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SPIKE LEE’s latest film, Inside Man, aims for the mainstream. But, as he tells Kaleem Attab. that doesn’t mean he’s abandoned all his signature moments.

x _\nn ean xee h_\ the iexnltx nn xeieen. \\ e all had lnn making: thix lilmf xtt)x Spike |.ee. lt‘x a xtatemenl that ix immediateI} nhxintIx

nn \xatehing liixii/t' .l/uii. \\lllt'lt ix. iemai'kahl}. the

New Yni'k diieetni‘x ltlth lihn in ax man} _\eaix.

lmit/i' .llun ix I ee'x mnxt nh\ iniix attempt tn make a llnlluxnnd genie liliii. lt’x aii intelligent heixt thiillei’ in the manner nl llne lhn .l/lr'lllrlilll xtaiiing Hen/el \Vaxhingnn. ('|i\e (lxxen and indie l’nxlei. |.ee in hix i'nle ax a lilm pinlexxni at .\'e\\ \ni'k l'ni\eixil) l’l‘ixeh Sehnnl til the .-\tlxi hax a|\\a_\x pill the impnitanee nl gnnd “tiling at the tnp nl the hxt nl' innxie making tnnlx. l'he xei‘ipt l'ni' liixii/i' .llim \\ax \xiitten h} lii'xt time \\iitei Rtixxell (ieuiit/ \xhn \\ax iepnitedh paid an axtnnixhing Sl iiiillinii. l.ee. Itllklllg ahnnt putting; the eaxt tngethei. xlltl\\\ hix iexpeet lni \xiiting: 'l.el'x law it. the_\'ie nnt gning tn he in the llllll il \xe‘ie .xhnnting the phnne hunk, xn a Int nl the eiedit l'nr \Vllitl hinnght nx tngether gnex tn the xei ipt.‘

'lhe dii'eetni. \\llu \xill tnin Sll iie\t Man. hax gaineled a Ieptltatinn l'ni aiinganee. lt'x nne nl the higgext mixnnmeix in the mnxie hnxinexx ax l.ee ix “I‘V‘M \\illillf—‘ tn 1—‘l\e eledit tn hix en \xnikelx helnle himxell‘. Il'x a lexxnn in management that he takex l‘i‘nm xpni'tx enaehex.

l€iiainntiied h} ('lix e (N en'x peilnimanee in ('lmei. Spike kne\\ that he wanted the lSllll\ll xlai tn he the inn\ie\ hank inhhei‘. In txpieal l.ee xl}le. he xtaitx nl‘l’ talking ahnnt ()\\ en \\ itli a enmpliment. ‘('li\e ix gleat and took nn a hig iixk heeanxe the andienee ean‘t xee hix l'aeef In fact ()\\ en \\ax xlightl} ietieent tn pla} the part heeatIxe nl' thix and l.ee lnnk him in hix Iiixntiiite

plaee ennitxide at Madixnn Square (iaiden “here he unit the aetni' n\ er.

()ne til. the llinxt nntieeahle l-L‘illllliLN (il‘ it Spike l.ee

jnillt ix hix enntinned iixe nl the xame xtal'l hnth in

l'innt tit" and hehind the eamei‘a. ()nite ximpl}. l.ee likex the xenxe nl lainil} thix hiingx nn xet. In turn xtal‘l' like making lni' him heeanxe he exehenx the llnll}\\nntl ti'aditinn nl' \x'niking lnng da}x when xhnnling. ‘We tr} tn xhnnt ll’tllll xi\ in the mnt‘ning tn xi\ at night.’ he xa_\x. ‘\\'e leel it helpx aelnrx give their hext pei'lni'maneex when the} ean head hnme in the melting In their laiiiiliex and their li\ex.' lt alxn meanx that |.ee ean gn hnme tn hix t\\n ehildi'en and hix \\ il'e. ’l‘nnxa. \xith \\lltllll he hax \xiitten t\\n ehildren’x l‘ililk\.

|)en/el \Vaxhingtnn ix haek l'ni‘ hix lntii'th ride with the diieelni; Indeed the laxt time Lee had a lilm that npened at mnnhei nne in the {'8 hn\ nl'liee \xax the laxt time he \xni‘ked \xilh \‘x'axhingtnn nn /l(’ (in! (iii/m: little \xnndei‘ then that he dexei'ihex \Vaxhingtnn ax ‘m_\ linntn‘ite aetni”. |.ee needx a big hit In yet xnine mnre pei'xnnal pi'nieetx xueh ax a dieam .lne |.nnix pinieet nll the gi'ntmd.

lhe gnnd neux ix that l.ee. in making a genre mm ie. hax lint ahandnned man) nl' hix xignattn'e mnnientx. l'he dnll} xllnt. the xtt‘eetx nl .\'e\\ Ynl‘k tilld enntempni‘ai} pnlitieal enmmentary are all there. Next up. l.ee \xill he jumping haek intn the lite when he itll'llx hix attenlinnx tn lltn‘i'ieane Katrina in the tliletllllelllttl'). ll'llt'il Illt' /.(’i"\' [fin/w.

General release, Fri 24 Mar. See review, page 49.

Hit >l<


3" Tsotsl Gritty. urban South Atrican crime drama that manages to avoid schmaltz in a story of a thug gang leader who ends up caring for a baby after finding it in the back seat of the car he's stolen. Poignant update of Athol Fugard's 1989 novel. See review, page 48. Selected release from Fri 77 Mar.

It Hostel Eli Roth proves Cabin Fever was no fluke with this super nasty. ultra sleazy shock horror. And it's been championed by Quentin Tarantan no less. See review, page 48. General release from Fri 24 Mar.

30‘ inside Man Spike Lee's bank heist thriller done with real style and an unexpected dose of intelligence. A classy cast of Clive Owen, Denzel Washington and Jodie Foster add an unexpected twist to what is usually the most tired of genres. See interview, left, and review, page 49. General release from Fri 24 Mar.

'3 Crossing the Bridge Faith Akin moves from fiction to fact with this exhilarating documentary on the Turkish music scene. See review, page 48. Film House, Edinburgh from Fri 24 Mar.

# Double Indemnity Billy Wilder’s 1944 film noir gets a welcome re-release. As you’d expect from the result of a writing partnership with Raymond Chandler, it's got femmes fatales, gumshoes and wisecracks in spades. See review. page 48. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh from Fri 24 Mar.

7‘} "LU Mitt 7’7)‘, 47