Name Kelly Reilly Born Surrey. England. 1977

Background Reilly first wowed audiences on stage. She appeared in Look Back in Anger with David Tennant; played the innocent Elaine alongside Kathleen Turner in The Graduate and showed up her Hollywood co-stars in Sexual Pen/ersity in Chicago. Reilly then became the youngest ever Olivier Nominee for her turn in the Donmar's After Miss Julie. Movies beckoned. She starred in Pride and Pre/udice. The Libertine and as the Quintessential English rose in Stephen Frears’ Mrs Henderson Presents.

What’s she up to now? Cementing her reputation as a star in France. She was one of the Erasmus students in Cedric Klapisch's smash hit film Pot Luck in 2002. alongside Audrey Tatou and Romain Duris. That film's follow up Russian Dolls saw her embellished with a Best Newcomer gong at Cannes. What she says about auditions ‘There was one time when l auditioned to go to drama school and they didn't want me. The whole thing of auditioning at that age was horrible and I didn't think that it would be for me. It was then that I realised I didn't have to go to drama school and all my training took place over eight years in the theatre.‘

Interesting Fact Reilly takes no prisoners during interviews. Halfway through the interview with The List. she unexpectedly stated. ‘You're bored. aren't you!’ Oops. I Russian Dolls is showing at GFII Glasgow from Fri 5 May and Filmhouse, Edinburgh from Fri 19 May. See review. page 44.

56 THE LIST :7 Apr-ll Mm 3000

Seducing Dr Lewis (La Grande Seduction) l IFI O. iJean-lraneoix l’onliot. ('anada. lelli R.i_\iiiond Boiiehard. [)1llllllllL Miehon-I)agenaix IIllmm ()n a xiiiall ixland in Quebec. the Ioealx are deterriiined to xnare a doctor trom the big ell} tor their xiiiall eoinnitinit} l'eelgoixl eomed} drama that hax been compared to ll'lirxki (iii/ore I't/ni/muu'. Iz'ilrn/ritrglt The Shaggy Dog ll 'i O. illrian Robbinx. l'S. Zlitloi Tim Allen. Krixtin l)a\ix. l);tlili_\ (ilox er. Robert bowie} Jr “Hill”! [H Um e l)ouglax l.-\llCtil getx bitten b} one ol eraI} I)r Ko/ak'x tl)oune_\ Jrl lab dogx. mil} to turn into a xheepdog himxell Written b} the marginth talented huxband and \x ile dtio Marianne and ('ortnae \Vibberle) (Minimal [tritium . / .Spi i thix ix di\e't1iiig_\r*t lormtilaie and unremarkable l'amil} lare. Sela in] n-lenu' She’s the Man I I2.»\i O. iAntl} liieknian. l'S. zoom Amanda ll_\nex. ('hanning 'l'attim. l aura Ramxe) Illimin When teenager Viola t.-\manda ll}nexi

dixem erx that l'ootball liax been taken oll the

x} Ilabux iii hei' xehool xhe dixgtnxex her'xell ax her t\\ in brother and takex hix plaee at a new boarding xehool llilarit} enxtiex \\ hen xhe hills in lo\ e u itli her neu roommate Duke l‘l‘atuml. and liiidx herxell the obieet ol al'leetion ol the beatitiltil ()li\ ia

lRamxe) l. Anaemie Iii e/lr/i .\'ie/ir update. (ir'm'l'rl/ I‘t'Ir'rlu'.

Sherlock Junior l l ' i 0000 iliuxicr Keaton. 1'8. I‘ll-1i lltixtei' Keaton. Kathryi .\Ie(iuire. Joe KL‘tllnli.-15llilll. A einema prtllt‘t‘lltilllxl xpendx hix lite da)dreaming that he ix a great deteetix e. and one da} aettiall} lindx himxell in the mox ie he'x proieetiiig. Shown with the Keaton xhortx 'I'Ire /.u\'(' .N'rir.‘ (Hill The Ha) houxel. with tie“ xtitltld elleetx and music on the xotindti'aekx. 'l'he xilent maxter prm ex hix km)“ ledge ol einematie form and. in ternix ol xturitx and lauglix. lea\ ex exeryme elxe xtanding. l’art ol~ Keaton xeaxon. I't/m/tuuw'. Izr/inltrujulr.

Shoot First l l5) l\";irioux. 2005i ‘llimin. lidinbtn‘gh‘x new monthl} xhor't lilm aimx to unearth nexx talent by making it eaxier lor liliiimiikerx to liax‘e their work xlitm n. limail xhortxlibriiixxionxw hotiiiail.eo.tik for more information. Film/rouse. [filth/Hugh. Silent H." l ISI .C. ((‘ltrixtopht‘

(ianx. Japan/l'S/l-‘i'anee . lllllhl Radha

m W This may be your last chance to see Nick Cave and John Hillcoat’s powerfully bleak and mercilessly violent bushwacker western on the big screen. Take our word for it

\litehell. Sean Bean. latirie Holden. Deborah Kara l'nger. Jodelle l'erlattd lzgllllll [litri't'lr l/lr'rlii Ill Ill: “will \xriterrdireetor (ianx bringx the great

xur\ i\aI horror \ ideogariie to the big xereen \kllll lairl} eommendable textiltx \1itehell pla_\x the mother ol a Utah} ill little girl tl-erlandi \x ho. on a trip to meet a laith healer. xtuniblex aeroxx a xtrange and lrightening tou n \xhoxe inhabitantx are lighting dark loreex be}ond their eontrol (it'llt'lit/ I‘c law

16 Blocks l l2.-\ i 0.. tRiehard Donner. l’S. loom llrtiee \Villix. \on l)el. l)a\ id \Iorxe. Jenna Stern lll5min See

R'\ It'“. p.133“ 4“ (rc‘llr‘l'tt/ I'r'lr‘itu

Sky High tl’( it C. i.\1ike.\lileltell. I'S. IINWI Michael .-\ngar‘ano. Kurt Rtixxell. Kel|_\ I’r'exton. Danielle l’anabaker IlNlmin 'l'hix lilm ix xet in a world \\ here xtiperheroex are eoinmonl} known and aeeepted. and xome xiiperkidx in a hiin xehool It} to balanee their xpeeial pouerx

\x itli their normal needx .>\ laekltixlr'e Corned} X .lli'll lot‘ kldx ('Ini‘iiur/i/ I’iirA/ir'inl, (i/memi ,' ('lni'iior/i/ I'a/iIi/mre/r. I'a/trr/rirrelr

Slitheri ISi 0.. lJattiex ( itinn. ('anada/l 'S. Show Nathan l-‘illion. Izli/abeth llankx. (ir'egg llenr}. Mieliael Rookei' 95min. See .-\lxo Relt'awd. page 45 (it'ltr'rit/ I'('l('(l\¢'.

The Squid and the Whale l ISi 0... (Noah liaumbaeh. ('8. 2005) Laura l.inne}. Jel‘l' I)anieIx. .lexxe liixenberg. ()u en Kline h’llniin. llernard tl)anielxi ix a once acclaimed nox elixt \xhoxe xtar hax long xinee waited and no“ uorkx ax .i unixerxit} pr‘ol'exxor. \Vhen liix v. ile xtartx to ha\ e \ttL‘L‘exx \xilli it no\ t'l til her out}. the rextilting demixe ol’ their marriage hax a prol‘ound all'eet on then too children Writer/direetoi' Ilaumbaeh eoiieentr‘atex on eharaeterx and moral eonundrumx m er meltxli‘amatie plot pointx. In doing xo he bringx a unique angle to depleting dimree on xereen. An aeerbie and oeeaxionall} kook} and brilliant xxork. ('umw. Iii/inlmreli.

The Stolen Children I ISi 0.. t(iianni .-\melio. Ital}. I‘l‘lli Iznrieo I.o \'er'xo. Valentina Sealiei. (iiiixeppe Ieraeitano. l IZmin. .-\ relationxhip de\elopx betixeen an Italian policeman and too delinquent kidx in liix eharge alter their

mother ix ai‘rexted Superb tX‘t‘tormaneex grace thix gentle xtud} ot the meaning ol genuine lreedom l'tiropean l'lllll ol the \eai at the W”: l‘ClI\ \\\.irdx I‘art ot ('niema Sud xeaxoti (ilaxeoii [rim 1er title


Syriana i I < I .0. iSlephen (iaghan. l'S. IlNl‘l K.i_\\.iii \o\.ik. (ieoige ('Ioonex. ('hrixtopher I’lummer. Jellie} \\ right. Matt Damon Ifrnin Snapxhotx lrotii the modern da_\ oil indtixtr_\. trom the potllk .iiid bearded (‘l-‘x operatix e llob llarnex i('loone_\ i and hix attemptx to uphold \arioiix politieal iriteiextx to the IS inxextigation into the merger ol l\\o oil eompaniex wanting to e\ploit oil iexerxex in Ka/akhxtan \Vi'itei ’dtreetor (iaghan ix not interexted in olleiing a didaetieal analx xix ol the oil indtixti). but through elexei editing he argtiex that nothing ix blaek and \\llllt' and e\er'_\tliing ix .i eoinproiiiixe ‘\x xtit'h Nina/iii ix eonttixing and .i hard “ateh that “ill bore .ix man} ax it delightx (innit-rim (i/ineim, ('iinn'ir I'illrr/rme/t

Take the Leadil3-\iee ll 1/ l'riedlandet. [8. Elliot -\ntonio llandeiax. Rob llrimn. .-\|lte Woodard. llanle llaxeo. Ra} I iotla Il‘min [Liner/urn Mini/i nieetx \Iiiil Hut Ballroom in thix likeable but totall) predictable ballroom dant e era/e eaxh-in r'omant‘ei Still. thix ix at leaxt .i million limex better than \liii/l Hr llimi i- (it'lit't'ttl releaxe

Thomas and the Magic Railroad il'iee iliriri ,-\lleiolr. l‘k’ll‘x. Joooi \ItlICC\ til .‘\lt‘t‘ ll;lltl\\|lt. l’t'lt'l l'Utttld. Michael l', Rodgerx 7‘lmin I'hix adaptation ill lliL‘ RL'\L'IL'lltl “'tll‘tlt‘ Audi} butth Ix aimed'el_\ at under tenx \\'Iiilxl ehildren \x ill be lapping tip the tale ol 'l'hotttax the Tank lzrigiiie aiding 'I‘he (‘onduetor lllalduini againxt the e\ il I)iexel train. aeeompan} ing guardianx \inI be wondering: \xhat happened to .-\Ilerolt'x elaxxie xeriex narrated b} Ringo Starr Stiiel} it \iax ne\er thix imemle' l’art ol \Veaiix' \Vor'ld. I't/m/ruuw'. Iii/inlru/g/i

The Three Burials ol Melquiades Estrada 1 l5) 0... t'loiiirii} l ee Jonex. l'S/lranee. ZINE! 'Iomm} .Ionex. Barr} l’epper. Jtilio ( 'edillo. I)“ ight Yoakam. Janiiar‘} Jonex. Illmin \Iike Norton ll’eppet‘l liax ittxl Him ed to timn In lit”) the border patrol \\ itli hix beautiliil _\oting \\ ile I.oii Ann lJonexl Around the


this is one of the very best English language films of the year and with a cast like this (Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Guy Pierce. John Hurt, Emily Watson) it damn well should be.

I GFT. Glasgow (until Thu 4 May only)