

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 27


Flower Power ( il;l\}_'tt\\ Wonk-ifs

| ihiar}. lll‘) 'lrongatc. 553 M45. Ipin. l‘rcc Bookinaking courxc tor \wriic-ri lcd h} Itl'll\l I’am So. III\[lIIL'(l h} lhc lihr‘ar}\ corninunit} gardcn, Booking cwcntial. The Artist’s Way ( ilaxgou \Vonicn'x I.ihiai'}. I0‘) 'l'rongatc. 553 3345. 5.30-

(i. iltpin. l'icc, lhc lll'\l ot l3 \xcckl} \korncn oiil) \L'\\IUII\ lI\Illj_‘ Julia ('aincrori’s hook as a tool lor' tckindling cicatnit}. Booking csxcnlial

Fiction Book Group ()ltakai'x. l'nrt (i. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Str‘cct. 353 I500. (ipin, llll\ lirnc thc group will hc tll\t'll\\lllf3 Rohcrt l’irxig'x /crr d“ (In .irl of \IrI/tllt \( /(' ,‘ItllIl/(Vltlllt l', \cu incinhcrs \xclconic.

Friday 28


An Evening with Robert Burns \Vr'itci's' \ltrxcuin. |.ad_\ Stair'x llouxc. I..id_\ Stan‘s ('onc. 53‘) JUIII. (i-Xpni. l‘rcc. .-\n intcr'acln c i'ccital \xith actor ('hi‘ixtoplicr 'l'ait.

Saturday 29


The Agony and the Ecstasy: Fashion in Literature Sigiic-t l.ll‘l';tl'). l’at'lianicnt Sguarc. 333 l I55. 4.30pm. {Ill.50. ('olin .\lcl)o\\c|l and lricndx rcad hunt a \clcction ot st} Ic-rclatcd \\t)l‘k\. >i< Janice Galloway \Vchon ll;l\\lllttl'lltlL'll Icctur‘c 'l‘hcati'c. National (iallcr). thc Mound. 034 (i500. 5-(ipm. l-rcc. 'I‘hc author I'L‘iltl\ c\ccrpt\ ol hcr' pocll'} and pi'oxc cclchrating thc Icinininc condition.


Shore Poets 'l‘hc ('anonx‘ (iait. 333 ('anongatc. 55o 44M. 7.45pm. £3 (£1 I. ()pcn mic alt'air “ith music l‘r‘oni \ingcr/xong“r'itcr Kar'cn .-\ti\tin \\ ith rcadingx ll'ttlll (iordon \lcadc.

G asgow

Jodi Picoult ( )ttakar‘x. l'nil o. Btichanan (ittllt‘l‘lc‘s. Buchanan Sti'cct. 353 I500.

Iprn. l‘rcc. l’optllai' and prolific author l’icoult talks 11\ lhrotrgh hcr' latcsl talc ot~ tarnih d_\\lunction. I'lic li'III/I ('r'ri'lc. JOdi PiCOUit litll'le‘l\ iitltik\, US Buchanan Strccl. 333 7700. 3pm. l‘rcc. Scc Ill‘th L‘.

Wednesday 3


Jodi Picoult \Vatcrxlonc'x. l3\' l’rincc\ Sti'cct. 33o 3on0. (rpm. [3. rcdccniahlc against purchaxc ol thc titlc. Scc 'l'uc 3. Andrew Lownie National l.ihrar} ol‘ Scotland. (iL‘ol'g‘L‘ l\' lil'itlg‘c‘. 330 4.5.5 l. 7pm. l‘il‘L'L'. lic‘kL‘lL‘tl. llIL‘ [zit/I'It/mrg/t /.l!t‘l'rll'\ (UNI/limit)” atrlhor tll\L‘ll\\L‘\ thc cit) \ man} hookixh axxociationx.

Greg Wallace llar\c_\ Nichols. 30-34 St .-\ndrc‘\\ Sguarc. 53-1 8388. £40. The .lliixrt-rclii-i prcxcntcr cclchi'atcw lhc launch ol his nc\\ hook. \i'g.‘ Iln' (i/‘i'crigrou'r's (lurk/milk. including a talk. QckA \L‘\\lttlt and a \caxonal tltr‘c'c‘-c'otri\c' incal.


* Graham MCCO" But‘clc‘h Bookx. l’ort Rclail Park. 300 l’r‘man \Valk. 773 3010. n.30pin. l'rcc. tickctcd. Joinc‘d h) ~c'\ cral nicmhcrx ot' lhc original tcarn. .\lc(‘oll “ill hc‘ tli\c‘tt\\ing ‘8: Scotland. “on u .thltort I.U\I Illt' “Ur/(l (ill/I.

30 THE LIST ‘37 Apr-t 1 Ma\ .3006


Petrarca and Boccaccio: Medieval and Renaissance Models in Literature Italian (‘ullural llI\lllUlL‘. .\3 Nicolxon Slrcct. ooh 3333. ppm. I-r‘cc Jonathan l‘xhcr. (‘ar‘lo ('aruxo and .-\rinali\a ('rpollonc launch llll\ \cr} intclligcnl \HIIlltllIlg' hook


Reading the Leaves 'lchai ()\ na. 43 ()tago |.anc. 357 4534. h‘pin. £3. Join gucxl \kl‘llcl'x lUI~ an L'\L'Illllg til ptk‘ll‘} illltl crcatixc \xrrting. (‘ontact .\'a|ini Paul at i'cadingtthca\cw! hotniailcoin.


Poetry Book Group: Wild Reckoning Scottish I’octr} l.ihi';ii‘}. 5 (‘rtchlon‘s ('Iosc. ('anongalc. 557 33%, (i.5llh,_illptlt. £5 iL'RI. h} thc Sl’lfs Iulic Johnstonc. thc latcxt group will r'cad trout and discuss I'lri' (imul .Vl’lg’ll/HIIH'. I'lit' liq/it 'I'I'tr/i and othcr \xor'kx h} John Btii'nxidc. Booking ad\i\cd. Hergé, Tintin, 75 Years of History Institut lirancaix d'licoxxc. l3 Randolph ('rcxccnl. 335 5360. (ifillprn. lircc. 'l‘hix \ixual talk h) .\l l)aniicn (irauc/ c\ploi‘c\ \UIIIL‘ ol' thc- intcrnal charactcrixticx ol llcrgci'x “milk and thc publishing lll\lttl') ol 'lintin and his lllllllL‘l'UlI\ adwnturcs.

Tuesday 9


Unheard Voices of Israel the Augustinc (lunch. 4 I ~43 (icorgc l\' Bridgc. (ins 30l‘). 5.30-7.30pin. lircc. liai'l_\ cwning talk \iith Ychudit Kirxtcin chhct. author ot~ (‘ln't'k/mrnl llillr‘lt.‘ 'Ii'slrninnrm from ()r'i‘irpr'r'tl I’ir/mlrrit' and Arthur \c‘xlcn. author ol~ ()i’i'upr't'i/ Mini/i: (1 Journey Through I/n' Ixruc/r I’wi'lit'. The School of Poets Scottish l’tx‘ll‘} l.ihi'ar"\. 5 ('richton'x (‘onca ('anongatc. 557 3876. 7.30pm. Monthl} workshop- t}pc poctr'} \cssion.

Leopold Sédar Senghor 1906-2001 Instilul l-‘rancaix d'licoxxc. I3 Randolph

(.I‘LWL'L‘lli. 33.5 .5566. MIT. SCL‘ inc 3.

Wednesday 10


Lindsay Bannerman Bot'dc‘rs Books, (is Buchanan Street. 333 7700. (rpm. l-rcc. ('ilcd as one ol lhc‘ nation's top 3()() intlucnlial htt\lnc\\ \torncn. Banncrinan l\ knoun as lllL‘ ‘NL‘lnork QtlL‘cn'. llsing hcr' tic“ hook Networking in (It) .UIIIHIH as a tool. \hc‘ll be talking through ho“ to rnakc contacts and \uccccd ill husincws.


Visiting Picasso: Evening Lecture 8. Book Launch \chton Ilaxtthorndcn l.cctut‘c 'I‘hcatrc. National (iallcr). thc Mound. 03-1 (i560. (i-7.30prn. lircc. liIi/ahcth (‘tm ling. author of thc hook \xhich accompanies the cur'rcnt c\hihition. talks to Roland l’cnroxc's \on Anton} and Richard (‘alwcorc'sxi Celebrate the New Scots National l.ihrar_\ ot' Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 330 4.5.5 l. 7pm. l’rcc. llL‘k‘L‘lL‘d. l)lt‘L‘L‘lot‘ ol' Sunrchi Indian rcstaurantx. Ilcrnian Rodrigucx. lttlks ahout his cgk‘ricnccx capturing lhc rim ol lidinhurgh's Asian cornrnunit) on camera. l’octr) ix proxidcd h} Baxhahi I~‘ra\cr.


Liz Smith Walc‘rxtoitc\. I55- I57 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ()I05. 5pm. I-‘rcc. Most t'arnoux t‘or hc‘r rolc as tho nation's lamurilc hatl} gran in 'I‘ln' Rut/c l-imn’ly. ttc‘lrL‘\\ Smith drops in to \ign copicx til. hcr aulohiograph} ()ur Bun.


Duncan Burden Bordcrx Bookx. l'nir 3h. l’on Kinnaird Rctail Park. 657 40-“. 7pm. I-‘rcc. Designch to hc carried around and worked on. .llurtuiutlru - If! in Arcadia ligo is a treasurc hunt hook part urittcn in codc rising cncr) prion llk‘llltklx.


rohioIEFA'ico ten.)

Comics Creators On X-Men

Ufa" 0..


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What you think (3? tnls book ‘.'.’lll inetitabl, depend on tour tolerance for the geek attiliated historical riiinutiae ot Martel Comics. Tr'ainspotter's Will love it. ‘t;i\.’i|iaiis' ‘.‘.’lll run a mile. and those in between inight Just tind an excuse to II‘tISO nostalgicalli.’ about their childhood reading habits. Written by ex Ivlan'ei editor-in—chiet DeFalco rit's a text \xriiiime. illustrations are kept to a lIIllIllIlIIlIll, the book is simply a transcription of |Ill(3l\’l(}‘.‘./S Willi X-Ivlen creators down the ages, Chief among these is Chris Claremont * the writer who revolutionised the X-Men as a comic book soap opera in the late seventies. Discovering the political developments on the book during his time in charge. wrth contributions from artists Dave Cockrtim and John Byr'ne. is the most compelling thing here. In the earl; nineties the book sadly descended into a characterless series of action- drenched splash panels. but latter contributions from Scotland's Grant Morrison and Mark tvlillar Signpost a resurgence in ‘~.‘/llllllg duality. no doobt inspired by the credible success of the move franchise. ‘DaVltl Pollock»


This secor‘d Quartet ct Ennis \WJII stories ;s. to put it in RAF vernaCular. absoluteiy bloody

:lll‘ 'l‘.‘t,'\l't“'lli"tl it iitu a

;:‘ flit: fi'iiw i am .ir\.'.'r‘ t_

ar'tiirijsl the (roam-f. each illustrated .‘.“tl‘ ("w same attention to riwtai’ as is (f‘.‘lfl(,‘lli in ’f'it: scripts. All tour prone tri be highli, original takes on the i.‘.'ar. and there's a

iniiior 'iiasterpiece in The


Spanish Civil Wareset 'Condors'. in ‘.'./lll(Ll‘ an Englishman. Irishman. German and Spaniard shelter uneasily in a bomb crater ’lllll'ltl arr air raid. as the ioke doesn't go

iMiles l‘L€:ltl(,‘.'


Green Arrow: Moving Targets DO 0..

Writer Judd Wiriick was a participant in the American TV series The Real Life before he ever started railing high- profile comics. V‘Jill‘CK'S friend and reornn‘iate On the show rater contracted AIDS and died. 80 here, Winick has riiaster archer Green Arrows sidekick Speed, contract HIV. and In; {Q ccrrie to terms with it. As a non-sur‘Jerponered actch man in the DC universe. the Robin

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The Fountain i f r" 0..

'\.'.’I'ie.'\ l lil'lv"’ /‘\llil‘;ii‘ii\."~ » it ii' trim. tiizttkbiistt-i ?<,ll',.'.' llir tri ht; ,Iilllxllh. iiiar‘wil ’1Ir'i‘. N am: l1)"’][i’lr.‘!'i‘ for .i [)i'ert'l'li .‘.’r:‘» ‘il‘ifl‘Jrll rill“ to ,ir:;iti.e .tftl‘rrniirru '.'.’lil‘. star llriiri Pitt the: math, iilfl‘llitthif' re'.‘.'i irkerl his t,.‘.’ll s/‘ript Illil‘ this ‘llrliillll, time! He") siiirgr: fiiriirerl Ihe fountain ‘i'l'l a "llll‘l‘i loner budget and .‘J'fhotit I’d? . but this hardback if, airbrush/ll; air/set to Alfill tmky'i, original .'isioix

lakirig plan: over three separate t "it: ll‘tlitfll‘i the Spatial: royal so in if)”; ,lti‘rl‘i i)ll:)i, it genetics lgir, the present and aboard a space/Ian .1’, ,iears l“:ll‘,‘: *(ljll'lt’l .‘.’l‘!’,ll ii pair of lo.'ers ‘glat l/‘flwlfl: "Writ liii‘ifili’ili. Hie / oi/rii'aii" flglt of the 'II‘iIt(}lIi€tll’/.".. All")? K‘flif ‘."."I|i;r"i‘,' Ifln’rii'Ifiiil,’ {mil "r’l usual‘, “to Aron/itch”,

grail/I ideas about tie

li'I‘i'IUl’lEllll, o‘ lure justice. lJntor’ttiriZitehg At’jrioi‘fik,"‘, ézi‘t’x’, r'iir‘iirr al Wit/t doesn't.

One suspects he'd “are

l‘ :i’lr; zi tirz‘fr:r grit, ',r.

C‘:llt.‘lt)l’}. i~/lll‘:‘, F‘f’lQF