Tuesday 4


I Get Organised! t'slier Hall. |.otliian Road. 228 ll55, l.l0pm. £3 Informal lunchtime organ recital ol works h} JS l‘ltlc‘ll. his predecessors and pupils. toccatas and music h) the celebrated Alfred llollins arid well known hallct music; all performed on the [slim Hall's magnilicent organ.

Thursday 6 -


I ll Divo ('|)de Auditorium. l'irinieston ()ua}; 0370 0-10 .1000. o.30pm. £20 £35. l’op opera from the plic‘ltotllc‘lldll)‘ successful ll l)i\o.

I BSNO: Weller and Lill play Brahms and Beethoven Royal ('oneert Hall. 2 Sauchieliall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U3 £30. Waller Weller hrings his authoritative stamp to llrahrns' magnificent l'illlI'I/l .S'i'm/i/ioni. l’ianist John |.i|| is soloist in Hecthtneii's l‘l/lll I’lulm ('mrt'r'rlu. l’l‘C' concert talk from Neil Buttcrworth.


:5: NYOS Spring Concert l'sher Hall. l.otliiari Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. U0 U8. The National ('hildren‘s ()rcliestra of Scotland performs lluriiperdinck's Hamel um/ (irelt'l. Wehern's roriiaritic masterpiece I’ussuureliu and Arnold's Sim/rhino" No 5. In the second half. the String linsemhle of NYUS. conducted by Julian ('layton. will perform |)\'orak's Serenade.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Piano Concertos Ill Queen‘s llall. (‘lc‘l‘k Street. 668 2(ll‘). 7.30pm.

£8 £23.50. The third and final concert in the Mo/art l’iano (‘oncelto series sees Anders/ewski and Janie/ck reunited for two of Mo/art‘s most popular works. his I’imiu ('miu'rrns in A uml I).


I ll Divo ('lyde Auditorium. l-'innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. ().3()pm. £20 £35. See 'l‘hu (l.

:1: NYOS Spring Concert Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 35.3 8000. 7pm. U0 US. See 'l'hu (l. Tonight‘s second half will he (‘amerata Scotland. conducted by ()wain Arwel Hughes. performing Schubert's Si'mphrmy No 5.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Piano Concertos Ill (‘ity llalls. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. See 'l‘hu (l.


I BSNO: Weller and Lill play Brahms and Beethoven Usher llall. l.othian Road. 22% ll55. 7.30pm. U2 £28. See Thu 6.

I 25th Edinburgh International Harp Festival Merchiston (‘astle School. 294 ('olinton Road. 228 l I55. 'l‘imes vary. £9 U0 (£7 £8). Fantastic foe-day festi\‘al choled to harps and their music. including concerts. classes. workshops and harpmakers' exhibition.

Saturday 8


I National Concert Band Festival RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 3.32 5057. 9am. £8 £lo famin ticket (£5). For the first ever NCBI" to he held in Scotland. expect over 50 hands performing every half hour mer two days. as well as workshop sessions and a large trade show. See nchf.iiifo for full details.


I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra Usher Hall. Lothian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £l27-U5 (kids go free). (Barry Walker conducts the orchestra and

cellist Julian l.lo_\d \Vehhcr. who performs the Scottish preiriiere ol l’lirlrp (llilSS.(.('//1l(-Hlltl'/ll’.\\llllk‘ll ltll llls 50th hrrthda) rn 200i 'l‘he orchestra will also perform Sir Malcolm Arnold's Iimr ()'.Sliurilt'/' merture. concluding with Johannes Bralirns' Sump/rum .\u 4 See pres rew. page (H.

I 25th Edinburgh International Harp Festival Nlcl'chlsloll (’asllc School. 29-1 ('oltnloll Road. 223 “5.5. 'l'imes \ar}. £0 U0 l£7 £8), See Hi 7.


I National Concert Band Festival RSAMI). lot) Renlrew Street. 332 5057. 0am. £8 Uh taniil} ticket (£5). See Sat S. See prenew. page ()4.


I 25th Edinburgh International Harp Festival Mereliision (‘asile School. 294 ('olinloli Road. 223 ll55. 'l'inies \ar'). £9 U0 (£7 £8). See Hi 7.

Monday 10


I Rigoletto Royil (‘oneeri Hall. 3 Sauchichall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £17.50 £30. Verdi's magnificent blend of lc‘L'th') and rexenge set in the court of the lihertine l)nkeol’.\1antua is one of the world's most enduring operas. ('onipangia d‘( )pera Italiana di Milano bring the Italian opera tradition lo Scotland. including the famous arias [u (lmmu e mobile and ('um IHIIIH’.


I 25th Edinburgh International Harp Festival Mereliisioii ('asile School. 2‘)~1('olintoli Road. 228 H55. 'l'iines \ar}; £‘) £l0 (£7 £8). See Hi 7.

Tuesday 1 1


I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra RSAiVll). ll)” Renfi‘ew Street. 3.32 5057. 7.30pm. See Sat 8.

I Rigoletto Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U750 £30. See Mon 10.


I Get Organised! l'slier llall. l.othian Road. 22S ll55. |.l0pni. £3. See Tue 4.

I 25th Edinburgh International Harp Festival Mereliistori (‘asile School. 294 (‘olinton Road. 228 I I55. 'l'inics var): £9 U0 (£7 £8). See Hi 7.

Wednesday 1 2


I Rigoletto l{o_\al (’oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U750 £30. See Mon l0.


I 25th Edinburgh International Harp Festival Mel'chiston (‘asile School. 294 (‘olinton Road. 228 l I55. 'l‘imes \ar). £9 U0 (£7 £8). See in 7.


I Organ Recital: Kevin Bowyer (llasgow l'nii'ersit} ('liapel. l'nixersit} .-\\enuc. 330 4002. lprn. A performance of (iiles Swa} ne's Stalin/is oft/re ('rms.

St Andrews

I Cappella Nova: Italian Passion St Salsator's Chapel. North Street. 353 8000. 9pm. £9 (£6.50). Alan 'l‘aVener directs a [wrforinance of Antonio l.otti‘s intensely expressne .lliw/‘r'n’ and his eight-part ('I'ur‘lfitus. alongside a selection of (‘laudio Montexerdi's rnadrigals: all set in the framework of plainsong from the liturgies of llol)‘ Week.

Classical Music

John Leading British pianist - and one of the finest in the world John Lill gives an intimate recital in aid of Haddington Concert Society’s appeal to raise funds for its stunning new concert grand piano. Tickets for it are scarce, but there is also opportunity to hear him later in the week when he performs Beethoven’s Emperor Concert with the RSNO. I lllt,’ lowrrlmmz. llridr/irrtitori, Moi) (Hi/ii; Howl Connor! l lt'i/l, Glasgow, llii/ (J April; l/‘Jll‘?! Hall, l(l/lll)(/l(}ll. l/i [Apr



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