m It‘s always great to hear a band with little or no idea about the current global music trends

and when The List heard Wilmington, Delaware's Spinto Band's ‘Straight to Helmet‘ on a Rough Trade compilation - a heavy Iidded, twanging sub-Pavement genius of a pop song - we knew we had to hear more. The album Nice and Nicely Done is coming soon and it’s pretty excellent by all accounts. Go see.

I Bart/y. C'i/(ISQHW. Sat 2’? Am.

I Albion Tower, Opius and Sepia Bai‘l‘l) ltlpxlttlhl. 20” (ink Street. t).\'7tl 007 (NW). Split. [4. Indie. rock and pop lineup.

I Dreadzone Bat-ll}. Joli (lute Street. 0370 007 (will). S’pm. L'ltl. I)uhh} dance \Utllltl\ l'rom Dread/one \xho charted in the niidtltlx \\llll '|.ittle Britain' hut time been making compelling reggae-rooted \tilltltl\t'ttpt‘\ L'\ er Since.

I My Shotgun Sister and Baby Jane Nic‘e'ii'Sleiil}. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 (Mill. .S'pm. £5. See l‘ri |~l l'oi‘ M} Shotgun Sister.

I The Traci Hunter Band lllL‘ \‘ale. 5 l)unda\ Street. 332 4028. Split. £3. l’op/t‘oek.

I Brakes and The Hazey Janes King 'l‘ut'x Walt Wall Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22| 527‘). 3.30pm. £7. Brakes are all indie \upefgroup conxixting ol lileelt'it‘ Still l’at'ade'x \Vhite lil'ntltetS. plth liamon lrom Britixh Sea Power and Marc Beatt) l'rom the 'l'enderl'oot. currentl} haVing an ‘.-\||night l)i\L‘0 Part} '.

I Jenny Lewis and Johnathan Rice (ilaxgon l7ni\ersit) l'nion. 32 l'ni\er\it} Avenue. 33‘) 8607. lithe. l.e\\ ix ix hetter knoun as the \inger \\ ith alt.countr} outlit Rilo Kile). l'riendx of Bright li)e\. hut here \he pl'UlllUlCS her dehut \olo alhum Rti/iliit I-‘ur ('out \\ itli \ttppot't from another Bright Ii} ex axxociate. the Scottixli-horn Johnathan Rice.

I Seether and Engerica 'l'lie (iarage. 4‘)” Stttlt‘lllelttlll Street. 332 I I2”. ('.-\.\'(‘lil.l.lil).


I :Forward, Russia! ('ahai'et Voltaire. 3h 38 Blair Street. 22l) M76. 7pm. £5. l.eed.\ haxed punk lunk. poxt rock part} t\'pe.\ gl-‘omard. Riixxial.

:l: The Flaming Lips txim- llall. l.othian Road. 22S l I55. 7.3llpin. (the. The Flaming l.tp\ hring their lie“ alhuin. eccentric li\ e \hou. l'urr} animalx and lake hlood hack to Scotland. See 5 Rettxotts. page 7l.

I Sucioperro The Venue. l7 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £5. Mixture hem} guitar outlit Sucioperro ha\ e cut their teeth supporting the Siih\\a_\\ and l-‘ightstar.

I Red Pill Memories, A Written Apology, The Ocean Fracture and We Shall Be Blessed Suhna}

(‘ou gate. (it) ('owgate. 225 6706. 7.30pm. lithe. .\li\ ol‘ metal. hardcore. punk and rock.

I Nexuslive The Bongo Club. Mora} House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 760-4. Spin—2am. £4. .\’e\\ music shoucase Nexus Live launehex \\ ith li\ e htllldS. his and \'.l.\' through until 2am.

I The Nukes, The 48 and Stringjammer Bannerinan‘x. \iddr} Street. 55o 3254, S.J5pm. H. Surl rock inxtruinentalx li‘oin headlining trio. the Niikt‘x. a \tripped-dtmn \L'l'Sltlll ol the \tlt‘lL‘HlltlLN.

Thursday 20


I Darren Hayes and Astrid Williamson ('l}de Auditorium. l-‘iniiiexton Qua}. ll.\’7ll (Ht) Jtltltl. 7pm. £25. Darren Hayex tSamge (iardenl \atiatex the demand l'oi‘ lti\ \ueet \ocal action and mundane mainxtreani pop at lltt\ large gig.

I Hope of the States Barll). lot) ('l}de Street. tlS’7tl ()07 000‘). .S’pm. L'thc. Hope ol' the State\ el‘oxxed the epic \u ell ol' ('oldpla} \\ ith the \liimmering amhience ol' Sigur Rm on their dehut alhum. the recording ol' “lllL‘ll \xax \carred h} the \uicide ol guitariu Jimmi Laurence. .\'o\\ the} are hack \\ itli next \\are\ at thix intimate gig.

I Kitetlying Club Street l.e\el l’lltilt)\\tit'k\. JS‘ Kiiig Street. 552 2|5l. 7 ‘lpm. [the llllpl'tHGCtl llltlxlc night leaturing 'liiulouxe duo 'Bug' t.-\K.'\ .\'icola\ Demarchelier and ()|i\ ier 'l‘outleniondi. plllx (ilthgtm '\ Aileen ('ampell and Neil l)tt\ltl\otl. I’urt u/ (i/uwon' International.

I Flatback Four, Ivory Black, A New Direction and Climber g2. 490 Sauehiehall Street. 353 3| l l. 7pm. £4. ()\er- l-l\ \hou. Local hand \houcaxe.

I Hells Bells Renl'i‘eu heir). Anderxton Qua'x. 'l'he Bt‘oomieltm. ntmx 2(i5 5| l. 7.3tlpm. t'll) tadx l. {l2 (door). .-\('/l)(' trihute.

I Katatonia and Novembre lllL‘ (‘illlllllISLH l5 l'ttltnt Street. 2-18 (itillh. 7.3llpm. t'ltl. ()\er— l-l\ \hou. .-\tmo\plieric doom metal line-up. ()hxiouxl} not to he conlused \\ itli the Welsh indie \xarhlerx. I The Kipper Family 'l‘ehai ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 452-1. Spin. [2. l-i'esh \ottndx l'i'oni the Kingdom ol' l-‘il'e.

I Skaters, Axolotl, Inca Ore and Astral Social Club (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 «NOB. Spm. [l4 itltli; \xeekend pim £35 (£25i.

‘l’\_\ chedelic murk' and tree ja/l l'rom Skttleh. tlt‘tttle l'tilk tttttl ClL‘L‘lrnnle\ l'roin .-\\olotl. p\_\ch t'olk t'rom Inca ()re and punk iinprm t'rom .-\~tral Social (‘luh Yep. _\ou'\e guexxed it. e\periiiiental llllth textixal Suhcurrent ix hack.

I Ian McNabb King Tut‘s \Vah Walt llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. U2. .\lc.\'ahh xtarted out in l.i\erpudliaii px} chedelic pop hand the Icicle Work in ho \\ ill he touring again

llll\ autiiinni heloi‘e lorging a solo career \\lllL‘ll hax included heing hacked h} Neil Young\ legendar} hand ('i'aI) lltll'SC.

I Latterman, AI Pacinos, I Stand Alone and 15 Minutes .\'ice'n‘Slea/_\. J2! Sauchiehall Street. 3 33 (Mill .S'. 3llpni. £5. The headlincrx are a melodic punk hand l'rom .\'\'('.

* The Wendy House Mono. l2 Kingx ('ourt. King Street. 552 0-1523. S.3llpm. l‘i‘ee. 'l‘he \Vend} llouxc are a 'collectn e ol Imel} muxicianx' leatui'ing memhers ol .~\ttic Lightx and l‘innixton among other\.

llie \mitlx 'ne\\ '. 'l ence' and 'tollectne~ ha\e heen handled .ihout t‘ould l‘e gteat I Get Stuffed, Dreams are Free Motherfucker, Boy Omega, Dextro, Gavin Portland and I Adapt Hat Bloc. ll~ Bath Sheet. 571 (who “put liee Bumper hill tanging lli‘lll \oetlixh tolk pop to Icelandic hattltote

I The Pedantics and The Echo Session lhe Bull ("liilx l~1_‘ Bath l we. 2—1.\ 1‘" l \ B\l\ Banditx toniho plai the iiexxl} ienaiiied I tit k \H ("igaiettex night

I Soul Candy, Captain Howdy, Evelyn Laurie and Alan Falconer the l itpiid Ship. lgl l35 (iieat \\e\tein Road. 33! l‘llll l)i\ei\e hill ot l‘.lll\l\ and \ingci \onguiiteh .it llll\ | iee land} Smooth night


I Blast from the Past l \llt‘l llall. lolliian Road. 22S l|55 "pm 121 5“ \\'.i\e _\oui taitan \t'.tl\t‘\ .md \toiiip _\om plattoini hootx to IBM tlll.l\ll.tlllt‘tl noxtalgialext. lcatuiing \lud. the Sueet.

l k'\ \lckeoun'x lid} ('ll_\ l\'iillt‘t\. l Rt'\ i'i. the (iltttei Band .iiid \|\in Stanluxt in \.llltttl\ xliapcx and lttlllh

I Colin Maclntyre .llltl Shrinking Violetfaliatel \oltaite. 30 VS Blaii Sticet. 22llhlfiti wpm L’l.‘ \|.ic|iit_\ie gocx \olo \\llll .m .icouxtit \t'l\lHll ol the eccentiic pop that made \lull lll\lttllt‘.ll Societ} \o popular \ll in \llltpttll ol the l’illlhll RL'tl ('ttiw

I De La Soul llie l itpnd Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 225 25h-l "pm St)! I) (ll “l. lllt‘ lt‘g't‘tltlal} l.|lltt‘l\ Hl cuthclitttx hip hop \xho hiouglit US the cl.i\~ic .ilhum .i' It «'I l/lg‘ll tl’lt/ Ix'ixine

I Identity and Dancing Mice Sulma} ('tmgale. (i‘l (.tl\\:_'.llt'. 235 (\Tiih illpm Ulk'. ltttlle tltittltlt‘

I Guantanamo Bay, Laugh Like Pa and Little Green Machine Baniiei'inan‘x. Niddi‘} Stieet. 55h 325i S.-l5pin. [-1. Pop indie.

0654/)!» 74 ' o Dial/MIPS

in concert with special guest

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. i i 21 APRIL EDINBURGH QUEEN’S HALL 0131 668 2019

.’ i 22 APRIL. :30 pm



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