V I Saw You tlte empress with your long cttrly mane. cigarette iit ltattd. Your clteeky smile made inc all lingly inside e\ en lt‘ottt the other side of Argy le Street. What a scarf? [7457/1

V I Saw You with your long blond tlowmg liatr eatittg ill the Arches ('afe. We exchanged furtiye glances oy er your garlic t’occacia. [7457/2

V I Saw You witlt otte I

ley c'.’t arid a beard. llasen't called due to tlte shame of thy rattcid cltal/behay tour/dancing. Sorry abottt that. Keep dattcing [like a gimp). Regards from ttte altd tny hat. H. [7457/3

V I Saw You and I called yott llte ('BI'I'W. Yoti grintted and took me fora wee walk. Thanks for tttakittg ttty week- ettd fabulotls. ('an I really come to slay itt August? Rawr. [7457/4

V I Saw You and yott rock my world. Yoti sexy tnan. 1 low yoll almost as muclt as Belgian tecltno? Yours always. llte West Iind playboy littk. [7457/5

V I Saw You outside King 'I'ul's. Yott were there to see "I‘lte l‘t'esets' on the ()III April. Sorry my friends and I had to rush off. Wottld like to hear more of your trayels ill 0/. I wouldn't mind that drink ttow? [7457/(i

V I Saw You goittg tip the down escalator at Kehitthl‘idgC on St Patrick's Day. Yott were wearing a ridiculous (itiinness hat attd your friend's red test was blittdittg. Next time can I cotne with'.’ xoo Igor [7457/7 V I Saw You ill Borders booksltop (ilasgow March 20th. Me: with black woolly hat. you itt jeans attd brow n jacket like to meet'.’ [7457/8

V I Saw You today. yester- day attd tomorrow . . . you like fire. do you not'.’ I like you? Jamal the jackeleope - let's worksltop some ideas. [7457/9 V I Saw You and yott seemed so dark attd mysteri- ous. Do I detect a hint of arm- gance -- I love that in a man. Please come back to Arches Cafe. 1 atn usually around. [7457/1t)

V I Saw You Mr Bear. Was that a perm you were sporting‘.’ Whoe is this Tobias Smolllet'.’ Purple Thistle's and Fantasy liS? Yotl wear old age well. [7457/1 l

V I Saw You Japanese Princess at the (EFT with your friend. fancy a tnoy ie some- time: Holla back? [7457/12

V I Saw You itt (iramofon. 22nd September. Yott were looking beautiful in green and white. we talked all night. Marry ttte Robin'.’ [7457/13

V I Saw You masieian boy from Falling. I like your jumper and your loyely face. [7457/14

V I Saw You girl with the Mighty Boosh T-shirt at Barfly 8th April. Howard Moott in a suit jacket. Let's go on a jour- ney through time and space? [7457/15

V I Saw You Ktkt. w earlng a blue dress with red shoes in 'l'ennants Bar on Thursday 2t) April. I bought you a drink and you sattg to ttte. You haye a great \oice and art ama/mg smile? l really wattt to get to know you. I can't stop thinking aboltl yott? ? [7457/16


V I Saw You. Need to get back lit contact with Angus. The best killed tour guide itt

Iidinburgh. Really enjoy ed your

company Angus. Please get back in touch. Loye Iileanor [7457/1 7

VI Saw You looking dowtt at tile with your glasses still on. Rita and Sue giggling in the background. ltalf asleep attd aching btil neyer wanting it to end. The next morning you whispered that you still had a fistful of my hair altd a tistful of my arse and I knew I'd love you forever. (i('t.x [7457/18

V I Saw You. the tttost beati- tifttl. smiley attd happy girl (I)&(i Jacket) I've seen itt ages w illt your kids outside the Scottish Parliatttent. Me: hay-- ittg grass thrown over me by his godchildren. [7457/19

V I Saw You. Michael. attd fell in line. [7457/2t)

VI Saw You Robert. at Mood on Wednesday April 5th. An ex-tirelighler turned proper- ty deyeloper. You'd been to col- lect a cooker with your sister and lter l'tye-year-old daughter. We talked attd you can dattce? ? I'd love to hear from you. [7457/21

V I Saw You at Taste wear- ing silly glasses attd tnoattittg about your lack of 'I Saw Yous' . . . happy now 1’ :1 x [7457/22 V I Saw You on My Space attd was nearly sick 'cause that's what your face does to ttte . . .jokes! I'll be seeing you at no exit. Fun itt tents. Can't wait? X [7457/23

V I Saw You James the bar— man at ()lilhottse on Sunday 9th April. You were very patient with me and my drunk friends. 1 (girl itt baseball cap) thought you were cute. Are you single'.’ [7457/24

V I Saw You Anti-Valentines Annie. Sending everyone 'I Saw Yous'. Thought you

desery ed one too? I agree. we should go double-faghag-dating again sometime? (‘harlotle x [.7457/25

V I Saw You and we chatted at the blis slop w aitittg for the ghost bus. Then I tnet you in the Street. the beautiful woman with blue eyes. I hope I butnp into you again for a longer chat x [74.57/26

V I Saw You cleaning the Henderson's shop on Friday alter 7. You are amazing . . . l w ant you to know. L7457/27 V I Saw You at Old College. Kept seeing you in Newington High Street then saw you where I study. Wow‘sers? Would have said hello but was with a friend. Say hola L7/457/28

V I Saw You iii the grey jack- et attd ptttk sweater. l was 111 a black coat and dark sw eater. Sl (illes Iiasler llallelttjalt' Please w rttc. [7457/2‘)

VI Saw You Samantha Blue. sticking stutt on other stutt when you ought to be tttaktttg other things blue. You are a true artist. Show the world. [745731) VI Saw You Angus. on Sunday 2nd .-\Pl'll. You were otir guide for the night. Met lit the Scotsman. You kept tts sate. What a great night? IilL‘itltUI' would like to ttiecl tip. [7457/31

V I Saw You Nick in at ()ddbins ilt Bruntsticld. I was the blottde with a pettcltattl for good :\[1ssle l‘cds. Were yott llirting with me'.’ I hope so. [74.57/32

V I Saw You ()ld (‘lippy par» t‘ol. Yolt'yc gone attd lelt lts again . . . What are cheeky and hairy to do‘.’ Slippy Blattkcl is ney er the same without polly. You old ('t‘owl [74.57/53

V I Saw You dancing like a spider on speed at (io-(io. Would loye to get all tangled up itt your web Jo-Jo x x x [7457/34

V I Saw You itt your house all stressed. ('ome home itt one piece. all hot attd lttig me attd look after lite again . . . I miss you? [7457/35

V I Saw You on Saturday when I didn’t deserye tlte chance. May be I‘ll make like the Phoenix yet lbut without the jaked up Ilibeesl. Thanks x [74.57/36

V I Saw You w itlt a cltop stick attd a cheeky smile on your face. Wanna get totally nood-le'.’ [74.57/37

V I Saw You blondc choir boy. looks loy e the bastard loy e child of boris becker attd andy crane. Sort ttte an US? [7457/38 V I Saw You sittittg a corner of The Blind Poet. thinking premiscuous thoughts. could they be about a certain young lady '.’ [7457/39

V I Saw You and your lottg arms attd jealous trainers darte- ing like a mofo. making sure I could see 'the big men” at the liquid rootn. 211th April. Lets do something this week? [7457/4t) V I Saw You on the receiving end of some admiring glances at The Blind Poet. where did you go that eyetling. home to look after your rabbits'.".’ [7457/41

V I Saw You at Medina and then stumbling along the street towards Murray'fteld only to lime to dance to George Michael. Who shall we hay e to wine and dine lirst'.’ [7457/42

VI Saw You. looking swell. i think your gorgcotts?? XX [7457/43

V I Saw You at the end of the day cracking nuts on a ley e1 playing field. [7457/44

I Straight 40’s female, young at heart, would like to meet genuine friends for nights out on the town. meals out. walks. cinema. etc. (Box Number P/547/1 t

Classified Personal


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