Name Fatih Akin

Born 25 August 1973 Background Born in Hamburg to Turkish parents. Akin has always been a bit of a rebel. As a teenager. he tried his luck at rap. but realisnng he was crap. thought it might be better going to film school. His debut ShOrt. Sharp Shock. was heralded as the German Mean Streets. His next couple of films were not so well received and then came Head- On. One of the best films ever made about second-generation immigrants. it won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 2004 and established the 34- year-old at the forefront of the burgeoning Turkish-German art community.

What’s he up to now? Fascinated by his parents' homeland. he has ventured to Turkey to make Crossing the Bridge. a documentary about Turkey's music scene. the bridge being a metaphor for Turkey's geographical position between East and West. He has just fathered a child and is taking a rest from filmmaking duties but has two movies in the pipeline. One is a comedy set in a restaurant in Hamburg called Soul Kitchen and the other. more intriguing project is on Yimaz Gi'iney director of 1982 Palme d'Or winner Yo/ (T he Road). What he says about being a second generation child in Germany ‘I love to be Turkish. by that I don't mean being a nationalist. For me nation is something that doesn't exist because I'm a child between six. seven nations. Hamburg is a multicultural place and I was born into that. When I see something that is interesting because of my parents and roots I want to share it. But this immigration thing, people should forget about it. I don't make films about immigration or Turkish people. I make films about Fatih Akin. I make movies about my expenencef

Interesting fact Fatih is also a popular DJ in Germany. His tunes of choice consist of dub. hip hop and traditional Turkey tracks.

I Crossing The Bridge is released on Fri 24 Mar. See review. page 48.

56 THE LIST 16—30 Mar 2006

The Producers t 12M... I\ttx.lll Stitiinan. l S. ZtKl‘i \than I ant: \ltlllllk'“ lirtitlt'ritkl ina Ihutinan. \\ il| lk'llk‘ll lthnin It'x .i ttiiigh act to ltllltt'x\ \\ lltlL‘l tin ttip ttiriii antl lllL' hilaritiux /t'iti \lt‘\lk‘l ax pititlutt'ix uhti thxttiit‘t tht'x tan niakt' tttt'lk‘ iiitinc} \\ ith a tltip than .i hit llltl\l\.tl. hut lirtitlt'ritk and I am xllti\x \xh} tht-ir niuxital thcxpian ttiii \tax a xt'll tiut Ihc liiggt-xt tllllk'lL'HLk' lit-tut't'n tht' ttxti \t'ixitinx ix that thix Ullk‘ ix tin-r tixti htitiix hint; \xht'tt'ax lirtitikx pat Lt'tl hix tun intti 3* niinutt'x lht' atlthlitinal uiinutt'x haw inainlx lit't'n lillt'tl \\ ith tht- .itltlilitin til xt'it‘ral Iatkluxtit‘ xtingx. xtinit' lit't'lt-tl up taint-tix and an t'\t'lli‘llL' t‘ptltigut‘ \til tiuitt' xut'h a l‘lf.‘ hit ()t/l iii: lit/lIt/HU’L'II

The Proposition t ti i 0000 t,lttllll lllllk'llJl. \tl\ll.tll.t/l "K. .‘tNl‘i ( in} l’t-aitc. Ra} \\inxttint'. Ualtlt} Hutxtin. ,ltihn Htiit. l)a\itl “cnharn. l-inil} \\atxtin. Rithaitl

\\ ilxtin ltl‘inin ltuxhi’angci ttiunti). -\uxli'alia in thc thtx'llx .intl ('aiitain \tanlcx t\\‘inxttint'i hax t'apttiit'tl tit.» t-xtiangt'tl int-inht'ix til a taintiux liantl tit tiutlaxxx Ht' tiltt‘ix tht‘ tiltlt-xt ('hailic liui'nx tl’t'ait‘t-i a pi‘tiptixititin that “C t'anntit it'tuxt' lllL' tiatlt' til UllL‘ liititht'i ltii .tllttlllt‘l \ntl xti lit-ginx .i \ lL'Ittll\ antl \ ixt't'ial paiahlt- that It'atlx ('hailt'x tti lht' cait' cuttant't‘ til Iiix tlt't'iilx [ix}t'htipalhit' tiltlt'i littitht'i \ithui tHuxttini. antl Stanlc) anti hix \\\\‘L'l natuit'tl nt-tt \\ itt' Martha t\\.itxtini to an .itiiitiintnit-nt \\ ith thcit‘ tlt'xtinit'x. \‘ixt‘itiux. \ ixtt'ial. pitinatnt‘ and rival liililit‘al llxliltmn \\ t'xtt'i‘n titiiii tht' pun til \It‘k ('axt' \\t'll \xtiilh xt't'king: tiut Xt'lt't lt‘t/ I't /t'tt\t'.

The Ringert l.‘ -\ i C. t Hart) \\ Blauxtt'in. l'S. IllllSi .ltihnn} Kntixxillt'. Brian (‘ti\. Katht'iint‘ lit-ital. ‘Hnun Sci: AIM) RL‘lt‘thL‘tl. Pdf_‘L' >1". (it‘llt’ltl/ I't'lt'th' Romance and Cigarettes t 1%

.0. t.ltihn 'lui'turi'ti. l'S. SUNS i Janit-x (iantltill'ini. Stixan Sai‘antltin. Katc \\ inxlt‘t

I I5iiuii. St't' I'L'\ IC\\. [iaut- '1‘). (it m‘rti/ I't’lt‘tlu‘.

Russian Dolls (Les Poupees "18888, t l5l ((‘t‘tlt‘lx Klaplxt’lt. l‘laltt‘t‘. lellSi Rtiinain l)ui‘ix. (‘t't‘ilt' tlt' l'tant't'. .-\ut|i't'_\ 'l'auttiu. l~15iiun \ i'tiinantit‘ t'tiint'tlx ttilltming XiHIt‘l. \xhti'x i‘un ;t\\il} ti'tini litc ax a t‘ii il xt'i’\ant ax a i'cxult tit tht' iitt'nitii'} tit xtiint- )tiung. lun tiint-x xpt'nt in Bait‘cltina. 'I'hc tiliii ix a xt‘tiut‘l tti lelll‘x l..tlll/’('I"\'(' t'i/uiuriti/t'. l’ai't til lllL' Rt'naull l’lk‘llk'ltl'llllll'L‘\ll\;ll.(i/t1\;'liit Ii/ni I'lit'iilrt'. (i/ttxuiiii .' Il/ni/iuitu'. lat/Iii/iitru/i. Shrek 2 t l ‘i 0.. l.’\ll\llL'\\ .-\t|aiiixtin. Kt‘ll} .-\\l\llt'_\. ('tini‘atl \t't'ntin . l S. Zilli—ti \liltt' .\l_\ct'x. litltht‘ \Itii’ph}. ('aiiit'i‘tin l)ia/. .lulit‘ -\ntli‘t‘\\x. .-\nttiiuti liaiitlciax. .Itihn ('It‘t‘xt‘. Rupt'i't liit‘it‘lt. Jt‘nnitt'i Sauntlt'i'x. 02min. Patch}. t-[iixtitlic xt'qucl tti l)i‘cain\\'tirkx‘ iiixpii't'tl. xatiiit'al t'lll tin l)l\llk"\ lair} talt'x. thix lailx tti lL‘PllL'dlL‘ llk' inagit‘ tit lllL‘ tii‘iginal. Back litini lltlllt‘}lllt)tlll. xxtantp—tlixt'lling Shit-k antl hix hritlt'. I’i‘tnt‘t'xx l'itina .ll'L‘ llt\ itctl tti \ ixit hix iii-laxx x. King: Harold and ()llk‘k‘ll |.i|| i‘ult‘ix til thc kingtltini til liar l".tl’ .-\\\tl,\. Xtil‘l‘ti ltlxt‘ ttxxaxxltt l’tlxx llt lititilx i Halttlt'l'axt ix third to tlti axxa) \\ itli tht' tigt‘t‘ inlcrltilici antl i‘t'xttii't‘ tht‘ natural tii‘tlt‘t‘. Hut tlit' [iltittt'i'x ll;l\ L' tllttlL‘l'L‘xltlttillt'tl l'lttllit.\ lti\ C. Slll‘L‘k.\ xt‘nxc til xt‘lt-ixtit'th and thc lti}a|t_\ til tht-ii‘ axininc xitlt‘kick. |)tinlxc) t,\1ut'ph} I. More (UllerL‘tl than clcict'. thc iii-itiltc) llttt\ tL‘ pai'titlicx arc limit} but lax}. 'l'hc xlaptlaxh xt‘lt't'titin til “11th ix UllL‘ll xint'art'tl tin tti tlixgtnxc thc erratic pacing. \mci‘thclt‘xx. tht‘ tla/lling lair}ta|c hall t'iiialt' \\lll [it'tilialih tilintl \ IL‘\\ CI\ to tht'xt' nian) llltpL't'lL‘Cllttlh. (‘i'rit'ittir/i/ l’tirl/it'tiil. (i/tiwiiit.

Sideways t lfii 0.0.. t .'\lC\ilntlL'l' l’a}nc. l'S/Hungat‘}. Zle-li l’aul (iianiatti. 'l’htitnax Hatlcn ('huit‘h. Virginia \Litlxcn. Sandra Oh. I2"niin. 'I'itti tt'inpt-i‘anicntaII} tipptixt'tl tttltltllC-agul lt'tL‘lttlx ltL‘atl till till .t \\ cck‘x break in ('ahltii'nian \\ lllC t‘tiuntr}. licltirt' titic til thuin gctx inai‘i'it‘tl. ()nc ix a xcll-pit} in; tlixtirccc and \\ inc xntili \lilt'x t(iiatiiatti l. thc tithcr hix lttl'lllL‘l ctillcgc rtitiinniatc Jack t('hurchi a \xaxht‘tlup IV acttir. \\hU\C ltitikx ai‘t' latling. hut \xhti‘x xtill cnthuxiaxticall} chaxing attcr lrcxh i'tiinantit' ctinqucxtx in thc \\ cck til hix tiixn \xctltling. l‘nt'tiltluig at a rclaxctl tempo. and tintihtruxixcl) cditt‘d. Sit/nun \ ix a \xclctiinc throwback to thc l‘t7tlx American cinctna til Btih Ralclxtin and Jcrr} Schat/hcrg. in part

xiintil} lit-\auxc it tt'inintlx ux tit \xhat tun it tan lit' tti hang tiut \\ ith gux x ltkt' Jatk antl \lilcx ttii a ttiuiilt‘ tit htiuix

(ii/Ha in iriff'tii'.‘ (iiixx gt i-.-.

Sin City t l\i O... «Rtilit‘tt Rtitltigutv. l'iank \llllL'l '\[K'\l.ll gut-xt tliit-tttii ()ut'ntin l.i.'antintii. l S. .‘lNl‘i liiutt' \\ illix. (‘lixt' (Mkt'tt. \lltltt'} Rtiutkt‘. .lk'\\l\.l \llia ljrllttttt “ILth. haitllitiilt‘tl ttiiiiit lititik atlaptatitin titini tan Rtitliigutv lgl‘ thict’tinf: \x ith t it'attii \tillt'i titit'r tti itx xtiuitt' than .tlt}lltlll_;‘ tti tlatt' l)t'xpitt' lit‘ing it‘ntlt'it'tl ttlt'xll_\ in lilatk .intl \xhitt'. thix ixn'l .i ltlltl Itii tht- \t(llL‘.lllll\ll \ltingxitlt‘ lllL' xupt'i

xti lixatitin \i/i (iii litiaxtx tlt‘tt \lttl}lt‘lllll_‘_'. liallxi pcittiiiiiantt'x ttitiiii a to thc ttit cuxt'nililt' \axt i and .i lllk' in l‘ttll\llt_L' huiiitiui that'll It'ait' _\tiu lilatk .intl hltit‘ liiutal aiitl liiilhant (in. Hill/t] It’i rim it

\lli ( t. (i/ttigtiii

Le Souffle (Deep Breath) t l<i C... tl)attiit-n ( )tltiul. l't.intt'. littll i l’it'iit‘ I tiuix litinnt'tlilant'. l)tiininit|ut' (ht-\aht‘i. \la\inic l).illiiut “nun litiltll} x\\ tlt‘ltlltj.‘ titiui it-wiit' tti iiightniait‘. ()tltiul'x tlt'liut lttll(‘\\\ .i tuiliult'nt tla} in thc litt' til |4 Man tiltl l)a\ itl tlitinut'tlilaiit i \thti ix xtax in}: .it hix unt'lt‘x‘ xht-t'p taiin iii tht' xun l‘l.l\lk‘\l linitiuxin lk'leHH ()tltiul tltit'xn't .ittt'iniit tti iatitiiialixt- tht' lichax itiui til hix \tilatilt'. luxttul [‘ltll.t;_'ttltl\l. Hi In t‘iigint'ci all} t'tinit'ntitinal \tlllltll\l\ tnxtt'atl llL‘ unint‘ixt'x ux in thc xtitiiigxtt'i‘x aninialixtit‘ tantaxit-x antl llL‘ll/lt'tl iit'i'xpt't'tnt‘ l-illctl \\tllt llll.l_‘_'k'\ til xat'iitit‘c. antl ptiixt'ilull} at'tt'tl h} an t‘ntut'I} ntin iiititt'xxitinal t'axt. It \tilllllt‘ ti\\ t'\ .t t‘tiltxltlt'lal‘lt‘ tlt'lil lti Rtiltt‘l'l lltt'xxtilt. )t't llx \ lxt‘t‘l'al \ letilt til atltilt'xt't‘nt ttii‘intiil antl t.t\\ inaxt'uhnit} xu3_'3_'t'xtx .i thxtint'tiit' tlii't't'ttii'ial talt'nt. I’ai‘t til tht‘ ('int'tltalM't xt'axtin It/iii/iuuit'. [tint/titrg/i.

staYt lSD... l.\\' l‘ltl\lCl. l-S. Itllfii lzuan \It't ii't‘gtii‘. R}.ui ( itixling. Katt' Buittin. \'.itiini \\.ittx ‘thniin. Ytiung ai‘t xtutlt'nt Ht-nr} it itixling i tlt't'lai’t'x hix tlt'xirt' tti t'tiininit xuit‘itlt' tin hix let liii‘thtla}. Hix [ix_\t'hi.itiixt t.\lL‘( lit-gtiri li‘it‘x tti xcgtintl- gut'xx hix liatit-nt in an .lllL‘lllPl tti pit-\t-nl hiiii litiiii ttilltixiin): thitiugh \xith hix lii‘tiniixtr In tht' [iitit't'xx tht' [ixit'hiatrixt lit'guitx hix tiix n tlt-t‘t‘nt inlti inatlncxx ax hix i'clalitinxhili \\ lllt hix t'ti-ittiikci' t\\‘attxi gtit‘x a“ l'_\. l)ix|tiintt'tl antl aiiihigutiux {ix}t'htiItigit‘al/xuiicriialural lhi‘illt'i' that pa} x lit-ax} litiiiiagt' lti llitt‘ht‘tit'lt‘x \i'i'ligu .-\ llaxtt'tl liul lltlt'lL‘\ltllj_' lilni I ’( 'I (l\(/(‘/’(UI‘\. (‘lit/t'litml.

Strayed (Les Egares) t 1.xi t .\ntltt- 'lt't‘hint'. l‘t'aitt‘t'. 3Hth lzninianut‘llt' lit-art. (iaxpai'tl l'kkit'l. (ii't‘gtiiic It'pt'int‘t' Ringguct ‘l5tnin. It‘x [Will and thc l'i't'nt‘h ( )t‘t‘upalitin ix lit‘ginning. ()thlt' tlit‘ai'li ix \\ Itltt\\L‘(l antl Icait'x l);tl‘l\ \\ itli hci' chiltli't‘n; lltL'll t‘ai' ix litiinht'tl and Hit} takc it'lugt' in \xtititllantl \xht'i‘t‘ the} t‘nctiuntci \\ iltl liti} Yian. antl xt‘ttlt' Itt an aliantltint-tl litiuxc. l’ai't til tht' Renault l‘lL‘llL‘ll l‘llltt l-t'xtiial (ill/twin I'll/H I/it'ttfi‘t, (i/ttxuiiit .' ll/Hl/lltllu’. Ipt/iil/iiu'g/i Syriana i l5 i 0.. tStciiht'n (iagghan. l'S. SUNS) K.i_\\.in \tiialt. (it‘tiigc (‘ltitint'_\. ('hiixttipht'i l’luinnit'i. Jt'lll‘t'} \Viight. Matt Damon. 133nm Snapxhtitx litiiii lhc intitlt't‘n tla} tiil intluxtt'). tt'tini lllL' put“) and lit'ai‘tlt'tl ('l \ tipt'iatnt' litili Barnt-x t(‘|titinc_\ l and hix .iltt'niptx Iti utihtiltl \ai'itiux ptilitit‘al iiitt'i‘t-xtx to thc l‘S inthigalitin intti tht' incrgcr tit titti tiil t‘tinipanicx \tanting tti t'xpltiit tiil it'xt'n C\ in Ka/akhxtan. \\ i'itt'r/thit't‘ttii' (iaghan ix ntit intuit-xth in tiltci’ing: a tlitlat‘tit'al anal) xix tit tht' tiil intluxti'}. hut thitiugh clcwt’ t'tliting ht' .ii'gucx that nothing ix black and \ihitc .intl t'ici'}tliitig_' ix a t‘tiinpi‘tiniixc. :\x xtich .S'irituiti ix t‘tintuxing and a hard watch that \t ill litirt' ax titan} ax ll tlL‘lllellx (It'ltt'l'tt/ I't'lt'tlit'.

The 10th District Court: Moments of Trials (10e chamber, instants d’audiences) t l5i 1Ra}tntintl |)cpartltin. l'rant‘c. ZtNl-ti liVniui. thllL‘L‘ \Iichclc licrnartl-chuin pit'xitlcx ti\ cr a xcricx til tlctcntlantx. l;i\\_\crx anti ctiurtrtitini ii. iltllitc. tiltci'ing xtcrn taunt-xx \\ ith tit‘t'axitinal llath'x til tciiipcr .intl t'tiinpaxxitin. 'l'hix ix the lier llltlL‘ \‘illltL'rih ha\c liccii alltiiwtl in a l’arix ctiurtrtitim. (i/itxgnit I‘llni 'I’ltt'utrt'. (iltiwtiii .' I'll/it/iuuit'. lit/iri/iitru/i.

These Foolish Things t lSi O

tJuha la} Itir-StanIC}. l‘K. 3mm Jtixx Acklantl. Laurcn Bacall. Xtic Tapper.

\ntlrcu l lltx'ttltt tttSinin lhix natixcatini.‘ tht'xpian drama about a xtiuni: .igtrcxx' .ittt'inptx tti ttilltixx in ht‘r lxatltira lluntant‘xtiut‘ iiitithcr‘x ttititxtcpx ix .i (tingt‘ titini ht'ginning; in cut! and ix lit‘xt .iitiitlctl \lk“PllC xtinit‘ gtititl iwrttiiiitant‘t-x ('iiii'itni!‘ Rt rim it \llll:.(;/1I\L't’ll

They Came Back (Les Revenants) t lh‘i thiliin ('ainpilti. l-rant‘t'. ZtNNi (it-i'althnt' l’aihax. Jtinathan [act‘aL l'lk'klk'lh' l’it'i’itit I ltlniin lwi \iixht'tl xtiu t‘tiultl tiring; xtiint‘tint' hack tt'tini tht' tlt‘atl' -\|l thtixt- uhti paxxt-tl .ixxax in thc laxt tt'n xt‘arx ictuin ht'it'. and thc ctiitititinal and practical pitihlt-nix tit than coming back Mr t‘xiiltiit-tl \t'it‘ral intln itlual xttirit-x illuniinatc lllL‘ itlt'a l’ait til the chault l'rt'nt‘h l'tlltt l't‘xtnaI (Ilil\L'tH\ lilrn Illl'tll/l', (i/ttxuiiii, li/m/iiiitit: lt/llll’tllL'h

13 (Tzametl) t 15) C... t( it'la Haliluani. l r.lll(C/( it‘tilgld. ItNlSi (it'tiigt‘ Haliluani. l’axt‘al litingartl. :\ll}1lll lt'gi’antl. l’hlllppt' l’axxtin ‘t intin \\ llL'll [iiitii lllltlllthaltl St'liaxtian tllaliluanii ix hiit'tl tti lix tht' ititit til an .igt'inu nitiiphint‘ atltht‘t (ititltin tl’axxtini and lit' thant't'x uptin .i lt‘ttt‘t tit inxti'ut'titinx \thit'h [‘lttlllt\k‘\ ltii‘tunt'x it it ix nix-it'd Schaxtian xtitiii it'alixt'x llL‘ ix ltt \xa} tixt'i' hix ht'atl Stiut‘ttirt‘tl tti ltitik and tail like tht' iiitixt [it‘i‘wrxt' iiightniai‘t'. Haliluani‘x tlt‘liut ix .i lirilliant xhtii't lilin \xhit h hax lit't‘n xtit'tt'ht‘tl intti a xtill int-ting lt‘dllllt‘ Slitit llt tht' lilt'akt'xt til iiitiiitittiiicx. ll t‘tiniurcx tint' tit tht' iiitixt xathxtit‘. tit/art't‘ \ ixitinx tit an underground xticict} in lt't‘t‘lll t‘int‘niatit' int-intir} lhix alxti litiaxtx an unttii'gt'ttalilt' hlllL‘l t\\txt RCL'UllllllCllthtl (i/ttiutiii l't/Hl I/tt'tlll't'. (II/(HQUH

The Three Rooms of Melancholla tl5 i .0. tl’iriti lltinltaxalti. l'llllillltl. JtltlJi ltltiiniii. Highl} lautlctl C\illl|lllitllttll til thc i'tilt' iiiilitarixin pla}x iii “10 liit‘x til Ruxxian antl ('ltt‘t‘hcn chiltlrcn Split intti lltl'k‘t' xt-gnicntx. thix a painlull} nitix int: \xtirk. Part til Shcll'icltl Intt'rnatitinal l)tit‘uint-ntar) l-t-xtiial tin ttiur. (iluiuiiit l'l/Nt litt’tlll't'. (r/thg'uu,

The Tigger Movie t t ' i .0. thin t-alkcnxtt'in. l'S. Ztititli 77min, ltlt'ntical in man} \t;i_\x tti l‘)77’x I/H' .lltmi .‘lt/l'l’IHHNW HI ulltltlt' t/it' l’iiiili. thix tit-\t _\arn haxt-tl tin :\.-\ Nlllltt‘K L'ltttrat‘tt'rx lintlx l’titih. Piglet. 'liggcr t't al xti|| hi III}: a t'harinctl lth til tt'a pai‘ticx and altcrntitin napx. ()nl} thix timt'. thc \\ L'L‘ xtl'ip) lclla‘x tlL't‘ltlt'tl living tinc til a kintl ixn't quitc ax t‘titil ax hc'tl tirxt thtitight aiitl xti a litt'i'al tiucxl ltit‘ lllL' 'l'iggci‘ l‘itltttl) ’l'rt‘c t'iixtit-x. A ltttpp} cnthn}: t-icntuall} inalth itx prcxt'nt'c tt'lt. lit-cauxt' mun 'l'iggci‘ ix xinart cntiugh tti rct‘tiggiiixc that with lrlt'tttlx llkt’ l’titih. l’lizlct. Rtiti antl l'.t'_\tirt'. \thti ncctlx lainil} '.’ I’iIni/iiiutt'. lztliri/iurulr. Time to Leave (Le Temps qul reste) O... t IXi t t-ranctiix ()Itin. l'rancc. 2005i \lclx'il l’tiupatitl. Jcannt: .\ltircau aiitl Valcria Brunt-'lt-tlcxt'hi. 35min. ()Itin'x latt'xt thclx ix thc \L'Ctllltl in hix ti‘iltig} tin intiurning. Rtiinain lcarx hc hax AIDS hut it‘x canccr. Hc kccpx ll trtini hix titi} tricntl antl cwryinc L'l\C. t'xccpl ltir hix tl_\ int: grantluitithcr t .\1tircaui. A xtrugglc tti tlk'L‘Cpl hitnxcll L'll\llL'\. Part til thc chault l'i‘cnch l'tlltt l'Cxtiial. (/luwtiit l-‘r'lni Ilit'titrt'. (iliriuiiit; I'ilmlttiitit'. lat/iri/iiiru/t. To Paint or Make Love (Pelndre ou falre l’amour) t lXi tArtiautl & Juan- .\laric l.arricu. Francc. 2005i Sahinc Alt-inc. |)anic| Autcuil. Scrgi Lupu. UXnun. Thirty )t'arx niarricd. Matlclcinc aiitl William lll()\C mm a htiuxc titx nutl h} the blind rnayir til a ncarh} \illagc. thn the iiiaitir‘x UV." htiuxc hurnx tltm n. thc ctiuplc tiller the man and hix \\ ilt: xhcltcr. and a intfnagc a quatrc dcxcltipx. Part of thc chault l-rcnch l‘lltll l‘L'xtnal. (;/(ISL’I!l$ l'i/m T/H‘Uln‘. (iluiiuiit': I‘lllitllltllu’. lz't/i'ri/mrt'lr.

TransAmerlca t l5i 000 (Duncan 'l'uclx'cr. l'S. 2005i Fclictt} Hullman. chin chcrx. l‘itinnula Flanagan. lfl3min. Scc Alxti Rclcaxcd. page 4‘). General H’lt’llH‘.