
Lion Health and Conservation Reid ('onccrt Hall. Izdmburgh l'myctxtly. iirlxtt) Square. 557 5588. (rpm. £7 (£5). ('onxeiyation \ctelltl\l (iraig l’acker look\ at the lIHHS ol the Serengeti to understand the cornpleuly ol (ltxcaxe ecology. [IS/x The Edinburgh Medal: 40 Years of Living with Gaia ('ouncrl ('hambcrx. High Street. 557 5588 7pm. £8 (£(i). Scc main piece.

The End of the World by Degrees? Royal Muxctnn i.t'kllllL' Theatre. 3 ('hambcix Street. 557 5588 8pm. £7 (£5). See main piece.


Something to Draw On \chlon Link. Iltmthornden Lecture Theatre. National (iallery. the Mound. (ill MN). 3 4. itlpm. £8 (£0). :\l'll\l‘leti \MH‘kxhop e\p|oring dil'lcrent techniques and media.

Saturday 8


Nanotechnology and You the Hub. ('axtlclull. Royal Milo-173 2000. 1.30pm. .-\ chance to ntect \cicntixts working or) natn)technologicx (manipulating structures at the leycl ol indiyidtial atoms).

Sonic Cabaret Royal Museum Lecture Theatre. 3 ('hambcrx Street. 557 5588. ~lpn). £7 (£5). See mam piece.

Robotic Space Missions Royal Mttxctm). 3 ('hambcrx Street. 557 5588. 0pm. £7 (£5). l)r .-\\lile_\ (ireen titlkx about the latest innoyationx iit robotic \pacc c\ploration. lulSl'.

Titan: The first results from the Huygens Probe Royal Mttxeun). 2 (’hambcrx Street. 557 5588. 8pm. £7 (£5). See main piece.


Print from a Collage lidinburgh l’rinlmakerx. 23 l'nion Street. 556 2-107. l 5pm. £30 (£25). li\p|ore te\ture\ axing wallpaper. l'eatltcrx. Icayex and string.


Bones, Rocks and Stars Royal Mllxetlltt Lecture 'l‘lteatrc. 2 ('hamberx Street. 557 5588. 2pm. £7 (£5). l’alaeontologist Hi (This 'l'urney talks about lamoux dating contt'o\et\ie\ and ho“ \eiettll\t\ ‘tcll the time'. Iii/SI". Mind Magic The Hub. (‘axtlehiIL Royal Mile. 557 5588. 2pm. £8 (£b). See main piccc.

Supercomputing Royal Mltxetlllt Lecture Theatre. 2 ('hamberx Street. 557 5588. 4pm. £7 (£5). l)r |)a\id chty tllSCllSSt‘S these “(Hitler machines. [XIX/n What Lies Beneath: The Secret Life of Sperm Whales The Hub. (‘axtlchilL Royal Mile. 557 5588. 4pm. £7 (£5). Marine biologist Dr Patrick Miller talks about \\ hat sperm \yhalex get up to beneath the \\;t\e\. Iii/SI".

Stress, Health and Happiness The Hub. (‘axtlchilL Royal Mile. 557 5588. bpm. £8 (£b). i’l‘ttle\\t)l' Angela ('loyy looks at the suggestion that happiness hi‘iltgx with it health adyantagex. [pi/SI". Safer, Greener, Quicker, Cheaper? Decentralisation for a Better Society Royal Mtrxeutn Lecture Theatre. 2 (‘harnlx'rx Street. 557 5588. ()pm. £7 (£5). Discussion on hon a decentralised society might be lISL‘tl to limit the

em irontnental damages ol‘ terrorism I-IISIP. Evolutionary Origins of Belief The Hub. (‘axtlehiIL Royal .Mile. 557 5588. 8pm. £8 (£0). Lcyyis \Volpert imextigates \yhether \ye are born \\ ith an eyolutionary propensity to beliey e in things that tnake l|\ feel better. Iii/SIC


Voicing the Story Sandeman House. Tullth (low. 5.5 High Street. 328 “.55. 2pm. £l2 (£8). Put your e\pre\\i\e skills to the text in this workshop lead by Janis Mackay and Day id Campbell. I’m-r of ('cilitlh ('u/turc' 2006.


Well, not quite. But I could manage 5km around the beautiful sights of the

capital to raise money for the Rock Trust, which helps young homeless and socially excluded people to develop the personal, social and practical skills needed for independent living. Entrants are asked to raise £50 to support this good cause. Oh, and they all have to wear a kilt, or some kind of tartan outfit, so there’s not much chance you’ll miss them. I Ross Theatre Bandstand. Princes Street Gardens, Sun 2 Apr. k/ltwa/korg.

Monday 10


Tall Buildings: Creating Dreams and Overcoming Challenges Reid ('oncert llall. lidinburgh l'niy'erxity. Bt'No Square. 557 5588. (rpm. £7 (£5). ('hartcred engineer Mohsen Zikri looks at hoyy tall he can go and \yhy. [xi/SI".

Love Bugs Royal Mtixeum Lecture Theatre. 3 (‘hamberx Street. 557 5588. 8pm. £7 (£5). l’rol' Sayeria (‘ampo and Dr (iary iintrican examine the l'K'x increase in sexually transmitted infections. Iz‘ISI-I Café Scientifique: An Eye for Art - Neurology and Psychology of Perception liiltnhouxe (are Bar. 88 Lothian Road. 33‘) 5933. 8.30pm. l)elye deeper into the ‘yyhat is art‘ debate at this talk about hon the brain reacts to pictures.


Lifestyle and Cancer Symposium Reid (‘oncen Hall. lidinburgh l'niyersily. Brion Square. 557 5588. 5.30 9.30pm. £7 (£5). To \y hat extent is our risk of cancer affected by our liliesty'le'.’ Find out \yhat'x certain and what's not. and learn how to reduce your I‘ixks. [Li/SI“.

U Human: R U Robots or Do you have Feelings? Royal Museum Lecture Theatre. 2 (’hamberx Street. 557 5588. (rpm. £7 (£5). See main piece.

The Truth about Hormones Royal Mtixeum Lecture Theatre. 2 ('hamberx Street. 557 5583. 8.30pm. £7 (£5). Vivienne l’an'y. writer and TV presenter tor the BB('\ 'Iimmrronk World. tt\k\ “hat the heck is going on when you l‘eel tetchy. tearl'ul or just a bit yucky. IflSl-I

Wednesday 1 2


The Private Life of the Brain Royal Mitxeum Lecture Theatre. 2 (‘hambers Street. 557 5588. 0pm. £8 (to). Neuroscientixt Baroness Sman (ireenlield looks at the challenge of deyeloping a description of consciousness. 1175/“. Alternative Energy Technologies Royal Museum Lecture Theatre. 2 ('hambers Street. 557 5588. 8pm. £7 (£5). A panel ol‘ experts e\amine alternatiye technologies. including micro \yind turbines. solar energy and fuel cells. [275]".


Print for Beginners Weston Link. Hawthornden Lecture Theatre. National Gallery. the Mound. 624 6560. l0..‘~0am«lpm. £l5 (£l2). Sara ()gilyie leads this class on print making.

Activities & Events Drop-ln-And-Draw National (iallery oi Modern Art. 75 Belt'ord Road. 624 (i2iXl. 5.30 4.30pm. liree. |)ra\ying .\e.\\it)n\ introducing dil'l'erent types ol~ art from the gallery '\ collection. All materials proy'itletl. Booking essential.

Bonita Lecture Theatre. Roy ul Botanic (iardens. lnyerleith Row. 557 5588.

7.30pm. £3 (£3). A screening of Bonita. a dtx'umentary by artist Jan Nimnio about


. \l i ‘. I: . I \ N H; l ilk \7. k7. 5 L’ 5 .‘k

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tines open - 9pm 7 days a week.

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Around Town

a banana \yorkerx' strike filmed in licuador. \\ ith a Qt\.-\ at'temards Booking L‘\\t‘tlll;tl. I'ISI-


Animals and the Nature of Feeling Good Royal Museum Lecture Theatre. I ('hamberx Street. 557 5588 bpm £7 (£5) See main piece

The 21 st Century Brain: Explaining and Manipulating the Mind Royal Museum Lecture Theatre. I (‘hambcrx Street. 557 5588. 8pm £~ (£5) iilttlt‘g'hl prolcxxor Steycn Riwe look~ at the human brain. l-.I.\‘I~‘.

Ongoing Edinburgh Activities 8. Events

Stitch and Bitch liy cry Tue. The Bongo ('lub. Moray “0th. i7 llolyrood Road. .558 7004. 7pm. lirec The \yool based rcyoltttion continues \\ ith thcxe ncyy \yeekly xexxionx in the Bongo ( 'lub catc.


No End to the Banana t'ntil Sun H May. Royal Botanic (iarden (Temperate Palm House). Imerleitl) Royy. 557 5588. l0am ()pm. £3.50. This e\lnb)tion \hoyy \ there's much more to one the \yoild’x tayottritc limit than most ot tl\ realise.

Food & Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market l'.\ cry Sat. ('aytle 'l'en‘ace. (r52 5040. 0am 2pm. Due to the l'rcn/ied desire ot lidinlntrgherx to till their L‘tiphottl‘tl\ \yitl) local. quality. ethical prixluce. the (’axtle 'l‘erracc markets are mm a neekly institution.


Salsa Dance Classes liyery Mot). The Bongo (‘lub. Moray House. . 7 llolyrood Road. 558 7b0—l. 7 "pm. £5. Shake thoxe hips at these drop-in ('uban salsa sessions. Beginners go first. lolloyy ed by more adyanced t'olk at 8pm.

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- W to you by Stagecoach



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3O Mar—13 Apr 2006 THE LIST 29