
Chicken Little l l i ... iMark Dindal. l'S. 2005i \‘oiccx oi Zach liraii. l’atrick' Stcuart. Joan (knack. Gar} Marxhall. Xiliiiin l-ollomng ihc dcalh oi liix moihcr. ('hlckcn l,ililc (\oiccd h} Si I'll/H xtar Braiii xtrugglcx to coininunicatc u ith a hutch lathcr uho'x 'ncxcr thcrc tor hiiii'. thcn xcndx thc timn into chaox aitcr iiiixdiagnoxing that thc xk} ix ialling 'l'lic No hccoinc thc laughing xtock to all but a it“ cqually oxiracixcd oddhall iriciidx l'axt paccd. lun and a littlc corn} hut \kllll itx hcan iti thc right placc (it'lii'l'ii/ I'i'li'uu' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang il'i

.... (Kcn lluglicx. l'K. I‘Nih'l Still) Annc Him c'x. Dick \'an H} kc. |.ionc| Jcilricx. IJSlllllli lcngth). clicctxiillcd childrcn‘x ad\cniurc conccixcd in thc \iakc oi .lluri I’np/iim' hugc coniiiicrcial xucccx hut “ith a charm land grcat xongxi all oi itx ou ii. Dick Van l)ykc ix thc iiiad inwntor uhoxc flying car propclx liix childrcn and ioniantic intcrcxt lloucx to a iar-oii land ol adxcnturc, (i/uwnii' l'i/m Hiram: (i/mgoii- Coflee and Cigarettes l I Si 00.. (Jun Jarinuxch. l'S. 2003) 'loni Waitx. lgg} l’op. ('atc Blanchctt. Sic-w lluxccini. R/A. Stcw (’oogan. Alircd Molina. lltc' \Vhtlc‘ Stripcx. 06min. What indic autcur Jiiii Jariiiuxch xtartcd in thc [080x ax a xcricx ol oi'll-ilic-ctlll' xhortx inadc- Willi actorx hc‘d |tixi coinplc'icd icatuer with. he lintxlicx oil licrc with thix anthology oi' thc l I lilinx lic'x iiiadc to datc. lgg)‘ and 'l‘oiii‘x catty arguiucnt ovcr thc nccd for thc lattcr to hirc a druiniiicr rcinainx thc hcxt of thc hunch. although RZA. (VA and Murray'x talk oi ‘tca' alxo coincx cloxc to gcniux. Sccing tlic lilinx in a xinglc xittiiig higlilightx thc iii/I» inilcctcd \‘iil’lillltiiix on a nuiiihcr ol' rccurring thciiicx: pcoplc playing thcinxclvcx lxort oi'l. harcly xupprcxxcd rivalric‘x. voicing oi' conxpirac)’ thcoricx. Strangcr than paradixc indccd. (ii/nun‘c’hH/(r/2. (ilusgnu:

Crash t i5) 00.. (Paul llaggix. liS/(icrniany. 2004) Sandra Bullock. l)on (‘hcadlcn Matt Dillon. Jcnniicr lixpoxito.

| 13min. A car accidcnt hringx togcthcr a group ol xtrangcrx in |.ox Aiigclcx. linprcxxivc polcinical drama im c'xtigating racixiii in inodcrn day LA. An inxightiul and (K'caxionally hrilliant trcatixc xuppoitcd h} xoiiic \cry linc acting. (iliisgmi' I'll"! 'I'lii'uiri'. (iliisgoii:

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul l IZAi .... tl‘aith Akin. (icrinaiiyfl‘urkcy. 2005) 90min. A giddying. liic ai‘iirining docuincntary film about thc lxtanhiil iiiuxic .xcc'nc. llxing Alcxaiidcr llackc, oi (icrnian avant-gardc hand liinxtur/cndc Ncuhautcn. ax a guidc. Akin dclvcx dccp and widc into thc ()ttoinan kingdoin'x indigcnoux and not xo indigcnoux xoundx. ('unii'o. Iz'iliiihurgh.

The Dark l l5) .. (John Fa“ cctt. (icrniany/l‘K. 2005) Scan Bcan. Maria Bcllo. Richard lili'yn 03min. Scc rCVlCW. pagc ~15. (inn-ml I'l'll’tlu'.

Date Movie l l5) .. tJaxon Hicdhcrg/Aaron Sc‘li/L‘r. [‘8. 200m :\l'\‘xon llannigan. Adam (‘amphclL Jcniiiicr Coolidge. 90min. Spool on the roin-coin gcnrc from thc folk who brought you Sim-r

Falkirk Town Hall

Wed 29th Mar

70.30am, 7.30pm & 7 30pm MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA (128) Mon 3rd April

7030 am, ll30pm & 7 30pm MAD HOT BALLROOM (U) Wed 5th April 7 30pm BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (15) Mon 70th April

IO 303m, I 30pm 8r 7 30pm WALK THE LINE (12)

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

50 THE LIST 3O Mar—1 3 Apr 2006

Hour lion hiou ruhhixh that contaiiix [\xo good \ixual gagx (it‘lll‘l'tl/ It‘ll UH

Doctor Jekyll and his Women (Docteur Jekyll et Les Femmes) ilh'i .... i\\'alcrian Borinch k. l'rancc/(icrinan}. l‘lh‘l i I do I'x'icr. \laiina l’icrro. l’airick \lag‘c't'. (iciard /.tlc lk‘lf; 02min llciorc dcxccnding into xoit coic crotica. thc latc lloi‘oucl) k. oiic oi iiiodciii ciiiciiiaK iiioxt iindcrratcd iigurcx. iiiadc arguahl} thc iincxt adaptation oi thix claxxn talc \Vcird. dark and \ixuall} xtiiiining l’ait oi ('ull' l‘l/lri/iliilw‘. ladinlmrg/i Double Indemnity l P( il 00”. l Hill} \Vildcr. l'S. I‘M-1illarhaiaSlaimxck. l‘lt'tl .\lc.\lurra}. l'.(l\\.titl (i Rohinxon lllfilillll ()nc oi tlic \cr} hcxt L'\.illiplt‘\ oi tlic poxl \iar :\iiiL'ric'.til ci‘iiiic iiiox ic gcnrc -\dapicd iroiii Jaiiicx .\l (’ain'x lio\ cl h} \Vildci and Ra} mond ('handlcr. tlic icgiilar Jt‘t' xcduccd-h) iciiiinc laialc into iiiui'dci'ing llL'l‘rlllthntlrlUrrllhlll'dlic’L‘ inonc} plot ix clcmtcd h} \\ ixc axx dialoguc and l‘ltlt k coiiicd), l'l/Hl/iiillu'. Izi/iIi/miu/i * Even Dwarfs Started Small ll’( ii ..... thrnci‘ llcr/og. (icriiiaii). 1070i 00min. \Vcird and \cr} \xatchahlc paiahlc about a rcinotc pcnal colon} iiihahitcd h} duarix \\ ho xtagc a iL'Hillllltili in thc piixon \xardcn'x ahxciicc .\lind hlim ing l’art oi (‘tiltl I'i/nihoim'. lat/iIi/iurg/i Failure to Launch l ISM 0. (Tom Dc). l'S. 200m .\latlhc\\ .\lc('onauglic_\. Sarah Jc'xxica l’ai'kci'. Kath} llatcx ()7iniii. Scc :\|xo Rclcaxcd. pagc it» (ii'ni’rii/ I‘t'lt‘tlu’. Familia Rodante l W O... ll’alilo ’l‘rapcro. Argcntina/l~rancc/( ici'iiiaii_\/ Spain/Bra/il/l 'K. 2001) Liliana ('apui'i'o. ('raciana ('hironi. Ruth l)ohcl. l'rcdcrico lixqucrro. llcrnardo l'ortc/a, llldllllllt l-oiii‘ gcncrationx oi a llllL'll(l\1\lrL'\ ianii|_\ gct into an agcing cainpt-r \aii tor a l000kin trip up to thc Bra/ilian hoi'dcr in ordcr to attcnd a \xcdding. 'l‘hc craiiipcd. xtiiliiig conditioiix in thc \chiclc and axxoi'tcd litcchanlcal iailiircx hring doincxtic tcnxionx and romantic conilictx to thc xurlacc. .-\nothcr lou-hudgct gcin i‘roiii ihc \cu \i‘gciitinc cincnia. thix \‘ihi‘ant. hitlcrxcht talc ix gcncroux in itx \}lll[MllitL‘\. and ix l‘ll(‘)t'(l h} the xpiritcd pc‘i‘ltll‘llitlliL‘Cx (iluwuii- Ii/m 'I‘IHYHIT'. (i/(ngm'. The Family Stone ll’(ii O t'l'hoinax Bulicha. LS. 3005) Sarah ,lcxxica l’arkcr. (‘laii'c l)ancx. l)ianc Kcaton. l)crniol Mulronc}. [03min 'l‘hc lihci'al Stonc lainil}

meNew World

i\clxon and l\caiolii li\ to ciiihiat c proxpcclnc daiiglitci iii la\\ thc ill‘liL‘lll \lcicdithl l’aikci i, inc-i ilic( hiixliiiax pciiod hut llilliL'\ lit\‘l\ :o \xioii: (inc \t‘cldl gathciiiig xii-ll uoitli .t\~'l\l|il‘.' (innit Han (,I'ii'xg‘ui:

Fate i l‘l .... i/cki llciiiiikiihuw ltiikc_\, .‘Wll i \cidai (lit iii l‘fiiiiii

I (thing: i. lhix iiixi iiixtalliiiciii oi a tiilogx icatiiicx \ iixtoiiix t Icik \luxa, \x lio liax ahaiidoncd iicc \\ ill and lt'ix latc dic talc llc iiiaiiicx a girl hc \l|'\'\ll.l lo\c and ix iiiipiixoiicd iiiixlakciil\ \ \i‘llll‘t'lllllj; ciiquii} iiito pcixoiial icxponxihilit} (i/iixgoir III!” [in iii/i. (ii'iiwoii

Final Destination 3 i 1%..

iJaiiicx \\oiig.l \. 300m \lai} l li/ahctli \\iiixlcad. R}aii \lciiiiiiaii. Ilaiiix \llaii ‘iliiniii llic third lllllt' out thc latal dcxliiiation ix at an aiiiuxciiiciit paik l\\o \xordx 'diiiiiiiixliing ictuiiix' \i ./i . r. if Ii‘lt il\f Finding Nemoit i.... i \Ililic\\ Stanton/l cc l 'iikiitli, l \. .‘lillii \tl|\\'\ oi \lhcit lliookx. l llcn l)c( icncicx. \|c\aiidci (iould. \\ illciii Ilaioc. lliad ( iaiictl. \llixoii laniic) lliliiiiin l’ixai'x lalcxi llH\\ that it ix iicc iioiii tlic uiiiliiclla oi llixiic} ix tlic dclighiiul talc oi a littlc iiin and liix dadd} ‘x attciiiptx to iind hiiii \xhcii lic gcix xtoopcd out oi lltc \\.itci h) a human ('lcxci. iunn_\ and licllcl‘ Iliaii //ii' Iill/i' ll: Imin t “N i (irmii'noi. (i/iixgoii

Firewall l I3.\ l O. ll\’l\ haul l_oiici'ainc. [8. 300m llariixoii l'Ultl. l’aul llcttaii}. Virginia \ladxcii ‘Viiiin \cc '\lxo Rclcaxcd. pagc ‘ul (ll'llt’ltl/ n'lum Frozen Angels l BM .00 «i ll\ Black tk l'i'aukc Sandig. (icriiiaii). 300*i (iliiiin .-\n l :\ l)J runx thc (H) 'x laigcxi xpci'iii hank and. iii thix iaxcinating docuincntar}. hc iakcx iix into itx lli_\ xtciioux and dccpl} pcixoiial \xoild l’ai't oi lllt' Shcliicld liitci'national l)oc‘iiiiii'iit.ii} I'cxti\al on low l’I/Ill/ll’llu', lil/ii/iiug/i Good Night, and Good Luck l l’( .i .... l( icoi’gc (loonc). .lapan/l-iaiitc" l'K/l 'S. 2005) MM id Stiathairn. Rohcit l)o\\ iic} Jr. (icoi'gc ( 'looiic). l’ati‘icia (‘larkxoiL l'l'dlilx laiigclla. Ra} \\ixc ‘L‘iiiin .loui'nalixl and hi'oadcaxlci' l-d R \ltiiiou ‘x caiiipaignx \xcrc lll.lll_\ and tau lidlltlL‘tl hut hc ix xtill licxl kiloull ioi‘ HIM Ix [um/mi. liix World War II radio xliou and liix light to xtop thc rcd xcai'c that grippcd tlic l 8 iii thc l‘)5llx courtcx} oi Scualot'x ,\lc( .ai'lli} and (‘oliti lt ix tlic lattcr pcriod that diiccloi'

If you missed Terrence Malick's new film when it came out in January, then you should thank the Lord because you are being given a second chance. Set in 1608 amongst the

( looiitw t liooxcx to cl‘llck'llllillt' on iii liix iiiodcxi xctond icatiiic loi (‘li\ \liitio\\ l iiciidlx and tlic ciitiic xtaii oi tlic \llllt'lll aiiaiix xliou \i. I: \on thc toxt \\.ix lltlj.1k'. hut thc di\idciidx \xcit' §.:icatci ll \ou taic lliat good iicu x \ aiiiiot t oiiic iioiii liad piattit c'i thcii lllix \\ ill xc‘iltl tiiiplcx tln\\il \oiii \Plllt‘ \l .'u it .i’ I. [i an Grey Gardens i l‘( O... iliax iii .\ \lhcit \laplcx l‘(i_ I‘l‘I llNliiiiii laiiicd ioi llicii lilllllx t'iitouiitcix \\llli \lailoii Iliaiido and human ( apotc. thi- \la\xlcx liiotlicix \t‘lllt‘lllt‘tl thcii icputaiioii ioi llilch'llllff liiiiiiaii lllilllx iii thix iiictc .ihoiil aii N0 _\cai old c\ xot ialitc xiiiyt‘i l ditli llou\ ici licalc and lici dauglitci l dic lI\ iii): a liic oi uttci xix luxioii lhix xuiical iiiotlici daughtci iclalioiixliip iiiakcx loi \i‘llll‘t'lllll‘.‘

\ Ic\\ ill: I rim/img/i III/vi (iiui'a’ lii.’fi/‘1H;"i[ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fireil.‘\l.. l\lllxt‘ \t‘\\t‘ll.

l K l \, :00“ llaiiicl Radt liiic. l iiiiiia \\aixoii Riipcit ( illlll. l).l\l\l lciiiiaiit. Ralph l'iciiiicx l‘“iiiiii llaii_\ and liix diill iiiatcx gct hux\ at tlic intci xi liool oi lll.|_'.‘i\

lii\\ i/aid louiiiaiiiciit. oii|\ lo lic iatcd \\llli ilic iciiiiii oi cx ll iiiaxlciiiiind l oid \oldciiioit ll it-iiiicxi Ilidcouxl\ o\ciloii;', clillllx\ adaptation oi iouitli l’ottci hook diicctcd \xitli iio lldlt' \\\ll\'\t‘l l\_\ lliitixli liax k \cucll (Hit izul/i.’ Iii/Uri iri/


* Hidden (Cache) i l‘l .0000

l\llt hacl llaiickc. l iaiitc \uxtiia ( it'iiii.iii_\ Ital}. .‘lNi‘l llanicl \lllt'llll. lulit-ttc llllltkllt'. \lillllkk' llciiitlioii. \iiiiic ( iiiaidoi, l cxtci \lakcdoiixk} lll'iiiiii (icoigcxi \utciiili llit' picxcntci oi a lilciau it'\ it'\\ piogiaiiiiiit' on l'iciicli l'\'. and hix puhlixhci \xiic \lillt' illiiiochci iccciw pat kagcx \Ullldllllilt'

\ idcox xhot outxidc thcii liltt‘ \lll‘lill‘dil liouxc \x tlic lapcx and llic \ll.l\\ lilf.’\ tlic_\ miiic \xiappcd iii hctoiiic IllHlt' pcixoiial and alaiiiiiiig. (it-oigcx hcgiiix to loxc liix iiiind llanckc liax a|\\a} x diiiuxcd polciiiit

tliioiigh tlic iiioxt [it-ixonal oi \\t‘ll.lllH\ I’ll/t]! ll ix a dc\axlatiiig. gidd} iiig c\aiiiiiialioii oi lllltlillt' \ laxx xiiiugiicxx. tlic huidcn oi thc paxt and lltc dccpl} ohicctional \t‘ll Ul‘\t'\\ltill\ t‘l llit' llllt'llt‘klllill

llc'dlililtill} .tt'lt‘tl. [Mt t'tl. L'tlllt'tl .Illtl diicctcd. it uill lca\c toll gaxping and pci‘plcu'd ax all git-at c iiiciiia xlioiild Ii Mill “ant lo kiiou “in i0 l iciit li tou nx and citicx hui'ncd iii ()ctolu'i .iiid \l'\t'llll‘t'l oi 300‘. llic .til\\\t'i ix licic Ii/m/ioiiu. Iai/iIi/mrg/i

first settlers to land on the Wrginia coast, Malick’s film attempts - mostly successfully - to bring a new angle to the Pocahontas story. As with all his films, this is dreamin haunting, and although it can be bewilderingly slow at points The New World is still well worth travelling to. I Fi/thL/se. Edinburgh from Fri 37 Mar— Thu 6 Apr only.