l.iltlcwood. Rick) Rcid arid \Var'ncr' l’owcr'x pul thc xpairklc hack in )otll

\\ L‘L‘kL‘lttl.

I JakN at lhc \cnuc Ill illpm 3am to 19.5). H Apr 'I'hix month Sckori/ \Hll hc \pinning a thrcc hour lcchno \cl. \iith support lroiii l'tiKNut and thc I’h) \It'hl.

I Liquid Soul at l’o Na Na. Illpin 3am.

£3 hclorc I Ipin; to altcr. “cc-kl} (it-t dow it carl} lor llll\ L‘Ull\l\lt'llll) capacil} rctro disco arid lunk) ltotlw night. l'caturing l’o\ (Mll Mark B on thc dcckx ltising clasxtc and hatig upto datc lunk} ltotlw lilt‘ tltoxc ill thc l\lt(t\\

I Love for the Music at ('aharct Voltaii'c. Ill.,’~llpiri 3am. to hcloi‘c Ilpin. £8 altcr. I Apr. Ncw monlhl} upli'ont liouw part} w illi a pool ol rcxidcntx l( i.t\

(ir‘ant. I)cr'ck Martin. l.uka Bankx. KippS.

tltc Blondc I'ilaxh and (iahou l ollcring up thc hcsl in Jacktn' houxc.

I Messenger Sound System at tlic Bongo ('Iuh. IIptn 3am. £75”. I :\pl‘. Basx ol how cl-shtlting pl'tlptll'lltlth as lltc might} Mcsscngcr Sound S}\lctll hlaxtx otit thc but in rightcoux l'ool\ arid duh rcggac with M(' Rax licho.

I Mission at Studio 24. I lpiii 3am. £5 (£4 riictnhcrsl. \Vcckl}. Night ol rnctal manhcni. goth rock and morc l'r'oin lhc dark \ltlL‘. \‘v'lllt tic“ top lloot‘ \pcclalx ol goth or l'rcakcd otit clcctro and darkwaxc. I Flock Party at ()piuin. I Ipm 3am. l’rcc. chkl}. I.i\ c handx hcl'orchand ll'rom 7pm) i‘oundcd oil with a lt‘ihl ol rock.

I Sophistitunk at ('it}: Iidinhurgh.

l Ipm 3am. £8. \Vcckl}. chidcnt I)J .lolttt lltllL‘ltlxolt p|a_\\ lunkcd tip Rth rcmixcx arid hou\c tuncx to a dr'cxscd up crow d.

I Tease Age at ('itrux ('luh.

I Ipm 3am. I‘i'cc hclorc I l..5llpttll U altcr. “cc-kl). 'l‘hix indic \litl\\ltl'l tlt\llc\ up cxcrything lrom m inging (illx ltltx to hagg) Manchcstcr laws as “C” ax a lttl\l ol cur‘rcnt Nil/i chart hothcrci‘x w ith |).l Monkcc Mickcc. lidinhur‘gh‘x Iongcxt continuth running indic itiglit.

I 2Hot at ligo. (Lil) 9.30pm. £5. chkl). lIndcr lxx night ol hip hop and urhan R&B llaxax (strict agc r'csti‘iction ol' l3 I7).

I Ultragroove at ('ahat‘ct \"oltair'c.

l lptn 3am. L'lll (£9). ti Apr. Iidinhui'gh‘s pccrlcxs r'caI housc part} with rcxidcnt (iarcth Stiltllttt‘t‘\lllc. l’tll‘txitllt l'a\out'itc I)J (ir‘cgor) rcturns to masx outhr'cakx ol lt‘cak)‘ dancing whilc liirccr‘ackcr‘ RL'L‘tlt‘tllltg\ takc o\cr thc hackroom \\ ith thcir' oll kiltcr' \oul. duh. dixco attd hip ltop.

I VEGAS! at Iigo. I().3(lpin 3am. L‘lll (£7 il‘ ‘l‘ahulously drcsscd‘ l. 8 Apr. Ilcp daddy \\\ ing. country classicx and \Ica/)

Itxtcning with )our highkicking ltoxh l‘t'illtklc Sumatra. Bugx} \cagull. l)ino Martini and thc xlunning \cgm \howgiilx muting )otl to lull] in tltc ltiii

IVelvet at .\l;tl’lllct\ Illpin 3am to l£5l l :\pi \Vomcn\ night tor ga} gii‘hc\ arid thcir \pcclitll) Ill\ itcd ho) ltlt‘lltl\ lincn can otll} gain .ltllltl\\lt|ll it accompanch h} a lad} t. hmtcd h_\ \liclicllc (Jo). \Vigglci

I Welcome to the Latin Quarter at Izl Barrio. ()[ltll iant U £5 it'll \Vcckl} Scc l-i‘i

Chart & Party

I All Sorts at Suhwa) (‘owgatc

Illpm 3am I‘i'cc hcloi‘c |l .illpm. £2 itllt‘t'. \Vcckl}. :\ll lhc L‘ltttl't. cllccxc illltl part} luncx )ou cati handlc. plux anolhcr tuo hour‘x ol lrw Hit/All Sli‘cuth.

I Espionage at lixpionagc. 7pm 3am l't'L‘L‘. \VL'L'lkl). 560 I'll.

Edinburgh Sundays


* Audio at Bci'lin. Itlpin 3am, {Ill

3 Apr onl_\. 'l'hc .\la\tct at \\oik Kcnn} 'I)opc‘ (ion/alcl hr‘ingx llt\ \oullul littlht‘ mi\ to thc caxl coast.

I Babydoll at l’o .\'a Na. Ilpm 5illll. H hclor'c llfillam; £5 allcr. \Vcckl}. .-\ glamorous and \c\_\ night ol houxc \xhci‘c all arc wclcomc to iotn in lrom lhc rotating l)J t‘oxlcr' ol \Vat‘ncr l’oucix l)can \cuton. (ia\ (irant. 'l‘omm} Ka). l)ct‘ck Marlin. llai'r} atid Bain l\ilitL'\.

I BootyLUSHous at Mcdina

lllpin 3am. £3 hclorc midnight; L4 altcr. \Vc‘ckl). Morc ol a Sttlida} \ocial than a lttllott glarit all'air with DJ I)alc l.lt\lt. Simmonc Black and tlL'Lihltllttll gucsl \llllihlih timing tip R&B. hip hop. will and lttnk.

I Hobo at tlic Bongo ('luh. lllpin 3am. l‘i'cc hcl'oi‘c I lpnt: U al’lci'. \Vcckl}. 'l.i\ c music attd altcr'itathc dtxco lot' juxtilicd \innci'x’. Actx this l'ortnight inclttdc thc Brigantcx attd lhc ch i\al\ (2 Apr) arid thc Stringmcn and thc \"cr‘xcancch thc 'l'lirillx swaggcr ol Supch l‘) :\prl.

I Kayos at ()piutn. I lpiii 3am. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl). .-\ mctal arid rock \oundtr'ack plus ttlt)\l drink\ at [I ccrtainl} kccp thc crowds a inoxhing.

I Rise Up at (‘ahai'ct Voltair‘c.

I()pm 3am. £5 (£4). ‘) Apr. UL and Iixc lllll\lL‘ all night long. 'l'hix inonth'x |inc~ tip inclttdcx thc Bixhops. \"ixa Slcrco. I)cnicd Stiltx ol' lnglcxiax. (in t\. Scrcnadc and thc S) \lL‘lIt.

I Taste at thc Liquid Room.

I Iptn 3am. £5 hcl'orc l I..‘s(lpm; £3 al'tct' (U) lltClltliL‘t‘sl. \Vcckl}. l'itxltcl‘ & l’l'lL‘L‘ \tlppl) a pt‘tlgtt'\\l\ c mix ol' housc attd

gaiagc in thc main room at llll\ lllldltltllh \unda) nightci Martin \alcnlinc \kit\\\ thc Illl\L‘tl/:_‘.t) crowd with lunk) l8 liouxc gctitx through thc hack

I Tipsy at \l.t\\a Ill illpm 3am U

it it “cc-kl) Rth arid hip hop lroni rcxidcnlx \ick (i and l’ha/cl at \\ hat lhc} pilltlIhL' \\lll hc 'lltc holtcxl Sunda} night part} III town'

Chart 8. Party I Espionage al lzxpionagc "pin ‘iam l'lL‘C \Vk't'ixl} SL‘L' in

Edinburgh Mondays


I DJ Vance at .\l.l\\.'t. lll..5ll[llll Rant [5 1L4) \Vcckl}. (ilaxgtm ta\our'itc I)J \ancc \pinntng thc hc~t in ltink} dancc and lltltl\L' .tttlllL‘llh.

I Get Lo at l'dllll llpiii .iani Li it‘ll 3 .-\pi l-ortnighll). \cw Honda} nighth to kick \tart lltc \xcck with a doxc ol hip hop arid Rth li'oiit l’-Sl_\|/ and Rico

I Happy Mondays at l’o .\'a .\’a

I Ipin iam £4 1U). \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ cluh night lll\lll:._‘ ncu and claxxtc indic. rock. lunk. hip hop and Motown.

I Tease at .\iit\\tt ll) .illpin .‘sain. L11 ([5). \\'c‘c‘kl}. Studcnl night p|a_\ing thc higng llll\ ll'tllll tltc h’lk now

I Trade Union at ('ahai'cl Voltairc. lllptit 3am. [3, \Vcckl}. \cw \xcckl} to gix c \oincthing hack to thc har and cluh woi‘kcrx. \o thc) don‘t lttl\\ otlt on thc cluhhing c\pct‘icncc \\lltlt‘ tiappcd hchind tlic hai'

Chart & Party I Espionage at szpiotlagc. 7pm 3am. l‘l't‘t‘. \VL'Ckl}. SL‘L‘ l't't.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Code Blue at ()pium. Illpm 3am. l‘r'cc. \Vcckl). Punk rock L‘lilxleN with lixtl'ulx ol' crno and \ka chuckcd into thc pot l'or' good ttlL‘lelt'L‘.

I The Diamond Dice at Bcrlin Bicrhaux. ll).3(lpni 3am. H (£3). \Vcckl}. Hip hop. R&B and gr'intc night li'oin I)J\ \I'ito. l'5l‘ui'n and Ancniatc and opcn mic .\l(' hattlcx l'oi' an}onc who \\ilill\ to \tcp tip to thc platc.

I Motherfunk at ()pal Loungc.

Illpni .iain. l‘rcc. chkl}. (iino arid

Iii) cr arc hack with thcii' 'I‘ucxda) lltxtlltllloll ax thc) \pllt talc and claxxic l'unk} tlxxctl. lIoor-xhaking ()l)\ and 7(l\ gt'oou‘x. dccp l'unk. I.atin. \ottl and so much more

I Split at ('ahai'cl Vollait'c.

I l.3l)pm 3am. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl}. Drum n;

haw. clcctro arid hicak hcat \\ ilIi

Shadow \klll. thc Dropout lUx Dogma arid a \tnattciing ol \cr} talcntcd local guc~t~ Drum tk ha“ and hrcak\ collcctn c Itdinhurgh Bavcd takc caic o\cr' thc main roont cxcr) othcr wcck

I Swingbeats at lhc Bongo ('ltth

I lptit iam l't‘cc \M'ckl} Icnn} l.o\ c and .\lonkc_\ho_\ kccp )iitt dancing tllllll )ou drop \\llll a llIl\ ot |.l//. \oul. \wing and hi'cakx lltlllt\\\\ oti liom ltttoicd \mng claxxcx “pm ‘lpmt tto\\ \\llll .iddcd littlll‘lt‘ .l\ lllt‘ l‘ll‘lll‘lt' t‘lt'“ It‘lll Iltt‘ Iuc\da_\ pail}

I Vibe at I'go I lpin iain U \\cckl_\ {la} night \\|lll .lainc~ l ongwotth on thc dcckx. plnx llic Dancing Stud \lullinx. lhc Singing Ilair_\ Blokc and tltc \Iiniing \'un l)on‘t \a} wc didn't warn _\a

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Apocalypse at ()pium Illpin iani l'icc \Vcckl). .\li\ ol goth. inclal. llltlthlt‘lill and punk

I Destination at \a \a

Ilpin 3am L4 (Hi \\cck|} Rcluin ol llll\ ucckl} itigltt domi l’o\ and II\ houxc. lttp hop. lunk. dtth and an_\llting gocx attiludc lllt‘ l‘iouhlc I).l\ arc lll l'tiin control \o you kltim it'\ going to hc qllalll}.

I Disko Bloodbath al Izgo.

I lpiit 3am U. 5 .-\pi' Izdinhur'gh\ lll\l qucci‘ altcrnatix c night. lltl\ I\ an cclcctic tltl\ ol clcclro. indic. punk arid rock loi tltoxc who am \cl'calltttig otlt lor‘ \ttlllclltlttg dillcrcnt on tltc ga) \ccnc

I Juice at Maxxa ll) .illpnt 3am. £5 \Vcckl}. 'I‘hc original ll'L‘\lll_\ \qucc/cd Ullx aitd (lllx \tudcnt night icturnx

I Nexuslive at ilic Bongo ('luh

8pm 2am. £4. 5 Apt: .\'c\\ muxtc \howcaxc .\'c\u\ I.i\c launchcx \\tlll Inc hand\. his arid \‘Jx through ttiitil 2am

I Tease Age at ('itrus (‘Iuh

l Ipni 3am. l‘r'cc hclorc I I lllpin. £3 at'tcr'. \Vcckl} Scc Sat.

I We are . . . Electric at (‘ahai'ct \‘oltatic. Ilpni iant. l't'CC. \Vcckl). \pi 5 will hc l‘L'\Ithttl I).l I"Ii\\ Iaxt iiigltt ax hc l\ oil to .\'/. tor a hit ol organic larrntng. \o gct along to \a} hon \o}agc to thc lad With hackrooin action lrom thc ’I'rouhlc l)J\ tollowcd h} S}|\i;i l(iottlag Bcati on l3 Apr.

Chart & Party

I Espionage at szpionagc 7pm lain l'l‘t't'. \VL'Ckl} SL‘C l'l‘l.

I Shark at ('it}: lidinhur'gh. Illpnt lam £4. \Vcckl). 'I‘hc titlamoux \tudcnl iitglil at ('it} with a \clcclion ol chart. cliccxc

and R& B.


club venues

I Berlin

3 Queensferry Street Lane, 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

I The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Hotyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details.

I Cabaret Voltaire 36—38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house to drum 8 bass. See listings for details. I CC Blooms

23-24 Greenside Place. 556 9331. One of the city’s most enduring gay clubs. with hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

I The Cellar Bar

1 Chambers Street. 467 2539. Cool beats from global sounds to

Trouble‘s unique take on jazz. See listings for details.

I The Citrus

Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a dash of punk. new wave and 805 classics. See listings for selected highlights.

I City: Edinburgh

1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. I Club Pivo

2—6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night. for free.

I The Commplex Commercial Street. Leith. 555 5622. Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details.

I Ego

Picardy Place. 478 7434. Home to some of the capital's best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

I El Barrio

104 West Port. 229 8805. Spanish fiesta every night of the week. I The Establishment 3 Semple Street. 229 7733. Chart and party night with plenty of drink on offer to wash it all down with.

I Espionage

4 India Buildings, Victoria Street. 477 7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey action.

I Big

31 Lothian Road. 229 7670. Huge indie club venue.

I The Honeycomb 15-17 Niddry Street. 530 5540. Big nights and big guests from

Manga to Audio Deluxe. See listings for details. I The Liquid Room 90 Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live music. See listings for details.

I Massa

36—39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R88 on a Sunday with Tipsy.

I Medina

45-47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back vibes with cool hip hop and other sounds. See listings for details.

I Mood

Omni. Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes. not forgetting gay night Poly Super on Mondays. See listings for selected highlights.

I Opal Lounge

51 George Street. 226 2275. House and funky

beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock. punk and metal. no messing.

I Po Na Na

43b Frederick Street, 226 2224. Student nights, funky beats and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Potterrow

Bristo Square. 650 9195. Student heaven. I RED Vodka Club 73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details. I Stereo

King Stables Road. 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken dancing.

I Studio 24

Calton Road, 558 3758. Down and dirty club nights. specialising in techno and goth. See listings for details.

I The Subway Cowgate, 225 6766.

Now more of a rock and cool indie night as well as some cheesrer club nights. See listings for selected highlights.

I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd. I The Venue

Calton Road. 557 3073. Varied mash up club nights ranging from Optimo to techno heaven. See listings for details.

I The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set. See listings for details. I Time

24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Why Not?

14 George Street, 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.

30 Mar—1 3 Apr 2006 THE LIST 39