Music Folk

I Traditional Ceilidh St \lark's ('liiircli. (‘astlc 'lcr'racc. 238 | I55

7 ill lllpiii L5 rUi (iaclic and Scots song and music ’uri ul (i’i/lrl/i ('ii/luu’ 3min.

>l< Preston Heed lllL’ l.ol. (liassinarkci. 228 H55 7 illpm LllliLW ()ttcri tlcsc'lllk‘tl as lllL' “Ulltl.\ tliiist glllL'tl acoustic guitarist. Rccd ltiscs liltics. tolls. turik and ran I’m! u/ ('c'i/u/lr ('iillrui' fill/ll).

I Ceilidhs at South Hall Pollock llillls. lliil)riiiitl l’illls Rmitl. lell. [7 lISl. .\ltisrc lrom 'lcaiiriaicli

* Colin Steele’s Stramash ()iiccn‘s ll.tll. (‘lL‘l'lx Sllt'c'l. i5 i “.33” K illplll

L'lll {l2 1L8 Lllli Scc ch 5 x prcucxs. pagc ()5

I Ceilidh Culture Festival Club lhc lot. (irassriiaikct. 328 I I55. Ill. illpm.

[.5 Scc l't‘l il.

I Ferintosh/Dominig Bouchaud .\lcr‘cliisioii (‘astlc School. 304 ('oliritoii Road. 338 ll55. 7.3llpm (8 ill). l'i\c da} tcstnal tlL'MllL‘tl to harps and Han Illule. including coiiccr'ts. classcs. \ioi'ksliops and liarpriiakcrs' c\liihition. North .»\riicrrcaii ccltic iiiccts lirctoii as part ol llic 3.51/1 Izr/r/i/rrirg/i lllli'l‘llullrlllll/ l/rll/l /'¢‘\lll‘il/


I Tartan Week Ceilidh 'l‘ollmnili. Jail W}iid. l)l78(i 27~lllllll 5.30pm & 8.,illpm. £5 Ur. Scottish knccs up.


I Glenkinchie Ceilidh (ilcnkincliic |)istil|cr'_\. l’cncaiilarid. 238 I I55.

7. illprii midnight. £8. llcld lll thc ‘lr'actor slicd' at (ilciikiricliic l)istil|c'i'}'. \\ ith pipc and accordion iiiacstro :\ridr'c\\ Warrcii. I Festival Club Opening Night the lot. (irassniarkcl. 228 l I55. lll._illplll latc. £5. Scc sonic gi‘cat pcrt'ormariccs and rub shouldcrs W itli soiiic ot lhc llcrt'oriiicrs troni tlic ('cilidli ('ultirr'c linc up. I’m! u/ (t'l/lt/ll (‘u/lru‘i' 2llllri.


I Emma and the Professor Rouaiitrcc l-‘ollx ('luh. Rouantrcc Inn. Old Mill Road. lilotm .illHlfl. Scc 'l‘liu (i.

Saturday 8


I Mari Eggen and Helene Hoye plus Fraser Fifield Duo ('aliai'cl Vollairc. Blair Slrccl. 328 l I55. 7.30pm. L'ltl (£8l. 'l‘hc Nor“ cgiari liddlcrs tcam tip Willi ja/l/r‘ools} local \iliistlc/ pipcs/gtiitar dtio. l’urr o/ ('r'r/i'rl/i ('ii/Iiu'i' Juno.

I REVIVAL! the People’s Festival Ceilidh Scottish Stoi') tclliiig ('critrc at .\'ctlicrho\s Arts (critic. High Strcct. 223 l I55. 7.30pm. £7 (£5l. Willi lixiari .\lc\'icar. lhc I.iiitics. thc Both} Jams and gticst sirigci's. I’uri ul (iii/rah ('u/Iim' 3(lll().

I Ceilidh Culture Festival Club 'l‘lic l.ot. (ii‘assriiarkct. 228 I I55. ltl.3(lpiii. [5. Scc hi it.

I Canty and The Poozies .\lcrchision ('asilc School. 30-1 ('olinton Road. 228 “.55. 7.30. [l3 L"). SL‘L‘ Ht 7. ML‘tlchIl lt‘llltllL‘ t'oursoriic mccts thc all-WUIHCH tolk di\as. l’art ot' lhc 351/1 lat/iii/iuruli lllli'l'llullrlllrl/ Hur/i I'i'slri‘ul


I Julie Fowlis 'l‘olliootli. Jail W}Hd. 353 8000. 8pm. til) ([8). (iaclic .sirigcr/mtilii-iiistruniciita|isi Julic l-‘oulis ll)ocliasl prcsciits a sci \\ itli her on ii hand. Scc .\lusic prcx lL‘W. pagc (in.


41 Colin Steele’s Stramash 'l‘hc ()ltl l5riiitiiiai'kct. Albion Strcct. 353 0220. 8pm. 9; l 2. Scc ch 5. Sec prcx ic\\. pagc (i5.

I Heather MacLeod 'l‘ron 'l‘licatrc. 'l‘roiigatc. 552 4207. 8pm. £8. liclcctic Edinburgh-based \‘tK‘ill stylist Will] her own group.

82 THE LIST 3L) Mar—13 Apr 2006


I Julie Fowlis ()uccri's llall. (‘lc-rk SllL'L'l. i5; Sill)“ Split Ll: ltllll Sc‘t' Sat 8 Young iristruriiciitalist and gicat (iaclic sinch lcads licr ouu hand including John .\lc('uskcr on liddlc Scc .\lusic prc\ IL‘W. pagc (if)

I Andy Chung ch l-olk ('luh. Rosal ()ak. llllll'lllitl'} Strcct. 325 1 I55

8 .illplii L5. local licr'ii lac l'ilc l’ur'l ul (rt/nil: ('u/lun' 2mm.

Monday 1 0


I Seikou Susso Nit-iclnsion (‘asilc- Scliool. 30-1 ('oliritoii Road. 338 l I55 7pm. [7. Star koia pla_\cr lr'orii Wcst .-\lrica. l’art ol lhc 35th Indrri/iiudi lIiIi'muiruuul llur/i l'('\/ll(l/


I John Wright Band Stiiliiig l'olk ('Iuh. licst liar .\'oric. l'ppcr‘ (‘i‘aigs tll25‘) 21852 I. 8pm. Scc 'I'hu (i.

Tuesday 1 1


I Ceilidh Club 'l‘lic l.ol. (irassniarlsct. 225 239‘). 8pm. to, Scc 'l‘ttc 4.

I Drink Edinburgh Dry l‘lic \‘illagc. South Fort Strcct. |.cith. 225 l I55. 8pm. £6. Stoi‘)tcllcr Stuart Mcllar‘d) l'Iu/m u/ ll’liiiki um! Smuggling and The lat/iri/mru/r um/ [mil/r I’uli (hut/cl arid pri/c-xsiiiiiiiig singcr/soiiguritcr John Malcolm coiiihiuc traditional and modern storics and songs in an c\p|oratioii ol‘ tlic sccorid oldcst pr'olcssioii. /’url of ('r’i/it/li ('u/Irm' Juno.

I Christine Primrose and Alison Kinnaird lKarine Polwart and Corrina Hewat ML‘l'c‘liisliili (‘asllc School. 294 ('oliiitoii Road. 228 |l55. 7.30pm. {Ill (£8). (iaclic tradition iiiccts contciiiporar} sorrgisi'iting aiid Scots song. all \\ itli harp accompaiiiniciit. Part of tlic 25th lat/inbmyh Irilr'rriulrmru/ IIur/r I'i'slri'ul. I John Wright Band l.cllll Folk (‘|uh. 'l'hc \"illagc. South l‘ort Sir'ccl. 478 78“). 7.30pm. £5. Scc 'l'liu (i.

Wednesday 1 2


I Michael Simons 'l'chai ()xiia. l)cari.stoii l)i‘i\c. 04‘) 7258. 8pm. £3. SCL‘ ch .5.


I Bonnie Prince Billy with Harem Scarem Qllccn's llall. ('lct'ls Str‘ccl. («)8 2010. 7.30pm. U5. Will ()ldharii brings his odd musical mix. uith tlic im'crith c. iconoclastic. iiiostl) l'cmalc l‘olkstcrs llarcni Scarciii.

I Kathleen Lochnane and Alec Finn lidiiihurgh l'tills ('luh. ('aliar‘ct liar. 'l‘hc l’lcasaiicc. 228 | l55. 8pm. U) (£4 £5 l. Supcrh (iahia) -hascd liarpcr with cx-l)c l)annaii's hoti/ouki star. Par! 0/ ('c'i/r'rlli ('ullun' 2()()().


I Islamic Relief Ro}al ('oriccrt Hall. Sauchichall Str‘ccl. 423 392‘). 7.30pm. £15 tL‘llH. .-\ii c\criirig ot~ inspiration \sith gucsts including Saiiii Yousat. Zairi Biklia and .\'ati\ c l)ccri.


I Robin Williamson and John Renbourne Quccii's Hall. (‘lcrk Strcct. (ms 2(ll‘). 8pm. U350 U450. l’ciitanglc's tirigcr-pickiii' guitarist rcl‘orriis his auld alliaricc Wllll tlic lricrcdihlc String Band l'rontniari tor a dosc ot' t'ollt-har'oqtic.


I Zigadof and the Great Romano Susie's Diricr. 5| 53 West Nicolsoii Strcct. 667 872‘). 7 9pm. Hcc. Scc Thu 30.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 30


I Composer Laureate for Schools Concert l slit-i Hall. 1 oihian Road. 238 |I55 " illpni Ur lhc Scottish ('liariilici ()iclicstra roiiis toiccs \\llll 8ll )ittlllg musicians tiorii lhc lzdiiiliuigli Sccoiidai} Schools ()iclicstra uiidcr its gucst conductor Richard l.L'\\l\. tor a pcitoiiiiancc ol Roi} lloslc's third .iiid liiial coiiiriiissiori loi llic (‘it_\ til ladiiiliurgli Sit Slim/m t" lilm lt‘s p|.i_\cd aloiigsidc iic\\ music h} _\ouiig coiiiposcis lioiii schools across lzduihurgh

I St Mary’s Music School Choir and Orchestra Si Mai) \ ('atlicdral. 33 l’aliricislori l’lacc. 335 02‘”. 8pm. [8 it3 £5). .\ laiil} \ar'icd c\ciiiiig \\ ith Scarlatti's Stu/nu .‘Ill/(‘I and tlic I’I‘c'liulr In l)it' .llc'isru \mgr'r h} Wagiicr iiitcrspcrscd \srth solo and cliariilicr music iiuiiihcrs.


I Glenn Miller Orchestra Rinal (‘oiiccr‘t Hall. 3 Saucliicliall Sli'cct. 5% 8000. 7. illprii. U45“ £33. llits troiii tlic 4le including. "l‘u\cdo .lurictioii'. ‘Striiig ol' l’carls‘ arid ‘.\loori|ight Scrciiadc‘. a spccral trihutc to Sariiiii} |)a\is .li. l)cari Martin and l.tilll\ .-\riiistrorig as \xcll as nostalgic lilHilll'llL‘s ol Jud_\ (iarlarid arid \"cia l.}iiii. British .Nlllillt‘lll’ Ballroom (‘Iiaiiipioiis Kristi and Warr'cri lio} cc pcrt'oriii a toc—tappirig trihutc to l-rcd Astairc arid (irrigcr' Rogcrs.


I RSNO: Classic Tunes t'slic-i Hall. l.otliiaii Road. 228 l I55. 7.30pm.

L'l.‘ Lil). l.ukc l)olliriari conducts sonic ol lhc hcsl kriomi classical and lilrii soundtrack picccs. including licrristcin's I'lic' .lluguilii't'nr .Sr'n'u. Willrariis‘ iiiarii lliciiic ll‘Ulll Slur lliiri as \\c|| as \sor'ks h} Strauss. lirahms. lilgai'. liccllioxcu and othcr classical Iic';i\}\sc-iglits.


I Ben Kearsley llol) l'r‘riiit} ('hur'ch. lllo2l) 823738 7.30pm [7 (£5). ’l'raditioiial Scottisli. llariicnco. tarigo/iiiiloriga. lira/iliaii arid lilucgrass l'roiii this litllIllilll‘gllilitil‘ll classical guitarist.


I RSNO: Classic Tunes Ro}al (’oriccrt Hall. 3 Saticliicliall Strch. 35* 80”“. 7.30pm. [l4 Lil. Scc l'rr il.


I Edinburgh Philharmonic Orchestra ()llccli's Hall. (‘lL'l'ls Slr‘ccl. (m8 2(ll‘). 7pm. [8 tin tlic coiiccrt L'lll litll' llic L'cllltlli ([5 lot lhc critic‘cl'l [7 Jill lliL' c‘cllltlli ll ptii’cliascd \\llll a L'iillc‘cl‘l llL‘lu‘l l. Riilk‘t'l l)lL‘l\ L‘Ulitluc'h tlic orclicstr'a ill a pcrloriiiancc ot Julian \VagslallK Sini/i/iuriri ()i ('l'llll'r’ [rum .lu/m l’uu/ .lrIIl(‘\. (‘laudc l)chtrss_\ 's In .Ur’l'. Scl'gci l’r‘okolim \ [LU (‘I'/)!\ from Rmmw um/ .lulri'l arid l’t'lt'r uml I/lr' ll'u/l. 'l‘hc pcrt‘oi'mancc is liillimcd h} a ccilidli. gi\ irig thc audiciicc a chaiicc to daricc u ith tlic pcrtorriicrs.

I The Miraculous World of Alfonso the Wise Ro\_\ Art Housc. 2 Roxhurgli l’lacc. 557 2397. 7.30pm.

£ ll) i£8i. Scotland's riicdic\al music spccialists. (iaita. prCsL'lll a sclcctiori l‘rom tlic ('unlrgus (Iv Santa Maria.

1‘ The Dunedin Consort: St Matthew Passion When rediscovered by the 20~year old Mendelssohn in 1829 «over 100 years Since it was first pertoimed - Bach's monumental masterpiece caused great excrtement. Now. the Dunedin Consort present their own annual and eagerly anticipated interpretation ot Bach's most demanding choral score. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh. Sat l Apr.

. OS Spring Concerts It's where teenage wunderkind Nicola Benedetti gained some ol her earliest orchestral experience. so who knows what this springs National Children's Orchestra ol Scotland‘s concerts might surprise us With. Gurded by highly experienced conductor, Peter Stark. the young forces will undoubtedly impress in Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel Overture and Malcolm Arnold's Symphony No 5. Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 6 Apr; Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Fri 7 Apr.

coriipilcd iii thc | ith cciitui) h} thc Spanish lung. .'\lltillsti .\ lhc soiigs iccotiiit iiiiiaclcs lroiii .uourid lllllttlk‘ and “Ill hc pcr‘loiiiicd oii mcdrcxal tiddlc. harp. lulc. hagpipcs and llllltl} gui'd}

-. The Dunedin Consort: St Matthew Passion (iic'}li'i;ir‘s Kirk. (il'L‘_\ll'lal\ l’lacc llc‘kcls. (“)8 3lll‘) 7pm L | 3/L' l 5 (LU/L" J 3i l)uricdiii (‘orisort pcrtoirii thcrr highl} .icclaiiiicd iritcrprctatroii ot liach‘s drariiatrc and dccpl} spiritual scttiiig ot ihc passion ol ('hrisl. Joliii lliitt dir'ccts lhc sirigcis and iiistrtriiicritalrsts.


I The Da Vinci Piano Trio 'l‘olhootli. Jail W}ud. i5l 80””. 8pm £l2 itllli. lhc iiitcr‘riatioriall) rcriimncd riitisrciaris pcrtoriii tlicrr ‘.\lostl} llach‘ programmc.

Haddington . JOhl‘l Lill Recital limit lliitisc. 'l‘ickcts: oiil_\ iii adiaricc. lll875 .i-lllli74. 7.30pm. till l’lit}lll§.’ Haddington (‘ouccrt Socict} ‘s rcccritl} and most proudl} acqurrcd Boscridorlcr grand praiio. lasourrtc British pianist .loliii l.r|l is licar'd ma dclicious spr'cad ol Mir/art. Schuriiarin and l’rokot'icx. liriisliirig Wllll lhc cnduririg sounds ot ('hopiri's Bulimia in I" mirror and tlic .'l/)/)(l\\lllll(l!(l sonata h} Bccthmcri.