Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl HI 0. «Rom-n RtKllllelt'l. [8. 200% 'l.I_\|III |..IIItncI. 'l.I}lIII Hook}. (‘a'ulcn lioyl. ("Icotgc l.opc/ ‘HIIIIII .‘\l1t|'\,_'\ xupthcIo lIIcnle LUlllL' to lIlc and |Hlll\ hint on .I chch IIl .ltl\t'llllllL‘x liland pIIxt SIM A'II/x lIIIlIlIc lliclt lIIIIn RIIdI‘IjJIIc/ (i/munu III/n //H'IIIII', (I/m gum

The Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby I l l 0.. IJIIlIII llcndcrxon. l‘K. 200M ()lHL'l (iIIIdIng. Jatncx ('IIxInII. (ircg \\Ixc. (‘lIIIxtIIpth l0—lInIn In IHSX. John (ita) dch and lIIx laIthltIl th'I'IcI guaidcd hIx gIaIc III lidInlInglI'x (iI'c}lII.IIx Kirk loI IJ }L-.Iix l'hIx Ix a uhunxical l'IctIIIn In\ol\ In}: dogcatchcrx. cutc III‘plIanx .InIl comm Ill}! cIIIIncIllIIIx It‘x cllcctnc ax chIlIIIcII'x cntcrtaInIncnt. and aIlIIItx \\ Ill cII|II} \L‘t'lllfJ tlIc lilch III and ()‘llanlon lIcIIIy IIpxtagcd h} lhc \\ cc \chttc IIIIpoxtIIr 'I‘htx Ix chant} chccnIng Ill .ud ol liainardox_ thc l)o3_vx 'l'I'IIxt and thc JIIuI’nalIxt ('lIaIIt}. \llt’ lat/mluu'c/I ()I ('(IN. lat/III/Iuru/I.

L’Age d’Or (Double Bill with Un Chien Andalou) t 15) Il.qu liunucl. l'rancc. l‘).’I0) (iaxton Modot. l._\ a I.) x. .\la\ lirnxt (IKIIIIII. liunucl and l)alI"x nIInxcancal. cI'IItic and xcandaloux xurrcalixt calling: card lcatuI'c. Part III l)a|I xcaxIIn. I'I/nI/muu'. lat/Inlmrx/I.

Alien Adventure 3D It'I oooo

Ilicn Stiaxxcn. Japan. 200| l \’oIcc III John lio}lc. liIIIIlI |.anncrx. 37min. An alIcn racc looking I‘m a planct to cIIlIInIxc lind carth and IInlIIrtunatcl) cntcr a tthnc park \xltcrc thc} cauxc Inuch aInuxing Ina)lIcIn. I.iI.-l.\' I'llt'illl'l'. (II/(Itg'UlL

Alien Autopsy I IJAI oo (JOHN) (‘aInplIclL l'lx'. 3005) l)cc|an l)onncl|_\. .-\nt .\lcl’aI'tlIn. litll l’ullinan. ()nud l)_iali|ir 05min, \Vhilc \ixitiIIg thc ('5. an old man thmx Ra) tl)onnc|l) l a llllll dcpIctIng an c\tI'atcrrcxtrial ttllltipx}. Altcr Ra} and lIIx l'ricnd (Ear) IMcl’artlin) lIa\ c bought thc liIIn IIII lIchall M a l'l'()<IIl1xCx\L‘tl gangxtcr. thc duo lind that thc ccllulIIId Ix corruptcd. x0 thc} lillxt‘ lllL‘ lilttl. littxctl tilt lllL' ll‘ttt‘ xtIIr) IIl ainIlcxx \\ idc lIo)x Santillt and

\hm‘licld. l/II n lulu/III hoaxtx .I clc\ ct prcInIxc but a detInctl} awragc cxcctItIIIn (It’ll lil/ II II Inc

All Aboard the Crazy Train I I2.-\. IliaIIIMan l’rIIdIIctIonx. IS. :00.“ 45mm l:\trcIncprII1x lunkicx \tIll lIc takcn h) thIx xhort dIIcuIIIcntaI} about to“ In pIIInchx laud llanIIltIIn_ I).I\c KalaIIIa. l).II'IIck l)IIcrncI and IItthx. takIng; on thc llInIa|a_\an \x.I\cx IIt l’cahI. \lauI III thc hIxtorIc \xtnthx IIt 200—1 and 200* Part III tltc lily \V.I\ c xcaxIItI I‘l/Hl/ll'llu. lat/m/uue/I.

Amarcord I IHI oooo ll'L'tlL‘l‘IL‘U l'L'llllll. lt.Il}/l'I.IIIc‘c'. l‘lTiI l’uppcla \laggio. Nlagah NIIcl. .-\IIII.IndII liIancIa l2 iInIn l‘cllInI‘x |II}Iqu. .IutIIlIIIIgIaphIcal look hack .It lIlc III RIIIIIIII III thc I‘Htlx Ix lltc \xoik IIl thc Inaxth III hIx Inoxt outgoing mood. .I cIInxtant prIIccxonn IIt IcIIIaIkalIlc unaycx and IncnIIIIahlc InonIcntx. dcprtc thc loIIInIng xlIaIlIm III lIaIIan l‘.I\Ll\ll| (iltltg'uit I'I/HI I/II’IIIII'. (i/IHQIIII American Dream: I l::\l oo

Il’aul \Vcitl. [8. 2mm Hugh (iIant. |)cnnIx ()tIaIIl. Hand} Mootc. .\l.IIcI.I (la) llaIIlcn lll7tllltl. Scc .-\lx0 Rclcaxcd. pagc 45 (it’llt'l'tl/ I'I‘II‘IIH',

An American Haunting I ISI 0 I(‘otIrtnc} Solomon. [8. 3000) Donald Suthcrland. SIxx} Spacck. Rachcl llurd Wood. Jatncx l)':\rc_\. ‘lllnun. l‘.\ch'.Ih|c horror that lttcx and latlx to run” lhc atIIIIprlIcrIc lII'IllIancc IIl' Rohcrt \Vixc'x l‘)(I.’I \cI'onn IIl' I/II- lltumlmc and Jack ('|a_\ton'x xcnnnal I‘NII tll'ullld I/lt'

IIIIIIII mm. lira\ c hut l'IIIIlIxh. (irm'ml Il('l('(l\¢'.

Anticipation of the Night (Double Bill with Blue) I ISI oooo ISIIIII lirakhagc. l'S. WSSI 4. 42min lirakhagc'x IIccaonnall} xtIInIIIng. lluid and \ilIrant cIIlIItII' IIIIIntagc lilIn. 'l‘hix IIIcrchlIl) Inllucntial llllll nccdx to N xccn h) aII_\IInc intcrcxtcd in main gardc cincIIIa. l’art ol ("IncinalArt xcaxon. IVI‘IrrI/quu’. Iic/irthtHk’h. The Armwrestler from Solitude Il’(i) .0. tl.Ixa .\lunthc/llc|cn Ahixxon. Sucdcn. 2004) 78min lchdI .-\ndcrxxon ix a 32-}car-old “orld champion arnmrcxtlcr ll'Ulll Solitudc. Sucdcn. Shc continucx to \trcxtlc \\ ith hcr couxinx and attcnd local Ilanccx III thc llll_\ nonhcrn

\ Illagc. Ilcxpitc hcr unlikcl) cclchrit} and intcrnational xportxxonnan xtatux. l’art IIl' Shcl'licld lntcrnational l)IIcuIIIcIItaI‘) l‘cxtixal IIII 'l’IItIr. I’llm/IIIIIII'. Iz'IlI'n/Imju/I.

Army in the Shadows (L'Armée des Ombres) I l: \I IJcan l’IcIIc \lc|\I|lc. l-Iancc. Wow I IIIII \cntuIa. SIInonc \IgIIIIIc't. Jcan-l’IcIIc (axch l-lSIIIIn Scc rc\ Ic\\. pacc 4‘ Il/"l/II’HH. IlI/Hl/Hllzll Back to the Future In iI oooo IRIIlIcIt /cInccka. l S. l".\5I \lIchacl J l-ox. |.c.I lhoInpxon. ('IprIn (ilII\cI lltIInIn l)cch\cdl_\ popular tIIIIc ll.t\L'lllll:_' tantax) .Id\cntuIc \‘.llll xticct xInart .\'0x tccnach \Ihkacd hack III lIIIIc IIII .I lIttlc clIIcancI} \Nllll lIIx tuturc parcntx ("mm o. l’tI’l/l/‘Iilfi/l Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I lI\'I O. (\llt‘lldt‘l ('aton Joncx. (icIInan_\/SpanI/l ‘le 'S . 2mm SlIann Stonc. I).I\Id \lIIIIIxxc}. I).I\Id llchtlIx || iIIIIn Stonc IctIII'nx .Ix nut (oh no\clIxt ('atlIcIInc 'l'IaIIIIIIcll. Iclocatcd to l IIndoII \Ithc xhc caxtx lIcI IInplaIIxIlIlc px} choxcxual xpcll on anal} xt \lItlIacI (ilaxx l.\lt|l'l'I\\L‘} l Although Stonc \\t\ll\\ hard. clIInlxIng dIalogIIc IIIIdcrIIIIIch lIcI xc\II.Il .IllIIIc .\lIII‘rIxxc_\. IIxIIall) l‘llllldlll. Ix InIxcaxt thc and thc lilIII'x xolc rcdccnnng lcatuIc Ix 'l‘ltcnltx. “lioxc xt'ctl}. x\\ car) Ilclccln c at lcaxt pl’n\ltlL'\ xIIInc laughx lntcntIIInaI oncx. lllttl Ix .‘(lf’t II'I/ II‘II‘IHI'

Bee Season t I3.-\I oo ISI-IIII \lc(ichcc/l)a\td SIcgcl. [8. 200% Richard (icrc. JIIIIcttc liInIIclIc. l'IoIa ('onx. .\la\ Mingliclla l0-lInIn .'\llL‘l' ll}car old lle/a'x I('roxxi xucccxx III a Spclling licc. lIcI latth Saul I(icrc). a I'clIgIoux xtudch plttlt'\\0l’ xpchalIxIng III thc Kahhalah. dchdcx that tlIIx\L'\ th' thc pcrlcct gtnnca pIg lIII' lIIx lhcot‘lcx. :\x ltc lIIctIxcx on lilI/a ltc xlartx ncglccting lIIx \\llt‘ IliInIIcth and oldcxt xon IMIIIgthIaI. and tlIc} I'cact h} rchcllIng agaInxt lIInI, 'chlIIIIIx and conluxing

px} chohahhlc laIIIIlIal draIna. (irmInIm. (I/Iltuun.

Blessed by Fire (lluminados por el Fuego) I l5) 0... I'I‘I'Ixta liaucr. ArgcntIna/l‘rancc/SpaIII. 2005i ('cxar .-\llIarI'acI'n. JIIxc l.qu Alton/o. Arturo lionin. Hugo (‘arrI/II. 103mm, 'l‘hIx. tlIc lll'xl Argcntinc l'IctIIIn l'caturc him to dcal dIrcctl} “Illl thc lcgac) ol' tlIc l-alltlandx xtar. ccntrcx IIII thc atthnptx M No Incn tonc xuicIdal. thc Itlltct‘ tltxlaltll l0 L'tllllL' lII tcrlltx \tlllt

px} chological \toundx inlltctcd IIII tlIc JtInta'x xIIldIcrx III that lunn). xtIIpIIl. dirt} littlc xtar. Part III \'I\a' tIIIIrIng pI'IIgI'aInnIc ol highlightx l'rIInI thc Spanixh and Latin .-\IIIcrican l-IlIn l5cxli\al. (i/IIwIIII' I'lllll I‘III’IIIrI'. (ilmguu; I’l/Hl/lulltt’. IzIIIIIIIIIruII.

Fanta Regina Nacro‘s profound and harrowing portrait of one night of sectarian violence in an

unspecified African country (although analogies to Rwanda are pretty strong) was one of the most underrated films to be released last year. Part moral fable, part docudrama, part feminist polemic, this is a poignant and striking work that deserves a wider audience, so do not miss these second chance matinee screenings.

Cameo. Edmburgh from Fr/ 27 Apr.


Blue (double bill with Anticipation 0' the I lst .... th‘l’L‘l‘ JaIInan. l l\. I‘N‘II \\Ith thc \IIIccx ol \Igcl chI_\. llltld Smnton. Dctck _|aIIII.In “(IIIIIII \\ hcn )ou x.I_\ that thIx pchonal IctlcctIIIn on hung \\llll -\ll).\~ xctx .I xIIIIIIdtIack ot dIaI} cxtIactIonx. IcadIngx and IIIIIxIc h) SIIIIIIII l'leIcI ltIIIIcI agatnxt .I hluc IIIIIIIIIchIoIIIc xctccn .I llllll “llll no unagcx thcn thc xccptch ha\ c .I ticld Ila) But no IInc \\ ho \.l\\ It at Itx l‘Ni lidInlIurgh InthnatIIInal l’llllt l'cxtIxal chccnIng. uthc It “on thc l‘oxtcll '\\\.lltl lIIl l‘lt'xl lil’lllxlt l‘t‘allllt'. l.lllt‘tl lt‘ l‘t‘ tlt‘t‘l‘l) IIIII\cd .‘\ lIIa\ c. .IlIxIIIlIIng cIncIIIa c\l‘t‘licncc l'qut tIx l'aIt ot (illlt‘lll.llr\ll xcaxon IllHl/lt’llw'. lI/llll’lllull

Boudu Saved from Drowning II’I‘.» O... IJcan choII. l-Iancc. l‘HII .\lIclIcl Sunon. ('haIlcx (il.|lltl\.ll. \latccllc ll.IInI.I 37min lhc c\tI.IIIIIIIII.II) coIItIoIItatIon ol InoIaI outlook lIctu ccn a lump x.I\cd lIIIIn dIImnIng. .Ind lIIx \\ cll to do chcuct \xho lIccoIncx lIIx lont. Ix lIotlI charming and deturlIIng. ax chou c\ploch IclatIonthpx hctuccn oppIIxItc xccton ol .I polaIIxcd cIIInnIIIIIIt} l’aIt ol Jcan chou xcaxIIn I'l/Nl/lt'llu'. IIIIIIIIII/uh Brokeback Mountain (Double Bill with Ride with the Devil) I ISI 0... Ix\ng_' IN. 200% llcath l.cd3_‘ct. JalIc (i_\llcnlI.Ial. .\lIclIcllc \VIIlIaIIIx. :\nnc llathaua} l i-lnnn lcc'x IntIInatc cpIc pIIIgnantl} chaItx a lurth tclationxhip hctnccn l\\I\ Ianch handx IIch thc cIItIIxc III xc\cI'a| dccadcx III .I xtIIIng: caxt l.cd3_'cr Ix lllll_\ oIItxtandIng. IIIIlIuIng: lIIx InartIculatc clIaIacth \\llll .In .lt‘litllg: lIuInanIt). l.cxx a pa} \chtcin than a IIIII\crxa||_\ chonant lmc xtIII) (i/uwuu I'Ilm I'III'IIIII’. (ilmumi

Capote I IS) 0.. tlicnnctt Millct. IN. 2005) Philip Scynoui llIIllInan. ('atlIcrInc chncr. (‘lIltIIII ('IIllInx. l l-lllllll, III WS‘) author ’l'I'IIIIIan (‘apotc lllttllllltllll draggcd lIIx lcht lI'IcIIIl llarpcr le'ccncrt to rural Kanxax to It“ cxtlgatc lhc lII'utal IIIIII'ch'x ol larIIIcI‘ llcrh ('luttcr. lIIx \Iilc and lIIx [\HI tccnagc (lllltlrt‘ll What lIIllImcd \Htx xad. xhockIng and III tcrInx ol ('5 lIth'aturc. ncar rc\olIItIonar_\ and would I'cxult III thc pulIlIcatIIIn III ('apotc'x onl) 'non lictIon no\cl' In (II/II [Hum]. licaIItIltIll} pcrlorlncd lIut xonIclIIm aIrICxx and xtIltcd rccrcanon ol thc CVCtllx that xurrIItIndcd thc crcatIon III a Inaxtcrpiccc Sl'lt‘t'lt'tl I‘I'II'IHI'.

Casino I IXI oooo IMIII-Iin Scorxcxc. l'S. l‘NSl RIIhct'l l)c NilII. Sharon Sloltt‘. Joc l’cxct, |7XIIIIn. l.IlctIIIIc gainhlcr Acc Rothxtcin Ix clIIIxcn ax thc Inoh‘x Inan III \'cgax. and rum thc caxInox \llltmllll)’ until thingx l'all apart during thc 70x. Scorxcxc'x latcxt gangxtcr cpIc hax a touch ol (ircck tragcd) about Itx dounl'all III a xcllIIIadc man. but It'x too much III (illlI(Il’l'l/(l\ tcrrItIIr} to lIc xpchal 'l'hc cIncInatIIgraph} ttlltl L'tllllng AII‘L' ax lL'\lhIIIIl\ atx L'\ Cl. tttltl Stonc dclncrx thc pcrlorinancc IIl hcr cat'ccr. (‘IIII'IIIII'III lat/Hiluujuh. Ill/llflflll‘g’ll Cheaper by the Dozen 2 tl’(il

0. (Adam Shankman. ('5. 2005) Stcx c Martin. Bonnic llunt. l’Ipcr l’craho, ’l‘IIIII \VcllIng, 93min. 'l'hc liakcr laIIIil} arc hack and lhc} arc gullig IIII holida} hut lliL') hadn't cxpcctcd .llllllll) Murtaugh ll.L'\)l and lIIx big brood. l’athctIc xcqucl to a hcmldcnngl) xucccxxlul l’aInIl} coincdy (,'('I (III/chunk. (lit/(hunk; ()(It‘llll I'url Kumuml. [LI/Inhlll'tfll.

Chernobyl Heart Il’(i) tMarymn l) liclarux/l'S. 2003) 39min. Award- \Hlinlllg tltK‘lllllL’lllilr) xhort that takcx a loolx at chtldrcn horn al'tcr thc IUXtI ('hcrnoh}l nuclcar plant deaxtcr. Man hax Indccd In\cntcd lIIx on. II doom. [film/muse. I'QIImIIIIru/I.

Chicken Little I U 000 (Mark l)indal. l'S. 3005i VIIIch of Zach Brall. l’atrick Stcwart. Joan (‘Uxack (Ear) Marxhall. 80min. l‘IIllIm in}I lhc dcath ol hix Inothcr. ('htckcn l.Ittlc l\()lL‘C(l by Scrubs xtar Bral'l'l xtrugglcx to conununicatc with a hutch lathcr uho'x ‘ncxcr thcrc for him'. thcn xcndx thc town into chaox altcr Inixdiagnoxing that thc xk) ix falling. 'l'hc [no becomc thc laughing xtock to all but a l‘cw cuually oxtracixcd oddball lricndx. Faxt paccd. fun and a littlc corny but with its hcan in thc right place. Selected release.

13—27 Apr 2006 THE LIB? 47