Alien Autopsy I 12A)

\N'I-Ilik Mm 200. .115. 0 30. x45 HosteIIIm Hull} 1 3IIIK4INIIIIIII\\I'I11\ 11m).

1) .211. l) 1111

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I 1 I

l).’i|l} I 00. III). (I00. 3 30

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (Parent 8. Baby Screening) \luiliicc luv 11) 30.0)) Inside Man I 15)

Hull) 215IIIIIIS.II). 800IIII)I\1I)0)

Inside Man (Subtitled) I I5)

Muimcc Sui 2 15

Sun 5 00

.\lI)I): 800

The Pink Panther d’( 1)

Hull}. 100. 3&1). (000 (k 8 21) Hill \VI'd I\ '11)“)

Odeon Wester Hailes

\Vcslsidc l’lu/u. 1211\VL'sIL'I 11.010 Rudd. \VI'sici' lluilcs. 0871 2244007 |1)1 |l-.| Adulis. £5 70 ('liilIliI'n/()A1’/Siudcnl £4.20 111001} iII'kI‘i. £15 lluigum l)u_\ 10(- t3 75 u|1 \L‘ill\ Pic 0000 slums

£3 75.

11'11)R.‘)1)AY 150

Big Momma’s House2II’III I30. 350 Chicken LittleIl') 120. 3.10.

Good Night, and Good LUCkIl’U) 015. 3.30.

The Hills Have Eyes I 1.3) 2. 30. 3.10.

HosteIIIm 2.40. 5.30. 300 Inside ManII5) 215. 5.10. 750. The Pink PanthefIl’U) I I0. 350. 0.111. 8.40.

The RingerII2.-\) 1.30. 3.50. 005. 3.20.

VforVendettaII5) .‘15. Walk the UflCIl2A) 315.

5 00 11101 Sun).

5 50.

510. 8.05.


Alien Autopsy I 12.\)

\\'I'I1& 1110: 2.40. 8.20.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I 18) 0.111;. 3.35. x20.

Failure to launch I 12A) Hull}: 1.40. 4.10. 020. .340. Firewall I I 2.\ I

Hull): 3.50. 010. 8.30. .-\1sI)IIIuIiI)cI'1‘11 Sun: 110 Hostel I 18)

l)ui1_\: 8.00.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I l ' I l)ui1}: 1130.00. 12.15. 1 30. 3.45. 5.00. IIIII). 7. 30.

Inside Man I I5)

Hull): 2.15 (1101 \VI-d Ik 1110). 5.10. 7.50.

The Pink Panther Il’(i)

0:01}: 12.40. 3.10. 010010111101. 8.40 (nui \VI'd Ik lhu). TheShaggy Dog Il') Dull}: 12.30. 3.00. 5 30. She’s the Man I 12.'\I Mutilu‘t‘ Mon 111111: 1.50. Yours, Mine and Ours (1’( i) Duil): 1.50. 3,50.

Scotsman Screening Room

Stuismun 110101. 20 North Bridge. 022 290‘). £8.50 In): £30 inc I'Iwkluil und (“0 (nurse Incul .II \‘ci'milinn (Innincncing ui 0pm).


The Big Sleep (l’(i) 8.00.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show I 18) 3.00.

St Bride’s Centre

10 ()m CH ’l'cri‘ut‘c. 0131 340 1405. 'l-lL‘lsCh 80p.

FRIDAY 3) MAR The Shopworn Angel I15) 200.

FRIDAY 7 APR The Body Snatcher IP(;) 2.00.



7 V'lgins

This fortnight Vival, the touring programme of highlights from the 12th Spanish and Latin American Film Festival, returns to Scottish screens and there are some gems amongst these

dozen or so films. One of these is Andulusian filmmaker Alberto Roderiguez‘s energetic coming-of—age drama. Teenager Tano (Juan Jose Ballesta) has a weekend pass from reform school to attend his brother’s wedding in Seville. Determined to make the most of his brief liberty, he hooks up with his friends to get up to some old tricks - and learn a few new ones. 7 Virgins was a box office smash in its homeland last autumn, and now it‘s

your chance to see why.

I / #0100020, III/Iilquf) (II/I) 11 AI)! ()II/)“)(i/1(/Ci/ /. (3113001)" (lVI‘d 12) /I[)/ ()II/I)

Vue Edinburgh

()mm. (ii'ccnsidc Pluto. 1010 linc 08712 240240. Adulis: £0.30 (£5.25 Mun l'll'l hclurc 5pm). ('hildi'cn/Sludcnis/()Al’. £4.30 (£4 Mun l-Ii hcl'ui‘c 5pm). 1‘umil_\ iII'kI'i: £1040 (£15.80 5100 l‘I'l hclIIII' 5pm). (101d ('luss iiI‘kI'is 101 (“CI 18s 001} £8.05 (£7 ‘15 .\lI)II l’ii 1)I'|I)II‘5piii).


Date MovieIl5) 1.50. 415. 0.15. Good Night, and Good Luck (Gold Class) (l’(i) 12.50. 3.15. 5.45. 8.10.

The Hills Have Eyeinis’) I20. 4.10. (I45. 0.40.

HosteIIlis') 1.30. 400. (I30. 000 Inside ManII5) 2.30. 5.30. 3.30. Inside Man (Gold Class) I 151 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.

Lucky Number SlevinIIx) 2.20. 5.15. 3.10.

The Pink PantherII’III ()15. 8.4.5.

The RingerII2.\I 2.00. 4 30. 700 030 Tsotsi(Cold Class)II5) I45. 415. 045. 9.10.

VforVendettaIl5) 2.10. 5.15. 3.20. Walk the UflBIl2A) 140. 4.45. 800.

1.10. 3.45.


Allen Autopsy I I2.-\)

\Vcd & lllll.’ 8.45.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I 18) mil): 3.20. ().10. 0.10.

Also mulincc 1‘ri Sun: 12 30.

Failure to Launch I l2.\)

1);)i1}: 1015um (nui 1'1) Ik Sui). 12.40. 3.10. 5.45. 8.20. .-\lsI) 100‘ 1'1! IK 5111i Firewall I 12M |)uil}: 1045:1111 (nut 15)) & Sui). 1.20. 4.10. 045. 0.20. AlsI) luic 1'11 ck Sui‘ Hostel (18)

Dull}: 9.40.

Also luic 1"i‘i Ik Sui: midnighi. Hostel (Gold Class) I 18)

Dull}: 1.10. 3.45. 020. 8.50. lceAge 2:TheMeltdownIl')

l'il‘l Ik Sui: 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.30 4.00. 4.30. 000. 030. 7.00. 0.00. 9.30. 11.30.

Sui Thu: 10.30am. 11.00am. 1.00. .30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.00. (1.00. 030. 7.00. 9.00. 9.30.



11.30um. 4.30.

Inside Man I I5)

Dull): 11.20110) (nui 1'11). 230. 5.30. 8.30. The Pink Panther Il’(i1

1)uil_\: 10.00.10) (nui l-I‘i). 12.20. 2.50. 5.20.

The Ringer I 12A) 1'11 Inc: 8.45.

Also luic l'Ii & Sui: The Shaggy Dog II’)


1);)11): 11.45.10) (001 1511). 2.15. 4.50. 7.15.

She’s the ManII2.\)

Muiincc 5100 1110: 1000.10). 12.40.

Syriana I I5)

Hull}: 8.00.

AlsI) luic 1‘ri & Sui: 11.00. Tsotsl (Gold Class) I I5)

1)uil_\: 8.50.

V for Vendetta (Gold Class) I 15) 0:01}: 1.40. 4.40. 7.50.

Walk the Line (Gold Class) I 12A) 1)uil_\: 1.50. 5.00. 8.10

We Edinburgh Ocean

()ccun 'l'crminul. ()I'cun l)i‘i\c. 1.001). 0131 553 0700. Adult: £0 113C1I)I'L' 5pm £5). ('hild (under 15): £3.80. Siudcni/UAl’: £3.90. 1"umi1} iickci: £15.40. Kids ('101): £2 (00c

uu‘mnpun} mg uduli gUL‘\ li‘cc).


Big Momma’s House ZIP(1) 1.40. 4.10.

CapoteII5) 1.50. 4.50. 7.50. Chicken UttieIl’) 110. 3.20.

Date MovieII5) 2.40. 5.I0. 7.40. The Hills Have Eyes I 18) 3.50. (I30. 0.00.

HosteIIIX) 1.30. 3.40. (1.10. 8.40. Inside ManII5) 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. Last HolidayII2A) 1.20. 4.00. (140. 9.20.

Lucky Number Slevin I 18) 7.00. 9.30. The Pink Panther (l’(i) 3.00. 5.30. 3.00.


SyrianaII5I 2.50. 5.50. 350 VforVendettaII5) 2.20. 5.20. x20.


Alien Autopsy I 12A)

“I'd IQ 1110: 030. 0.20.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I 18) l);lll_\1 5.4(). 8.40. AlsI) l'l‘l Sun: 1240. AN) lulu 1'I‘i Ifi Sui: Chicken Little (1’) 0:111}: 10.10uin. 12.20.

The Constant Gardener (Senior Screening) I I5)

Muiim‘c Wed: 1 1.303111).

Failure to Launch I 12A)

1);)11): 10.30uin. 1.00. 3.30. 000. 3.30.

AlsI) luic l'I‘i & Sui: Firewall I 12A)

310 11.20.


Dull}: 10.15;)0). 12.45. 3.15. 5.45. 8.15. .Alin luic 1'ri & Sui: 11.10.

The Hills Have Eyes I 18)

100' 1'!) (‘ Sui: 10.50.

Hostel I I8)

Dull): 11.00um. 1.30. 4.00. (030001 Wed Ik 'l'hui. 9.40.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Il')

Dull): 10.00um. 10.45;:0). 11.30uii). 12.30. 1.15. 2.00. 3.00. 3.45. 4 30. 5.30. 01.5. 7.00. 8.00. 030

Also luic 1'lri & Sui. 1040.

Inside Man (151

1)ui1): 11.20am (1101 Wed). 2.30. 5.50. 8.50.

Lucky Number Sievin I 13)

Hi Inc: 0.20

The Pink Panther (HI)

0301}: 10.20un). 12.50. 3.20. 5.50. 8.20.

The Ringer I 12A)

l)ui1): 2.50. 5.20. 7.50.

A1in luic l‘ri (K; Sui: 10.20.

The Shaggy Dog Iii)

Dull): 11.45am. 2.15. 4.45. 7.15. She’sthe Man (12A)

Mun Thu: 12.40. 3.10.

Syriana I 15)

Daily: 9.10.

V for Vendetta I )5)

Daily: 9.00.

Yours, Mine and Ours (PU)

Dull): 11.10am. 1.50. 4.00. 050. Zathura (PG) Mutincc Sui & Sun: 10.00am.

30 Mar—13 Apr 20061115 LIST 59