

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 30


Book Group x\|lrancc l‘r’ancarxc dc (ilaxgou. i l’ark ('ircux. Ht) JISI

lllatu noon. lrcc chular hook group lor rcadcrx ol l'rcnch lrtcraturc Spokcn l‘r‘cuch r'cquu‘cd.

Carl MacDougaIl - Scots the Language of the People Bor‘dcrx Bookx. UH Btrchanan Strcct. 33: “till.

(i. illpm. l’r'cc. 'l'o accompan} hrx BB(‘2 xcrrcx. .\1acl)ougall \xrll hc rcadmg lrorn lltc \kot'kx ol xtultc ol SUNlitlltkS glcalcxl urrtcrx and drxcuxxrng thc dmcloptucut ol our nation‘x languagc.

Andrew Graig l,angxrdc l.rhr'ar‘). 2 Sinclair l)rr\c. (\ i2 llSlll. (Lillprn. l'rcc. Author :\ndrc\\ (irch \till hc rcadrng lt'otu In xlmrI/rr'l' Ira/rt. lhc Saltu'c Socicl} Scttlllxlt Book (ll Hit“ in” :\\\.’ll‘tl 3004.


* Writing Workshop with Alan Bissett l.cith l.rlir';rr'}. ZS ill l'crr} Road. 53‘) 55l". o. ill Spin. 'l'ipx and

ad\ icc on tuning liction lrom thc author ol' [fin/urn \ and thc rcccntl} puhlixhcd I’lu' /Ilt’I'('(/i/’/(' sir/um Spur/t. Bcgiuncrx \xclcornc. Booking cxxcntral.

City IDEAS ( )ld (‘ollcgcn l’la} lair l,ihrar}. l'nixcrxit} ol lidinhurgh. South Bridgc. 473 It“). 7pm. £3. 'l‘hrcc ligurcx lr‘om puhlic Iilc dixcuxx thcir l'a\ourttc urilingx l'rom thc agc ol' thc Scottixli cnlightcnrucnt. 'l'hix ix thc xccond ol thrcc puhlrc talkx cclchr'ating lidinhtrr‘gh’x xtatux ax l'Nl-LSH) World ('it} ol l.itcraturc.


The Guid Crack Club Waxcrl} Bar. St Mar} ‘x Strcct. 55!» 057‘). 7.30pm. £2.50. Janix Macka} xpinx a I‘m };tr'rrx on thc xuhicctx ol 'uohcx' and ‘u ild \xomcu'. accompanicd h} hoxt l’ctcr Snou. .'\ll arc \xclcomc to xliarc a xtor'_\ or a xong. Thomas A Clark Scottixli l’oclt'} l.ihrar'}. 5 ('richtou'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 ZS7o. 7.3(lprn. £5 «Ur. :\ rarc opporttutil} to hcar a rcadiug h} thc Scottixh pocl. puhlixhcr and hook artixt ax hc rnarkx thc opcning ol' hix and par'tncr l.auric ('lark‘x IIL‘\\ c\hihition .‘I Brig/r! (i/(lt/t’.


* Daniella Westbrook Bordcrx Bookx. ()8 Buchanan Strcct. 332 7700. 5.30pm. l-‘rcc. 'l'hc l‘ormcr' liaxtlindcr xigltx copicx til. 'Illr' ()l/rt’r .Sirlr' it] Nun/H'n' art autiihiographical account of thc lllltlllltllIS cocainc addiction that camc (low It) \H‘L‘L‘klltg‘ llL‘l' lllt‘.

Tuesday 4 ,.


Glasgow Crime Writing Through the Ages ()ttakar'x. l'nit o. Buchanan (iallcric‘x. Buchanan Strcct. 353 1500. ouillpm. l-rcc. tickctcd. :\n cwning looking at txxo \cr) dillcr‘cnt pcriodx in crimc liction \xith Brucc Duric and Margarct 'l'homxon l)a\ ix.


Villages of Edinburgh: Stockbridge, Cramond, Morningside and Newhaven National Library ot‘ Scotland. (icorgc |\' Bt‘ldgc‘. 320 4.55 l. 7pm. I'irL'L‘. tickctcd. Author and lidinhtrrgh alicionado Malcolm (‘ant takcx tix on a noxtalgia- packcd illttxtratcd journc} ol~ tour of thc capital'.x \ illagcx.

Foakies Ro)al ()ak'. lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 2970. 8pm. Frcc. Monthl} night tor aspiring .xingcr xong“ ritcrx and poctx. It

32 THE LIST 30 Map l 3 Apr .3006

_\ou arc tutcrcxtcd m pcrtorrnrrig contact 'loru larrnrc at torutw mrxcorp cd ac uk

Thursday 6


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: An Introduction to Crime Reading Groups ( )ttakar'x. l'nrt o. Buchanan (iallcrtcx. Buchanan Str'cct. z5i l5lll

(t. illptll l'l't‘L‘. Ilc‘kt'lt‘tl ll _\Hll.\t' c\cr laucrcd turning a cruuc hook group thrx ix thc c\cnt lor )otl


April Fool Magic and Madness lllL' Ja// Bar. l (‘harnhcrx Strcct. 21S l I55 "rpm. U it'll litcrar} lrtckcr'} lrorn poct .'\nrla (io\an and lrrcndx.

* City STORIES r irtr (uric-gt: l’l.t}lall l.llll';ll'}. l'ni\crxrt} ol lzdrnhur‘gh. South Bridgc. 4“ Jill)”. "’pru. L' i. l‘hrcc ligurcx lrorn coutcrnporar} artx and pop culturc rcad lrorn thctr l;r\otu'llc \xritrngx ahotrt citrcx around tlic \xorld at thrx. thc third ol thrcc puhlrc talkx cclchratrng lzdrnhurgh‘x poxrtiou ax l'.\'l:S( '( ) \Vorld ('rt} ol |.rtcraturc.


Reading the Leaves 'l'cltar ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 452-1. Sprn. L3. .loin gucxt \xr'itcrx lor an cwniug ol pocu‘} and crcatn c miting.


Egyptian Myths and Stories Blackxxcllx lliH'lllL‘l‘l} Jamcx 'l’hin South Bridgcr. 53 5‘) South Br‘idgc. 023 S332. noon. l'r‘cc. llcar' ancicnt lig}ptian m_\thx and crcatc )our o\\ n Ankh at thix cxcnt.

Tuesday 1 1


Breaking into Crime Writing: Publisher Panel ()ttakar'x. l'nit o. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Str‘cct. 353 I500. (Lillpm. l’rcc. tickctcd. l‘anc} )ottt' chanccx making it ax crimc \xritcr‘.’ (‘ornc and lind out how ruanuxcriptx ructarnorplioxc into hcxt xcllcrx.


Allan Guthrie and Ray Banks Watcrxtouc'x. IZS l’rinccx Strcct. 220 Zhhh. (1pm. I'LI'L‘L‘. Ilt‘kctt‘d. lllt I'r't/l/t/v .lr/tll)! Spark author. .-\lan Bixxctt. chairx tliix cwning c\cnt l‘caturing tuo ot' Scotland'x rnoxt promixing crimc \xritcrx. George Mackay Brown: The Life National l.ihrar'} of Scotland. (icor'gc l\' Bt‘idgc. 33h 45.”. (i.5(lpm. l'l‘CL‘. lickclcd. Maggic l'icrguxxon intcrwicucd Brrmn xcxcral timcx during hix lilc and ix thc oul} hiographcr to whom hc ga\ c hix hlcxxing. 'l'hix cxcning'x launch ol' licr hiograph). \xhich portra}x him ax quicl and trnaxxuming. yct cotrr'agcoux and xur‘prixing. markx thc tcnth anrii\crxar'} ol‘ hix dcath.

The School of Poets Scottixh l’octr'} l.ihrar_\. 5 ('richton'x (‘loxc. ('anongatc. 557 3876. 7.30pm. .\lonthl_\ uorkxhop- t_\pc poctr) xcxxion aiming to cncouragc and dcwlop \\ r'iting xkillx. Bcginncrx and c\pcricnccd \xritcr'x arc cquall} \xclcomc.

Wednesday 1 2


Artemis Fowl: Fairies, Fiends and Flatulence (‘iti/cnx' 'l‘hcatr'c. I It) (iorhalx Strch 42‘) 0022. 7pm. to 19.5 r. A pcck hchind thc xccncx ot' thc \xorld ol' .-\rtcrnix l-‘otxl \xith author lioin ('ollcr.


I-Iector MacMillan National Librar} ot' Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 22o 4531. 7pm. l'i‘cc. tickctcd. Joincd h} Sum/m Hr'm/il litcrar} cditor. .-\lan Ta} lor. Macmillan “ill hc dixcuxxing Hum/tn] or Rrruucx: 'I‘lrumux .Ilurr'x [incur/m (it 1/2" I’l’U/tlt’.

* Alan Bissett The Black s“ an. 23/24 Sandport Strcct. .S’pm. Frcc. .-\n cxcning \\ ith thc Incn'rli/ilr' sit/(1H1 Spark author.



scorr Kouus



Annihilation: Prologue COO

lhm r‘; t'1t: l-tar Tint" h rt lular‘n‘il'm lztrgro rrtto'gialat'flr ltltrtjlxllllf‘iiz”, rzlrrrtrrr.; (tart its?» It.“ rmutré, trut- f;t?tlill{ll(? rrtrrrrrwrruu through to January Iltll‘flr’ lrr E;(7<)I)t.‘ 't sourrrlu wort, ‘illllllill to [)(7'5; rocout. (Brant Morrison riolrrrotl. SUM”) Sold/om. hut rrr

(?X(}(lllll( )lt Arr'vrrrs’atrr coultlrr't ho turthor trorrr ff)" postrrrorrorrirst tako ()ll tho corrrrr: torrriat. lhrt; r5; straight <l(l‘.'."l tho lrrro l()(ilx(?lf$ltll>f$. suporlroroos arid alrori r.".'arfaro. lt)(7llf3lllt} on sorrro of tho lossor' lx'll()‘t.'.’ll spaco otlrlrtrot; rr‘ tho Marwol urrrx'or'so. Supor' Skrull. Nova and Roman. with big hrttor'. Srl‘.'or Surlor. gottrrrt; his; own i§t)ltt-t)ll sorrow lhré; sot-up rssuo lllll()(ltl(l(3f; us to tho throat of tho Aririrhrlatrort Wavo. r'oar'rrrg through tho galaxy and (loorrnatrrrg rrrtor'galactlt: polrco torco. tho Nova Corps. llt our; toll swoop. l'ho narrator; flaws aro paporod over hr. slroor scalo as; the galaxy rs torn asurrdor and the body count l’ill)l(ll\,' roachos tho thousands; (if not rrtrllrorissl as orrtrro planetary systorrrs aro (lostr'<)\,ro<l. Epic if not olectrrt‘prig.

lHorin, Northrnorel



(Vertrgor .0.

Although the character was created by Alan MOOre and elaborated upon '0 WHIBFS such as

M t w ' :I‘Mi’ ' ' r“'\ “r Irv r 'v lk<lt«ll‘“ i'rt'. "" i"T

t‘.‘.tr ritt't truth utuv' (lorrtdarrtl'tw ar twirl how: rrt', .r‘ Tram? tray m. lllll ma. .i] .o::r T'tw rrrarrr t ill-‘1’: a satarn' diarrth fitkr'rtr fl‘t: rrtrrtztt; :>t r'ror‘ {ll‘l urrloawh'rtq “arr/l haw upor1trw:.'.t.rr<r loattrrrrri ‘s r h "Liarrrat Ut) (Ittrrtw, ataruw an Su'xarrir» ltuzr‘r; .ir‘ : thi- Plxarrtwrr Sflril‘r'yj’. tlm rs; lLllt' l ,r tltt: l lvltl 72.7w? rorru‘ar ,t‘t' Muir". lWx‘t‘itflWl rrtt-a'r‘; I’ra‘. ". 'o'.‘.ra"l ‘.'t I" At: 'rrmrr tlrllrrltE’l with '0: ttor

‘.'./tali 'l){’l l)’ r‘irrrl'

Slll’l Ei‘lri PM

ALAN MOORE DAVE Graaofis, CURT SWAN & BRIAN BOLLAND DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore (DU 0...

It's portrapa ‘rtttr‘c; that. lll tho l‘:',lrlli spat .‘Jth [XI ()‘Jifl hrs rm" (:ltrlortiorrrorrt at tl1~;.‘.rrr

'./ to! "/62'triatfa.

Stil'lIJl for Alan Moore's .‘xor‘ll tar tho corrtrrr; rrrar‘rt trots a final airing. T'rrs is a

. ,4. , r \ux.‘ ,0. 0 .1 1 a O. i i. . i. "I .. I It .\Ir 4



Fables: Homelands \‘.’. .rtlxl.



r/ [if ".

r“'i‘.l(i tl‘r“‘l rl i’rilll'l’” V

t/ttltlurfr' ‘l‘. «uptown/n r', ‘il‘iilllll ".'./“.rw- rrr t' rrrtr lr‘w: ‘tlil‘ti' f‘w:'rrrt-lr:.r:1r' wrath” ; port wt riotal. 'il flit,- / rams/r: til I Ira“, (iv-riflwrrrw; r'. :r liit:.‘;’l hurt; this In utzl art adult mr'wrrtatort .'.")ll‘ .r .‘.'lll'.l‘ tho prutaqu’rrmtu “it ‘lrr: lalr: art: oxtlo’l I“ ’lrt: "foal

.‘.'r,r7ri :o a'. t" ’,lr'l‘.“ galloi l Ell/l‘:l’,.‘.’l‘ lrr thr'; orlrttorr attorarr ‘:7l‘:l l’l‘:’l {,‘t’ilfr’ltl‘: almut tho volt tiattorrrrr; .lér’l‘i. ({Jl H‘H'tfllhllr ta'wy yrurrtrg. to ld{)llv”"'rr,,)ll lib/Blur: ,uurrrrgn, haw rrrto the Hormolarrrt‘. trmrrr ‘.‘/lll(,ll 'rr') poor/lo carrrr; tor a .rt,rarrt, strripl,’ (iramr tale of earrrortagr; and dragon-slawlg. !rr corrtparrsorr .u'rth tltr; tr'rtuss,’ art. thrf, l‘} a .'.rr‘;|l-rr;'/:arr,lrod arid urrrriur: Berry). and one that .7!” appeal to the :la,rrirearrrr;r ll‘t ever; g'oxrrt-up.

tDawt Pollock,