Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby I l I .0. IJohn Henderxon. l’K. 2005) Uliyer (iolding. JaIIIex (’oxmo. (Ircg \Vixe. ('hrixtophcr HHIIIIII In lh‘5h’. John (Iray died and hix taiihtul terrier guarded hix gray e III lzdinburgh'x (Ircy triarx Kirk tor H yearx 'l’IIIx Ix a yyhimxical lIctIoIi IIIyoly Ing dogcaicheix. cute orphanx and coIIIin Ing coIIiIcIllorx lt'x ellectiy e ax children‘x entertaInIIIcIIt. and adultx yyill eiiioy xeeIIIg the lIkex ol Ice and ()'llanlon being IIpxtaged by the yyee Wextie Impoxtor. llllS Ix charity xcreening In aId ot Barnaidox. the l)ogx 'l‘ruxt and the Journalixt ('harity, Slum I (l\(' ('iIII'nIu, ('mrtln'iI/er. (iluyeun ,' .S'IIIIIII (IH' ('Irirnul. I’Iuy/I'I. I’Illy/I'y,

The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Gifl tl') .. t Robert RodrIgIIeL IS. 2005) Jay Ior l.aiitner.

lay loi' Dooley. ('ayden Boyd, (Ieorge l.ope/. ‘) \mIiI. .\ boy ‘x Imaginary xuperhero lriendx come to [He and Ioinx him on a xeriex ot adyentnrex. Bland poxt-S/Iy A'Ir/y kiddie I'lick lI'om RodrIgIIe/. (i/meou IVI/m I'III'IIII‘I'. (i/Iryeuit.

Alien Adventure 30 It) 000. tBen Straxxen. Japan. 200! I Voice III John Boyle. Bouli l.;tllllcl‘\, WIIIIII. An alien race looking tor a planet to coloiiixe lIIId earth and untortunately enter a theme park yy here they came much aiIquIng IIIaleeIII. IJMX I'III'IIII‘I'. (i/IryeIIII.

Alien AutopsyI 12A) 00 tJonny (‘aIIIpbeIL l'K. 2005) l)eclaii l)onnelly. Ant McPartlIn. Bill Pullman. ()IiiId l)ja|IlI ‘l5inin. See reyieyy. page 44. General re/I'IIII'. All Aboard the Crazy Train I l2:\) HS. 2005) 45mm. lixtreiiie prIi'thtiiikIex

yy Ill be taken by tlIIx xhort documentary about loyy -IiI pIoIIeerx l.aIrd Hamilton. l)aye Kalama. Darrick l)oerner and otherx. taking on the lliIIIalayaiI \yay ex ol PeahI. Maui III the hixtoric II Men of 2004 and 2005. l'i/mliuuu'. I'firlIlI/iurg/I.


All Dogs Go to Heaven It‘Iee

Il)oii Blutli. l'S. l‘lh‘l) With the yoicex ot Burt Reynoldx. l.onI Anderxon and l)om l)el.uixe. Slim”). l.Ikeable Alxatian (‘harlie Barkin Ix killed by hix partner in xIIIall-tIIIIe crime. but managex to trick hix yyay otit oi the Alterlile Io lace eanhbound adyenture

yy Ith cute orphan .-\iIne-.\larie ax he xeekx reyenge on hix double—croxxing buddy. ()ccaxionally xloppy animation Ix more than made up tor by the my entiy e xtory -lIIIe and a xenxe ol humour that xhould ey en hay e adulix xupprexxing the odd guttayy (i/IIIeoII I‘Ilni I'III'ulre. (i/mgun'.

* Andy Warhol's BAD I )8) .000 tJed Johiixon. l'S. l‘l7l ) ('arroll Baker. Perry King. Suxan 'l'y rell, l00min linterprixing Neyy York houxeyyite Baker xuppleiiientx income from her lacial hair- remoy'al buxInexx by running a murder agency xpecialixing In children and animalx. Sicko camp humour yx Ith a notable xcene Inyoly mg toxxing babiex out the yyindoyy. Remember children: it Ix bext to get an adult to help it' you yy ant to do thIx at home. Part ol'('ultl I'ilmlmuu'. Iz'I/inhure/I. Argument IIth 0000 IAnIlIony Mc(’a|l. Andreyy Tyndall. l'S. PHI-i) 84min. Mc(‘al| and 'l'yndall'x IiIIportant 'exxay -lIlm' hax hardly been xeen III the laxt 20 yearx. but itx xayage dixxection ol the print media Ix ax releyant ax ey'er. Influenced by (iodard and the ayaIIt-garde III general. It Ix ax aexthetically xtrIk'ing ax It Ix politically pointed. ('( ll. (i/Irygmr.

The Armwrestler from Solitude IP(I) .0. Il.i.xa .‘ylunilIe/Helen AhIxxon. Syy eden. 200-1) 78min. Heidi Anderxxoii ix a 22-year—old world champion armyy rextler from Solitude. Syyedeii. She continuex to yyrextle yy Ith her couxinx and attend local dancex III the tiny northern y’Illage. dexpite her unlikely celebrity and International xportxyy'oman xtatux. Part of the Sheffield International Documentary l‘extiy'al on Tour. Film/mum: Iz'III'n/Imje/I.

>l< Arrebato (Impulse) I I8) 000

than Zulueta. Spain. 1979) 104mm. A director of B-moy Iex. addicted to cinema and heroin. encounterx a young. obxexxed filmmaker who inx hix lIl'e Into another realiII. Influenced by ('octeau and Bllfillcl.

among otherx. and. III turn. a big Influence on Pedro .-\lllli\\lit\.tl Part ot (‘IIIt' (I'I'meou l'I/m [ht .Im. (i/meon. I'Il/IIlInIIxI‘. InliII/IurelI

Avenge But One of my No Eyes

I l2.-\I I.-\yi Mograbi. lxrael trance. 2005) l00min Paxxionate picture e\p|orIng the lxraelI-PalextInIaii conflict. and concentrating on the poyy er ol dialogue l‘he mythx ot' SaiIIxoiI and Maxxada teach young Jeyy Ixh tourIxtx that death Ix prelerable to xubiiIixonn. IiIeaIIyyhile Palextimanx III the liItilada are acting on the xame lexxon Pan ol the Sheffield International Documentary liextiyal on Tour (ilmeou l-II’nI I/II‘IIlrI'. (ilmetm. I'iliiiliurm. lztlIII/iru'e/i

Back to the Future IP(;I ooeo IRobert Xeiiieckix. l'S. I‘lh’5) Michael J Pox. l.ea 'l'hompxon. (‘rprIn (iloy er.

I lbmin, l)exer\ed|y popular time-trayelling tantaxy adyenture yy Ith xtreet-xmart .S'0x teenager yyhixked back III time tor a little chicanery yy Ith hix tuture pai'entx. (il‘mII’IIIII; (ilIIyeIIII.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I no .0 IMIchaeI ('atoII-Jonex. (IerIiIaIiy/Spain/l 'K/l'S. 200m Sharon Stone. l)ay Id Morrixxey. l)a\ Id The“ lIx, I l5llllli. See rey Ieyy. page 44. (ir'llt'l'Il/ I‘I'II'IIII'. Batman Begins I I2.-\I ooe t('hrixtopher Nolan. l'S. 2005) ('hriinan Bale. Michael (’aine. |.Iain Neexoii. Morgan lireeman. (iai'y ()ldman. Katie Holmex. 130mm. Deeply flayy ed but xatixl’yingly dark and realixtic adaptation ol both Bob KIIiIc"x original xtrIpx and Frank Miller'x Burma/I: l'eur ()m'. l)a\ Id IJ/(lrlt' (on er'x xcript Ix pretty ayylul but thix Ix alxo a taIi'ly xubxtandard piece III yyork Irom Nolan ax

yy ell. Ii‘ulnmn IJI'emy doex, hoyy ey er. need to be applauded l'or partly rey Italixmg an ailing IranchIxe. ('iIII'II'IIrIII Rt'll/l't‘ll' Street. (iluyemi‘.

Being Cyrus Itbc) IHomI .-\dajania. lndia.

2005) Sail Ali Khan. .\'axeeruddin Shah. Dimple KapadIa. 00min. Dark comedy lolloyying the My ex ot the SetlIiIa l'anIIly. ()I/I'Im .‘l! The Quay. (i/Iiwmi; (ilrlygriii. Belleville Bendez-Vous I 12A) 0... (Syly'ain (‘homeL lirance. 2003) 80min. l)lllllllllll\'C. club-looted Madame Sou/a preparex her orphaned graiIdxoiI

."1 3. w z .I/ I-


This may be your last chance to see Tawfik Abu Wael’s starkly beautiful drama about a Palestinian family’s attempts to eke out a living in a desolated part of the occupied territories. Wael’s film works

as both a tragic parable and a consummately realised naturalistic mystery drama that can be favourably compared to Bhaman Ghobadi’s Turtles Can Fly. I GFT. Glasgow from Tue 7 l-Thu 73 April only.


(’hampion to be a yyorld~bcatiiig cyclixi by perxonally xupery IinIg hix ardIIoIIx training regime But during the mountain xtage ot the Tour de l‘rance. t‘hampion Ix kidnapped by black-xtIlted men trom the l-rench MatIa and yyhixked .Ici'oxx the Atlantic to the city ot Belley Ille lt'x up to granny and ('haiIIpIoii'x beloy ed dog Bruno to pcrtoim a daring rexcue. although they can rely on .l\\l\l.IlI\C troni the elderly Belley ille Sixteix. a xong and-dance trio yy ho once pertormed yy Ith l'red .-\xt.IIre Rather xpccial kooky cartoon trom l-rance. that xhoyyx Dixney the door to real InxpiratIon .-\ ScreeIIda/e piexentation (i/Iiyeoii I'i/m I/II'IIIII'. (Hawaii

Big Momma's House 2 tl’(i) oo IJohiI \\'hitexel|. l'S. 200m Martin

layy rence. lilton I eBlanc. \ia l orig ‘ltlniin l‘Bl agent Malcolm 'l‘urner Ilayyienc e) goex undercoy er ax Big Momma again \ayyn (ie'm'm/ rI'lI’IIyI'

The Big Sleep tP(I) CO... tlloyyattl Hayykx. l'S. I‘Ho) Humphrey Bogart. Lauren Bacall. John Ridgely. Martha \‘Ickerx. llJmIn. Marloyx e getx caught up III the [X‘ccadillIK'x ot the Steriiyyood tamily ax he triex to xtop a xpot ol blackmail Needlexx to xay. the broad kIony x more than xlie letx on. \Vitty. xultry. atmoxpheiic. IIiaIIIxtIeam lIInI IIoIr yyith Bogey and Bacall doing their e\cellent double act. Story/nun SI II'I'iIIIIe Room. IiI/inlmre/i.

Big White I I5) .0. IMark My lod. (‘anada/Neyy Zealand/l'SA. 2005) Robin Williamx. Holly Hunter. (iioyanni Ribixi 100mm. l-Irreoexque tale III a tray el agent tWillIamx). an inxurance agent tRIbeI I. a t'ro/en corpxe and No hit men ’l‘hix may be itixt another underyyhelining attempt by Williamx to be taken xeriouxly; that xaid. the xcript certainly keepx thingx moy Ing SI‘II'I‘II'I/ I‘I'II’IlyI'.

The Body Snatcher I l’( i I see (Robert \lee. l'S. PMS) Borlx Kailoll. Bela |.ugoxi. Henry l)aIIie|l. ladith .-\t\yaiei. Rtixxell Wade, 73min. Robert Wixe'x Ill-I5 claxxic xet Iii l‘llh century lidiiiburgh .Sr Brit/e '\ ('eiim'. Iztlrrilmrelr.

Boudu Saved from Drowning tl’(i) 0.... (Jean Renoir. l-raiice. I‘) ‘2) Michel Simon. ('liarlex (irandyal. Marcelle llaInIa. 87min. The extraordinary cont’rontatIon ol IIIoraI outlook betyyeeti a tramp and from droyymng. and lIIx yxell-to- do rexcuer yy ho becomcx hix hoxt. Ix both charming and deturbIng. ax Renoir explorex feltilioltxltlpx betyx'een oppoxile xeclorx III a polarixed coiIImunity. l‘l/lll/IUUH‘. Iz'IlI'IIlmrg/I.

Capote t 15) .0. IBeniiett Miller. IS. 2005) Philip Seymour Hotlinan. ('atherine Keener. ('III‘toII ('ollinx. llJIIIin In 195‘) author 'l‘ruiiiaii (‘apote IHottmaII) dragged hix bext lriend Harper Lee IKeener) to rural Kanxax to inyextigate the brutal murderx of farmer Herb (‘lutter. hix yy Ile and hix tyyo teenage children. What lolloyy ed yy ax xad. xhocking and III termx of [S literature. near rey'olutionary and would rexult IiI the publication of ('apote'x only 'non fiction noy'el' Ill ('ulrl [Hum]. Beauiitully pertoIIIIed but xomehoyy airlexx and xtIlted recreation ol the ey'entx that xurrounded the creation III a maxterpieee. Se/I'I'II'I/ I'I'Ir'rlyr‘.

Carlito's Way I III) 0... (Brian De Palma. l'S. 1993) Al Pacino. Sean Penn. Penelope Ann Miller. l-HmIn. ()ui ot‘JaIl alter liVC yearx, former drug runner (‘arlito Brigante can't come to termx VI Ith the eroxioiI of any xeiixe of honour IIII the .xtreeix. and tIndx hix xtruggle to go xtraight becoming more and more impoxxible, Pacino at timex xlipx into performance rather than characterixation. but xtIlI xquee/ex xenxitiy'Ity‘ from the character; Penn Ix excellent In hix return to acting. and De Palma pullx it all oil yy Ith more rextraint than Uxual. ('rric'iIIIrII/ Edinburgh. Edinburgh.

3O Mar-13 Apr 2006 THE LIST 49