 1|“ liottgate. 0"”S1 tl§7v117 3 5lltittt l'tee btit tieketed See llitt lo

Comedy Coach Tour ( ieoige Square. llSqll 111 5 5:101. 1.15pm {‘1 t {-1 L51; L35 taitiil). See Sat 1S.

Aeneas Faversham Britannia 1’4tttttttllettlt\1tt\te11;tll. 11* ll 'lrottgate. llfi‘lSl 11‘711" o itlpiti l-tee btit tieketed. See lltti 1o

Sham Wagon Britannia l’attoptieoti \1lt\te11.t11. 11i |17'lroitg.ite.07‘)S»1 (H7117 Spin. l-ree btil tteketed. See 'l'lttt 1(i.

Singin’ I’m No a Billy He’s a Tim St :\tttlt’t‘\\ \ iit tlte Square. St \ttdteu \ Square. 0S70 01 i 5-101. Spin. L' 10 t UH. 1)e\1)illori\ elawie anti \eetat'iart pla} \L't'S 1\\tt Rattgt't'S tttttl (‘t'llle ltttt\1tt\‘kL‘tl tip together iii a eell tor the duration o1 art ()ld 1'it‘tn itiateh. (il( ‘l.

Alan Anderson: The Seeds of Doubt liltteklt'lttl'S. 30 Bell Street. 0S"0 013 5101. S. 511pttt. to. Mr .-\nder\oii e\p|ore\ the etleets ot the male eontraeeptix e pill on a happil) itiarried atid tttortgaged ttiati. (i/(‘l.

Jokes and Stuff! (’obar. leta Pitt Street. 0S70 01 .1 5-1o-1. S5llpllt. L'i ID i. Sketeltex. short film elipx and \tand tip snippets hour the Hon ()tti\ote .\ppreetatioti Soeiet} ttltat‘x .la) lattert}. ('lite ()‘('onnor. l)a\id Barr and lt‘tL'tttlSI. Kevin McAleer: Chalk and Cheese ’l'lte l'iii\er\al. 5" 5‘1Satreltiehall latte. 0S7001i5-1o—1.S._§0ptit. £5 tUi. l’ai‘artoid tleltISIttttS arid eoiitie ItttttlttL‘SS trottt the lrixltrttan. (il( ‘l-.

Martin Mor: All Kinds of Everything the Stand. 555 \Yoodlattdx Road. 0S70 013 5104. Sillprti. L“. the \\1ttltt\lL';tl Northern 1t'tSltltttttt eelebt'ate\ 33 )earx irt \ltoxxlitI. (i/( 'I‘.

Cheeky Bastards Brel. W -1 t .\\1ttott latte. 0S70 013 5101. Upiii. Lb tL-t I. .laekie .\1e('1ettient\ attd Ste\en l)tek (11SSL'C1 the \xorld ot' tttagie arid deeeptiott. takitig in \e\\ .\ge tlterap} atid \treet hustlers along tlte \\tt_\. (i/( 'I‘.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? the Stattd. 5 York l’laee. 55S 7273. lptn. l‘t'ee. Bariixh that iitorning-attei' teelttig “1111 a doxe ot' tree tt'oritit laughter t'rorti ittiprox \lttt\ l’atil (irahaiti arid Stuart .\1tirplt_\. The Sunday Night Laugh-In the Stand. 5 York 1’laee. 55S 737: S. 511W“. £1 (£1 {5). Bt‘ttee 1)e\lirt \teleoiiiex eoined} \etei‘an \iek Re\ ell to the stage. aided and abetted b} Bill} Kir'kuood arid l)otigie .\1tinro.

Monday 20


Singin’ I’m No a Billy He's a Tim St Andre“ '\ tn the Square. St .'\11kl1'L'\\.\ Square. 0S70 013 54ml. Spin L10 1 UN. See Sittt 1‘1.

NiCk Revell lltL‘ Sitttttl. 55.5 \YUtKllttttdS Road. 0S70 000 ()055. S.3(lpitt. L'o t£5 l. l’uneh} politieal satire and a ligltt \rttatteriiig ot~ tiltlt limit the eotned} \ClL‘t'dtt. UK .I'i.


88d Raw lllk'glt111\1.§\t‘11\i’ltluk'. ;<\ “I”: S 511t‘ttt Ll Ro\\.ttt (Ltitiplwll leads the ma} lot more stand up begtrtitetx

Tuesday 21


Bruce's Quarterly the Stand. “1 \\\1\ Road. its?) (tori no“ “pm 1.: it it \ \peeial 1t'\1|\.t1t‘t1111t‘11t\1 Brute 1)e\1tri\lt\eittaga/ttte \1l\l\\.\\111\11 itteltide~ ait oit the Spot attdiettee tiiakeo\er and ltartoxttitg teal lite dtartta (i/( /

Best of Red Raw 2006! the

l ttl\t't\.tl. 5" 5‘1Satieltte1iall 1 arte. 55: SS‘N Spin U the eieatn ot burgeoning Sltllltl tip talent hour the Stand\ begiiittetx' llljJ111S (i/t '/

Singin’ I’m No 3 Billy he's a Tim St .\iitlr'e\'~ \ iii the Square. St .\tidre\\ K Square, 0S7) 01 5 5-101 Spin L Ill tUti See Sttri 1‘1

The Best of Dance Monkey Boy Dance the Stand. HR \\tttit11.tlttl\ Road. 0S70 (too (toss S lopm t“ tut. ,\1ottke_\ Botx 1{.t}lltttttt1 \1L‘.ttlt\. \llen (‘ltaltttetx Sand} \elxon. 1)e\ (lake and 1)e\

.\1e1 eati ptek otit the ltttttttt‘Sl tttortierttx ttorti tltetr long running iitipt'o\ xketelt night (ilt'l


Kevin McAleer: Chalk and Cheese '1 lie Stand. 5 York l’laee. 0S5“ 01 i 5101 Sillpttt. UttL~1l ’lalexot t1L'1tISIttttdtttl ttttttlttL‘SS hour the lt'l\1ttlt.tlt. .t\1ltt\ (i/tixeuii III/t i'ntttioiitt/ ( "twin/t It \rittit’ S11H\\ erowex the east-“ext di\ ide.

Wednesday 22


All That Malarky ( )'.\'eill\. 15" Satieliieltall Street. (LS/7001.i 5-101. Spin Ut Meir. Sister .\lar_\ .\1a|ai'k} lttt'ttS1tL‘t

\\ ell ltoited \eriotit on titrioeent ttttltltdlS and the deitiott drink. ttttttttthI other topiex. (i/( 7'.

Brendan Burke the ttali Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 0S"0 01 i 510-1. Spin. L5 tUt. 111C energetie 1tt\1tltt;tlt assexxex the relati\e lltet'ttx ol' itiierobiolog}. the \1tt1t11t‘ 1‘.;t\l :ttttl ll'L‘ltttttl. (i/( i/

AI Pitcher/Steve Williams the l'iii\er\al. 57 5‘1Satteliieltall 1.;tne. 0S70 01 .i 5101. Sktlprti. L()1L-11.lllk‘ Sheep loxing tittlltlth ot the “mid urine. as Kim 1’itelier lettlttS tip “111] lo\eable \Velxlt eliap \thliarnx. (il( 'l.

Don Quixote: Liquid Comedy! llte |.iqtiid Ship. 171 175 (treat \\e\tetn RttgitL 11S7111115 510-1. S5llpltt. L5 till. Bill} Ktt'kuood [Y1;t)\1ttt\1 to more hot eonted} taleitt. titeluding loeal lad \t'tl .\1e1'at‘1atte. (i/( 'I'.

Not So Rough Cuts the Stand. Hi \Yootllaitth Road.03711001101155. Sillpttt U) 1 £51. Seripted t'L'tttllttg'S ot brand new \iteortt niaterial troiii the people \kltil brottgltt )oti Stil/ (it/me and ("lien iri'I/n' Int. (il( 'l-.

Wil Hodgson Brel. .W 43 Adrian lane. 0S70013 5101. 0pm. £5 lUi. 111C li\ trig breathing attornal} that 1\111L' 2001 l’erriei‘ Bext .\'e\\eorner t't‘lttt'ttS \\ itlt ritore tales o1 ('are Bears. SklllthttlS. 1L'tttlttISttt tttttl \\ t'e'Stllttg. See .5 RL'aSttttS. (I-/( i/‘.


Comedy Benefit Night the Stand. 5 York l’laee. 558 7372. S. i0prii. {(itUi. Ronait ('arnpbell 1t'ttttl\1ltt\ benetieent eottied} night in aid ot'eoiiirntiriit} eliarit} l'it'stxtep.


Reginald D Hunter't‘he Stand. 333 \Yoodlatttb Road. 0371) 000 0055. 7.30pm. ‘4" lUH. .-\ non-Stop barrage o1 laughs troin the titan v. ho ha\ been dubbed b} laI} people ax the Samuel 1. Jaeksort ot stand— tip. See pr'e\ ten. (il( ‘l‘. Stand Up, Drink Up 1.iiiert l‘)0(t. l 1 10 1’t)11t\k\1itt\\\ Road, 6-1‘) 011117. 7.5llpllt. £7 t£5l .-\lari Anderson and Jane} (iodle_\ lead this tour around ban ot~ Slt;t\\1;ttttl\.


How many West Country wrestlers are on the comedy circuit?N 7m. "

How many anti-Nazi Care Bear devotees are on the comedy circuit? t. '

So, he’s kind of original?

lit.)'..l"‘it“ l“,r‘ " ‘v§., ”..’t in": in i 1x17 ttgttmro'ntft“ l~- ".i'v git‘rwttta'Ni

tt‘t‘1k.(?1‘.lttlt \t"'n~'.' .1 't "-

tf?-.1tt:"tt‘ /\ttt11""‘ 7' ' 1".1 1' I it‘, liir‘q .t‘:~ 1“.t‘ l"-~'H.h- T" .' "'v ittt'to‘d\.'.'lil‘t~l.t‘tit"\. . (it)l‘t‘t“."'l‘1~t.ili,'tntt'vt- 0.. .t v,

(toil 1111110'.1"lx11"11i1‘" t‘

(Iti'llti’l‘, it i :. l‘ ttx'aa‘ tltgtt'btrrrwtti‘twho‘ll" t 11-5 t 1()(r1t‘,‘t'tl()."i Ah 1zt't. r. i' t liltllllt‘fi11‘t'(/il'\7illltilll, " suchgtphat‘;tw;;-;ivt«.s

Let’s have a heated debate

,' .t '\'.’Ii" 11A

titl'lt‘lltt‘31‘tdt11,0111Htl'lli"‘1' «it

St), I“: lit- gt '\,'t,/;l'.

t;til:1:t:t’.', llltli‘f'ltll W" tilt/“l” l

for ‘lto 1t)llll‘ T littttr'

trititttrrlt Anagrammatically speaking [)igttttritttl'. l'ttt‘, it .t titri' l ' °' 1H1 111l".(11.'\.'i‘,\;t1‘.'ttt.‘trittfrbl 7' shoe." tl’atat‘ ll’llttlltl‘

Broil (Nerd/(31?. ‘. 2/1 it I 1‘." «17, i'

\trtli a eotttedian peitotrtiing at eat lt \top (i/( 'I.

All That Malarky ( )‘Setlt‘x. 15" Sattehteltall Street. “Salt 01 l 5-101 Spin Ht 1 L51 .SL'L' \\k't1 :3

Jarred Christmas: The Geek Show 111C llttll littt. 1(t11\\tttttllttlttl\ Ritatl. 11S.” 01*5-101.Sptn. L5ll-5t. llie eitetgetie :\ttltptttlt'.ttt eelebtatex hr\ tt\\11 partn trlat brand ot geek elite (i/( '/

Laughter in the Church ( )tatt \lot. 751 75S(itt';tl\\e\1t'tttRH.ttl.1lh—.111115 5-101. Spin. L31. See ’1 hit to

Jongleurs Comedy Club .1tttttflt'ttIS. 1'(i(' Btiilding. Rentr’eu Street. 0S7!" S7070" S, itlprtt thL51.1\lt'llltl'tC1tl\ |ttltt\ eotned} toteex \\ itli Sltdtp ( ieordie John 1‘U111L'lf_'t11tttttlL‘QISIL'lttlt‘t \liek) 1'laiiagari. plus ('hailie Rtm on llttHStltt} tiiglit oiil}. (i/('I.

Kevin Bridges: My Generation the l'itixerxal. 57 5‘) Satieltieliall 1..itie.0.S’70 013 540—1. S. “11110. L5 11.51. llie _\oiitlittil .\1t' BridgeS Sltttu \ ott ltIS burgeoning L‘UlttCtl) \t}|e. (i/( "/2

The Big Bluu Comedy Gong Show Bltitt. 50 'l‘r‘ongate. .\1ei' (it). 51S 1350. ‘)piti. l‘ree. See 'l’liti to.

Dan Atkinson 8. Tom Wrigglesworth llt'L'l. 5‘) ~15 :\\1tltrtt 1,;irie.0S700H 54tr—1_‘)ptti. Ur lL-li. \ double bill ot tip and eortiirtg laughter tttctxlet‘S. (//( '/'.

John Moloney the Stand. Ht Woodlandx Road. 0370 000 00.55 9.30pm. {S t£7t Whispered deadpait lttltSltth than the eorned} \eteratl (il( '1'

ilv ' .4152' .’