Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.

Activities & Fun

Sunday Craft Club Sttit l‘) tk Sun 20 Mar. llarit lptn. l'tec. (ilaxgon \lllSL'llltlS Resource ( 'enti‘c. 2U” “'(lelleatl Road. NtlSlllll. 276 0375. l)rop~in cratt cluh \xith a different tltertte eaclt \xeek. :\ge\ 5 I2. Saturday Art Club Sat IS Mar & Sat 25 Mar. |0ain lpnt. l'ree. (itillL‘l') of Modern Art. Ro}.tl l:\change Square. 22‘) WW». l’un ait actinties for children aged 3 I0 Parents can get \tuck Ill too.

Alice Through the Looking Glass l'ntil Wed 30 Aug (itot Mon). l0ain (rpm. (ilaxgon Science ('entre. 50 Pacific Qua). 420 5000. li\plore perception and realrt) through lot\ of ntindhendrng tntet'actne actnitiex. Included irt Science Mall entr}. Immortal Villain: Mister Punch l'ntil Hut 30 Mar (itot Stttt). 'l‘ltu |0arn Spin; l‘rt Sat I0atn 5pm; Mon \Ved I0ant (tptn. l’ree. Mitchell l.ihrar). 21” North Street. 287 290‘). Iiirxt \eett irt l(t(t2. .\It\ter Punch rentainx a national puppet treaxttre. 'l'ltrx exhibition \ll()\\\ a Stltttll \eIection ()l ohjeetx front the John .\1 Bltittdell (the creator of Parker frorn "I'litutt/t’r/tt’ttlxt collection. 'l'here'x a free puppet open da} on IS Mart I 4pm). featuring talkx attd actixitiex.

Funky Puppets Workshop Sat IS .\lar. l0.l5ant l2.l5pm. £(t. Seollixlt .\l;t\k & Puppet 'l'heatre ('entre. .S' It) littlL‘tll’l‘kN Axenue. Kehittdale. 33‘) (ilS5. Make a Cool \HtL‘k} puppet \o }()11 cart \tatt )otlt oun puppet tlteatre.

Play Saturday Sat IS & Sat 25 Mar. noon .3pnt. Jeel) Zone. 55 \lacltrre Road. 0.34 7305. ('ranhill Beacort. 200 Bellrock Street. 287 9835. Join iii a range of activities inclttding ell'L‘IIS \killx aitd giaitt games.

Comedy Coach Tour Sat IS’. Sun It) Mar a Sat 25 Mar. 4.I5pnt. £9 (£4 £7): fantin ticket £25. (ieorge Square. 0S70 ()I3 5464. Let Alan Anderxon guide )(tli around the happ} face of (ilaxgow I’tirt u/ (ilmgoir International ('ometl) I‘exttitil. Sunday Morning Family Club Sun It) Mar. 10.30am noon. l’ollok llottxe. l’ollok (‘otmtry Park. 2060 Pollokxhanx Road. (tlo (t4l0. ('reate _\our oun famil} portrait. Ages 5 I I. Bookiitg required.

Princes Square Kids Comedy Club Stttt I‘) Mar. 2pm. liree. Princes Square. 4S Buchanatt Street. 225 0684. Join R()\e() the (Town for circux ltiilSk making. halloott modelling. face painting and tttore fun activiticx. Part of (i/ttxeoir International (Diner/l I'i‘tltt'ul.

A Pocketful of Springtime Puppets Sat 25 Mar. 2pm & 3.45pm. £4.50 (£4). Scottish Mask & Puppet 'l'heatre (‘entre.

S It) Balcarres .-\\ enue. Kehindale. 33‘) 0185. Aileen liinla} dons her storytelling dress to welcome in \pring and chaxe ottt “inter.

Theatre & Dance

Thm 111m Tinker Sat IS Mar. 2pm. £4.50 (£4). Scottish .\l;t\k & Puppet 'l'heatre Centre. 8 l0 Balcarrex .-\\ enue. Kehindale. 33‘) (ilS5. Storytelling fun for all the famil} \xith mime. lllUSle attd puppets. I’urt oft/re (ilmgoit' International (‘omedy l'i'atti'trl.

The Snow Dragon Sat IS Mar. 2.30pm. £6 (£3). (‘iti/enx' 'l‘heatre. l I‘) (iorhah Street. 0870 70] .5 “5. The \et'_\ wonderful 'l‘all Stories present thix fttn tale of Bill} the goat who sets ottt to find the tn} \lerlth Sittm Dragon.

The Singing Kettle: On the Farm Sun It) Mar. £9: fatnin ticket £32. Sli('('. Pinnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. Join Milkrnaid (‘iIIa. (‘ou'hand Artie. Scarecrou (iary and Farmer KeVin do“ it on old t\lacl)ona|d’.\ (unit.

Phil Kay’s Gimme Your Left Shoe Fri 24 & Sat 25 Mar. Fri lpitt: Sat 5pm & 7pm. £5 (£3). Tron Theatre. (13 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. See preview

The Wolves in the Walls Sat 25 \\ ed 2‘) Mai (not Sun). 5 30pm. Sat lpttt t\

7 ;()pin £2 ‘2‘) (£4 UH lrattma}. 25 :\llteit I)rt\e. 0S45 330 i50l 'llte National 'l Iieatre ot Scotland and Itnpiohahle prexent llllS adaptation l\.t\ed on tlte hook h} Neil (iattttan and l)a\ e \chean Stittaltle for age\ "*

Jump for Your Life! 'I tie 2S .\ \\ ed 2‘) Mat, 7 §()pttt £5 3) 'lroit llteatte. ()3 'lrongate. 552 420". Young people trottt the lion Skillxhopx ptogiatnnte \hou otl \xltat the} ‘\e learnt Ill tlnx [K'l'lttl‘lllaltce ot Ken \\ htttnorek pla_\.


Children's Storytime Sun l‘) t\ Sun 2h \lar. 2pm. l‘rce littltlel'S Bookx. l-oit Retail Park. 300 l’ioxait \\alk. "23 2‘llll \Vcel.l_\

\xeekend \tor}telltitg \L'SSIHII.

Activities & Fun

Explore the Eureka! Moment t'nttl .\lon 27 Mar. \Ved .\Ion I0aitt 5pm. Sun noon 5pm; 'ltte Illam h’pnt. l tee. I<o_\al .\lu\eunt. ('hatnhei‘x Street. 24" 42 l‘). Sol\e pit/Ilex arid colltpoSe _\our on n piece of IIIUSIL‘. (ireat tor kidx aged 3 l2 artd tltctt tantiltex.

The Greatest Fairy Tale: The Amazing Life and Story of Hans Christian Andersen l'ntil Sat 23 Apr. .\Ioit l‘ri l0ant 5pm; Sat/Sun noon 5pm. £5 (£3.50); Iatitil} ticket £l2.50. ('it} .'\rt (‘etttre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) .3093. .'\n interactixe journe) through the lite and work of llanx (‘ltrixtiatt .-\nder\en. with loads of great art actix ttiex.

Monster Creepy Crawlies l’nttl Sat 27 .\la_\. Mort tk \Ved I-i‘i l0am 5pm; 'l'ue |0ant Spin; Sat/Sun noon 5pm. £5

(£3 £4): taritil} ticket £l5. R()_\;tl .\l(t\ellllt. 2 ('hantherx Street. 247 42I‘). (’ottte face to face \\ itlt lt)()lISlt'()tl\l} large lttth and lltlllltlll—St/etl heaxtiem up to 400 times their actual \i/e.

Creepy Crawly Crafts and Encounters Sat IS Mat & Sat 25 Mar. |0ant 4.30pm. I‘rce. Rinal .\Iu\eunt Main Hall. 2 ('hantherS Street. 247 42 l‘). ('raltx. \tor) telling. li\e encounters attd other creep} era“ l_\ acthittc‘x to coincide with the tituxetutt'x lllttllSlel' hug e\ltihition. .-\ge\

Tiny Music Makers Sat IS’ Mar. I0am. Ilatn & noon. £4 (£l.50 £2). Nortlt lidinhurgh .-\rt\ ('cntre. I5a Penn)“ ell ('otirt. 3|5 2|5 I. .\ ftttt IllllSle \L'SSltttl for the (littlet'-.5\.

Dance Kids Sat 25 Mar. l0ain. I Iant & l2. 30pm. £4 (£l.50 £2). North lidinhurgh :\tt\ ('etitre. l5a Peninnell (‘ottt't. .3l5

2 l 5 I. (let _\our \hoex artd \ockx oft attd prepare to \tatnp. \Iide. jump and leap. |0am attd lIant: l 4 )earx. I.30prn: 3 (t )L‘at‘S.

Spectacular Science Shows Suit It) .\Iar. Sat 25 Mar & Sun 2!) Mar. l'ree. Ro}a| Mitxeutn: ('onnect. 2 ('ltaniherx Street. 247 42 If). \Vhi/lex. Itatigx attd audience participatiort guaranteed. (io to tllti\.;te.llk to check \hon tintex. Agex 5+. Meet Mr Bug l'ntil l-‘ri l7 Mar. 3pm. liree. Ro}al .\Iu\eutn. 2 ('hatnherx Street. 247 42 I‘). ('onte face-to-Iace \\ itlt a Madagaxcan himittg cockroach. tarantulax attd a itteitagerie of other mini-heaxtx. Booking adeahle. Agex 3+.

First Impressions: Medieval Stained Glass Sat IS Mar. l lain & Ipttt. £4 (£l.50 £2). North lidinhurgh .-\it\ ('enti'e. l5a Peninxxell ('otttt. 3l5 2I5l. learn ahottt the liISIHI‘} of \tained glaxx and create \tained glam—awe picturex. l‘irxt \Hll'kSllUp i\ for agex 5 ft and the \econd (S for 7 l2 _\ear\.

Forensic Investigation: Murder in the Library Sttn I‘) Mar. 1.30 4.30pm. Free. MacDonald l.tlir;tr}. .\Iacl)onald Road. 52‘) 5(t3h. liittd out all about the \kiilx required to he a forenxic \cietttixt. \oh e the clue\ and \x in a mile at the end of the da}.

Scottish Swords Sttn It) Mar. I.45pm & 2.45pm. Free. Ro)a| MUSCUIII. 2 ('hantherx Street. 247 42 It). Join Paul MacDonald for a demonstration of a“ e~orne Scottixh

KIDS (LOMI DY PHIL KAY Tron Theatre, Glasgow, Fri 24 & Sat 25 Mar

Whoever coined the adage, ‘never work with children or animals', had clearly never met Phil Kay. While his proclivity for our four-legged friends has yet to be tested, Kay was born to work with children. Those who have witnessed his adult shows will testify to the comedian's slightly manic, tangential style, which at times borders on genius, but can occasionally miss the spot. ‘I just play,’ says Kay. ‘And sometimes that’s not what a group of adults want - they want to hear a joke. But although children have emotions and wants, they don’t have criteria; they come

along fresh.’

Part of the Glasgow Comedy Festival, Gimme Your Left Shoe is a prop- laden affair in which the audience plays a pivotal role. Parting with their left shoe as they enter the theatre, children can ‘win’ their footwear back by doing a small turn. ‘You can spot the ones who are really eager to do things,’ explains Kay. ‘80 | get a few on stage, ask them to do a wee trick, song or act, and then given them their shoe back.’

With no prepared material to speak of, Kay arrives armed with his guitar and a range of bizarre props, including an inflatable bed, skateboard, toothbrush and a baguette. And most important of all, an astute insight into what makes little ones laugh, honed from spending time with his own children and their friends. ‘I hang out with little kids a lot, and you just find things that work,’ he says. ‘Little ways of being and silly jokey things that they really do get.’ (Kelly Apter)

\xeapottr) attd tale\ of lttlllttlIS Scottixlt \\\()t’(llij._'lllL'l'S.

Mothers’ Day Card Workshop Sat 25 Mar. I laitt I.30ptit. Bitx & littltx Scrap Store. l'tttt l5 Ne“ I.aird\hip Yard» Brootttltouxe Road. 443 9400. Make cool L‘dl'tlS to \a} lllttttkS to _\our Munint}. Storytelling and Puppet Making Sat 25 Mar. lpnt. £5 (£3 £3.50). North lidinhurglt Aitx (‘etttre. I5a Penn)“ ell ('outt. ,3I5 2l5I. l'l()l\;tll) and Jeham 'l'lteatre tell \toriex tlten ltelp )tttt tttake a cool colourful rod puppet haxed on the cltaracterx. .>\ge\

An Hysterical History of Scotland Sttit 26 Mar. l2.45ptit. I.45pni & 2.45pm. l‘rce. l{o_\aI Mttxeurn. 2 (‘ltantherx Street. 247 42 I‘). :\ \xltixtIe-xtop tottr of the lttgllx attd low of Scotland\ llI\I()I'\.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun 36 .\lar.

2 4pm. l‘rcc. National Portrait (ialler). I Queen Street. 624 (i200. The :\t1 ('tm \\ ill he loaded u itlt a \ariet) of art materials to help )ou e\plore the collections through fun craft} actixities. Ages .3 l2.

Theatre & Dance

Molly Whuppie l'ntil Sat )8 Mar. Thu liri I0am ('lltu mat I.45pm); Sat l lam A; 2pm. £6; famil) ticket £20.

Bi'untoit 'l’heatt‘e. lad} u ell \\a_\. Mitxxelhurgh, (m5 2240. |.tcket) Split prexertt the tale ot Moll} who einhat‘k\ on a fantastic and titagical adxenture. x\“._'t'\

3 7.

Prince Unleashed ‘l'ltu to Sat IS .Nlat'. 7.30pm (Sat rttat 2. 30pm) £0.50; tatittl} ticket £24. 'l'i'aterxe 'l‘heatre. ('aiithitdge Street. 223 I4IL4. \‘ixihle l'IcllHlIS and BB(‘ Scotland prexertt a hold neu performance in\ol\rrtg hotlt radio attd theatre. .-\ge\ l0+. Rumplestiltskin at the Fairytale Laundry Sat 25 Mar. llaitt. £5

(£3 £3.50). North ladinhurgh Arts ('entre. I5a Penn} \xcll ('outt. 3l5 2 l 5 I. file tale ()I [lie creep} Itllle (In;th \kllo hlackrnatlx the tntller'x daughter.


Talking Trees Sun I‘) Mar. 2 3pm. l'ree. Ro}al Botartic (iardenx. l'.\lill)lll()ll llall. lmerleith Rim. .552 7l7l. 'ltilex oI tttitglc. Ill} xter). tree-x aitd traxel tor children of all ages.

Doodles and Tales Sun 26 Mar. 2 4pm. Free. National (ialler) of Scotland. The Mound. 624 (i200. R()_\;tl Scollixh Academ} Building. Stor)tel|tng and an actn itiex to bring the paintings and

\culptures to life. Ages 5 U.

7'3-30 Mar E’r')‘, THE LIST 65