The very young and extremely old have much in common. They let their bodily functions jet forth at will and without any sense of decorum and are allowed to babble incoherently without any regard for social standards. Two other age groupings also have a certain kinship. Youngsters in their difficult teenage years and folk approaching middle age who haven’t quite put their order in for the Zimmer yet really do like a good moan. Usually at the expense of each other. It was only a matter of time before this culture of complaint would get its own TV show, and sure enough the Grumpy Old Men made their pontificating presence felt in 2003.

But what of the women? Surely they would hold similar grievances against cyclists/motorists/pedestrians, chavs/hoodies/neds, mobile phones/answer machines/call centres? Lo and behold, two years later, the whinging likes of Germaine Greer, Nina Myskow and Arabella Weir hopped aboard their own particular hobby horses and, all too inevitably, the stage show of the telly

brand is now here.

Jenny Eclair, Dillie Keane and Linda Robson are the moaning minnies in question (with script editor Richard Herring helping them sharpen their claws) as they seek to find fault with everything the outside world can throw at them. Trinny and Susannah, customer service managers and the Lakeland catalogue are among the promised lines of enquiry. And with the tour having already dropped into Grimsby, Leamington Spa and Llandudno, the material will surely be even more savage by the time it reaches us. (Brian Donaldson)

I lest/val Theatre. Edinburgh, Thu 25 Mai:

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


Amused Moose Laugh Off 2006 Blackl‘riat‘x. 50 Bell Street. 550 5(i2h. Split. £2. Scollixll heat ol‘ lltix _\e;tl'\ natioim ide xcarch for the l'trnniext breaking talent. The xemi-linalx take place in June and July. lollotxcd b} the linal in Auguxt. ('hrix .\lc(‘auxland and Suxan (‘alnian introduce the talent.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 33.3 \Votxllantlx Road. 0870 ble 0055. 8.30pm. £6 (£5; £3 memberxi. Raynond Mearnx ix hoxt lo Jamcx l)o\\ dcx“ cll. jungle tree-dweller l’arrot and Bruce Famine) at thix xneak pre\ie\\ ol the

\\ L‘CkCllLl.


Capital Comedy The Arcade Bar. 48 (‘oekbum Street. 220 l2tl7. 9.30pm. £3. Mac Star hostx thix benelicent night. where part of the ticket price goes to

38 THE LIST 1 1—25 May 2006

charity. 'l’uo rnyxter) guextx are prornixed. Paddy McGuinness: The Dark Side ()uccn'x llall. ('lcrk Street. mix 2lll‘). 8pm. £ l 5. Solo xhtm from the other xtar (ll. .llttt A" I’m/(lib RUtlll In .Vttli‘llt'l't'. The Snatch Social The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 256-1. I lpru 3am. £5. Corned} caperx l'rom llarr} .-\iltx\\ot'lll and ion} (‘arter at thix cheek} cabaret- cum-tlixeo. Babex and 'l‘rend} Weird} llttonlhl} rexidenti xuppl} hip hop and tank) tuncx. ('heck \llillL‘llSlK'lill.L‘Ulll lor more into.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £6 (£5: £3 metnberxl. Wee bundle ol' l‘un Lire} Porter headlinex the 'l'hurxda} Show abl} axxixtcd b} ginger oddball Andre“ lam rcncc. \\ riter and comedian l)a|ixo ('haponda. (iot‘don .»\le\ander and hoxt lirankie Bo_\ le.


Blackfriars Bumper Value Comedy Blackl'riarx. 36 Bell Street. 556 5626. 8pm. £4. Scott .-\gne\\ hoxtx the \\ ee laxxic \\ ith a big l‘uture. Suxan (‘almarr bra/en rnaneater Kirxty Moxx and careuorn l'axourite Parrot.

Cannon 8 Ball l’a\ rlron l‘hcatre. l2l Rt‘lllit‘ltl Street. 5“: lSin (\ ~15pltl

£lJ £ I 5 l‘hc Sllx duo return to the Inc circuit alter a xtrnt on I'm a ( if: from Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleutx. l'( i(‘ Burldrng. chlrexx Street. “le7 mm)" Spin £ lll lnccxxant chatter lrorrr Roger Monklrouxe «no relation) «to Bobr xellcllacernent ltoiii (‘hrrx \lc(‘.itixlarrd and bcrmrxcd )okel (‘rarg (‘anrpbcll

The Stand Ilillk' Slalltl. 5“ \VlNKlldlltlS Road, o.x“ot»ootio55 s top”. is it". :5 rrrcmbei‘x). l’arrot ix top ol the bill tho ho' l. aided and abeted b} cotlttlt‘) btrinpkrn Jamex l)o\\dex\\ ell. itinerant \krrter and gag man l).lllxtt ('haponda and Bruce l'urnrne} tSat only litl\\t‘tl bx Raynond Mcarnx.

Edinburgh The Bedlam lmproverts Bedlam ’l'llL'illl'L'. l llt lll‘lxlo l’lat‘L‘. 225 ‘l-S‘li lll.3(lpm. £3.51) 3'. £2.50 merrrbeixi :\ changing rota ol irnprox pla}erx create more xporrtarreoux xketchex baxed around audience xuggcxtionx. xo make xuic )Htll mind'x in t'attdottl mode. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlenrx. ()mni (‘cntrc. (ireenxide l’lace. “VH7 870707. 8.15pm. £lll, Simon (‘laiton ix a lat. balding. married l.ondoner \xlrrle l)oni ('arroll likex \xacc) hacc} and .-\rrtxlertlam. .luxt tuo ol tonight'x actx. The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7272. 0pm. £8 (£7; £5 mcrnbeixi. Luc} l’oi'tcr topx the bill and l‘l';llll\lL' Bo}le ix guardian ol the microphone. l'hc other iatiexterx are Andre“ l.a\\ rence and (iot‘dott .-\le\ander.


Blackfriars Bumper Value Comedy Blacklriarx. 36 Bell Street. 550 5020. Split. £4. Rabble—rouxer Alan .-\nderxon lincx up the l‘ragranl lx'irxt} Moxx tbcxxai'c il‘ _\ou're a gentleman) and l’arrot. “ho uax nominated im- a l’errier Award ua) back Ill WW.

Cosy Comedy Café The State Bar. Ha Holland Street. 02o 928‘). 9pm. £(i t£5 l. The lmpro Babble ('oiricd} l’la} erx t.-\K.-\ Bill} Bonkcrx. l’r‘anccx Heal}. :\tl\llll lame. (’hrix Broomlicld and lricndxi xhou ol'l' their lrcenheeling imprm lalentx.

Jongleurs Comedy Club lotiglt'tlt'x. l'(i(‘ Building. Renl'ren Street. 08707 870707. Spin. £l3. Sce l'ri l2.

The Stand ilillL' Slillltl. 555 \Ytitltlllllltlx Road. 0870 ()(X) 6055. 0pm. £ ll). See ill

I 3

Edinburgh Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleni-x. ()tlitii ('entt‘e. (irecnxide l’lace. llS7ll7 X70707. S.l5prn. £I2. See in l2.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7272. 9pm. £lll. See l‘ri l2.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlattdx Road. ()870 (illl) (i055. 8.30pm. £4 3; £l memberxi. Michael Redmond lltlxlx a bumper night: big lad Raynond Mcar'nx. l)alixo (’haponda. Scott Agnew arid Balinexe xhadon porn expert Allan Miller.


The Sunday Night Laugh-In the Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7272. 83er £4 (£3; £l meinberxi. Bruce l)e\lin \Htrltlx the xtage l'or bug-c} cd muxical japexter Andre“ La“ rcncc and hotixeuiwx' l‘a\ourite 'l'on} \Vilkcx. Whose Lunch is it Anyway? the Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7272. lpin. l'ree. Banixh that morning-alter l‘eeling \\ ith a doxe ol' l'ree tl‘ormi laughter l‘rom irnprm xtarx Paul (iraham and Stuan Murph}.

Glasgow VWX The Stand. 333 Woodlandx Road. ()870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £3 (£2: £l


1 He’s a bitch . . . t it

lilikl'i"‘il ‘d'b'l iixif‘m "3"“: .' Hi

illl‘ l u’wr :tllp t’xbl'll_1ii..\li(‘tlikr\\'llill.r

'lt'lltniik M".,Jl‘*‘llt"'r in. illi", ‘.'.’lil.

T'tt: tlotltp Nit? It‘ "at ’t val tr lo Antn- l rarrk an: tililtlt‘ ti ' .r latrttlt

2 . . . but he’s also not afraid to put himself on the line mu .m- .'.l‘o can \lHtt‘ .i Hittll} .‘.lilt Start

l3 rattliiiar‘. .lllil .larro, (Milo, for a .‘awk liar; t; .l a lot going; f‘l‘i ‘l()‘.‘.lli;ltlllf. llze. out tlllt'tl iii .‘ot 1.1 on it’ ( it t’llt‘tf. .'.l'i‘t‘i ‘." .‘ltril tilll .ll ill‘: lll‘»i

liiirtllt: ‘.‘.llt‘ll lltt: lttt'litrolotty tiroko

[.i't, (){ii- All lieu;

()arnirro .'.a‘.

ll().‘.’ll and an illl‘llt'llll‘.‘ ‘ilt().‘.' of bands was {l‘il'Jr'l tor 3 With a wit as savage as his, he must have given the critics a hard time down the years M in: probably. Ulll llitn, ham,- Montana-(l liirri .urritnifsl‘, a‘. 'a (.trllllft’l, iriaitihorila‘. ‘a giant and ",alt,' 'lhtjst: woio all Corriplirriotrtu. 4 At least he isn’t one of those stand-up comics who goes off and writes a novel about a stand-up comic Wrong /ot// Mir. ltzalrrrtrs. loin, a latliriti (.()lllt:(l|.'ill who i)lllli[)_‘, into an old llarrit: Result“? All lioli l)l(,‘(ll\‘lll(] loo‘a: /'\t)t)ztr(:trllt,'. you woo'l look at a want chicken the f3£lllltr Wit} t:'.~t,-r again. 5 Still, he's a good Christian boy lltal titanintiiot; of liif, wall, paid off Wllll the noon of l main/r. xtirttirv; rosaries. derriarrtlint; lit; in; glint (l. the fact: tool a (lll(,‘(,l riot/tn when lit: lorrrtxl lllffll (ll‘,/lll(:(.li,’"19003 .’Jlllt soirio rriatt2rral they didn't likt; about the baby Jesus. tBriari Donaldsorn 7hr) Stand, O/.':,<,(}ow. Thu .7"; May

memberxi. l'ixc actx. a hoxt and a horxe Audienccx decide toprcx and award a paid booking lor ne\t time. With leaturex. the llorxe‘x Mouth (aka .lainrc .‘\lltlL‘l'xtill tk Ke\in Brrdgcxi and Dear l'nit}.


Bed Raw 'l'he Slatltl. 5 York l’laL‘c. 55S 7272. H.3(lpm. £l. Malaurant‘anadran |)a|ixo (‘haponda ix the alchetttixt ax amateur icxtcrx arm to turn baxc rnaterral ittto corned} gold.

Tuesday 1 6


Bed Raw The Stand. 333 thdlattdx Road. 0370 (>le 6055. S3llprti. £2 l£l rnernberxi. li\pecl lrexh lacex and pcrhapx l'rexh iokex. ax Saj and Bruce l'urnmc} introduce write new talent.


The 50p Show ('anonx' (iail. 232 ('anongate. 556 4-18]. Spill. 50p. Neil night iii\ol\ing local laughter rncrchantx Jarnex Murra}. Jarnex Blood. Beth Hamilton. Ben Verth. Barney Norrix and hoxt Rodd} Maclnnex.