557 5588. Icarn Irom thc c\pcrt\ him to makc Ihc \cry hL'\l compoxt pmsiblc l)rop Ill c\cnt tor ach l3+

Compost: Science or Magic? Sun ‘) 'luc ll Apr. noon 4pm l'rcc Royal Botanic (iardcnx. lnxcrlcith Roxy. 55" $88. Icarn all about compmtmg in thc Botanick Rccycling (iardcn. talk to thc c\pcrt\ and (ll\L'(l\Cr \\ hat \xormx likc lo cal l)ropem cycnt lor all ach

Sunday Science Sun ‘) Apr.

noon ~lpm. l-‘rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn laxhibiuon llall. lnycrlcith Rim. 552

7 I 7 I. (ict \omc hand\ on c\pcricncc and lcain all about plant\ and biodixcrxity at llIl\ drop in c\cnt lor lxltlx ot all ach and thcn‘ tamilicx,

Wonderful Orchids Sun U Apr. ipm. ch I: Apr. lpin. l'rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lmci'lcith Kim, 557 5588. l-md out all about gorgcom orchidx and lioyy to look altci‘ thcm. .r\gc\ |3+. Compost in a Bottle Sun ‘) 'l‘tic I I Apr. 4pm. Royal Botanic (iardcli. lnycrlcith Rim. 557 5588. llax c you c\ ci \yotldct‘cd \\ hat gocx on IIINMlL‘ a compoxt bin" Non '\ your chancc to lind ax you makc a mini \crxion in a [lltt\llL' bottlc Drop in c\cnt lor agc\ 5+.

Sex, Flies and Smelly Sticky Tape Sun 0 .-\pr. lpm. l-‘rcc. Royal Botanic (iai'tlcii. lnycrlcith Rim. 5.53 7l7l. lloyy do you chat tip a moth‘.’ ll yoti'yc cycr \iantcd to talk to inxccts lllIN l8 your chancc to Icarn thcir lingo. :\gcs |3+. Songs @ Sunrise Sun ‘I & Wc-d I2 Apr. (Lit) 8.30am. £8 (UH. Royal Botanic (iardcnx (cht (iatci. Royal Botanic (iardcnx. .-\rborctum l’lacc. 552 7l7 I. linjoy thc dami chorus and honc your bird idcntitication \kill\ with an RSl’B c\pci't. Suitablc l‘oi‘ kidx ol' all agcx and thcir lamilics. 'l‘ickct lllL‘llItlL‘\ lii'ciilxliixtl

Growing Green .\Ion It) \Vcd I3 Apr. llam & 2pm. l’rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Ron. 557 5588. l)i\co\cr lhc \ccrctx ol groyy ing pltlltlx trom \ccdx and cutting\. thcn takc homc your oun mini gi'ccnhotixc I'ull ot' baby pltlllh. Drop- in c\cnt l'or kidx ot all ach and thcir lamilicx.

2 + 2 = 7 Mon It) Apr. lpm. l’rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lmcrlcith Rim. 557 5588. l)i\co\cr hoyy lichcnx \uryiyc

Maad And we thought science was just for nerds. Well, the Edinburgh International Science Festival a - . I Z . . . , . . , . , . . . .

. is sure to prove us wrong With this year s programme including oneEighty , the new initiative With .a host of events aimed at 8-18-year-olds. This includes the Maad Skillz event (above), a day of DJ-ing, graVIty-delying breakdancing and beatbox geniuses. So now everyone can join in a spot of world domination. Start practising those sinister cackles. l Wed 5 Sun 76 Apr. See listings for detax/s.

III c\ticmc ctllltllllttlh and thc \ccictx thcy hold about thc natural uoild \gcx 3+

Science Festival at the Royal Observatory Mon to In It \pr.

2 me H 5H (2.: 5th. Ianuly tickct L‘l Royal ()bxcryatory \ l\lltll' ('cntrc. Blacktoid Hill. (m8 84ll~l \ \ycck ot \\tll'l\\lltip\ xyhcrc you can Icarn all abotit xpacc. btiild roclxctx. \cc through duxt cloud\ and \tudy ihc ingrcdicntx Ioi litc :\gc\ 8+ Hooking C\\Cllll.tl

Dr Bunhead presents the First Poo in Space .\lon I” (k 1 Int Ii \pi. 3 5UP!" (5 1U). Royal \llI\L'llIII. 3 ('hambcix Strcct. 557 5588 lhc III.I\lL‘I' oI cxircnic \cicncc um L'Il\ lI|\ I‘ltllillh ticyy \hou. lcaturmg c\p|odmg dollx' lll'tlllh and lot\ oI l;tIIl.t\lIL’.tll\ iudc III\‘\\ .-\j._'L‘\ 7+ .

Fragile Fungi .\lon Ill \pi. ipm. l lIlI li.-\pr. lpm l'rcc Royal Botanic

\yhy nccd lmigi and tungi nccd ll\ .\gc\ 8+.

Chemistry of the Stars 1 uc I I Sat l5 .-\pr. l l.‘~tlam. l-‘rcc but tickctcd Royal .\luscum. 3 (‘hambcrx Sum. 557 5588 land out \\ hat thc tiniyci‘w l\ madc ot' in llII\ \ I\ll;ll chcnuxtry \hoyx. :\gc\ 7+.

Bananas, Bananas, Bananas! Inc

I l & l-ri l4 .-\pi'. lpni. l‘rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnxcrlcith Roxy. 5.57 5588. 'l‘hcrc'x morc to bananax than thc oncx you \cc m \upci‘niaikct, l-ind out all abotit purplc. \\ll(l. \yooly. \xhitc and \ccdcd \L‘I‘\IIIII\, :\gc\ 8+.

Plant Doctor ‘l'uc I I t\ “at I3 .-\pt‘.

2 4pm. l'i'cc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Royy. 557 5588. Bring along your \ick plant\ and plant pioblcmx to thc Botanic'x c\pcrt plant doctor Ioi diagnoxix and ad\ icc. Drop in cycnt tor all agcx.

Ferns Can Fly! 'l‘uc I I k \Vcd I3 .\pi'. 3pm l'I‘cc. Royal Botanic (lardcn. lmcrlcith Roxy. 557 5588. Icarn ho“ lcrn\ gro\\ Iiom tiny \porcx that lly about to L'Ultlllht‘ placcx all o\cr thc \yorld. .-\gc\ 8+.

Let’s Talk Rubbish \Vcd I: (y llill l5 Apr. l lam 5pm. l‘rcc. Royal Botanic (iai‘tlcn. ln\ci'lcitli Rim. 557 5588. \thn ix rubbixh not rubbixh'.’ ('an you i'cducc.

5‘4 t: :‘tiecfi .11

‘Wonderama’, the Science Festival‘s kids comedy day at Assembly, is sure to be a beaker of fun. If climbing

inside a giant nose and building robots isn't enough, there's the delectable Dr Bunhead (above) to satisfy the most insatiable of young scientists with his explosive tomfoolery.

/)/ Hun/tom} Prowl/its tho first Poo Ill Spam. ll/lfll,‘ It) 8 Hit} 15‘ Apr, .7’ IIOp/n,

Hma/ lM't/fit’a/III, l (finial/{1h

rcuxc and rccyclc l'aniily drop in cycnt to Icarn all about hou to tll\pti\c‘ ot rubbixh rcxponxibly.

Natural Grooves \Vcd IZ Apr. noon 8 ~lpm. Royal Botanic (iardcu. lmcrlcith Rim. 5588. 'l'hc I‘ll)llilil\ and moxcmcnt ol' naturc arc brought to lilc through llI|\

drama and dancc \xorkxhop Snitablc Ioi kidx agctl 5+.

Herbarium Tour \Vcd I2 Apr. 2pm, l'rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Rt)“. 557 5588 (it) l‘L‘lIlIItl lllt' \leItN til Ihc Botanicx' ama/ing plant library. containing oycr t\\o million plant \pccimcnx Sign tip in thc |-.\hibiuon llall :\;.'L‘\ l3+.

Garden Crew ‘l'hu l Apr. l lam & 3.30pm. £3. Royal Botanic (iai'dcn. lnxcrlcith Ron. 557 5588 Your chancc to bc part ot thc gardcn'x horticultural tcam tor hall a day. l’lant your own bcd and thcn comc back all \tlIIIIIICI' to “atclt it grou. Booking cxxcntial. x\gc\ 8+.

Card Craft 'l'hu l3 .-\pr. llam 5pm. l’rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lmcrlcith Rim. 5.57 .5588. Photograph yotIi' layotiritc lltHH'I' and. uymg thc magic ol inodcrn lcchnology. turn it into an indiyidually dcsigncd grcctingx card. Drop-in cycnt tor kidx agcd 8+ and thcir Iaiiiilicx.

Masters of the Sky 'l'hu l3 Apr.

l 4.30pm. l'rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn tlmcrlcith llouxc Launi. lmcrlcith Ron. 557 5588. llayc a closc cncountcr \yith Scotland'x ama/ing llit'tl\ ot prcy. l-‘Iightx arc at 2pm and 4pm \yith handling in

liL‘l \\ CL'll.

Banana Worlds 'l‘liu l3 Apr. 3 5pm. l5rcc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Rou. 557 5588. Icarn him bananas arc grou n. and add to a hugc collagc showing lilc on a banana plantation. Drop-in cxcnt l‘or kidx agcd 5+ and thcir laniilicx. Plants Bite Back! 'I‘hu I3 Apr.

3 3.30pm. lircc. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Roxy. 557 5588. lintcr thc \ycird and uondcrtul world ot' carniyorous plantx. gct up cloxc to thc \L‘nlh Ily trap and tind out about thcir grucxomc sccrcts. Suitablc I'or all tigcs.

Living Stories Mon II) Tim I3 Apr. noon it; 2pm. £2 tundcr 5x I'rcci. Royal Botanic (iardcn. lm'crlcith Ron. 557 5.588. Storytelling. masquerade and music inspiring you to takc stcps towards a greener world. Suitable for kids ot~ all ages and their families. Booking essential.

3O Mar-13 Apr 2006 THE LIST 63