
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I ’3' at lhc Hull ('ltih. ll) itlpin iant U (lrcc) chkl} Slcxtc and hand i'tiininagc through thcir rccortls to bring sou all lhc good sttill 'l'hcrc‘s lhc odd hxc hand. so c\pcct a lcst ol cclcclronica. discolcchnt)cai'c} and olhcr \sords thc) 'xc |llsl madc tip.

I Cigarettes and Fuck All at thc- Hutlcrll} arid lhc l’tg 0pm 2am. I'rcc \N'cckl}. .‘slottmn. northcrn sotil. hlucs. clcclro. iitdic. lhc sltill sour gratin} calls noisc and tltc rccortls sour dad can‘t rcmcmhcr hit} mg.

I Electric Booty Club at thc- Suh ('ltih. Illillpni 1am. £thc. 4 Ma}. Radio ('lash \sith Radio Magnctic prcscnt thc lilcctric Boot} ('Itth: liipliop. l)t)()l_\ hass. clcclro lttiik lrotn Boom Monk licn (Misc-d Bitsincss). |)a\ic' Kcll) (()nc l.otidcr) and Don .‘slacl .cllan (Radio Magncttc).

I Freakmoves at (ilasgtm School ()l Art. Ilpiit tam. £’) (£2). \\'c-c'k|_\. l'llra linc lttp hop night l'or lhc slutlcnts. \s itli l).ls I)cnta altd Nicc. £| lor (in\ sttidcnts al'tcr midnight. lrcc hcl'orc,

I Gilles Peterson at tlic- Stilt ('liih. llplllaittlll. £l2. 27 Apr. 'l'hc \sol‘ltl |a// maslcr rcttirns lor anothcr 'l'ript_\ch. ~joincd h} Tokyo tau sc\lct Soil and ‘l’imp Scssions' and local man l’aul ('au'lc}: I’uri u] 'I'rt/tm'lr

I Kool Keith and Kutmasta Kurt al chl'rcis l-crr}; ts’pni. £I2. 27 Apr. l’rolilic and innmatis'c t'appcr Kool Kcith. loundcr iiiciiihcr ol S()s l'ltramagnctic .\l(‘s. is _l(llllL‘(l h} \Vcsl (‘oast hip ltop hcro Kutmasta Kurt. l’ur! of ’I‘ri/ili't'lt. Scc prcvicw. pagc 5 l.

I Lemon . . . the Kings of Indie at ('lttli Duh. lllpin 3am. £() (£4). \Vcckl}. 'l’hc sharpcst iitdic cuts and lhc lt'cshcst indic hits.

I Lollipop at (ilasgots l'niscrsil} l'nion. lllpinr2am. £3 (l'rcc £2). \Vcckl}. 'l'hc (nc\\ |_\ rclurhishcd) llix c continucs to than it) a lull housc \\ itli I).l .lohn dishing otit pop. indic and lx’ckli pltts sttidcnt classics. Kat‘aokc tlounslairs lrotn 0pm.

I Panic Room at MAS. £4. \Vc‘t‘kl}. I).ls l)a\‘c Young and Jim (icllatls (XI-Mi host a night ol indic and rock plus. as an c\tra bonus. |i\c hand nights s\\ itclt placcs \silh l‘ool's (iold l).ls c\ ci'} l'ortnight.

I Record Player: at (ilasgtm School ol‘.-\rt. l().3()pm»2.3(lam. £3 (£2). \Vcckl}. lit lhc V'ic Bar Hill Scan ck llllSllpllpp} pla) to art incrcasingls lyl'L‘ll/lk‘tl L'l'tm ii.

I Riff Raft at Bamboo. I lpmdani. £4 (l‘rcc). \Vcckl). ll|_\'us Brim it plays lhc hcst in R&B atid hip hop. 'l'oast plass clcctro. pop it rock iii thc Rcd Room \shilc Mash dclixcrs a ‘Back to .‘slinc' scl in thc l.oungc. \\'c likc lhc sound ol that. I Rubbermensch at :\B(‘3. l lpm- 3am. £3 (l‘i'cc). chkly :\ ncxs night l'or indic kids and indic loscrs. And} \Vilsott is iit chargc \\ ith monlhl) \ isits lrotn nonc othcr than Alan .\lc(icc ((‘rcation Rccoi ds ).

I Skint at thc ('athousc. l lpnt-3ain. £4 (£2). \\'cckl_\. limo. lunk. ptitik. crossoscr. rock. goth and hardcorc tuncs from DJ Billy Moat.

I Thursday Club at (hc (iat‘agc.

l lpm-Rain. £5 (l'rcc). \Vcckl}. .\ hit ot c\cr_\lhing hcrc l'rom 20s. indic arid chart to Rckli and classic rock anthcms.

I Wigwam Thursdays at \Vigu ant.

l lpiii-.‘~atti. £4 (l'rcc). \Vcckl}. [)1 Mark} Mark plays aii cclcctic nits of pop. chart. soul and disco at this ncu 'l‘hursday night shindig down Wigwam was.

34 THE LIST 27 Apr—l 1 May 2006

Glasgow Fridays


I Andrea Parker, Magic Daddy, Rosie 8. Sandy, Pro Vinylist Karim, Actress and Radio Clit .il lltt' \(ll‘ (‘luh Uptn iain £0 23 .\pr 'lhc I'L'spc'c'lml lc't'lllto I” Is Ititltctl l‘_\ a lull supporting cast inc hiding ‘tniciogolh‘ artist Magic “adds and lhc \latcia Blainc ollshoot Rosic t\' Sand} l’ini ml lri/ilti li Scc pic\ l(‘\\. pagc ‘2 I Babaza at Hc lo ‘lpm iatn U) (licc) \Vcckls l’atil ll.l}llt)l. Ross \lc \lillan i\' Bill} .loncs pla} raucous RAH .llltl hcays hip hop

I Ball Breaker .il lllt' (‘athotist-

Ill illpnt iain L5 (U) \Vcckls l).ls Hair} and Hill} pla} classic rock. glaiii mclal. ltiiik iiiclal. nit inclal. cino. hip hop. crossmci altcinatixc iock and (lanc c on In cl onc Films

331 Biz Markie and Big Daddy Kane at thc ()Itl l'itiilinarkct lllpni 5.tlll £|7 2X Alli Hip hop ltottt licastic liti)s alliltalc lii/ .\l.irkic and lhc ‘liiooklsn (‘asanoxa‘ Big l)add_\ Kanc .'\lso lcattiring lclltm .ltiicc ('rcucr Rosannc Shantc. ('tttiiiastcr (’ool \' and otii oun Scratch Ills I’ll/I of II‘i/tlti /i Scc

pi‘c\ icss. pagc \l

>21 Black Rabbit Whorehouse .it Hit- Stih (‘ltih Ilpiit iam. £l() (W) 5 .\1a_\ This grcal club night \\.is Ialcnt lot a \shilc. hut no“ it‘s hack. pa_\tng hoinagc to thc sound kll()\\ll \All‘IUIISI} as ‘glitch‘. ‘nuciohousc' or Inn“ l ‘xshorchotisc' ()n this \cr_\ spccial (latc. thcrc's a Im- gucsl slot lrotn (icrnian singcr/clcclio prodttccr .-\tla. .Scc pic\ ins. pagc ii.

I Boogie Down at HIuti, Illpni ialll £2 £1. 2.\ .'\[‘l. l-unkcd tip and lurtotts tan. disco and hottsc lrotn Slcuarl Rcitl antl spcctal gucsls 'l hc lusion lispcricticc.

I Boogiedown at hluu hasciiicnt. Illpni iain £5 (lrcci, \\cckl_\ l-uiikctl tip ia/I. disco and raw gromc is lhc ttiaiti coutsc lot lhc cwntng \Hlll lashings ol litink} hotisc lor dcsscrl courtcs} ol sta|\sarl Stcuart Rcid

I Bully al lhc (ilasgoxs School ol -\rl llpni- \ain. £5. 5 Ma}. .\ hrancl nc\s night it)!" lhc School ol .‘\rt. lcalttring lhc linc clcctro arrangcincnts ol spccial gitcst (‘l'k'lllt' l)L' Mcnlhc.

I Burly at lhc .'\l‘c‘llc‘s l(l, itlpm iam. £l() (£8). 5 Ma}, .\lonth|_\. l‘rtcndls masculinc cltth lor gas and hi nicti agctl 25+. Icathcr. industrial. |ockstraps cncottragcd. Music lrotn Ht lii Scan and l{;t}lll().

Jackson & his Computer Band

I Canvas Club at \ita "l‘lll 1am £5 (licct \\L'c'kl} I isc hancls plus l)_l loc |) pla} trig liitik and parts classics I Coded .il \atill Ilpiit “.llll L5 (Li) \M'ckl} \lc\cn \lc(‘icci'\ is (hc ntatn man and thc Itkcs ol Hills \\ootls. Hills Kilktc and \llt.illtl.t I’itc c torn in lioni

I Festival at \H(~ Ilpiit ;ant to (Ll) \\t'c'kl} l [1.1” \k'llMlll (lttc‘s lllk' honours \\llll his hag ol lunks clcclio sounds and cross _L‘\'lllc‘ ltccloini iitistng plus gticsls

I Fluid at \l \\ I lpiii {ant to it 1) \Vcckls l).ls I is.t I ittlcuootl and Scott \lacls'a} (\|'\l ). Ill (‘tit/ and I)! Status pl.i_\ lhc luiikicst ol hotisc tuncs and cutting ctlgc ltiintahhstit to .i gtcat parts cltiutl

I Freakmenoovers at lilatikct

Ilpiit ‘ant £ot£ii 23 \pi \lonthl} \ tic-u \scc-kls icsidcncs loi thc l-icaknicnooscts c l('\\ I),|s |)cnt.i and \ic c on tolattoit. p|a_\iitg lhc hcst in hip hop. ltittk. sticct soul and Rckli

I Funhouse .il liaill} Ilpiit 2am to \Vcckls \ night ol ptiitk and indic pop \\ itli l’atil \ccdlcs and Scott |)tincan \silh thc odd li\c act

I Goodfoot at Rtscisidc ( 'Itih itutlnighl iani £5 5 .\la_\ (icl (l()\\ll to a sttpcth sclcclion ol lttnk. soul. northcrn soul and RN“

I Grind .il ('luh |)ul) lllpni iant to (£1) \\cckl} Scottic H p|.i_\s thc hcsl urhan. Rtkli and hip hop soiitids to an tip lor ll crowd

I GTV Fridays at lhc (iaragc I lpni ‘aiii £5 (Inc) \Vcckls Ht‘ian .\1c.\laslct p|a_\ s c\cr} thing lrotn lirtl pop to chait intisic lion) cxct'} cra

I Jackson 8. his Computer Band at thc|lll(l loungc. Ilpiit iatit £lll 2H \pr Stslish glitch clcclio pop lrotn lhc \Varp signctl Jackson. \\ ill) I” support lroni (‘Iuh ()0 icgtilais .\1aitin and lawn l’iu'l u/ II'I/ilit I).

I Monkey Puzzle at ltltiu lllpnt 5illll. £2 £1. 5 \la}. |)isco classics \sith ('hris .\lcl'\ and NH] Rccthc pltis gut-st l).l‘s.

I Mungos HiFi at (ilasgtm School ol .\it. II 3am H“. 23 .\pr. 'l‘iiptsch tlancchall spccial lcattiting |i\c scls lrotn lcgcntlar} .Iaiiiatcati artists Rankin' .loc and Ras |)antcl Ras. \sith l).| scts lion) thc \liingo's icgulats. I’m! 1,) Iii/mt I).

I National Pop League at \\()t)(l\l(lt' Social ('Itih. X-l5pm 2am H 2.\' .\"I. l’ostptink. (’h’o. inthcpop and dancing lroni thc hcart ol (\s cc (ilasgoxs.

I Numbers .it Hastua Blanca lllpiit 2am L\ 5 \las llcclto. .icicl Ilottsc .tlltl ltalo \ll\\(‘ liotti \ustitas \lictolhol (lisct. \\ tih tcsitlcitts ( iootlhantl and \ok la lx‘ok. and \ | ls‘ctina ( ihlch

I Offset .il (‘uhc llptit iaiii :\ (:5) \\cck|_\ l).lll\k' c lassic s and Hill liotisc lrotn rcsitlcnt Ills

I Old School Funk .il lllt‘ litiii lopiii :an) to “ccklt (iotchc. lac k. (tar): and Itcc plas (‘ltl st hool tan and lutik cl.isslcs

" Pressure .tl lllt‘ \ichc-s Io illpit) ialll Ll" .‘.\ \pi ls'icattlo\tllalohos. ltic iano. \|c tltxct. ( ‘htis (‘oc o .llltl lllk' \l.llll l‘('\\ .ltltl up It) t‘llt‘ llt‘ll (‘l .l lincup

I Pukka Funk .tl thc ltinncl l lpiii iaiii £5 (1 i) \\cckl\ Ht}: hotisc night ltoitt Kits ls'ccgan. l.tlll ‘Saiitos' lhoiiisoit .llltl \.|

I Rocket at Hallll‘ot) lll illl‘lll ;ant to (£1) \M't'kls Iloiisc itittstc lioiti(icoll \l and (‘iaig | .l\\\. RAH .llltl hip hop \stlh \ltpucl and \lcx tc \olc tn lhc lotiitt'c

I Siren at Bar liltk lllpni \int t. (licc) \Vcckls I‘lcctio and (cc him is lltc oitlct ol lhc das lrotn llitlllt‘;'l()\\ll l‘lll\t'}()l\ KI Rat and ( it‘ll_\ lilsthc

I Tunnel Fridays at thc lllllllt‘l

Ilpiit iam £5 (£5) \\cck|_\ l.l\|sll hottsc and urban llaxas

I Utter Gutter .tl Is’tsctsitlc ( 'Itil) iiiitlnight ialll £(t Us 2.\',\pt \latlaiuc S and lltishpupp) pi'cscnl an .illcinatixc night ol homo clcctto. cock pop. tock'n'ioll. thrl_\ hotisc. lcch ltcals and punk lot anti titatnsltcant t‘llll‘ltlllf,‘ ctiiccis and thcii hclcro pals

I Vice at lhc (‘athotisc I lptii kin) £5 i) \Vcckl} l‘r.l .\laitin Hatcs (\l‘\l) hosts an intltc rock pail} \\llll (tint-s old and ncu liom x\lc'llc Monkcss to /cppc|in on |,c\c| rm.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Back to the Future at (ailing :\c.I(lL‘lll_\ (ilasgou Spin iatii LIN 2‘) ;\pr lioilci suits and masks at thc lt‘.l(l\ lor a trip to lhc (lass ol t.i\c Ratiuic/. l{l1}lllllllc‘5l;llk'. Bass .\ and llHk'l'lMss plas hxc. \sllll scts lioni I).ls l’aul l-lstak. Scull lift)“ ll. ilk'k‘llllHll'illlk'k‘. ()ltst'sslitli. .loc Hcacon. Mailman and .\l(‘ Koriiipl I Beat Down the Up at I 1th \‘titc (Kilc. 0pm ‘ani lt'cc. chkl} Kid 'lisisl (.t\l\'.t\ thc Slumhcriack on (‘ Sitlc 'lras rccortls) p|a_\s rock‘n'roll and s_\n(hclic roholic soul.

‘I like the idea of a record being an extension of the person making it,’ explains Jackson Fougeraud of his Smash album, out

on Warp ahead of his Triptych laptop sets. A pop sensibility runs through its dark electro. ‘l’ve always been attracted to opposing moods, being pop and sweet as well as wild and in rage,’ says Fougeraud. ‘It’s the swirl

of combining those polar opposites.’

I Fr/ 28. the L/Qllld Lounge. Glasgow; Sun 30 Apr. Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh.