Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


Ac11v111es 81 Fun

Sunday Craft Club I 11111 .\l11n 31 Jul. 11.1111 111111. 1'1'1'1'.11111\g11\1 .\1u\1'11111\ R1'x111111‘1- (‘1-1111'1'. 21111\\111111111'1111 11111111. \'11\I1111. 2711 ‘1 375 I)11111-1111‘1’11111'11111 11111111111111'11'111 1111'1111'1'.11'11 \11'1'111 Ag1'x 5 12.

Saturday Art Club 8111 I A1111k 8111 3 Apr. 11111111 111111. 1'11'1' 11111111} 111 \111111'111A1'1. 11111.11 1'.\1‘111111g1' 8111111112 22‘) 10011. 1'11111111.11‘11\1111'\1111'1'11111111'11 11g1'11 3 11) I’1111'111x 1.111321'1\1111‘1111111111. Alice Through the Looking Glass 11111111111 31 Aug 111111 .\111111.

11111111 1111111. (1111\g1m 81‘11'111‘1'1‘1'11111'.51) 1’111'1111' ()1111}. 421) 511111). 11111'x11g11l1' 111'11‘1'11111111111111 11'11111} 11111111g11 1111\111 11111111 111'1111111g 11111'1'111'1111'111'1111111'x. The Soapy Puppet Workshop $111 1 Apr. 11) 1511111 121511111. £11. S1‘11ll1x11 .\l11\11 .11111 1’1111111'1 ('1'11111'. H 111111111‘111‘1'1'x A\1'11111-. K1'1\111111111'. 33011185. .111111 1111' Ii11x11'1 1111111111 11111 111111 11111111' 1111 1i11x11'1‘ 11111111}

Burrell Collection Easter Programme 5111 1 .8111 15 A111. 111111'\ \111}. 1'1‘1'1' 11111'11'11(‘11111'1‘111111 2111111 1’111111111\1111\\\11111111237 25511. 1\\11 \11'1'11x111 11111111‘11\1111'\111x1111'1'1111} 1111' 1111111111 111‘11\1 .11)\1‘|)11 (1111111111.

The Captain's Magical Cabin .\l1111 3 111 "1 A1111k .\11111 11) 11111 13 A111 11.311111111k 131111111. £4.95 1£3.75). 1111' 11111 51111111111111xg11u 111111111111. 11111 8111111111“ 11111111. 222 2513. 1.1'11111 111111' 1111111\ 111111 x1113; \111111111'\.11\ 1111' 1111 1111' 11111-11 \1'11x 1x 111'1111g111 111 1111' 111 1111' 1‘11pl11111’x 1'1111111.

Spring Holiday Programme .\l1111

3 1511 14.1\[11.111111'\ \111'}. .\111\1'11111 111 '11'1111x111111. K1'11111 111111. I 1111111111ux1' 11111111. 287 2221). A11 1111111111'1 111' 111111 111111 11111111‘11\1111'\ 1111'11g1'x 5 12. 81'1' gluxgmx11111x1'11111\.1'11111 111111 11111 111'11g1'111111111'.

Kelvingrove Spring into Action 1111' 4 11111 (1 Apr. II)11111 311111. K1‘1\111g1'11\1' 1’111'11. ()111g11811‘1'1‘1. 5115 4132. I)1'11|1 111 1111111' 11111111111111 111111 A111“ 11'11111‘x \111'1'1111 \111'111g 111111‘11111'1'. 11M 1111'1\'1'1\111\\'11). 111111 11111111' 1111\1 111 11111 111'1111211'x 1111‘11111111g 111‘1\ 111111 111111» 11111x11'. \1111‘11'x 111111 11111'111‘111111'g111111'x. 1111'1‘1' \1111 111x11 111' 11 \1'11'1'111111 11111111x1'11111 111111'1‘lx 11) 1111111111‘.

Green Fingers, Photos and Fun 1111' 4 8111 8 Apr. 11131111111 111111 1&

2 431111111. £4.51). 1111' 11111111'11 (1:11'111‘11\. '1'1‘11111\\11}. 25 Album 1)1'1\ 1'. 357 511111). .\111k1' )11111' 11\\ 11 11111111111' 1‘111111'111. 111111' 1111111 111111111115 111111 111'111‘ 11111'\ 1111111 1111' \1111‘)11'11111g g111'11111'1 111 1111' 11111111'11 (1111‘111'11s 111 1111\ \1'1'11'x 111' 1111111141111“ 1111‘ 11g1's 3 1 1 )1'111x 111111 1111'11‘ 1111111111'\. 1111111111112 1‘\\1‘1111;11.

Outside In: Easter at Pollok House 8111 1\‘ Mon 17 A111. 11111111 411111. 1’11111111 1111ux1'. P11111111 (11111111) 1’111k. 2111111 1’11111111\1111\\ \ 1{1)1111.111111141(1. \'1\11 1111' Ii11\11'1 11111111) 111111111111 111 1111' \111111g111111' 11111.

Sunday Morning Family Club 81111 1) A111". 11131111111 11111111. £5 111'1'1'111111. P11111111 111111x1'. 1’111111111'11111111'} 1’11111. 211111) 1’11111111x1111“ \ R111111. 11111114111. .\111k1' 11 \11'111111'1 1'1111'1111111‘ 111111 1111111 \11111'. .'\:_‘L‘\

5 11. 111111111111; 1'1'111111‘1'11.

Theatre 81 Dance

The Wolves in the Walls 111111 8111 1\’ Apr 111111 Sun/M1111). 7.3011111 15111 1 Apr. 1111' 4 Apr. 11111 11 A111 1& 8111 8 Apr 111111 1pm). £7 £111£4 £11). '1‘1'111nxx11}. 25 .\1111'r1 D111 1'. 11845 3311 35111. 1111' N11111111111 1111'1111‘1' 111' 811111111111 111111 1111111'1111111111' 111‘1'x1'111 1111\ 11111x11‘111 ~111111 1111\1'11 1111 1111' 111111111 11} .\'1'11 (11111111111 111111 1)11\ 1' .\l1‘1\'1'1111. 81111111111' 111111g1'x 7+. Jump for Your Life! 11111 31) Mar. 7.3011111. £5 (£3 1. 111111 1111'11111‘. 113 11'1111g1111'. 552 42117. Young people 1111111


MONSTER CREEPY CRAWLIES Royal Museum, Edinburgh, until Sun 28 May .000

There are some things you just don’t want to think about, and having bugs in your kitchen cupboards is one of them. But there's no getting away from it; the pesky things are pretty much everywhere - although mercifully not as big as the ones on display here. With several species recreated up to 400 times their normal size, you quickly learn to overcome any anti-bug feelings you may have, particularly when they start to move. In truth, the real things are more disturbing praying mantis, tarantula, hissing cockroach, scorpions - but they’re all safely tucked behind glass. Providing your companions aren’t too wee, you can

1111' 111111 Skillxhnpx 111‘11g1‘111111111' \111111 1111 11 11111 1111'1'11' 11'111‘111 111 1111s 111'1'1111‘11111111'1' 111K611\\'111111111l‘1"\ 11111}. Mucklemouth Meg $111 1 Apr. 211111. £4.5111£4). S1‘11111s11 Musk 111111 1’1111111'1 ('1'11111'. 8 111 131111'111'1'1'x A\ 1'11111'. K1‘11111111111'. 33011185. A \111'1'1 11111' \1111‘\ 1111111 P111111} ‘s. . Funnybones .\l1111 3 Apr. 1 111111. £3.51). (111111111‘1'11111(112.‘) 111111191} A\1'11111'. 331) 5522. 1’1111111'111111 [111-x1111 1111-11 \1‘1s111n 1111111\ 111111‘11-11111'111'11111111'11'x [1111' 111111111 11 11111111) 111x111'l1'111nx. Ag1' 3+. Oscar and the Lost City of the Incas 1111' 4 A111. 1 111111. £3.51). (1111111111'11111(112. ‘1 1'111\1'r\11} A11'11111'. 331) 5522. .\l11u\1'11111'\ I’llppclx l1r1ng )1111 1111‘ slur} 111()\1‘111 1111' “1011\1‘ \1 1111\1- 1111\1 1‘r11'1111 111111'111'11 11511111112115.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff “1'11 5 Apr. 1111111. £3.51). (11111111r1'11111(112. ‘1 1'111\1'1'\11} .-\\1'nu1'. 33115522. (111r111~ 1111'11111' (11111111111) [111‘x1'llh 11 simple 1‘1'11'11111g 111'1111' 1111111111x 11111' 111'111r1'1' g11111x 111111 11 grump} 111111. 111111 1111 1'1‘11111211'3111 1111‘\.\11g1‘. Age 3+. 3

Red Riding Hood 11111 (1 Apr. 1 111111. £3.51). (11111111r1'11111(il2. 9 1'111\1'r\11) A\'1'nu1‘. 3311 5522. A g1'11111' 111111

really take your time wandering around this exhibition,

1111111111‘1111x1'1'11'11111g111 1111x11111\1 1111111111\ 11111111} 11111'\ 1111111 ('11111'1111111 1’1111111'1 '1'111'1111‘1'. Using 11111111 111111 puppclx. Ag1-

The Lost E99 111 7 A111. 1 111111. £3.51). (111111111'1'11111(112.‘11111\1'1‘x11} A\1'11111'. 33115522. A g1'11111'1111111'11111'111111g \111111 1111111 S1‘1111}\\11g 1111'11111' (11111111111) 111111 11111111 111'111 puppclx 111111 g1111111' \1111:_'\ 111


Under the Carpet $111 1% Apr. 1 111111. £3.51).(1111111111'111111112.‘11'11111'1‘x11} A\1'n111'. 33115522. \\'11gg1\11 R11111xl1 1111111111 111111111111} 1111\1'111 1111' x1111} 111 8111'1'111. 11 111111'g11'1 \1111111111'x1111111111. Agcx 4+.

Molly Whuppie 1111- l 1 $111 15 Apr. 3111111151'1/8111 111111 11111111. £(11£3 £15 11111111) 1. ('111/1'11x"1‘111'1111'1'. 11111111111111x 8111'1'1. 420111122. 1.11‘111'1} $11111 1111\1'111 1111' 11111'111'311111}. \111111'111h11rl1x1111 11 11111111s111' 111111 11111g11'111 1111\1'1111111'. g1'\


Children’s Storytime $111 1 Apr. 211111.

1‘11‘1‘. 13111111‘r\ 131111111» 11111 11111111 Park. 391) I’r1111111 “111111. 773 2911). \V1'1'111} “1‘1‘111‘1'1111 \111r}11'111ng \1'\\111I1.

filling in your Discovery Trail booklet and learning all manner of fascinating facts. For example, ants are strong enough to lift seven times their own weight, which is equivalent to a man carrying a car across a room in his teeth - now there‘s something you'd pay good money to see.

A replica kitchen replete with weevils in every drawer, plus several microscopic examples of insect detritus, take you right to the heart of the matter. But fear not, the exhibition ends with a relaxing area filled with bean bags, cuddly toys, puzzles and art materials. Plus a comfy sofa on which to watch a film depicting the ludicrous ways insects have been portrayed in American 8 movies. (Kelly Apter)

Artemis Fowl: Fairies, Fiends and Flatulence \\1'11 13 \111 "11111 91111, 11 (111/1'11! '1 111'11111: 11‘11111111.1I\ \111'1-1 420111122A111'1'1.111-11111111111'x11-111w111 1111' 11111111111 .-\111'1111\ 1-11111 111111.111111111

1.11111 ('11111'1

AC11v111€S 81 F1111

The Greatest Fairy Tale: The Amazing Life and Story of Hans Christian Andersen 1 11111 \1111 :4 A111. 11111111 51111118111111111111 5111111

£5 {1251111111111}111‘111'11L35111 (11:. \11 (‘1'111112 2 \1111111'18111'1-1. 52‘) 1‘Ni \ 111\1‘111.11111j_'111111111'} 111111111'111111' 11111111 1111\111‘1111111‘1111111111.111111111111.1111 11111 11111'1‘111'1111-1'\1111111\.

Monster Creepy Crawlies I 11111 \1111 2K .\111_\. 111.1111 511111.1111- 111.1111 1511111 8111111111111 511111. £5 «£3 £41.1.111111j.111'1.1-1 £15.1111}.11\111x1'11111.21.1111111111-1x 811111 247' 421‘). \1'1'11'111'11. 1)1111'11111\\1111- 11‘1'1'111‘11‘.1111'\1.1111111g1111111'111 1‘111111111'1111'111 1111' 1'\111h1111111 1111 8.11 I. M1111 3. 1111' 4 1K; $111 5 Apr.

11111111 431111111

'.'.‘:' ' ' THE LIST 61