No surprises

David Bowie kisses their ass but don’t let that put you off, SECRET MACHINES are the most beautiful space rock band you’ll hear all year, says Doug Johnstone.

ecrct Machines know that energy is a strange commodity. l’or the making ol their second album. the superb 'li'n Silver Drops. the trio hailed ottt ol' their adopted hometown of New York to a rctnote studio in the (‘atskill Mountains in an el‘l‘ort to locus themselyes on their masic. ‘We wanted to he some place where the energy was strictly the result ol‘ its and what we were creating: e\plains singer. bassist and keyboardist Brandon

(‘urtis. ‘ln New York ('ity there's a lot ol' sltlll

happening that l‘eeds into what you‘re doing. 'l'his studio was in a house on top ol a mountain. there wasn‘t anything else going on. it was really still and quiet. We just wanted to generate our own energy.‘

('ttrtis laughs a little sell—consciously at this slightly hippy talk. but it kind ol‘ makes sense to talk about Secret Machines. unearthly. driying space-rock shapes in such terms their music is all about energy. The threesome consisting of (‘urtis. his brother Benjamin and l'riend .losh (iar/a grew up in Dallas. 'l‘e\as. and that sense ol' immense open spaces inl'uses every whooshy note and stoned grooye ol their rnusic.

‘(iram Parsons called his music cosmic .»\mericana. and I kind of like that description for us.' says (‘urtis. ‘We're all influenced by ottr surroundings growing tip in Texas. there's so much openness. it‘s yery llat and Very big. and those things feel as it. they '\ e pertnealed our tnusic. We pay attention to space. to moyement and we create a sense ol‘ emptiness.~

This is no more in evidence than on the band‘s astonishing recent single. ‘Alone. Jealous and Stoned'. a hra/en al‘l'air consisting of ntnpteen

66 THE LIST lt‘» Lit‘ Mar .‘tklti


minutes ol throhhing. hypnotic fills and layers ol' building atmospherics and whispy melodies. The song is typical ol- their w ill‘ully independent streak.

A lcw years back. Secret Machines tlccitlctl to up sticks l‘rom 'I‘exas to New York. crash landing in the city with their eight—minute sonic workouts just when everyone was going apeshit tor three tninute garage rock in the wake of the Strokes.

‘You know. no one told us what was trendy or what was going on otherwise we might‘ye done things dil'l'erentlyf laughs (‘urtis. “But I don‘t think what we were doing was some kind ol‘ rehellion. we were just playing rock music the way we wanted to play it.‘

But popularity has come to them. As well as an eyer~e\panding fan base. the hand haye acquired a handliul ol celehrity enthusiasts. with a certain l)ayid Bowie at the head of the pack.

‘lle‘s been really kind to tisf says (‘urtis. ‘We‘w met a l‘ew times and talked. which is a little surreal. llis appreciation of our inusic. the fact that some of the space in l)a\'id Bowie‘s brain is occupied by Secret Machines‘ music. is pretty cool.‘

(‘ool indeed. Back in 'l’exas. before the hand had e\ er played a note. they sat down and mapped out a liye-year plan. It seems unlikely that hanging out with Bowie was included in that schedule.

‘Yeah. we’re in phase two now. the second liye-year plan.‘ says ('urtis. laughing. ‘lt's going well. though. no complaints.’ Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Tue 28 Mar; Garage, Glasgow, Wed 29 Mar.

Hit '3 >l<


=i< The Raconteurs Jack White gets loved up With best pal Brendan Benson in this tilled out. lull-on garage pop indulgence Presumably Meg is at home building space shuttles and making cakes. ABC. Glasgow. Tue 2] Mar. (Hock & Pop)

>l< Maceo Parker Alto saxophonist Maceo Parker made his name in the famous horn section of James Brown's legendary band. the JB's, and has been serving up tasty ran tunk as a leader ever since. Oran Mor. Glasgow, Sat l8 Mar. (Ja/xl, * Graham Coxon lhe longer he's away trom them, the more it seemed he was the soul of Blur. something he's distilled into his own raggedy punk pop. See preview. page 67. Garage. Glasgow, Wed 22 Mar; [rut/id Room, Edinburgh, lhu 23 Mar: (Rock 8 Pop)

* The 19903 and Bricolage Breathless energy and cunning pop hooks, that's what we want from our tight-trousered indie bods, is it not? Well, here you have it, ladies and gents. some of the best we have to offer from the 19903. St Vincent's Bowling Club, Glasgow, Fri 24 Mar.

(Rock 8 Pop)

* Phlll Nlblock It‘s been halt a decade since his last visit but this master of the ambient music world, now in his 70s. makes a welcome return to melt our tiny minds with his volatile electro acoustic vibrations. See preview. page 67. Reid Concert Hall. Edinburgh, Mon 27 Mar.

(Rock 8 Pop)

>l< Secret Machines See preview, left. Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Tue 28 Mar; Garage. Glasgow. Wed 29 Mar.

(Rock 8 Pop)

* Graeme Stephen Trio with Martin Kershaw Guitarist Graeme Stephen has already made his mark with an original and adventurous musical approach, and teams up here with saxophonist Martin Kershaw as special guest. Jazz Centre at the Lot, Edinburgh, Wed 29 Mar. (JaZZ)