
The Hills Have Eyes I IHI ... IAlcxunIlrc r\|il. l'S. Ilium .-\.IrnII SLIIIIanl. Kalhlccn Uurnlan. \'IIchx.I Slum III"IIIIII MIIIIIIII IIIIIIcrx “\L' lInIII llIL’lr pII-xlmllx In lc.IxI nII nyxl-IIkaIIIg Irmcllcrx uhn lI.l\L’ l'x-cn pHL'lI \\ rnng IlIrchInnx h} IlIc cul 3:.Ix xIIIIInn IIIIL‘IIIlIIIII ll'x hlnnd} lrnIII lllL' nil. IIIIIl Ihc l'Ier I'Iw IIIIIIIIch arc l.llll.l\ll(. Il nn- xL'rccn IIIIIIIIIIIInII‘x )nur IlIIIIg 'l'cIIxc. cmlrng IIIIIl. illilnt' IIlI I'Ixc. gnnIl xmr} IIIII An llllprC\\l\C rcmukc nl llIL' W77 angIIIlIl (II'III'I'II/ I'I'Ir‘uud

Homemade Hillbilly Jam I IJAI IRng MIIIIIII'lI. (icrIIIIIII). ZINISI HIIIIIIII l>cprIc Ihc llIhfL‘Il. (llllIyIIl'L'L'-\\ caring; xlcrcnlnw. rcul hIIlhIIl} L‘UlllllllllillIL‘\ xlIlI cxle III IlIc rcIIInlc ()IIIrk IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIx III .\IIxxnIIrI. 'l'lIIx c_\c-n[wnlng lllll\lL‘ Ilnc lnllnux IlIc lIIIIIIl Br; SIIIIIII ux IlIc) \lrl\C In xIII} mm In IlIcIr SCHh/lrhll I'ulIurIIl rnnIx III Ihc lau- nl CIIcInIIL‘lIIIIg I'IIIIIIIIcrL‘IIIlIxIII. l’IIrI nl IlIc SlIcll'IclIl lIIIcrIIIIIInIml l)IK'lIlllL‘lll;lI‘} l'I'xIIMII IIII 'l-Ulll'. l’I/m/IIIIIII'. I'JI/III/IIII‘u/II Hostel I IS) ... IlilI RnIlI. l'S. IINISI JII} llL'I‘IIIIIIIlI'I. Dcrck RII‘lIIIrlenII. ‘HIIIIII. ()III'IIIIII 'l‘IIrIIIIIIIIn C\L'L'llll\t' prnIluI‘L'x Rnlh. lIIx IlIrchnr prnIlIg}. A grnup nl Inurlex lIchr IIII lIrlIilll lugcnd IIhnIII II lInxlI'l III Slnx crII.I uhcrc Ihc Ilrugx IIrc pchIIIlIII IIIIIl IlIc gIrlx cux). lI'x lII'IIIIIl IIIIII Ilccpl} IIIIplmxIIIII lIIIl Irul) xIprcnxclul .II'IInII. (iI-m-ml II'It’IlH'. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II'I

... I(’;IrlIIx SIIIIIIIIIIIII. l'S. :(Nllil VIIIccx III Ru} RnIIIIInn. JnlIII I.I'gIII/;IIIIII. l)cIIIx Ivar}. SCIIIIII \VIllIIIIII Scnll. ()llllllllI Stu Alxn RI‘II'IIxCIl. pglgc JII. (iI'III'I'II/ I'I'II'IIII'. The Immortal (EI Inmortal) I ISI IML'I‘L‘I'IIL'x Mnncudu RnIlrIgIICI. SpIIIII/McxIcn. 2005i SIIIIIIII lIIIIIxcd u IIlI IIIcIIIplInr illltl xlick lIII\L‘-CII-\CCIIL‘. IlIIx IlncIIIIIcrIIIIr} [mix up IlIc pIcccx III IlIc NII‘III'IIguIIII ('II II \Vur nl Ihc curl} Xllx. lIIglIlIghIIIIg IIx dcquIIIIIIIg cl‘l'ccl upnn IIIIL' lIIIIIII}. .-\lIlInIIglI RnIlrIgIIw xlInIIlIl hc prithIl lnr plIerIIng IIII IIII_|Ilel_\ IIcglccchl lIleancIIl cwnl. hcr xi} lIxh IlII‘chInII (I III 'l‘nn} Scnll Ilncx lccl IIIcnngrunux \\ IIlI Ihc grim rculII} nII xlInu. l’IIIl nl Ihc Shcll'IclIl llllL‘I'lIilllIillAll DncurIIcnIIIr} l‘CxIIIIII IIII 'l’nIIr. I'l/Hl/IUHH‘. lz‘IlInIIIIr'q/I.

In This World I 15) .... IMIchucl \VIIIIcrhnIInIII. l'K. 2003) Juhul l'IlIn


'lnmhI. l:II.I_\.IIIIll.IlI HMIIIII lug-II; xv.” nld J.IIII.Il .IIIIl lIIx \I‘lhlll l',ll.l'\.llllll.l ch nIII lInIII IlIc IIIl.IIIInIIx SlI.IIIIxh.IIxnII Iclugcc \Jlllp III l’.IkaI.III InI l nIIIlnII 'l‘lIcII lI\L‘\ .III' III III: h.IIIle nl IlIc pcIIplc xIIIIIgglcrx ()UL'HJ. lClIldll. lxI.IIIlIIIl. S.III3.:.IIII' Illltl Innin- lwymd II Ix .I lInrrII}IIIg_' IIIIIIIII'} .Illll \VIIIIL'rlInIInIII. xIrIplxerIcr Inn} (irIxnIII .IIIIl L'dlllL‘fdllldll \lalt’cl /}kuIIIl Iln IInI llllltll IIII .I lllIIlllL‘lll ,-\IIIl Il'x .I IlllllLUll llllll In “.Ilk'll ixchIIcIIIx nl (IlrlL'\P(‘llIlCllLC UHIIIIICIIIJF} .IIc Illl\L‘Il up \\ IIlI II.IIIxc.IIIIIf_' II.IIIIr.IlIxIII. hul Ihc chIxc III chIIIIIIc It.” Ix xII IllIlllL‘IlldlL‘ nIIc Ix llL'\CT III IlnIIhI III IlII' IIIIpanIIIIL‘c III IlII' unrk (II/Ill II. blur/Hush Inside Man I ISI.... ISpIkI- I cc. l'S. ZINIIII Dun/cl \\.leIIIIgInII. (Inc I )ucn. JnIlIc l'nxlcr IZSIIIIII I).IlInII Rll\\L‘ll

I( )ucrII Ix pl.IIIIIIII;_' llIC pcrlu‘l InlIlII'I} l)ClL'Cl|\L' l‘l'iI/ICI I\\.leIIII;_'IIIIII IIIIIxI xlnp lIIIII .-\IIIl IlIc h.IIIl\‘x prIIpIIcInI lllll'\ l.I\\}I-I .\l;IIlclIIIc \VlIIIc Il'ancI'I In III'IIII-II lIIx llIlL‘I'L'\l. Slcck. IIIIcllIgI'IIl .IIIIl cnIIxIIIIIIIIIIIcl) IIIIIIlc lllllllL'l IlI.II I'nIIch In .III lIllL'\PL'L'lL'Il I‘nIII‘lIIxInII (iI'm III/ II II (IN The Interpreter I I 3.x I ...

IS}III]C} l’l)|l()(l\_l 5,:llll-1INIL'UlI‘ KIIlIIHlI. Sum l’cIIII. IZ‘hIIIII. l'lll .IchII Il’cIIIII Ix .IxngIICIl In [‘lUlL‘L'l II Ir.IIIx|.IInr I KIIlIImIII IIIxIIlc llIL‘ l'.\' .IIII'I' xlIc ll]|lll\\ xlIc lI.Ix lImnl xnIIIcIlIIIIg \lIL' xlInIIIIlII‘I ll.l\L‘ SIII}. IlL‘l'lM’llHC .IIIIl n\ Cl -lnII3_' IlII'Ilch \IlIIclI. IIIxI- Ihc l'.\' lecll. prnIIIIxcx ii lnI IIIIIII- IlI.III II IIlIIIIIIIIcl} tlL‘ll\L'l\. ()I/I'I’Il .II [III QIIIII. (i/IIwIIII, (i/IIIQIIII.

Iqbal Il’( iI ... INIIgcxlI KIIkIIIInnI. lIIIllll. IIIIISI Shrcny 'l‘IIllmIlc. \.IxI'I'I‘IIIlIlIII SlIIIlI. Shut-III l’l'ilmlllrxllllplhlIt" lIIII lIkculIlI' IIIII' .IlInuI II IchII IIIIIl IIIIIIc hn} \Ihn IlrmIIIx nlInIIIIIIg Ihc pI‘CxIIgInux lIIIllillI I'I‘It‘lu'l ICIIIII. gIIIIl IlrcuIIIx ;l\ \\ C III] kIInu (.III cnIIIc II‘IIL'. ()III'II/I I‘UI'I A'I/IIIIIII‘II. [cl/III/IIII'QII.

* Island of Lost Souls I I2.-\I

.... Ilirlc (' KL'IIIHII. l'S. I‘HRI (‘lI.IrlI'x l..’lll:_‘lIlUll. RIclIIIrIl Arlen. l.cIl.I H};IIIIx. KIIIlIlccn Burlu‘. llclII [.IIgan 7 l IIIIII. .\ prnducl III lhc “)3le hnrrnr lInnIII. IlIIx curunrdInIIr) IIIIIIpIIIIInII nl~ ll(} \Vcllx' llll’ [slum] Ill l’l‘ .UIH'I‘IIII \HIx lXIlIIIL‘Il lIIl‘ .‘ll )I'III'x III BI‘IIIIIII. IIIIIl xIIll rcIIIIIIx lllL‘ pnucl In xlIncL. An uncurlhl) \ IxInII nl nIIc III.III‘x IIthxxInII nII ill] leIIIIIl IccrIIIIIg \\ IIlI lIIx

lIIIlcnIIx tIthIInIIx l’.III nI (‘IIlI' l:.'rI./:I-.III III/rrluuglz

It‘s Not You, it's Me (No Sos Vos, Soy Yo) I l‘I IJIIIIII l.II.IIIIn. \lgk'lllllld SIIIIIII. IINIJI llIcgn l’cIclII. Snlulml

\ Ill.IIIIIl. ('ct IlI.I l)I‘[\l/H. lchII.III JIIIII'IIw III‘IIIIII \x lbe IIII-IIJIIII; In InIII lIIx l‘lhlk' InI II Ichx lllL' III \lllt‘lltII. \IchIIIIImII

.l.I\ II'I‘x lllk' I.Il|x Ill‘Jll .Ill‘llllxl lIIIII I'lII- IK'II-IIIIMI lnch. .|.I\ II'I'x plIglII III.IkI-x InI .III .IIIIIIxIII; NAIR kl‘lll\.\l.\. .IlIlInIIglI IlIIx IIlIII plnughx lIIIlI' llt‘“ gInIIIIIl l’.IIl III \ I\.I' llIglIlIglIIx IInIII lllk' \[XIllhlI .IIIIl l .IIIII \IIII'IIIuII l'lllll l'I‘xII\.Il II'I'IngII-I III/I;

[III Ill/I (II’IIHQI 'l‘.

Jumanji «l I... IJnc JnlIIIxInII. l \. I‘I‘HI Rnl‘III \\ IllI.IIIIx_ _lnII.IIlI.III l|_\IlI‘. KIIxII-II l)IIIIxI IIIIIIIIII Imppul InI III _\IuIIx III .I IIIIIglc lIn.IIIl 3;.IIIII‘. \l.III l’.IIIleI

I“ IllI.IIIIxI Ix II'lI‘JxI'Il IIIle \IlIcII Iun lllI‘IlL‘lll I14} kIle IlIInu IlIc \llkk' IlIcIIIxI'lxcx lIIII IlIc} .len IllllL'.I\ll .I xI.IIIIpcIlI~ nI IIInIIkc} x. I lIK'INlllC\. clcplmnlx. IlIIIInx .IIIIl IIIlII'I IIIII.IIIIIII.II lwaxlx IIIIn xIII.Ill lII\\ll \lllt'lltJ I‘lIc xInI) lllIIll.If_‘I'\ In ycl lII'xnIIIl IIx II'III'IIIIw lIIIIIIx \IIIlI .I lIrIllIIIIIIl} nIIg;III.Il I‘I‘IIIIJI lIlCII .IIIIl IIIle .lllIIl\\lI I’ll/A xl‘lllplllt'l I‘llu‘lx IlI.II lll.ll\L' II xI.III' nI»IlII' .III \lllk'lllJ xpu‘ldt‘lc (iI'IIwIIII II/III I/II IIIIII (i/IIIQIIII Lassie I l’( iI .. I( lInIII-x \IIIIIIIlgc. l'SIIIclJIIIl. .‘INISI S.IIII.IIIIlI.I \lIIIInII. JnlIII l_\ll(ll. SIcw l’I'IIIhI-I'IIIII. (iII'gnI l-leII-I ‘NIIIIII 'l llt' IIIIpl.IIIxI|Il_\ II‘xIlII'III (‘nllIc lInIIIIle lmck nIIIn IlIc lug; \\ lL‘t‘ll llInxc l.IIIII|I.II \Hlll IlII' xInI} “1” “ml lIIIlc In ).Ip .IlInIII III SIIII'I'IIlgc'x lIlIII. Alllk' ll.-\l"l \

\\ IIIIIIIIg \xrIIcr/IIII'I'I‘Inr ch'IIIx IIIII'.Ix} \\ IIlI IlII‘ xnIIII‘I' III.III‘I‘I.II. IIIrIIIIIg \\ll.ll xlInIIIIl l‘k' .I xII.II:_'lIIlnr\\.IrIl chIIIlrcn'x _\.IrII IIIIn .I lL'k'llll'L' IIII I‘LIxx .IIIIl IIInr.IlII_\ ()I/I II/I IIIrI [VIII/nun]. lu/III/Irugll

Last Holiday I 11M... I\\.I_\ llt‘ \Vung. ['X Zilllhl (JUCCH l..IlllIIlI. (‘Ulll .l. ’l'IIIInIlI} llIIIInII. (icI'.IIIl l)cII.IIIlIcII lllIIIIII I.lec.Il\lc IlI.IIII.I .IIIIIIII .I xlI} \\Hlll.lll \IlIn Ix diagnnxul \\ uh .I lt'l'lllllldl llllIL‘\\ .IIIIl llk'L'lle\ In xpcml hcr I'L'III.IIIIIII; \Icckx nII II lilll'lipt‘illl \.Ic;IIInII. DII'u‘InI \\'.I_\IIc .XmIIAI' \VII} llL' .IIIIl \\ I‘IIch .lcllIc} l’rII'c .IIIIl l’cII-I‘ SmIIIIIII Ixch IlIIIng lIIIlIlIl). nIl I'I'IIlIc .IIIIl L'IIIL'I'IIIIIIIIIg. ()HL' lnr IlIc |.IIlch pcrlmpx SI’II‘I II'I/ I‘I'lI‘IIHX

mm Mighty Michael Winterbottom double bill comprising two of his more serious and politicised works. In

this World shows one young Afghan migrant’s attempts to reach the UK, and reveals Winterbottom developing ideas and concepts of structure and naturalism that he would later develop in Code 46 and 9 Songs. The Road to Guantanamo is a more lucid piece of agit prop cinema about the Tipton Three, which still horrifies and appals. Take it from one who knows - you will be angry as all hell when you leave the cinema.

I Cameo. Edinburgh (Sun 9 Apr only).

52 THE LIST 3O Mar-713 Apr 3006

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island II I.. II‘II'I lk‘ Kn km. (II‘IIII.III}. .‘INI‘I MIIIIIII _lII\cIIIlI- pnl.” l‘x'Jl l .IIx IIIIIl lIIx l‘\‘\l l‘ll\l\l_\ Rnl‘luc ll‘CJIl III? In lk'\\ llk‘ .I IIIcIIIl lInIII IlIc I I.II.II\I__‘IIx l\l.lllIl\ \II .IIpIIIIIcIII .lgllllhl lk'l‘llhllkllllll I'M-Nun Ill”: [in II'."I (I...'\\'I Iv.

* Long Weekend IN .... lgglI'xInII. \IIxII.IlI.I. I" '.\I lnlIII ll.III.rII'.I\I'x. llllI‘ll} lichch \lIlH \lIl \II'II. Rn} llln ".‘IIIIII llllx ‘le \\ IlIchrII-xx I lllllx'l


II'IIIIIIx In IlII' In; x\ II'I'II .IIII'I lerII' l.ll_‘_'\‘l\ Inrgnllcn III lk‘xk'lll _\\'.Il\ I‘II\ IIIIII‘II' I‘I'II-II .IIIIl \l.IIIIII'x lL'l.IllI‘ll\lll[‘ lI.III_;'x III IlII' l‘.ll.lll\k‘ lnllnu III: IlIc l.IIII*I‘x .III.III .lllIl lk'\lllllll:_' Ill‘I‘lllI‘ll \ IMIIIIlIIIg \\\'k'l\\'ll\l .I\\.l\ .II .I lI‘lllI‘ll‘ III-.I. II IlnI-x lllllt‘ III III-III lll.Ill\'l\. .Ix xnIIII'IlIIIIg; \xII kcIl Ix IlII‘II \\.I\ \I‘llllll‘.‘ l’.III nI (‘llll' lIIHI/Iqu ldrn" nu: Lucky Number Slevin ... «Paul \II( llllg'dll. l \. .‘IIIIIII .lnxlI llJllllk‘ll. III-II kIIlgxlI'}. lllllxk' \\ IllIx \lnII'.III l-II‘I'III.III. I In} I III llIIIIIIII \\ lII'll \II". III Ill.IIIIIcIII xIIlllI‘Ix .III .IIMIIIIII‘III \\ IIlI Innl \\.I|lII.II\cI llk' Ix IIIIxI.IkI'II InI lIIx l.IIIIllnIIl. \IlIn IIIxI II.II\I‘I‘IIx In nuc I\\n lI‘llIllll‘.‘ I lllllI' InIle Il\lll“.'\lk"\ .IIIIl l lk'I'lllJll' .I llk‘dI‘ III \.l\ll In .IIlIl In lIIx \\\‘\'\. .I IIng \lI‘llI‘ll\ lIIIIII.III I\\ IllIxI Ix l‘Illllll}' \lllllj,‘\ Iu‘lIIIIIl IlII‘ xII'III‘x III.I|xIIIj_' \lmIII'x Mr .I IIIIxI‘n l<l‘ll\'lkil.l\lk‘l ll\lk' IIIIIII'III lllllllI‘l IlI.II Ix III-.n) nII .lllllH\|‘ll\‘II‘ .IIIIl _‘_'l'\‘.Il \\.lll[‘.l|‘t’l. l‘lll IlulIl nII IIII)_'III.IlII§ In m m[ II II In. Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 30 II .. l\l.lll\ I‘nan.l S. jllIHI IIIIII |l.IIIkx III.III.IIIII I. llI.IIIIl} lll.II'kchl§:c. ( I.IIIIxnII llI'l\lll‘k‘l‘.T\'l. .'\ll\ll\'\\ llIIxIII.IIIII. \.IInII \\lIIII' lIlIIIIII 'lnIII ll.IIIkx II.III.III'x IlIIx lInIII.I;;c In my I: llk‘ll \\lIII \Krlllxt'tl nII IlII' IIInIIII l‘k'l\\\'\'ll l‘lh‘l .IIIIl l‘lfi: llII\ \[K‘I [.II “I.” Illk'lllllt‘lll.ll_\ lL' I'II.II'Ix IlII' l.IIIIlIII;:x III .III an‘lII'IIIIIIgl} \lldlllllllx' I.leIInII /Ul\ Ill! Ill/I. (r/IHK'IH'.

ManderlayI l5I .... I| .IIx \nII lIII'I. l)I‘IIIII.IIk'chIlI‘IIl K,’|-I.IIII‘I'. SWIM llIII I- l).I|l.Ix ll(l\\.ll\l. I).IIIII_\ (ilnwr. l\.lll\ll IlI' lldlllxlllk'. l ‘IlllL‘ll ILII‘AII. \\ IlI'III l).ll0\' libIIIIII 'I’lII' \k'k'Illltl [XIII nl \an IIII'I‘x [Irnpan-Il '-\IIII'III'.III lIIlngv l‘k'lelh \IlII-II' /)IIuII/I’I' lull IIll .IIIIl \II'.I\I‘x .IIIIIIlII'I IIllcganml ldlk‘ .III.II’|xIII_L' ‘\lllk'llt.lll IIIIpcrI.IlIxIII. ()II .I IIIIIIIII') .lk lIIxx .\lllt'll\.l \IIIlI llL'l I.IIlII'I Ilk'lnc. II'III.IIIII;; J.IIIch (XIIIII I. (iragc \'Illllt'\ .lklil\\ my Ian II III \l.IIIIlI'I‘|.I). \IIII-II- xl.I\cr) Ix xIIll Pldkllkk'll lillxlllf.‘ I'l |;I\\}I'I .IIIIl InIII lIl‘IlLlllllk‘ll xlII' (lL’Clle\ III llL‘I' lllc \l.I\C\ IIIIIl lllllllilllk I‘ IchIIncrIIc} 'l llL' Illll} dranlmck In IlIIx I'IgnIIrnIle} IIIII'llIyI'III lIlIII Ix IlI.II nII IIx xccnIIIl nIIIIIIg. lllL' lllllllk'll xnIIIIIl xI.I;_'I' IICHlIL‘lII‘ IIlI'L'JIl} \L'L'Illx .I II” \l.IlI' (‘Hll'llllllll II’I II/II'H \.'Ii'( I, (l/I1\‘\'llli March of the Penguins II I... ll.ll\' JIII‘IIIII'I. l‘lllllL‘k'. IINWI NSIIIIII lklIglIIlul Il I.IIIl_\ InIIIIIII' IIII .I l)l\\ll\k'l_\ (‘lI.IIIIIc| IxIIIIl III \KII} I Illlk IIIIII'III.II} \IlIIIlI lnllnnx lllL' lampcrnr l’I-IIglIIIIx‘ Illllllldl IIIII'IIIIII In lIrIIIg: llL‘“ IIII' IIIIn IlIc llL‘k'llllL' clIIIIlIx nl .'\lll.llt'llL'II \lllldell l‘II-I'IIIJII‘x l'lL'lI. I‘lII-cx} \IIII'I-waI-I III.Il\I~x llIL' llllll (‘IIIIII‘IL IzIIIII/IIIIu/I.

Memoirs of a Geisha I IJA l ... IRnh .\1;IrxlI.Ill.l S. ZINISI KI-II \\.II.III.IIII'. \llt‘hcllc Yvnh. /ll;lllf..' /.I} I. (iIIIIg l.| l-ISIIIIII Sum-II .IIlIIpIdIIIIII III x\l‘llllll (IUltlL’ll'\ IIII\ cl \klllu’ll lCllx lllL' \lIII} III .I JIIIMIICxc L'llllll InIII lInIII lIcr I.IIIIIl} In \InIlI. ;II it chxlm lInIIxc. lIlIIxxnIIIIIII,v IIIIII lllL' lcchIIIIIr} gcrxlm S;I}III‘I I/I} II .\I.IrxlI.I|| pluI'Cx IlIc I'IIIIIlquIx IIII lllL‘ Ilk'\lllk'llu IIIIlII-I IlIIIII IlIIIIIIIIIII~ L'Illllk'lll. lIL'\L'I yn lllj.’ IIx I'IInuglI hulII-xuhlc IIIIIII\.'IIIIIII .Ix .I IL'\llll (i/IMQIIII /'I/In I/IIIIIII‘,(i/I1\;'II'.I

The New World I I3.\ I ...

I'l‘L'rrL‘llt'C \Iullk‘lx. l'S. IMF I (‘)-( )I'IIIIled KIIclIcr. ('nlIII l-IIIrcll. (‘lIrIxILIII lllIlI'. (‘lIrleI’PlIcr l’IIIIIIIIIcr ISIIIIIIII \I.IlIth cprc Ix t]lllL'l\l_\ rccngnlxuhlc ;I\ [lit xInr} III l’nguhnnlux. Ihc \ulnc .-\lllL’l’lL‘.IlI gIrl \IlIn rkacIl hcr IIlc In xhnu IIIcrt'} In llllrllllL'l' JnlIII SIIIIIII \Ihcn hc luccd gcrIIIIn IchIIlI III IlIc lI;IIIle nl lIL'r Ithc l‘lllllL‘Il 35 )cnrx :IlII-I hc angInulI} It rIIIc Ihc xngpI. IlIIx l\ IIII L‘\L|lll\llcl_\ rchlIchl p.le Innk IIIII Ihc L'IIxIIIIg Ix purc lull}. l)l.'\pllL' IIx \IIIIIIIIIg lIL'lIIllIL'. Ihc Inulc xI.Irx nllcr hurcl} II prIrk hcluccn llIL'III. lcm mg II gIIpIIIg lInlc \xlIcrc llIL'rL‘ xlInuld he an uulhcnlrc rnIIIIIIIIIt‘ hcurl I'l/III/IIINH'. lzrluI/Iurq/I.