1, Failure to Launch I I \t.. 'l.:'ll \ v'ctt' ’t‘ astg'ptqtq t “' \lIn" \11" :t‘.:: \\‘!x'-~ (lg-It \ “mu »\ In: 5L} tlttllt IL". I \ :‘t‘t'w \Isltl'tg'x "x "'l a . v' ' " ~ \I"‘."‘:' x .. 1'. H'mx'

\I\( «luau-glut \.::.1I3 qun :I’.t!I;r kph“. I’n' l-l I\ca' 2' I I: ":3! " I.,u 5": \ '2‘ .l 3'?‘ \ttx “.zt '-.

Halt'x "fillllll \ttntl\t.; .:l2«I 'th It.:" .1‘ II} M u l\ A M .tv'l ~\ '~\- g IIIIK'IL'\IIII‘,' .l\ H \uztttllx lt'l'l :' lit link I'. Go Westll .... II I\ qy'x t ':~ .lI‘t‘ll' .l IIlllI‘.\I‘lll\'IIllltf \Iutlat ‘.‘.It~ w l \ I‘l_“t Ilm'sv I'\;.:'wt‘ II, mi I \t‘l; t ,’ "r

up In Ins put‘uh '.‘.llIl ‘..tll|'ll\ .‘llI\ It." IIIlt'MIJIt I\.::‘tlt t " \IKJM Ix’ A I‘m" pm” Grizzly Man " .... \\;t:‘;

‘.|.||| natalt‘ lItt‘ l.uutI\ Itwtuc Iltwtlnl IN 'I‘ ‘H'nzu \ I. 'l_"\ IwI‘ l:' l\ I". l‘”“ 7w??? Ilgtxwx l \ VW‘ I‘";lilll‘ Ilt' \ \UI‘t "‘ lll.tll Iu'ItthI \LM'giun \wwr' :tttl "rt tIt Irv ' II ‘I\ M | t I it 'I nut-ll M . \ch w i

* Fatetl‘l.... o/rlt Itqm'lu‘w' \I :::_‘I" -‘ I w \' '_ ‘t \ I\ x H *1 gimp lutltw.,‘H‘III\.-tt|.nllku IMMI‘ ~2_\‘xt7v.r~" 'Ttrx \ r‘ 1'I'_‘_.‘.u ‘.l" -:~ I\ I lulu-aux II\llllll \t't' runs 11 v»I.I '..\Iu~:‘. ti I~~~ I‘ 3' Ix ' ‘\ ‘w ‘:I:: ll! w” '. tlxlfl Il'ttj/tu/ru “It! lung!" \‘Jm'll /' " /' tlx- I .' "r .' 'IK "I M’MI A l\ '. 3". i‘IIt J I‘\ 'I't " Festival! I‘I.... I\I=!t:.t\ I rtu ‘: The Goonies II'( I- .. Ital ‘2 1", IIu\( m uIlJl‘ M

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tatt'I} utct‘ut'tl tutttvtt IIIlll l\ t'xxautmllx .- unlut It x ucu I II ‘v -~t “Lax ,I N u. \m m r, to

t tut-math ttxurtl nt ‘Hlllt' nun lt-gun.l;r\ Ijt'.:\ltly .-utl t..ll.,-.t~-It My"; lv. we tum Hell (L‘Enfer) l‘ ... 1),.“ \Itmu ltntu \.lllHll\ IIIItI Nix \cutmtt lull '.lII.tlll\ ‘.\lll,' lwt 'Itt IImt \ tnxttl .altn I: Immutt I ran“ It.:I\ Ill I 'ittllt I.:;‘_:l‘. "Hm It'\I|\.lI\ III‘.‘IlII:'IlI\ tut IutIc lItc lllI.tlll~~ll\ lx \qu. t.» \IrlII .::t\I lImmt‘ ' Apt llytxut Ilt'll' I titttmtrttclly light I\.!l"l \ rm‘. \Ix'tt

I‘Nt‘ pctlnttttau. c In I)\I.ttt InItnnxl :\Il \nt'll hull ll Itwltzysxa t, l‘r (.rII :‘Yi Ilt‘uutt Il‘ lIH. \f.\t\ natllam :tw‘

luau II.!\‘/. IIL‘ \Illlllllllt‘ I )tIt'ltt xv! 'l.:ll ". t'n (IL \Il ::t;'. l \lxlt'l \"l‘.‘ ll I'll:th II‘.‘

It I‘Illt'\lll.lll \un IIwux ' .llItI tuut Il tuwtc It \nu *

Name JO” MUM/0K; Gospel According to St Mathew wan: x \l x .: tut-m t~..;-, 'll:' .ltl vllt u an“ tt‘.tII_\ It‘M'tltustt IIll\|‘-llllllll\\.lI‘It' I’.1ll~‘l 'I‘I.....Il’tc: I’.t«~InI’.:mIt::! ‘.‘ZI|lIltl tuwt. II.‘;I‘I.'-' \uplug Born The Br()nx- NOW York IllltlttIt (r/u'ufw-z III/tr /".’4 t.'Ir (I’wah Ill-.I\ I taut u I‘”»3r I lllltlll. It. XHtllll Ill .‘YI‘ I*t 'll‘. 'th at I‘ 'I:.' I‘.ZII\I lx Inst lll‘ Background A831? y()£lf (WI /I./m/ruuu lu’lrv/vruzfl' \I.u:'Itt'ttt.:( .:lll\.t \ll\.:l‘ll.: I’.:wIt'u :u ,,lt :u "llI uutIlIIy \l-' ’l( glut ‘\ l.t'tI IC‘llCT/OIG claims to have been the F'rewa" I 7 \ .. "I" Ill"! I; """ “’“I'm ‘“’"“-"“ “I V “" "‘ ' ‘l " '“I Il'l‘ "9 7~ I‘ll 31"” ll‘II\I.|IIl'\‘.l \ _‘lIl|'»tII.tttI\nttthtI I’auI II‘IIItI‘..lI‘ll~{lI(IH\I‘UI IItc trut‘IclaIuwl 2'; ‘I‘I'.l‘.I'llI‘. T\I'I.tIlt\llI‘.'l'l"Il\'l tht'.t\\.-'tt mm kldomthomonk toblwthe IIt'll.ttt\.\It;‘Ittt.t \I.III\k'II ‘I‘llllll I«'l«Il‘I.l\\ «I'.ctlI\ tmlttttal tttumtnIMIttm'uI“. " 'I"t\~!l\ 't‘l lIr' 'llI\ ".cttlx tI1\:I\I..l utntltlt IIll'l’ 80x PICK)“; Mom” q'IKIIO- AAHHU “V .l I‘.lllk-I\ \t'ttltllt \pl't |.tII\I ‘.\Itn tx .tttft't :l x». M t".ttlsltt c \Illl‘\ rpm I\ It in I‘ t‘.~‘l’ll" I‘l 1" l :I I!‘ t'~'yt.'\l m Ill I‘ll' lll IIW: UK. IOll llllDOll. lllllld). kttItt.t|\ttt'tI Int Ill\ lt't Illll\.tI Ituwv. Ithvt' but .1\ II lllll\I ml llwuc Int I. II] III: .'.lII\ Nu IIllx Illx l-I.I." .Hx .-: In“ t Perhapg; It}; the P1510“; that gal/(t \xtll Itt‘ It'.l\I IIIt' t llllllll.lI\ lw lltc Ilml \Il unl' use. l‘lllll IuvItItx'Ith lItu lll.tl\\‘IIt‘ll\ t .stuutn I‘llli't'tllllll‘.‘ tumult u I'l xx :l Itulntl In .1 rum}me h“; :1”qu low} fm IItt' will} I‘ll ml \ll\|‘t'll\t‘ HI \llll‘IIM' has I\ null .III Int It'll up I\\ .:u llll.l'.‘lll.!II‘.\' \\ utc \It,ttc.l II.lll'Il.l Ilt'll ll:~ lwlllfil‘. \ IX! .t' \ ~ I I that lItt\ ptlc nl ll~\It l\ «Itlt‘t lt‘tI In lItt' Il'.tlllllll‘_' .tl‘.\II‘.‘ll‘_' I'Hllt Illa It to IlIIItt~ Ilcln'd. [mt put Illultu'tu \ .|I~I\lt*.l tw-uthut HMSK" Sunseqlmm'y "(inflated ll\ll.lII\ tapaltlt‘ IIttl tItIctlwt I «Int t.uttt' II~‘Il«I.l\ I’.t\wItut \ t ll".‘.ll‘ll" .tt Ittuxctugut .t\ IIt'IIl tut uttluuxIL .I Ixtl \Iv \lll‘l ""0 a mmnmkmq (Timer NOW (rm nut/J /\’r If!!! t: \m w' (:.'t.‘\:ju'.- .lIIIIIlIl‘lJka'It.tlI1t‘Ilt'\Illl.lII\ :‘tcal (I'M-um t. It?! II". mu (Jaw '- IIVIIIQ In I 0"» AIIQOIOS. by \Vay OI Freedomland t I R I .. tlln' RHIII, .tt Ittc‘. 'Illt'IlI\| I’ all I‘ll tuctu.1\'|.I \t'.|\t‘ll /-'n-/nv It, [tin-1' try/- NOW JOTSOY Ellld Milllhéllmtt, I \_ _‘llll(\t \.|IIlll\-|l I.“ IAN“ IllIIJIlllt‘ (r/uxzw.‘ It‘u' [1min (,'., Hostel 1 l x . ... II It Knit: I \ ‘tttl‘t Feller/“lg Studmd mm. lounmhsm. \IHUIt‘. I'tItt' I .tlt-n | I {lulu \t‘t' \Ivt GOZU (Gokudo Kyofu Dal-GEKIIO: I.l\ IIt‘tuautIc/ Ilt'tvl Ix'tt huthu " Hutu \ , Rt‘lt'axt‘tl. payv 1‘ \t /t n h u’ I: /< ml GOZU) 1 IN ... IIaIu-xlu \IttI c ()ut'ultu I.tl.tllIlll<' uttzc [\tqu\ m Ix’utlt record prOdlK'm’q (“1d Gourmet * The General II t.... tHuxlct Input. ,‘llllit llItIt'I\I \wut' \Itn \lI..t‘.\.t Iu\ .Ittct IHl t~t~ult;'\ \ :‘tuup ml It‘llllxh Ity.u cookmg at New York U'Ilvorsny' Kt'aluttt‘lttlt' Iltutktuau. l'\_ I‘IT‘I Iluxtt't Kurtth \«mluuu. \Italtt‘t Ilium I\t‘lIH .llllllIHllIt‘1't‘lllI.tI‘Hlll.tIlIwIt‘I llI\It".l‘lIl.t finer WII'Ch he began IVS Kt‘alutt. \IJIIHll \Iat k. ( lIt'II (’.t\.tutlt't. It‘llllIJ I “’tutu ()/.tI\l .l lllt‘lllI‘t‘l nl tItt' what lltc lItuz's .uc pIt-utttul .mlI tItt~ :‘llI\ [)lOIQSSIOllElI IIIO making I'It'tlt'ttt k \ tuutu \ quu \u t'ttgutt- tltnct \/.tlll.t\‘..lll( tux. vs I tIItul ult l\\ lI\ y.t\\ It \ I‘llII.tI .IIIlI llycltlx unpltutnutt I\ttl commercmls' He made m5; “rm Illt'\ tn pvt I‘t'IlIIltI IIlt' \HtllItt'tll Illlt‘\ tIlIIlIl‘.’ \ Il.llllll.tll ultcu Ill\ mt untttt IN'IM‘. lHlll IlllI\ \ll\[\t‘II\t'II|I .:\ ttuu ( rr'. './ K. Wu. lltt' \Iltcttt‘.tlt('t\tl \\.u lllt'ltIt‘l lutcxtttv .l \t.ttt\Intltxtutlutcxx utt‘tulwtx. tntlutlutz' qu \Intt (r/t.'\:'u‘.t

feature length IlIlll. Half Japanese; The Band That Would Be King Ill 1994 thb a budget self-financed from hlS ad director day rob. The Chicago Tribune hailed tt as ‘the funniest rock 'n' roll ttlm SIHCC Th/s rs Spinal Tap.‘

What’s he up to now? Promotrng the hell out of his second film. the rockumentary btoptc The Dev/l and Daniel Johnston. which Feuerzetg has been hard at ever srnce he wen the Best Director prize at the Sundance Film Festival. beginning 2005. He also plans to go on making dOCumentary-btoptcs tn the same Ilyhl'ld style.

What he says about Daniel Johnston 'I had a theory that Daniel Johnston was the wrzard behind hlS own curtain. ThlS crystallised In 1990 when Daniel appeared In a now legendary radio broadcast rivaling Orson Welles' War of The Worlds. Daniel had prepared an elaborate one- hOur spectal on his two cassette decks. Wthh he broadcast to the New York/New Jersey audience Via telephone from a mental hospital In West Vtrgtnta. In the broadcast Daniel‘s lull manta was dtSplayed In all Its glory.“ Interesting fact Surplus frOm The Devrl and Daniel Johnston's budget bOught an original Andy WarhOI Campbell's Soup Can fer display In Feuerzrg's lovely heme .

I The Devil and 08/718/ Johnston " ‘1 , Is at GFT. Glasgow and Cameo. Edinburgh from Fri 5 May. See rewew. page 43.

west sue The Sharks and the Jets, star crossed lovers, Leonard Bernstein - what can you say? The greatest film musical of all time on a spanking brand new print. Life doesn’t

get much better than that. There’s a place for us old musical fans after all.

I GFT. G/asgow rMoh and Tue 2 May 0'7/‘./

50 THE LIST 3" Apr 1 t Mm .W‘t"