1 You don’t get to see an amused moose perform stand-up comedy every week do YOU? N' 2, itflll ,lr't

uttl‘r-r Ar'taan'l M'iu it is. Il‘t' Marni:

tint WW" of a attrilt l.‘.'t'l"l ‘.‘."I."-'l?l‘(l sr'tal' r‘,.'"":‘l~, litl1"7lfi"?l<2" 2 And contestants have a good half hour to get an audience on their side or drag the crowd back when they make a rough gag or two, I suppose? Norm, thin. haw a ll‘a‘lt} smut? l'til‘llifNR l() ll‘.l[)l(’f1f§ iltt.’ glt'ltlt‘f‘t 3 And you get to see Chris McCausland A <:t> host of tho (txrnrttntt. tho l)l|ll{l t‘onttr; l[)l(‘illl(‘(ll mutt; part of the Atnnrrnally iiiillll'y i)i‘t’il)i(3 toarri .tntl tturlor'rturt his show As Soon on [V at the l tinge. 4 And wee Susan Calman (Ian lwntt loss than ii\.‘(" foot tall really li.tllll)(‘l sortwontt't; life") Well. maybe. but :l's given this l)lll(]l?()llllltl talent the opportunity to roach the heights Probably. 5 Where does all this lead for the winner? llto Glasgow heat \‘ltiitil Will illt‘li take on other lt.‘l}l()7ltll ttharnris in l ontlon sorritt'tnals; walt tho grand finale content; up lll August during some iii-Silt.“ or other in FUIHULH'Ql‘. last wart: mnnor was (initiater roster Sarah Mtlltt:.trt. tHrtan Donaldsont H/at‘i‘u‘r/ars. Glt'rsgottc Thu I! r'tt'at.

Tuesday 2


Little Britain S|-.( ‘( I l’tttrttcxton Quin. llhflll ll-lll “Hill. a. ill'tm, [23.50, St‘c‘ttritl rottrtd lot Matt I ucax and HM td \\a|liatn\' tour. \\ ttlt tltctr littxl ol \xctrd and \\HlltlL‘l‘llll charactctx. trtclttdtng Vick) l’ollard. Hathd and ‘lady l'tntl_\ llo\\at‘d.

Red Raw l'ltc Stand. 333 \\oodland\ Road. t).\'"tl (itill (M55. S3llpnt. £2 tt'l lllL‘llil‘c‘l‘Sl, Scc .\lon l.


The 50p Showfanortx‘ (iarl. 2.32 ('anortgatc. 55h JJSI. Spin. 5UP. \c\\ tttgltt ttt\ol\ ittg .lantcx .\lurra_\. Jantcx Blood. lictlt Hamilton. licn \crth. liarnc) .\'orrt\ attd hoxt Rodd} .\l.tcllitlc\.

SiStars 'l‘ltc Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "272. S3tlptn. to l (J; {3 rncntlict‘xi. lluntour ol thc lt‘ltltllc \artct_\. \\ ttlt llUSl Sttxan ('alntan. \xrttcr .-\l. lx'crtncd}. )ottng lad} contic .loxtc long. artd \kctchcs trotn tltc l5 ’l‘cant.

Hairy Watt Comedy Club llcrtot-\\'atr l'nncrxtt} l'rtion. thcarton. ~15l 5333, 0pm. {3. Ra) tnortd .\lcarn~ ix in chargc. ax l'orrncr Stattd cornpcrc (iracntc 'l’ltontax and ntuxtcalx addict (‘ltarlic Roxx \ltoot llltlnlCS. Studcntx and gucxtx onl}.

40 THE LIST .‘ :Xt‘“ \‘rat.

Sidetracked Comedy lit-ltnln‘x. *t \larkct Strcct. 22’» Hle ‘lpnt l‘rcc (ildllS conic-d} \llctl.ttllf_‘.tli\tt1\ol\tlig ltL'\\cottlt'l\ arid old llatttl~

Wednesday 3

G asgow Little Britain Sl:( ‘( ‘. l'llllllL‘SlHll ()tta}. tiSWilLllLllNNl Input {3‘ in St-t- [tit-3


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance l‘ltc Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2‘2 S 3llprrt L11 lcarrt \lottkc} ll‘t'llt'l known a\ Sand} .\'cl\on. .\l|cn (‘halrrtcr‘x l’aul l’trrc. l)c\ \lcl can .tttd Ra}trtond \lt‘dl'ltxl \ptcc up a dull \tcckntght \\ ttlt ltlol‘c \[mttlatlt'nttx \kctcltcx llllISIc .tttd gagx

SiStars lltc Stand. 5 York Maw. 553 "2‘2 S. 3llpnt Us l U. L3 lllL‘llll‘t‘l'Sl Scc inc 2

Thursday 4


The Thursday Show 'l'ltt- Stand. ‘3‘ \VtttttllttlttlS Rittttl. “hall N)“ (“5.5. 35”le Ur t [5; L5 Itk‘llll‘t‘hl. littltllt' llL'ltlL'tl klll- hotltctcr ( ‘t‘atg lltll IS torncd l\_\ John (itlltck. (ircg ('rook and Slmcn lhck.


The Thursday Show 'l‘ltt- Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2‘2. ‘lprn. to l £5; £3 lllt'llli‘t‘hl. .\lakc thc \tcckcnd start a da_\ carl} \\ ttlt tltc ca\_\going Nick \Yilt}. thc \cltrdcpr'ccating ‘lcddy attd thc ll'L‘Sll laccx ol .ltmlt‘ long attd l)ann_\ .\lc( itnla}. l'tcd .\lac:\ttla} contpcr'cx.

Capital Comedy 'l’hc :\rcadc liar. ~1S (‘ockhurn Strcct. 220 I207. ‘).3llptn. £3. Scc ’l‘hu 27'.

The Snatch Social 'l'ltc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 225 25M. llpin 3am. t5. Scc Thu 27.


Watson’s Wind-Up ( illngU“ litlnt .l‘llL'illl‘L‘. l2 Row Sll‘L‘L'l. 3.32 SUN. lpttl. i'vl'L'L'l llt'hL'lCtl. SCL‘ kit 23.

Blackfriars Bumper Value Comedy Blacklriat‘x. 3o licll Strcct. 55o 5026. Spin. [4. (Ear) l.ittlc ISlUllk'tl h} Kl\\l intprox ixcr Still) ()‘Sttllitan.

Curlers Bumper Value Comedy (‘urlcrx 25b 20” B)t‘c\ Road. 333 05] I. Spin. [4. Scott .-\gnc\\ prcxidcx owr lYtIS} lYtt}\ Still} ()‘Sttllnart and (Sat) l.iltlc. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(’ Building. chlr‘cu Strccl. llS7ll7 S7tl5ti7. Spin. L'lll. l-catttrittg cool ('artadiart Rortntc lid\\ard\. lidd} lirirttxon. licnrtcll .-\t‘ron. arid lilthrncixtcr Sttt \Ylto'.’

The Stand ’l'llt‘ .Slttlltl. 333 \YotxlltttltlS Road. llS—‘H hill) (1055. S3llptti. LS (£7 i. l".\pcrtcttccd racontcur .lohn (iillick. ( ircg ('rook. and cas} -going )oung quick \\ it l)a\ c lngrarrt pr'o\ idc tltc \lllttl’gJShtil'tl. pt'cxcrtlcd h} camp} tnaitrc-d' ('r'aig llill.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctttx. ()tttnt (citric. (irccnxidc l’lacc. llS7ll7 S‘tiTllT Sl5pnt. l; Ill. .-\n out-ol-xcaxon .larrcd ('hrixtrnm. thc \tcrcot} pical .latnaican Ton} llcndrikx. and Anthon} J Bron n'x dcadpan dcliwr'}.

The Stand 'i.ilL' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 “2‘2. 0pm. LS tL‘W. lircd .\lac.’\ula_\ crackx lltc “hip lor .lack‘lltc-lad Nick \Vill}. 'l'cdd}. tltc award-u inning JUSIL‘ long. artd .-\u\tralia\ l)anrt} .\lc(itrtla}.

The Bedlam lmproverts licdlant 'l‘hcatr‘c. I lit lir'ixto l’lacc. 225 ‘IS‘)3. lll.3llprrt. (3.5” t (3; “2.51) llk‘ltllk‘hl. Scc l’rt 2S.

Saturday 6


Blackfriars Bumper Value Comedy lilacklt'tar‘x. 3(t Bcll Strcct. 55h 5020 Spin. (4. SCL‘ kill 5.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcttrx. l'(i(‘ Building. chl’rcu Strcct. “Sail-7 S"ll’ll". Spin. {l3 Scc Fri 5.

Cosy Comedy Cafe 'l'hc Statc Bar. l-lS

She might look like a delicate flower who wouldn‘t say

boo to a waterbird but the filthy side occasionally rears its sick head when Lucy Porter opens her mouth. She may have previously preached about notions of fate and happiness and giggled like a fool when recalling Christian Slater at her birthday party but this girl actually has a tongue of venom and bile. Accompanied by a petite smile. of course.

flit? Sta/rt}. [‘(l//i{)l/lt}.’l_ Ma 7 ' Mat.

llollartd Slt'ccl. 02h 92S”. ‘lpnt. Ur t t5i SL'L‘ Sat 2‘).

The Stand 'l‘ltc Stand. 333 \VotkllttttdS Road. llS7ll (illll (ill55. ‘lpnt. t' Ill t {St Scc l‘ri 5,


Jongleurs Comedy Club .loltglL'HlS. ()rttni (critic. (irccnxidc l’lacc. WSW" S7tl7ti7. Sl5prn. {I2 Scc ill 5.

The Stand ’l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2721mm. L'ltitL'St. Scc lit 5,


Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service 'l‘ltc Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlandx Road. “37” thi (i055. S.3llprn. H tt'3; t'l lllt‘llll‘L‘I’Sl. Micltacl Rcdrrtond crttcrtaiux. \\ 1th cotttcd} \upport l'ront (ircg ('rook attd Sat


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7222. lprtt. l'rcc. Scc Sun 30.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In lllc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. S.3l)prtt. H it 3; U lilt‘llllk‘l'Si. Brucc l)c\ lirt crttrapx lulhlt' haircd l)a\c lrtgrarn and ()\lord graduatc Joxic long in ltix \tlkctl L'ltot'llc \\ cit

Monday 8


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l'ltc Stand. 333 \Votxllandx Road. MSW (villi (tll55. S3llptll. £4. SL‘C \VL‘d 3.


Red Raw 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2'72. S3llprn. Ll Scc .\lon I. Stcwn Dick and Kcir .\lc.-\l|i\tcr' guidc thc tto\ tcc»

Tuesday 9


Red Raw 'l'hc Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlartdx Road. llS'lll ()(Nl (M55. S3llpnt. £2 (Ll rncrnltcrst. Scc Mon l. Patrol and John Rtl\\ put thc rccruitx through lltctt‘ pach


Melting Pot 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 72’2S3llprn. £5t£~1;£2.5llrrtcrnhcrxt. .\'ot quttc tltc cultural inc-langc propowd h} l‘Flk popxlct'S lilttc \littk. but a chartcc tor Scotland's rising \tarx to Slit)“ otl thctr short thcatrc PlL'L'L‘S. \\ tth tltc \\ rnncr Llcc‘tdcd it} tltc audicncc.

Sidetracked Comedy licludn‘x. 9 Market Strcct. 220 I440. 9pm. i'irL‘L'. SL‘C inc 2.

Wednesday 1 0


Don Quixote Comedy Nite ( ‘ottat. 2llla l’ttt Sttcct. 332 ‘H 3H S Winn t' 3 db lltt‘ |)ort (‘illl\t\lt‘ .'\l‘[‘lt'\'l.llltlll Sticlt‘l} tilt at contcd} \\ llltlllllll\ oncc rttorc

Rough Cuts Special I'ltt- Stand. W: \\oodlartd\ Road. 03"” hlill (M55 S 3llrirn L5 ttll; t2 5“ lllt‘llll‘t‘ISI \ \lk't'ldl \htmcaxc ol thc Itcxt Ill llt'\\ conic-d} tttatcrtal that‘s atlctnpttrtg to clatttlicr MS \\a_\ ortto otit tclc\t\ton \ctccnx


Comedy Benefit Night lilt' Stand. S York l’lacc. 55S "2‘2 5' illptn l Lil Stand up lot thc Scottish ( 'otrtrttttrttn l'oundatton at llllS chant) licnclit rttgltt lanc up to ltc cortlirntcd

Thursday 1 1


Amused Moose Laugh Off 2006 lilacklt’tarx. 3h licll Sttcct. 550 5H2“ Stun £2. Scottish hcat ol llll\ _\car\ ll.tlIUll\\ tdc \carch lot thc llllllllt'Sl hrcaktrtg talcnt 'l ltc \L‘llll llllttl\ takc placc trt .ltrrtc attd .llll}. lollottcd It} thc linal tn .'\llj_'ll\l ('ltttx .\lc( ‘attxlartd and Susan ( ‘altttan introducc lllL‘ [alt'lll St”: .5 Rk'-l\llll\ The Thursday Show 'l'ltt- Stand. H4 \Voodlartdx Road. llHHll (illll (M55 .S Winn to t L5. [3 lllL'llll‘L‘lSi Rinntottd \lcat‘m IS hoxt to Jdlllt‘S I)H\‘.tlt'\\|.t'll. tuttglc ltcc ducllcr Patrol. and lirttcc l-tnitrttc}


Paddy McGuinness: The Dark Side ()ttccn'x llall. ('lcrk Strccl. Nth 2lll‘). Spin {l5 Solo \hott trortt thc olltcr \tar ol lltrt (k I’m/(h '\ Rruu/ II! \rm/li It’

Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'ltt- 'lt‘on. ‘) llttttlct Stittarc. lltglt Strcct. 22h li‘),3l. ‘) llpnt. L3 It2t Jcrtt Roll\ and Jcrtrt} |.rnd\a_\ hmt local r‘txtrtg \lat lla/cl Morrison. \ldlltlrllp poct Scan \lclittdc. l’uppct Slalc lottrtdcr Richard \lcdttngton. and Robin (arms.

The Thursday Show 'I llC Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2'2 ‘lpnt Ur 1L5; t3 lllL'llllk'l’Si \Vcc i‘lllltllL‘ ol lttrt l.uc} l’ortcr llL'tltlllllL‘S. ahl} .mtxtcd h} gtttgcr oddball .‘\rtdrc\\ lam rcncc. l)alt\o ( ‘haponda. (iot‘dott .-\lc\andcr. artd host l-rankic Ho} lc SL‘L‘ L'dpllotl lttl' MISS l’ot'tct'.

Capital Comedy 'l'ltc :\rcadc liar. 4S ('ockhur'n Strcct. 22‘) I297. ‘), 30pm. £3

Scc Thu 2".

The Snatch Social 'l'hc Liquid Roorn. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 225 25M llpnt 3am. £5. SL‘L‘ Thu 25..