ThePInkPantherII’m I00 ScaryMovieaII5I I50. 4 I5. 040.


FRIDAK Iz‘. IHUHSUAKZ’. AlienAutopsyII3.-\I

0.01; Il5. 345 CapoteII5I

I).0I\ 820.

Capote (Senior Screening) i I5» Mullncc Inc I l 00.00

Good Night, and Good Luck iI’( ii Hull}: 000

Good Night, and Good Luck (Parent 8. Baby Screening) II’III

Muimcc 'Iuc. I0 30.00

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II‘I

I);III_\. I00 (00I I‘ll). 3 30 Inoi Suii. 000 (00I S00). 8.30 Iiiol M00)

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (Subtitled) II'i I'l'l' l 00

Sui: 3 30

Sun: 000

Mon: 8.30

Inside Man I I5I

Hull): 2 50 000 Suit. 5 30 000 S100. 8.I5 Illili 'IiIL‘l.

Inside Man (Subtitled) I I5I

Sui, 2.50.

Sun: 530.

Inc. 84.5.

Scary Movie 4 I I5»

I);III}J I50. 4.l5. 040. 9.00.

Odeon Wester Hailes

chinlI' I’lulu. I20 \chicr Hulk-x RouII. \VCxlCl' iiilIICS. 087I 2244007. II)|. Ilil. {\(IIIIISI £5.70. ('IIilIII‘cii/().v\I’/Sl0(lc0i: £4.20. I‘illllii} iickci: {I5. Burguin I)u_\ Inc: [3.75 iIII 3c:le PIC iiooii \Iiouxi (3.75.


AlienAutopsyII3.-\I I340. 3.00. 0.0). 3.30.

Failure to LaunchIi3Ai 0.0). 3.30. FIrewalIIl2AI 3.30. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II'I I330.

I30. 330. 4.00. 5.0). 0.0). 7.30. 3.30.

Inside ManII5I 3.30. 5.0). 3.00. Thean PantherIl’m I50. 40). 0.30. Scary Movie405i 4.0). 0.00. 3.30. TheShaggy Dog Ii?) 0.40400. 3.00. She’s the ManII3AI I40. 4.00. 0.I5. 3.30.

Yours, Mine and Ours II’( it I330.

I40, 4.00,


Allen Autopsy I I2A) Dull): 3.40. 5.55. 8.“). AnAmerIcan ilauntingII5I I)uil_\: 8.|0.

Eight Below (I’(}I

I00 220. 5 I0. ‘50 Fallureto Launch I I33.

i'll \VL'II (300

lceAge 2:TheMeltdownIl'I I).III_\ I330. I 30. 330. 400. 510. 010. 730

Inside ManII5I

I)uII\ 220. 5l0_ 800

The Pink PantherIl’m

Hull) I20

Scary MovieAII5I

Dull} I50. 4.00. 0 20. 3 30 The Shaggy 0090'»

I’ll \VcII I20. 330

She’s the Man I I3.-\I

l)uil_\ I I0 3 35. 555. 320 SyrianaII5I

I'l‘l \Vul' 800

Take the LeadII3-\I

I);lII}' l2 30(00lS00I. 3.00. 5.35. Yours, Mine and OursII’m .\Iuliiicc I'l‘l Mon I230.

Scotsman Screening Room

Scolxiiiuii IIoicI. 20 .\'0rilI Itmlgc. 022 2999. [8.50 (or £39 00‘ Uk‘kldli unIl (\in courxc 010.0 .0 \I'Iinilion coinllicnuiig ui (ilillll.


From Here to Eternity iI’(il 3.00. SUNDAY 23 APR

A Clockwork Orange I I8) 3.00.

St Bride’s Centre

III ()I'\\ (‘0 ICIIIICL'. III 5I 340 I405. 'I ickclx 80p.

iHIl)AY 1/1 APR Show BoatIl‘I 300.


Patterns of Power I (I + What About the Workers IIIIL'I 3.00.

We Edinburgh

0000. (ii'cciixidc I’lucc. into line 087I2 240240. :\(IllIl\: £0.30 (£5.25 Mon Fri hcl‘oi'c 5pm). ('hilIli‘cn/SiiiIlcnlx/()AI’: £4.30 (£4 Mon Fri hcl‘orc 5pm). Fumil) liclwi: U040 (U580 Mon Fri hclorc 5000. (Bold (4033 Iickclx IoI' mcr I83 00l_\: £8.95 (£7.95 Mon Fri Ik'l'orc 5pm).



Alien AutopsyII3AI I0.I5.Im. i340. 3.0). 5.40. 3.I5.

The DarkII5I 4.45. 7.I5. 0.40. Failure to Launch I I3AI I0.00:00. 3.50. 5.30. 3.00.

Firewall I I2.-\i 0.30.

liosteI(Cold Class)II3I I.I0. 3.50. 0.30. 3.50.


lceAge 2:TheMeltdownII I |030.00. II 00.00. II 30.00. I00. I 30. 200. 330 400 4 30 0 3II_ ‘00 000.

9 30

InsideManII5I l2 I5. 330. 015. 0 I0 ThePink PantherIHiI II 45.00. 3 l5 Bent(Gold Class)II3~\I I 30. 445.

-4; ScaryMovieAII5. I45. 045. 350. 0 30

The Shaggy Dog Il'I I I I5.00 She’stheManIIJM 1210. 8 30

Syriana(Gold Class)II5i I 50

Walk the Llne(Cold Class)II_‘\I 500. 820

415. 000

300 550.


Allen Autopsy I 133»

l).0l_\ I50. 420. 0 50

.'\l\0 mulincc I'ri Mon, II I5.00 An American Haunting I I5»

I).I|I} I40. 4 I0. 040 010 .~\I\(iI‘II .\Ion. II I0u|0

.'\I\0 lulu Fri Ik Sui | I40.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I I8) I‘l'i S00: I030 The Dark ( |5I Hull}; 9.20.

.-\|\0 lulu I'II'I Ik Sui: Eight Below (I’( 0 I300: 2.30. 5.30. Failure to launch (Gold Class) I I3.-\» I);III_\i l2.|5. 240. 5.20. 9.l0. Firewall I 13A»

Lulu Fri S00: I040.

IIostel (Gold Class) I I8I

Dull}: 0000. 8.50.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 0'»

0:10): I245 000 S00). 4.00. 4.30. 5.45. 0.30. 3.I5Inoi'l‘ucl. :\|\o Inulincc Fri Mon: |0,l5:00.

I |.00ui0. II.30ui0.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (Subtitled) 0') S00: I245.

Iuc: 8.l5.

Inside Man I I5)

Hull): 2.30 .k 5.30 (noi 'I‘hui. 845. :\I\(i mulincc Fri Mon: I I.|5uI0.

Rent I I2:\I

Dull): 9.00.

Scary Moviect I I5)

0.00: I.|5. 3.45. 0.00. 7.00. 3.30. 9.30.

:\I\o inuiincc Fri Mon: l0.45ui0.

Also luic Fri & Sui: I I00.

Scary Movie 4 (Gold Class) I I5)

Dull}: I.|5. 3.45. (r00. 8.30.


For films showing between


H W The Viva! touring programme of highlights from the 12th Spanish and Latin Film Festival

rumbles on with Chus Gutiérrez’ beautifully detailed and funny autobiographical drama about her own experiences as a member of a Spanish ail-girl band during the long and difficult transition from dictatorship to democracy. This is one of the highlights of a very strong season. I GFl'. Glasgow (Mon 77 Apr only). Fl/mhouse. Ed/nburgh (Tue 78 Apr only).

I.30. 2.00. 3.I5.


She’s the Man I I::\l

I).0I_\ 0000. 2 40. 5 l5. 5 50 Take the Load I l2.-\i

I).0l_\ 215. 500. 800.

Mm Iiiuiincc F0 5100' I l 20.00 .'\l\0 lulu Fri & Sui I050

Walk the Line (Gold Class) I I3-\I liuil} 220. 5 40.

We Edinburgh Ocean

()u‘un I'I'rrmnul. ()ccun l)rI\c. I.L‘IIII. 0| 3| 55 3 0‘00 .-\Il0li £0 Ilwiorc 5pm £5). (‘IIIIII (under l5) [3 80 Siutlcni/(MI’,

t 3 00 F.00il_\ llx‘kt‘l {I5 40 KRIS ('luh' {2 I000 .iI‘I'ompuirung .IIIIIli gocx Iiccl IIIURSDAY 13

TheAdventures of Greyh'lars Bobby Il'i I000u0i.

Alien Autopsy I |2:\I l0.l5.00. I2 45.

3 I5. 5.45. 3.15.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I I3»

0 20

CapoteII5I 0,40. TheDarkII5I 0.30. 3.50. Failure to Launch I I2.'\I 5 20. 7.50. FlrewalIII3-\I 8.I0. HosteIII3i 4.00. 0.30 000.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Il'i I0.00.Im. l0.45ui0. II.30ui0. I230. I.|5. 2.00, 3.00. 3.45. 4.30. 5 30. 015. 7,00, 8.00, 930.

Inside Man ( I5) I I.|5ul0. 2.|5. 5.|5. 3.40.

The Pink PantherII’m 0.00.00. I.30. 4.l0.

Scary MovIeAII5I I0.I0;Im. I340. 2.20. 3H). 5.00, 5.40. 7,20. 8.30, 9.40.

The ShaggyDogIl'I I0.30.Im. I350.

I220. 250


She’stheManII3AI Ii 20:00. 2.I0. 4.50. 7.40

Yours, Mine and Ours II’( ii I I. IIIillll. I40


Hull}; 2.45. 5.|5. 7.45, Also Iuic Fri 8; Sui: l0. I5. AnAmerican Ilaunting I I5) I)uil_\: 3.50. (3.20. 8.30.

Also IuiL‘ I'll I‘Q Sui: I050. Chicken Uttle (l7)

Muiincc Fri Mon: |0.00ui0. The Dark I I5)

Luic Fri IQ Sui: l I40.

Eight Below IP( ii

'I'hu: 3.l0. 5.50. 8.50.

Failure to LaunchIlei

Dull): I.40. 4.30. 0.50. 0.30. Also i0uiincc Fri Mon: II.00;00. Firewall I I 3m

Fri \‘I'cIl: 3.20. 5.50. 8.50. Alxo Iulc I'Vi'i 8Q Suit I I.20. IIosteIII3I

I)uil_\: 0.30. 9.00.

Aixo lulu Fri 8.: Sui: I I.30. lceAge2:TheMeItdownIl'I I)ui|): I.|5. 2.00(00i\\'cIII. 3.00. 3.45. 4.30. 5.30. 7.00. 8.00. 9.30. :\I\()liililliiL‘C Fri Mon: l0.00u10.

I045ui0. I I.30um. I230.

Also lulc Fri 8; Sui: I040.

Inside Man I I5)

Dull}: 2.20. 5.20. 8.20.

King Kong (Senior Screening) I I3AI Muiincc Wed: I I.30ui0.

The Pink Panther (I’( ii

Muiincc Fri Mon: l2.l5.

Scary Movie 4 I I5)

I)uil_\: I.I0. 2.|0. 3.40. 4.40. ().I0. 7. II). 8.40. 9.40.

Also inuiincc Fri Mon: I I40ui0.

Also Iuic Fri 6; Sui: I I.00.

The Shaggy Dog Iii)

Muiincc Fri—ch: l0.20:00 Inol Tuc & Wch. I250.

She’s the Man I I3Ai

Daily: 2.30. 5.00. 7.40.

Also muiincc Fri—Mon: noon.

Also Iulc Fri & Sui: I030.

Take the Lead I 12/0

Daily: I50. 5.|0. 8.l0.

Also Fri—Mon: I0.50um.

Also lulc Fri & Sui: I |.l0.

Yoius, Mine and Oils (PG)

Daily: 1.30.

Also muiincc Fri—Mon:

13-27 Apr 2006 THE LIST 59
