VI Saw You liming lhc tiinc oI )lllll' lilc .it SHIIILIIII. You Iookcil .iin.i/lng_ u. c IiiiiI [III thc [xintcr'x [7458/l

V I Saw You .\iiucc & (ilIIlilll .it I)c;ith l)ixco. uh} \\;I\ I thc \xi'ong cnil" .'\I\\.’I_\\ rcinciuhci' \xhut gocx on or thcic coultl [\c nioic thun tlou [\lc ti'otihlcl Your xorr} ncphcu \ [7458/2

V I Saw You [Iic IIIIL‘I'IIJIIUIIIII [\i'iguilc in In [luxtillt-l Ix lhc Iiciich Rmoltllton [nick .-\IIc/ ch x.ittx culottcl You .iic Ill} lii'xt in} I.’I\I. Ill_\ t~\t~i‘_\thing7 I.o\c }ou' .\Igii'} I’oppinx \ [7458/3

VI Saw You in) girl iluiicing t'\ci"\\xlici'c. gunning-I You :irc [cm ing.,..poui'quoi'.’ SIAY'" I’tlxIl [I l'L'tlI :JUIIIII IIIL' ;\ VICIIIII \\\ [7458/4

V I Saw You I’m dancing il' )ou'i'c iixking" Sinich [IIIII Iliipp} I)ii}x" [.\I‘L'Ilt'xl \\\ [7458/5

V I Saw You hcun xtgintling in in} tlooruu}. hugc hluc c)cx looking right through inc? I iiiixx )oti....iiiooo7 [7458/6

V I Saw You hut )oii uci‘c \\IIII :i girl. \\IIIL'II inukcx inc xutl. Yoti \lcrc \wgiiing gi purplc tcc untl drinking it \kllill} (ICL‘ilI IIII/L‘IIIIII Iuttc in 'I'intlcrhox | onc )oul [7458/7

VI Saw You ('iiroliuc. \\ c \xcrc dancing togclIlct' git thc Hull ('luh on link!) night. )ou ginc inc )our nuinhcr but it didn't x;i\c propcrl) on III_\

phonc. I'tl [m c to xcc )ou ugiiin.

[iIL‘thc gct Ill littlL'Il. Robin \ [7458/8

V I Saw You I;I\[ \xcck. on It xtuii‘ciixc on Suttchichiill xtrcct. _\Ull nuulc inc tinglc. 'I'hcn outxiilc uni\crxit_\ when going to cliixxcx. I hopc )ou kccp going. .\Iixx .\Ioliixxcx [7458/9

VI Saw You I_\ing in in} bed _\Ull gingcr xttul. l \\;I\ thinking uhout ('i\ il pui'tnci'xhipx und rculixctl uh} I YouTI Your (hunk) .\Ioukc) \\\ I.o\c )iiti [74.58/l0

V I Saw You And} [South .-\l'i‘ic;iu'.’l xt;i_\ctl git ininc ul'tcr it night in .-\II(‘ on (lootl l-i'itlu}. It \\U[IIII [\c nicc to xcc )iiti uguin. (ict in touch? Suruh .\\ [74580 I

9 I Saw You I IU\C\I lhc [3&8 conccrt cloxc to )titi.

I.o\ oil _\our blond hair. )our xinilcx on the [tux und .it (iluxgou ccnti‘ul... [74.58/I2


V I Saw You goi‘gcoux (iluxxxcgiun 'Ro.‘ I dunccd the night mm} with _\ou in thc Street and [II '[lickno on the 30m .-\pi'il then yin and Richard [Iixuppcut‘cdl 'I‘hix llutc iuiiniiig chuwttc \xould lo\ c to ntcct up \\ ith )ou uguin. iniiiux thc xtilcttoxf 8 [7458/13

V I Saw You Iitlxx in and Sarah in the Tim bur [tunic-ring ;I\\;I) Iilc Iikc ul\\;i_\x. [7458/[4

VI Saw You [(iirl. in thc xnou. in lhc rum. in thc phonc [‘H\ illltI Hll lhc [\c.ich \itl \L'L'II ciiough xo I‘ll hc Ixick. .\\.III [or inc [745805

VI Saw You [II‘HIII'II lhc Shirlc} \'.ilcutinc' l iiiixx lhc xun xlunc. Ictx ll} inxii}. [T’458/lti VI Saw You Ill} littlc xugiii him:ng I.H\ c _\Ulll' \Kitl’k' [Milk loruui'tl to xiiii. xc\ .IIIkI uxoitl» ing gcttiiig \llIItI in lll_\ ciotch \\IIII }oti [74.58/[7

VI Saw You [II (‘it} (Kilc uorking hchuul lhc Inn. lull. xhort iliirk hiiu‘ iiiul it [iciiutilul lciiigilc hotl}. Cull inc xucct L‘Ilchx\ I i/JSX/I N

V I Saw You [\cing ph_\xic;il- I} .ihuxctl It} It lllllIL‘ in (’iih Vol. I helped )0“ gittcuil to _\iittl' iniur}. I think _\our name ix .'\lill;l. I Iikc )ou [7458/I‘)

VI Saw You Iiot xttill in thc Irincrxc \\ ith _\our long [inn and _\our xc\_\ git/c. (‘hcckin‘ out xoinc Io\} lull} \HIII xc\} \xctlgcx. luck} [\itchI [7458/20 VI Saw You hlontlc hiur xhiniiig Iikc lhc huin; Ruchzicl...;ill III I‘IIIL‘IK. Iikc lhc \Iilkti'u} ,\I;in; lztlu in, You gu}x rock? Scc _\ou iit Ruthohciul' [7458/2l

VI Saw You ginil )otir gor gcotlx ItiiIiiiIt cIiocqulc xtiii‘lixh in thc Irincrxc Ilui'. Your c} cx iiiuii/ctl IIIL‘ guitl _\our xiiiilc [k’tIlI/IIL‘II [00. [7453/22

V I Saw You Kurcn }iiti urc ii pixxhciitl hut Ict'x not Ict our l'ricntlxhip [\c inixlctl. I knou.

\\ c knou. \xc [ll‘L' onc. \thn )ou urc 40 )oti \\ ill hinc in} xitll. [7455/33

0 I Saw You [ll Bouilichc. Ilcuutil'ul hlontlc \xith lhc \\ in» ning \IIIIIL‘i \thn will )iiii Illill‘l‘} inc IIIIII \xc cun h;i\c littlc Roi")? [7458/24

'0 I Saw You III \Yhixtlchinkicx. in thc xxcc hourx 2I/03. Big ntun with long hloiulc huir. 2 cur“ ircx uppcr right cur. You cuppcd in} lucc unil xiiitl it \xux hcuutilul. You chungcd III_\ Inc. I \\;III[ to gi\ c )mi [I hug. I inixx )ttllI [I'I‘W thitt gu_\ \\;l\ .\'()'I~ in_\ liiincc. I’lccciixc \xritc to llch "( )tlI oI uork gictrcxx" \ [74.58/2.5

V I Saw You xci‘\ ing me in I‘iopp. .\IL‘ \L‘l'} L‘\cl[ctI Io hc bu)ng thc hcxt ol' .\hu. You - hopcl‘ull} not judging incl [74.58/20

V I Saw YOU thc [\cttt‘tIctI [‘tll'lllitll in thc lira“ .\Ionkc} in Iitlinhurgh. l xittiug on thc hroxx n couchcx in thc corncr. couldn't tukc in) c} cx oll' )iiii.l “cur gluxxcx IIIItI hm c pluitctl hair. I “III hc huck. 'l‘i :iiuo. [7458/27

V I Saw You All .\Ictulouhunk Stadium :2}III. .\[r hluc \‘on Dutch t-xhirt. \Yc ;il\\;i_\x xccin to gct x\\c;it_\ on lhc xtcppcr nut to cuch othcr. Wanna go tor u col'l'cc or drink xoinctiinc'.’ [74.58/28

V I Saw You on I" nigi) 2004. on Ii‘i‘i‘) Road. You \xci'c looking tlchonuir in thut chum- piignc tic. liiughing iix thc [Iccgccx plii) cd in thc [nick- ground. Still \\'.III[ to incct inc .it lhc Borough [or it iIi'iuk'.‘ .\ [74.58/29

V I Saw You \\l[I[ )otii xpot t} xuinnici [IIL'\\ Ic'.l\ll[:._‘ tor \xoik I .ixkctl in_\xcll uh) I

ti.i\ cl xo l.ii nun} troin _\ou c.ich tl.i_\ 'lixiiig to chungc [Illll‘_'\ to [\c nc.ii Ill\ (i(i

[ 45.x to '

VI Saw You I caught _\ou c.iicxxiiig lhc lo.i\cx ol I‘lt'dtI in Scotinul on .i \\L‘tIllL‘\tI.t} .lllclllitoll \\c xpokc [\IIL‘II}.. lunc} .i [Iccpci illlitI} xix hc_\ontl thc colllitlcx ol thc xupcrniiirkct [745831

V I Saw You .\IIMI - [\cctl looking tor )Ulll' c‘llll} I'rcnch gcxticuliitionx untl [Li/cl c_\cx on lhc 4th IIoor, [Ion \\.l\ lhc oi‘ul'.’ ;-i Ict'x II.l\L‘ .i cuppu [7458' ‘2 V I Saw You [\cuutilul Spiiiiixh ho}. ixxhoxc nuinc hcginx will .i 'I I. .it (‘(' lllooinx on Suturtln} 22nd. \\c thiucctl. \\ c klxxctI [till I IlttiI [0 IL';t\ c )tlll...“ \Voultl onc to tl.iucc \\|[II _\ou again...” (ilgixgou girl I'lollu. \\ [7458/55

V I Saw You \uliiiont .it 'Ihc I.) ccuni I hcutrc on Suturtlu} night You can li;iixc tliingcioux- l_\ \xith inc [III}IIIIIL‘. You iiitixt l'oi‘gi\c in} IUI'\\III'IIIIL‘\\. Il’x heyuul in_\ control. [7458/14 V I Saw You IL';I\ L' [Ix till 'l'hui‘xtlii}. .\Iixx I);i\ icx. lhc olil‘tcc ix ii ilull xthI \xithout )oti. chp xiiiiling gintl juicing until u c incct uggiin. [7458/3.5 0 I Saw You ili'cxxctl to kill. xiuoking Solutinicx :uiil looking [IIIIIIII hot. chicinhcr ;i|\\;i_\ x kccp _\ou Iicgul co\crctl in thc xtiii. [7458/30

V I Saw You giggling \xiiit- l'cxx Ill [Itll'lojlr I think )iltl inight hc un (III\L‘ xhort oi u inr hut \cr} cutc \\lIII it. [7458/32 VI Saw You .\nnu. 'I‘hunkx [or ;i xinuxhing Suturtlu} night. I)o lhc liiintl jiw )otr gorgcoux piiil ol' Sturopruincn _\ou. :iciou \ [7458/37

VI Saw You .-\nn;i. 'I‘hiinkx [or u xiniixhiug Suturtlu} night. [)0 thc IlttlitI ~ii\c )ittl gol‘gcottx pint ol Sturopruiucn )oti .'\Iil()[' \ [7458/37

0 I Saw You [II [Ilc lccpccx in loch tn}? I)ont _\ou iuxt Io\c thc grcgit outdoorxl [74.58/38

V I Saw You cuting choco- Iutc in tlliii IiintI. IIit\ c ii gi‘cut tiinc. \xill iiiixx _\ou Iotx.\ [7458/39

0 I Saw You 2 xkin IIk‘iltI Ito_\x pl;i}iiig pool ;l[ lhc xtcuni}. l - coiiiputcr gcck \\ ith it [tip top IIIIkI pollll) mix. 2 - \Yhitc trouxcrx. [\Iuck xhin} xhirt uiul Ixiltl} hcctl. You IM)}\ cull chqu Ill) cuc glintiincl [7458/40

V I Saw You tip hill iiiul doun Lliilc niiiking xucct inuxic \\ith )UUI' pcnn} uhixtlc. I’lu} ii littlc xoiig l'oi' IIIL‘. [7458/4l

V I Saw You up hill und [Ioun dulc iiiiiking x\\ccl inuxic \xith )(llll' pcnn} \xhixtlc. I’lgi} u Iittlc xong lor inc. [7458/4I

V I Saw You up hill and [onxn dulc inuking \\\L‘L‘[ inuxic with _\our pcnn} \xluxtlc. I’lu} u IIIIIL‘ \Ullg‘ Iol' lllc. [7453/4I VI Saw You ;I long tiinc iigo \\ hcn )iltl [I\L‘LI [0 [\CCP t'uhI‘llx and drink lotx ol' xpicctl ruin. llou iirc _\ou kccpiug no“ that thc ulcohol hux xloppcd [liming through )oiii‘ \cinx'.‘ [74.58/42

Classified Personal


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