Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


I Blaze lgo. lll’ituitl} l’lmc. ‘l‘h 7.1%»1 leiii Run Li I)! _I.‘tlllt'\ longuorth llellIL‘\ thc gu} \‘.L'L‘I\L'llll \kllll .i than and lqu\_\ houw \oundlttit‘k

Saturday 18


I Challenging Homophobia l’ll.\( ‘l; Scotland. I {-1 I)ougI.i\ Sticct. “3 i333. Illuiu -lpiu Hooking wwntml. .v\n opportuiiit} lot I (iIH PL'UPIL' to mploic l\\tlt‘\ .uound hoiiiophohm and to gain lIIL' goiilidcut't' .‘llltl \leII\ tin-dud to t'h.iIIt'ngt' II I with .tlltI lL'llk'\Ill|I\'lll\ \in| IM' [)llHIllL'lI.

I Death Disco Ihc .'\I'\‘IIL'\. ill \lltIIdlltI SltL‘L‘l. “5-,.” ll” “53%.

Ilpui hint {Ill LII. Bu} )Hlll In in .idxgiut‘t' ;l\ lhc (iIlllllllL'l\ lilhd ( ihnuuci' 'Iuiuxi and Mt [‘llllht‘h 31h" jJtlL‘\I I:\pu't thc ll\ll.lI glitch}. int/_\. duik. tIL‘IIt'IUlh. tIllI_\. dmthl} dixt'o hour I” \llllgtl git loo.


I Mingin’ 'I'ht' \t‘llllt'. I“ II (Hilton Road. 45" ill" 4, I Ipiii him. [5 hcloi'c midnight; Ur .ittt-i. .\ dark. \t'\}. dirt} houw \‘Illll on thy top lIooi’ ol thc \t'nuc. .\lll\lt' i‘ungcx li'oni triutt't' to dccp houxc. \\ ith .i tout'h ol tt-t‘huo and hard houxc \tllllt‘lllllk‘\ Illltl\\ll lll loi' good lllL'ihlll‘t‘. I Paradox 'I lit- (km-x. \itltlr} Stu-ct South. ll“7l.\ lltlllol‘l. Illfillpm 3am. LN. SL‘L' IlllIl\I.

I Remember When Art Workshop (it) :\l'l (‘t'iiti'tn 2 \Igit‘kt't Slim-t. ()7XI I W05”). Illuiii -lpiii. (‘huut'c to uw lL'\lIIk'\ .uid hpr ci'cutc .i htuuicr to llllt'tttlllt't‘ .\I;t} ‘\ Rum/mu (.I'H.‘ Slul'ltw [rum [xx/mm. (I'm. li’m'tuu/ uml limrxgt'm/t'l' lat/I/i/rmg'li t'\hihiliott. Ilcgumcrx \\L'I\'Ulllt‘.

I Splash Iigo. I-l I’It‘ui‘d) I’Iucc. -I7.\' “434. Ill.,illpiii 3am. L's (Ur \xith Spluxh niciiihci‘ and l. IIouxc. disco. kitwh gutd it \xholc hcgip o‘luti and l'rolit'x. Scc IIitIixt.


I Challenging Homophobia I’II.v\(‘I: Scotland. IN I)ougI;i\ Sti'ccl. 333 3338. IU. illuui Jpni. Scc Sui IX.


I BootyLUSHous \lt'tlinu. 45 47 l.othi;ui Sti'cct. 335 MIR. lllpiii 3am. £3 hcloi‘c midnight; {-l illlL‘l'. \lot'c ol :1 Stiiidti) \ot‘itil than it luIl-oii gluiu ul'lttir \\ilIl I).I I);iIc I.u\h. Situiiioitc Black and occuxioiml giicxt \ll|3;l\l;l\ iiii\iug up Rtkll. hip Iiop. will and lunk.

I Remember When Art Workshop (‘it_\ .»\rt ('citlt'c. 3 .\l;irl\ct Sin-ct. H781 l .‘llllfiti‘l l2 4pm. Soc Stu IN.

I Taste 'I'hc liquid Room. ‘It‘ Victoria Strcct. 325 25M. l lpm Mm. £5 hclot‘c I l.3llpiu; EX ultct' 1U» iiicnthcrxl. I'ixhcr & I’t‘icc \uppl} :i pt'ogi'cxxiw ini\ ol' hoth ltlltl gurugc in thc main room and Martin Vulcntinc \\U\\\ with truth} [‘8 hoth gL‘llh throuin thc hack.

Monday 20


I Passionality (‘uhu 34 Quccn Strccl. 320 8000. II..‘\llpltl 3am. £2 £3. I’Icuxing chartixtr} li‘oin I).l Shgmn RUI‘L‘I'h. \\ I10 dth Iti\ Ik‘\l [U t‘cxuxcitutc lItL‘ \\ L'L‘hk‘lltl l-UI‘ lltL‘ gu) /mi\cd L'I'U“ d. I The Vagina Monologues King‘x 'l‘llL'illl'L‘. 3‘)? littllt Sll‘L‘L‘l. 2-H) I I I I. 7.30pm. L‘lllfill £23. Scc IltlIt\l.

I Time to Leave (Le Temps qui reste) (iluxgtm Iiilin 'I'hcutrc. [2 Row Strcct. 333 \‘|3\'. 8.30pm. £5 li-li. Scc llitlixt.

64 THE LIST 7660 Mar -006

Tuesday 21


I Film Night ( iI.l\:_'t\\k \\ottit‘ll'\ I.ihr.u'_\. lll‘) ’Iiongutc. 552 \ KH

0 illpni .-\ll opportutul} to look .tl lIIL' Iilc ol Ruth (' l.IIl\. (IIIL' ol the oIdt'xt out chhmn .'\lllt.tll-x\lllt'llt'.lll\. Ill/1.1L”: .iiI/i I’m/t l” Hill

I FUN (‘uhtn .§»1(‘)tit't'ii \tit-t-t. 3% MN” I | illpiii Run {3 L‘ Di \h.i//.: II;i|It\\cI| mum oIdci L'Iil\\lt\ .uid lun lung» chucxtx \wlt'oiuc

I The Vagina Monologues kuth 'lilIL'illl'L'. 3‘)“ llitlll Stiu'l. I‘ll) I I I I "fillpiu {Illill £32, Scc Ihthxt


I Vibe Iago. I4 I’Itui’d} I’Lu't'. ~1".\ 713-1, I Ipiii i.iiu H. (Li) night with Jtitiicx I.oiig\\oi‘th on thc du'lw. plux thc Dancing Stud .\Iullin\. thc Singing II.tll} Blokc and thc \litiiuig \uii. I)oii‘t \;l_\ \it' didn‘t \uiru _\;1.

Wednesday 22


I Allure 'I‘hc 'I'utuicl. N-l \lllL‘ItL'II Stu-ct. 204 lllllll. llfillpiii ituu. U. Happ). chccx} pop hour “I IXu‘tcn .uid IIIL' gu} \ hchind I);t\\ltlll;tlll}.

I Gossip Strutht‘lidc l‘nnt‘ixit} l'iiioit. ‘Ill .lohn Slit-cl. 553 IX‘IS. Spin l.un. £3 :iltcr lllpiii; Il‘CL‘ tor Sl' \ludt‘tttx up to tour gllt'\l\ zillout‘d. Ihc lit'xt gu} night in it Scottixh \ludt'iitx‘ union. \Vilh llll\L'tI-llP pop. t‘It't'ti'o dlltI L'Iitu't tum-x lroiu I).I Rit't'i.

I The Vagina Monologues King\ 'I‘hcuti‘c. 207 Bath Strcct. llll l l I I. 7.30pm. HUSH £32. Scc IlllIl\l.


I The Vagina Monologues Knig\ 'l‘lit-utrc. 307 Bath Stu-ct. 2-11) It I I. 7.3llpitt. U050 [33. SL‘L‘ IIIIII\I.


I Charlie Ross Illuu. (ill 'I'rongult'. (I870 (ll.i S-IO-l. 8.30pm. U) ([5 l. SCL‘ ('onicd}.

I Tina C: Rhinestone Cowgirl 'I‘hc Slttttd. 333 \Voodltlttdx Road. (I870 (illll 0055. Xpm. L") (U). Scc (’oiiicd}.

I The Vagina Monologues l\ll.,"\

IItCullt'. 3"“ Hal: \iztmi, .‘ W 1': II hp" .\ ‘lpiii :l'l *H 1:: \.-.-Ili:1:\:


I Blaze l lzl’i..tztl_\ l’L.:..- l‘\ “1:1 IIpiii ;.:Ill 1* \.'.' I It I

Saturday 25


I Craig Hill’s Got the Ballroom lit.- (i.ii.igt~..1wo\;.-u.ill \l!\‘t".."\ ‘H

“I Viol \piii L Ill {\I \‘t‘( oiii.‘d_\ I The Vagina Monologues lxmck Ihtultt'. I‘la Hath \timl. .‘ l" I I I "l‘lll .\ ‘Ipitt Llll RH :33 \t'; IllIIl\l


I Burly Too \l.tll'lt‘l\. W to (‘oiiuut'it'ml \llk'k'l. ll“! 1H 1\ lill Ill illptii Run 1” f,\ Illt‘ iiit'tiK t'Iuh thatk ll\'\l_‘_'IIk'\I to ht- \ :u:\_\ \l‘lk' lllk' \Il\‘\\ UNIV tIt'llllli. \l‘i‘ll\. llltIll\Ill.tI. lllllli‘llll iuhht'i. kiltx, It'.lIII\'I I Upstairs Downstairs I l ; I’uxud} I’I.itt‘. »l".\ "-1 i1 llpiii hint to (~Ittl\ I’.ilott .tttd ( it.u'tttt‘ I gtadtmlt' lioiii II.ih.:ii.i to Igo \‘-llIl .i lll|\ ol \tlIIII‘II\'\\. p.iit_\ .tlllIlL‘lIl\ .uid the l‘k'\l |.lIItI \‘.i‘l\l ot [ht- Ntix .intl ‘lll\ |)H\\ll\l.tll\ \I.tll .nid \Itiggit' Io} go I‘.l\ I\ to lII't'II toot\ xx lIIl IIlt' I‘L'\l HI .IH}

Sunday 26


I BootyLUSHous \lt-tliim. 1* l‘ I.othi;in Stit'ct. 33* tfili Illpiii Run Li leoit‘ midnight. L-I .iltt'i \ct' \uii I‘l Ihing llllllll\_\ .iIoiig to IIll\ \Iotht-ix‘ Ihi \l‘L‘L'IilI.

I Tackno l-.go. l1 l’ityutlx Plat-ta .t‘x "-IH. IIpui idlll LR L‘. lIIk‘ t'\k'I \o Ion-I} 'Iiciidi \M‘iid} .ind Iu-I kituh t'I.l\\lt'\ iiiukt‘ lIll\ I’ciiii I.l\II\' ltlkhllll \o L‘\pu't pIt'iil} ol hig hair and ‘inoil guid curht'x‘ g.ig\

I Taste lIIL' I uptid Ix’ooiu. ‘lt’ \ ittoim Slict't. 3.35 SSH-l Ilpiii Run L‘- leoic I l..iIIplll; L3 .lIlL'I ith lliL'lllI‘t‘l\l \t'c Sun I‘).


I Passionality ( 'uhc. 4-1 ()ut't'it \tit't‘l, 32h X‘Nll. II.3llpni i.tlll L3 Li 8w .\Ioii Ill.

\ .ititI I‘l

3»; Lcm‘ was“ ;t.

Tuesday 28 t} as; I FUN ( ul‘t‘. VI ()ut‘t‘n \ttt‘cl. :3“

\“"I' ll lilpiii Run L.‘ 1‘ \ct' Iuc .‘l

l I‘Hl’tl'xl‘. I l _:‘t‘. I I l.l\.tl\I_\ I‘ x", i .\ \‘t' Inc .‘I

Wednesday 29


I Gossip \lz.itIitI\tIt' I lll\\‘l\ll\ I nioit. ‘H' loi :1 \tit'gt “f l\‘H .\piu I.itii t.‘ .iiIt’l I‘ll‘lll. Ilt't‘ IN] \I \llliIt‘llh

loui :‘tit'xh .:IIo\-.t'd \x- \M‘tl ,‘3

I Allure ll..- Ilillllt'I. \: \llltlIt‘II \llk'k'I. .‘lll Illllll II illpii. ;.lIIl 1i \t't‘\\t'd :3

Thursday 30

I 'III‘lltlltlI‘.

I Horse ()uct'ii'x II.iII_ (It-ii. \tit't'l. NH .‘lll‘l 'illpiii LI‘ It‘§.tII} p.itioiii\cd \iiig'ct \oiiguiitt'i uho \inI no douhi N t iooiiiiig to .1 Hill llt‘lI\k'

I Time to Leave (Le Temps qui reste) I iIiiihouxt'. \.\ I othmii Road. 3.‘\ .‘l\\\ illpiu .\ .\ l‘piu Ll lfi‘lll

It: w LI lo. \t-u IIllIl\l


I Bennets \o ‘lll ( iI.l\\Ii'ltI \tm-t. “I Vol \\.'d Ihu .\ \uii II illpiii Knit, Ill \.11 II lllpiii i ‘~ll,iiii Iiit'tidI}. noun to tnuth Lilt' tught tIlmU \t”lllI\' it'tt'iitl} I\'IIIII‘I\Il\'lI .lllt'l .i timiot Inc

I The 0000 Club l.\\.l Sim-t. SI“ ll.\3ll Ihu \uii llpiii :.tlll (I Ll (Illt'iing Illll \t'IIIIIIk'h i.i| llIll\'\ .ind IllllI\_\ pop ( iI.i\§,'o\\ \ umth ;'.i_\ \t'llllt' opt'itx

Ml IIj‘ll‘. ;.tlll ti

lll‘ ll‘

ll\ \t'g.i\ \hougiil lll\llll\'tI tIHin \\ ith

III lurk on \it I.\ and |\ on Nit F

I The Polo Lounge .\1 \\ II\i\ll \ttt'cl. “i I.‘.‘I \Iou Ihu *pin I.iiu. I ll \un *piii Run \patioux. \\\.tllI\}. _‘.'.l_\ llll\t'tI \It-it hurt (it) t luh \‘.lIIl \L'\k'I.lI lilitlll\

and .I don ll\I.tll\ tI.lII\t'lItitll opt'ii .ll lhc \kt't'kt‘iid Hf .lIIt'I I Ipiiii

I dinliuigh

I CC Blooms ( ‘t‘ lllooim. .‘4 31 (ill'k'II\I\l\' I’I.t\ C. ii“ I) HI \ll'll. l ll Sdl hpiii Run. \un. Iut‘ Ihu .\pni Run. 'I'ht' tum touxt \t'iit' tlllt'k'll pump out daun- .iiid \ Ilk't'\\' tIt-Iightx k'\L'I_\ night

On foot across Edinburgh

If you decide to give up smoking as a result of this month’s ban in public places, perhaps you might also consider other ways in which you can get healthy - especially now the ardour of New Year's resolutions has worn off and it's time to get real. Why not try walking, and learning a bit of LGBT history at the same time? Remember When, the project documenting the lives and achievements of Edinburgh queer folk, has teamed up with the city‘s LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing to produce a pack of leaflets detailing a series of self-guided walks around Auld Reekie. The seven strolls take in current gay venues, old cruising grounds, long-gone community venues, and figures from the past whose sexuality was more of a nudge and a wink than free, gay and happy. One such chappie is ‘Wee Willie' Merrilees, a chief police inspector who went undercover to root out ‘the homosexual menace’ that was luring young soldiers off the straight and narrow at Maxine’s, a turn- of-the-century dance hall on West Tollcross. Wee Willie took pride in his ability to walk, talk and act convincingly, as if he were ‘one of them‘, a boast that would surely have raised the eyebrow of Dr Freud. ‘The stories of LGBT life go back to the 16th century it‘s a rich tapestry,’ says Ellen Galford of Remember When. ‘lt‘s a whole new take on looking at the city, and much of it will come as a surprise to Edinburgh citizens, whatever their sexual orientation.’ The leaflets are available from various gay-friendly locations and the LGBT Centre at 9 Howe Street. (Robin Lee)