
The Fog I 1*) C. IRupeII \\.IIIIwII;_'III. ('aIIada/I S. 300% Selma lilan. l)eRay l).|\|x \laggle ( llilkL'. InIII \\ellmg |00IIIIII SIIlIeIl and linkey IerIIakc nI John (atlpt'tilt‘l ix IUNI llIlll‘ II c laxxtc VIII}: I the (Al/II'NIH. ( Hill/IIII/I'I (I/II'\:_'I".I \IIIIIII I1\I ('IIII Hut. 'Ill\/I"‘.. I’Itty/H

49th Parallel II I.... I\lIt hael l’nwcll. I K. I‘HI l cxlIe llnward. I .IIIIeIIIc (llry IL'I. Ray lll'tlltl \laxxcy. \IItnII

\Vallbrnnk IIiIIIIII Sn \a/Ix attempt In make their way Iltltlxx ( 'aIIaIla In the neutral I IIIch StaIex III Illlx waItIIIIc IhtIlIeI

( ntIt etyt-Il ax an attempt In peerIaIIc the \IIIcIIcanx In tome tn the aid oi the .IIIch. the Illlll wax .len a huge \Hllllllt‘lt Ial xtIcccxx thI Ix lately checIteIl lnIlay film/Hugh /I/III (I'm/II. III/IIIIu/g/I

George Michael: A Diflerent Story Ilii... ISnIItIIan ManIx. l'I-x'._‘00‘) (ienIgc \llklltlk'l. Sling. MaIIaII ( LIIey. llenII lnlIn. l’epxI I\ SIIIIIIe ‘l iIIIIII (icnrgex xtnIy IranI the man hnnxell ('I/II-IIIII/I/ II/III/IIIIIJII. /I/III/IIII;'/I Ghostbusters 2 I I’( i) 00. lean ReIIIII.III.l S. I‘IH‘II IIIII \IIIrIay. l)aII \ykrnyd. llaInIIl Rdllllx. SIgnIIIney \\c.I\eI IIISIIIm \chl .I xequel \\ hn anI gonna call "I he Ilnw II at heel and IlIxcreIlIteIl xlIIIIeIIghteIx are back III buxmcxx. alter mayhem once IIInIe breakx out on the xtIeetx III \t'yy \ntk llte t‘llt'clx look lt‘xx t'llt‘alt tIIIx tune. and II anI liked It IIIxt time round you are on a winner here. II you w eIe Iexx than cony InceIl. xIay at home llllx one already ('IInII-n. II/III/IIIIe/I

Good Night, and Good Luck Il’(ii C... I( ienrge (‘lnnney. JapaII/I-IaIIceI l'lx/l 4S. 200% Hand SIIIIIIIIIIIII. Robert l)anIey JI. ( lentge (loom-y. l’aIIIcIa ('Iarkxnn. l'l.tlll\ l angella. Ray \\'Ixe. 02min loIIIrIaIIxI .mII bInaIlcaxteI ltd R Murrow 'x campaignx were many and Ian handed but he Ix xtill bcxt knoer InI HIM /\ [um/on. IIIx World War II IaIlIn xhnw and IIIx light In xtnp the red xcarc that gripped the [S III the I‘ISIIx tnIIItexy nl Senatnrx \lc(‘arthy and (‘ohn It Ix the latIeI period that IltteclnI

yntI'ye xeen

. ' l (Bi . 53““! 9‘2" J if


. II


‘i “b.

('lIN‘llC} Llltit‘\L" II' u'llct'ltllalt' I‘ll III llIx lllIKlC\I xecnntl IeaIIIIc l‘ot (‘liS \ltIrInw. l-rIendly and the entIIe xIalI nt the current .IIIaIIx xIInw \II I! \I‘i'. Ibc cnxt wax huge. but the do IIleIIle were greater It you care 'IlIaI good new x cannot cnIIIe IInIII bad practice". then IhIx w lll xend tIIIglex down your prIIe \I {II II I/ It It ti'\('

GoodFellas I IN 0.... I \laItIII \tittxt‘xt'. l \. l‘)‘)III RUI‘CI'I l)L' \III). Ray l.lHll.I. .lne l’cch. l nIIaIIIe liracn. l’aul Snrymo I-l‘mm l.Intta playx lleIIIy llIII. a IealAlIIe Imitimn. wIIh l)e \Itn ax hIx IIIeIIInI III cIIIIIe \IIIl while the bulletx. IIxIx and can mg kIIchx Ily. Scnrxexc bIIIng llx back In that IIII.I\nId.Ible ({llL'\llUll ycx. It’x glarnnrnux and Iucratrxc In Ich thIx way. but can anyone Ically Irye wItlI the cnnxetprencex ' \\ Inner nt lil\l"l.'\ awardx InI bext Iilm. dIrectnI and xcreenplay. and a licxt SIIppnIIIIIg \ctnI ()xcai Inr Joe l’cch (In. H I'l/t/ /.I/III/Ime/I. l1IlIII/III/g/I

Grey Souls (Les Ames grises) I ISI Ierx \IIgeIn. l'rance. 3005) Jean l’IeI'Ie Marielle. Jaquex \'Illercl. llcnix l‘ndalytlex IIIIIIIIIII .\d.IpIatInn nI I’IIIlepe ( 'Iaudel‘x lauded nny cl. xel IIcaI \\nI|d \Var l'x \\exIeIII l‘lttlll -\ young girl Ix lnnnd xtrangled and the laxl man lobe xeen aInIIe \\ Illt llet. .lll elderly xIIIIL‘ ptoxt'clllttt‘. IIIIIIIeIlIaIer lallx under xuxptcton, l’ar't nl the Renault I'Iench l'lllll l'L'xIl\.Il. (ilIIwIm I I/m I/II'IIIII'. (i/Iryenu .' ,I/HI/lllllw‘, I.I/III/IIII'g/I,

Havana Suite (Suite Habanal II’IiI ll‘et'ttatttlo l’er'el. ('tha/Spatn. 300M 3 imm. l)ay breakx nII Ia Ilabana. a cIty ‘where lIIe Ix ll\ ed at .I IIIIIIIIIc pace' 'l‘hIx documentary Inllnw x the ll\ ex oI IeII ordinary ('IIbanx. IIxmg nnly xntmdx and Imagex accompanied by name l’IIIl nl ('nban xeaxon. ll/IIl/IUHH'. IIIHI/Itu'e/I.

Hidden (Cache) I ISI .00.. I Michael llaneke. |'I'aIIce/AuxtI'III/( ieI'IIIany/ltaly. 2005) l)anIe| Auteuil. Juliette llinnche. Maurice lienichnn. Annie ( iirar'dot. l.exter Makednnxky, I |7IIIin. (icnrgex I.-\uleuil) the prexenler III a literary I'ey Iew programme on

I thequeenshall presents


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54 THE LIST Illicit" Mar 3000

French TV. and hIx publIxher w Ite -\nne Ilimnchet receiy e packagex containing

\ Idenx xhnl outhde theIr nIce xuburban hnuxe -\x the tapex and the drawnng they come w rapped III become more perxonal and alarmmg. (ienrgex begmx to one hIx mind l)c\axtatmg e\amInatInn nI nIIddle claxx xIIItIgnexx. the burden III the paxt and the deeply obIectInnal xell nbexonnx ol the Intellectual lieautIIully acted. paced. edited and directed. II w Ill leay c you gaxping and perple\ed ax all great cmema xhnuld (innu'mvr; (iluwmi, I'Ilmhntm'. lat/Inbmeh The Hills Have Eyes I 1.x» .0. I.-\le\attdre :\_Ia. [8. 200m Aaron Stanlnrd. Kathleen ()umlan. \Inexxa Shaw l0"mm. \luIant rIIInerx rIxe Irnm their pII-xhattx In Ieaxt on good-lookmg tray elIerx who haye been giy en wrong directinnx by the ex ll gax xIatInn attendant. lt‘x bloody trom the nll. and the tirxt Iiye mmutex are Iantaxtrc. II on- xcreen IIItItIlatIon‘x your [lung 'lenxe. e\cIIIIIg and. aan all elxe. good xcary tun. .-\II IIIIprexxrye remake ot the I‘I'V“ angmal (iI'III'III/ I'I'II'IIu‘

* Hostel Is» 0000 II-;IIRIIIII.I1x‘. 3005) Jay llernande/. Derek Richardxon 93mm. See rey Iew. page Jh’. (ieneral releaxe Housewarming (Travaux, on sait quand ca commence) I IZAI IIIngIIIe Rouart. France. 2005) (‘arnle liourquet. Jean-I’Ierrc ('axttaldr. .-\|xo Maccrone. 05mm. llugh (irant cameox III II comedy xhow mg what IIIIppenx when It xuccexxt'ul lawyer and xingle mother hirex II gang oI~ (‘nlnmbIan immigrantx In make oy er her home while xhc"x xtIlI III rexidence Light- handed and with good xocial Intentionx. Part III the Renault French FIIIII l-exttyal. (i/menn I'll/IN I‘ltt’utn’. (ilrrxeoir; I‘I'lnI/Intm'. Iz'I/IIIIm/je/I,

>l< Inside Man I ISI .00. ISpike IS. 2006) Den/cl \N'axhington. (‘liye ()w en. Jodie Foxter. llh’min. See Intery iew. page 47 and my iew. page 4‘). General release.

It All Starts TodayI I2) 00. Iliertrand 'l‘ay ernier. France. 1900) Philippe 'I‘nrreton. I IXIIIin. 'l‘he xtory III II nurxery xchool teacher trying In cope in a northern French tow II of high uneIIIpon ment and dexpairing poy erty ix told here by lienrand 'l'ayernier with hix uxual eye I‘or detail. 'l'IIere’x a feeling. ltowey er. that 'l‘ax'ernier beliey ex he'x telling tIx xomelhing new. III Iact. I'IIIIIIIIakerx have recently been tripping oy er themxely'ex to tell IIx how proxtr'ate the region hax become. Part III the Renault French Film Fextiy'al. I'I'lm/Iomt'. Edinburgh. Jolson Sings Again (1‘) 00.

(Henry l.e\'in. l'S. III-19) Larry Parks. Barbara llale. William l)enIarext. l.udw'ig l)onath. 96min. III Ihix xequel to The Jolson Story. xltoyy'bi/ hax loxl ilx xhine l'or Jolxon xince hix w He left him and he tradex lllx current life in tin one in the I;th lane. St lint/e '\ ('I’Irtrr'. Iz’I/ittlmljeh.

Just Like Heaven Il’(i) oo (Mark Watch. IS. 2005) Reexe \\'itherxpoon. Mark Rul'lalo. Donal l.ogue. l)iIIa Spy-bey. USIIIIII. Widow ed Iandxcape architect I)II\ id (Rullttlo) moi ex into a new bachelor pad. :\x he xeekx xolace III beer and l'axt l‘ood. he becomex aware that he'x .xharing lIix living xpace with the ghoxtly liIi/abeth I\\'itherxpooni. Supernatural and xuperlicial rom-com in the xanIe y'ein ax (I'hmt. lirrmton 'I‘IIt'utrI'. Edinburgh.

Kidulthood I ISI .0. IMenhaj lluda. l'K. 200m Aml Ameen. Red Madrell. Noel (’Iarke. Jamie Winxtone. 9llllln. Set III w ext London. KIt/II/tlmml xtanx oil with II girl being bullied at xchool. Later that evening xlIe hangx herxell~ and from there the Iilm I'ollowx the reaction other claxxmatex in the enxuing 2-3 hourx. Hall-arxed. torrid youth drama xet amongxt the hoodie brigade. llighlightx include Jamie ‘daughter of Ray' Winxtone'x \‘icIon turn ax the xchool xlapper and Brian Billy [flint 'I‘ul'ano'x xuitably' adolexcent but unobtariVe cinematography. ('I'm'uorlrl Run/rut Street. Glasgow.

Lassie (PG) 0. I('harlex Sturridge. l'S/lreland. 2005) Samantha Morton. John Lynch. Steye Pemberton. Gregor Fixher. 99min. The impIaUxibly rexilient (‘ollie boundx back onto the big xcreen. Thoxe familiar with the xtory will find little to yap about III Sturridge'x film. The BAF'TA- winning writer/director xeemx uneaxy with

the wane material. turnmg what xlIould be a xtraighttorward chIltlren‘x yarn Into a lecture on claxx and morality (inim'nor. (i/tiygrlu '

Last Holiday I I2 -\I 0.. I\\ay ne \Vang. l'S. Zoom Queen l.aIItah. ll. (‘ool J. Timothy Hutton. (ierard Departlieu l I IIIIIII l.Ikeable drama about a xhy woman who lx diagnoxed nyIII a termmal Illnexx and decideon xpend her remaining w eekx on a litIrnpean \acaIInn Director \\ayne \mnkc' Wayne and w rIIerx Jetl'rey I‘IIce and Peter SeaIIIan keep Ihmgx bubbly. ntt cenIIe and enteIIaInIng (hie tor the IadIex perhapx (iI'III'r'It/ n'lnm

The Last Trapper (Le Dernier Trappeaur) Il‘( i) I.\Icn|ax Vanter. l‘l.lllCL‘. 2005i Norman \\ IntIIet‘. May I no. .-\le\ Van liIbber ‘l-lmm Sury Iymg III the Yukon Rnckrex w Ith lIIx natiyc w tie. a pack at IIIkaIex and a hunting InxtInct. Ihe l.le trapper Ix placed III a conte\t that'x made IIIIIIextIc by the cinematography and raw beauty III the (ireat \VIIIIe North l’art ol the Renault French l‘lllll Fextixal (i/Iixenn I'I/m I'III'IIII‘I'. (ilIIrenu. III/rI/Inrm'. lat/ItI/Iureh. The Liberated Zone (Betreite Zone) I IS) I.\'orbert liaumgarten. (iermany. 3003) l'IoIIaII l.ukax. Johanna Klante. .-\\el l’rahl. ‘HIIIIII Film charting the rIxe ol a Iictronal liaxt (ieIman lnntball team and their black xtar player. Ade llatttn, InItIally met wIIII rachI tIIIIIertnIIex. he becomex a hero ax the club xItlllx pr'nIIIotInn 'l'hen Bayern Munich take notice ol IIIx kulIx. .-\ (inetlIe-lnxlttul prexentaIInn. (i/rtyemi I’I/m I'lu'utn'. (i/Inenn

The Libertine I ISI 0.. Il.aurence Dunmore. FR. 2004) Johnny Depp. Samantha Morton. Jnhn Malkny IcII. Stanley 'l‘ownxend. Francexca .-\nnIx I Hmin. 'l'lIe linglixh (‘I\ II \Var ix ox er but ('IIIIIIex ll IMalkoy IcIII ix barely holding hix kmgdnnI together. layeryone Irom l’arlrament tn the French want a piece III IIIIII. lint the high liy‘ing king ix more Interexted III the progrexxionx ol the Rextnratron and the lad oI Rnchexter Il)eppI Ix xomethmg III a pet project he wantx him to be the Shakexpeare Io hix lzli/abeth bIIt Rochexler hax more degraceIuI planx. .-\dapIeIl tor xcreen by Stephen Jellreyx' Irom lllx ow II well-rexpected play. I/lt' I.I/N'l'!ltlt' 'x a welcome elucidation on the hedoIIIxtIc lite and timeon the man who wax poxxibly Ihe lirxt rock‘n'roller. ()r/I'n/I I'iirt KIIIIIIIIIII. Iz'I/rII/Irrrjeh.

The Light (L’Equipier) I ISI II’IIIppe I.ioret. France. 2001) Sandrrne llnrmarre. Philippe lorreton. (it‘egorl Derangere I05min. Raw paxxinn cornex lo the lore m thIx drama centred around .I lighthouxe on an ixland oil the liIItIany Inaxt. A xtranger arriy'ex in the community and an atmoxpheric loy'e xtory deyelopx w ItlI xlow- burning inlenxily Part ol the Renault French Film l'iexliyztl. (i/uxgow I‘ll/m 'Iltr'rttrr'. (ll/(ISIL'UH; I'I'lnrlrutm'. Iz'IlrII/Itrt‘g/I.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island I17)” Il’ret l)e Ry‘cker. (iermany. 2005) 80min. Juyenile polar bear Fan and hix bexl buddy Robbie head oll' lo rexcue a lriend Irom the (ialapagox lxlandx. An argument agaian reproduction. ()rlm/I xlt 'I'ltr' Quay; (ilrtigrm'. (i/uiguw; l’ur' Iirlr'n/Imieh ()t'l‘tlll. Edinburgh. Lower City (Cidade Baixa) I IX) 0.. ISergio Machado. Bra/il. 2005) Alice Braga. llarildo l)eda. Joxe l)umont. Ricardo l.uedy. ()lga Machado. ()7min. (‘areea Il)eda). Sergipano Il)urnont) and beautiful enigmatic proxtitute Karinna IBraga) embark on an emotional and xexual joumey which ix to change them all I'orever. Though full of holex and lullx in pace Imwr ('r'ty' ix held together by three remarkable performance» A xw'eaty. dank and challenging addition to modem South American cinema. ('umm, lz'rlirrlirrrglr, Lucky Number Slevin I IX) «0 (Paul MeGuigan. US. 3006) Joxh Ilartnett. Ben Kingxley. Bruce Willix. Morgan l Freeman. Lucy l.iu. I l0min. When Slevin IHanneItI xubletx an apartment with cool wallpaper he ix rnixtak'en l'or hix landlord. ; who just happenx to owe two feuding crime I lordx IKingxley and Freeman) a heap of I caxh. To add to hix w'oex, a myxterioux | hitrnan (Willis) ix pulling xtrings behind the xcenex making Slevin'x life a mixery.