
Microcosmos II l.... II 'l.m.II- \llllIl~.lll)//\1.lllk'l’k’lk'llllnll‘ [Linux I‘NFI ~‘IIIIII ;\ huj: cynl lnnk .Il IhI' ‘.-.nI|Il nl lll\L'kl\. IhIx ['lt'llt h nIII- nll l.Il|x xnIIII'uhI-II- hI'IuI'I‘II .I II.IrI.III\I-II'xx IlnIIIIIII'IImI} .IIIIl Illl I'IIxI-IIIhlI' [VILKC lnI IIx .III.Ij. nl IIII} Ih.II.ILchx \thl IIIIlnlle Ix .l hlllll nl lllL' III .l (LI) hcluccn lllL' hlmlcx nl L'l.l\\ III .III II\I'lf._'l‘l\\ll Imuulnu 'IlII- .I\\.ll(l IIIIIIIIII; III.IIrn phnlngmph} .IIIIl IIII.I§_'III.III\I' xnIIIIIl (Inh- .IIIIl xIII'p.Ixx IhI' .IIIIlII I.Il \InIlle \IL'JlL'd III .III IlIan' xI II-IIII' lIIIInII IIIn\ II'x I’.III nl (In-p} (IanlII-x' \mxnII Ill/II/Inlm, [din/Hugh

Mlza: Mission Impossible III I I3 \I O. IJJ.-\hI.IIIIx.l'\.31llI(II'InIII ('IIIIxI‘. \ lll_L‘ Rh.IIIII‘x. KI'II Rll\\t’“ IFIIIIII 'l‘hIIIl IIIIII- nIII lnI xpuml .IgI'III l'llldll “um I( ‘IIIIxI'I .IIIIl IhIx lunthixc Ix Imll} hchIIIIIIIj: In lan- le IIIxIII' 'l'hI' I‘nIl pnlIIII.Il/nhlIIIIII' \lIIl} IIIII' I'nIIcI'I'IIx HIIIII'x III-.IIIIng \\ uh .I II.IxI) IIhI-r .Il'lll\ Ilmlci IHnllIII.IIII ‘I'III'xnIIII' .IIIIl IIIIIIIII'II'xIIIIg

(it Ili‘IIl/ II'II (IN

My Brother in Law (Mio Cognato)

I l3.-\I I.-\|I'xx.IIIIlIn l’I\;I. II.Il_\. IlNliI SI'I‘gIn RIIIIIIII. I lll_L'l l.n('.IxI'In ‘)lIIIIIII. ()xII‘IIthI} Al \lllllt‘ InIIII-Il) hIIIlIl} IIIm lL'. IhI' IIInI IL' lnIInIIx lhl‘ hIIIgI-nIIIIIj: lI‘II'IIlehIp nl IIIIIIkI-l} p.le \‘IIn .IIIII 'l’nIII .Ix UHL' Imdx Ihc nIhI-I .IxII.I} IIIIn IhI' llllIh'HMlllIl nl I.” my“. ,-\x lhI‘} xI'.III’h III “'th L'I \IlII-x (In lhc} II'.IIII Ih.II Ihv} .III' [Ulllk'll h_\ IIInII' Ih.III IIIxI III.IIII.I_L'I' .Ilnng: IhI- \\.l_\ ('IIII‘IIIJ SIIII, l’lllilllldlxlllj; III IhI' Sillllll nl II.I|} (i/uwtm Il/Hl IlInI/u', (I/IIwIIII

New York Doll l I3-\ I 000 l( III-g; \VlIIII'lI‘}. lh‘. .‘lNISI 73mm l,Ikc.IhlI‘. \Mlllll hI'.IIlI'Il pnIlI‘.IIl nl lhI‘ \wa Ynlk l)nl|x' h.Ix\IxI :\I‘IhIII' ‘KIIII‘I' KuIII'. KIckIIIg nll .II IhI- pnIIII \IlII-I‘I' Kama IInII .III IIIIpnII-rleII'Il I'I'IanIIIg .llkllhllllk' .IIIIl .\lanIInII. h.Ix th‘II lll\ III-II h_\ .\lnI'I‘IxxI'_\ In p14} \\ uh .I IclnI'IIII-Il l)nllx .II IhI' \lI-IIIIIIII II IINIJ it'\ll\.l|l .-\II llllIIhll'thL' .IIIIl L'II‘L'II‘L'IH‘L' II'xIIIIIII'III In IlllL' nl Rnchx llllL‘ IIIIInI'I'IIIx .IIIIl hcu Iggcd

\ lxlIIIl.ll‘lI'\ (I/Inguu I'I/m I'll('(lll'l'. (I/IHQIIII. The Night of Truth (La Nuit de la Vérité) l lXI COO Il'.IIII.I RI'gIIIJ \.II‘In. HIII'kIIM I'IIxn/l'IIIIIcI'. IlNNI .\lnIIxx.I ('Ixxc. .-\I|.IIII.I ( )III‘III'ungn. R.IxIII.IIIc ()llL'Ill‘JIIgII. ( IL‘IIlgt‘llL' I’III'C. \Jk} S} S;I\.IIII-. IllllIIIIII .~\II .Iu‘nIIIII nl I'I'I'nIII‘IIMIInII ht'l\\t't'll Ihc .\';I_\.Ik ill'lll} IIIIII lhI' HIIIMIIIIL‘ II‘l‘Cl lIII'CI'x I" .I llI‘IlIIIMI \VI'xl .‘\ll'lt'illl I'nIIIIII'}. ,-\x .I pI‘I-xIIlI'III and .I I'nlnncl IIII‘I'I In I‘I'IIICIII IthI‘ pmu‘ .IgII'cIIII'III IlIc l\\n gInIIpx ;IIII-IIIpI In II'IIxI nIIc .IIInIlII'I‘ 'lnlIl lI'nIII IhI' lcnmlc pI'I'pr'cIIw. \l'glil nr IruI/I I-\pI'I'\xI'x Ihc llll\ll‘.lllIlll nl' Ihc \InIIII'II uhn. lqu In; hccn lUlk'L'tl IIIIn .I \\.ll' h} IIII'II. IIIIIxI llU\\ .Iu‘cpl .III IIIIpan'Il pmcc. .-\ pcu‘cplnc IlI'hIII. (i/uwnn l‘l/Hl IIII’IIIII'. (i/uwnu.

Ocean’s Nelve 1 13A) 00 ISII-wn Sndcrhcrgh. l'S/.-\IIxII'.I|I;I. ZlIIHI Brad I’III. (icnIgI‘ (‘Innncy MIIII l);IIIInII. .lllllil RnhI-I‘Ix. IZSIIIIII. \VleI) \\ll\ll) xcqucl In ()I am 'I l'./('\( II xI‘I III lilll'IIpC \Ihcrc th' hn}x' [\Ihl l‘III.III.\ (IllChLN IIp \\ IIh th‘lll. :\ lc“ lllt't' xI-I pII-u'x and HM IIl HnlIIII‘x' C\Ct'||k'lll \(III‘C \hIIllhl \ll\l.llll lillh Ul lhI‘ nI‘IgIIml lIlIII. (‘IIII-IInrlIl IiIlIII/Iuruh. [xi/III/Iur'g/I.

Falkirk Town Hall

Tues 30th May 70.30am, 7.30pm <9 7.30pm


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

50 THE LIST 1 1—25 May 2006

01 Lost Love (Del Perduto Amore)

l l 3-\ I 1 \1l\ hL'lL' Pldk lIlH. ILII}. I‘l‘ml \1lk llL'h‘ Ple IIln. (IlI'\.Illlll MCI/ngIanIn. l-.IhrI/In HI'IIIIInglIn llllIIIIII IIprIIcIl h} II [Inc xInr}. I’ltlkldl‘.\ lIlIII Ix hnIII pcrxnndl .IIIIl pnlIIIml \II .IgIII; prII-xI Innkx lnuk nII .I \hllllh‘NKI I'IIInunII'I U. IIh .III L'Hldlk Ip.III-Il u'llllllllllhl unnmn .IIIIl I'\.IIIIIIII'x Ihc llllI‘flllllllelllf.‘ nl pnlIIIml p.IxxInII .IIIIl pcrxniml .lllldLllIlll .I;.IIIIxI Ihc h.l(hdlllp nl II.I|} 'x p.IxI I’.IrI nl (‘IIII'IILI SIIIl l~IlIIIIII.IkIII;_' III Ihc \nIIIh nl IIIII_\ Il/Hl/II‘HH. lI/III/IIIIu/I * Once in a Lifetime I ISI 0... Il’.IIIl ('rnmlcr’lnhn I)U\\L'r. l'S. .‘lNl‘I ‘lZIIIIII SI'I- rI-I II-Ix. pagc 4| (.IIII‘HI'I/I/

RI N’H’H \lII l l. (i/Ingim

Paradise NowI ISI 0000. (Han) -\lm -\xx.IIl. l'I.IIIcc/(icrnmn}l’NthI-Il.InI|x/lxI.II‘l . ZINISI K.Il\ \.l\llt’l. x\|l SIIIIIIMII. l.IIhII.I :\/.Ih.I|. ;\IIIcr chhcl ‘NlIIIIn ’I‘hc [.IIL' nl Iun l’.IlcxIInI.III (Jr IIII'I‘IMIIII'x .IhnIII In \L'lllllrt‘ In [\I‘AIL'I nn .I \llIL'lllC hnIIIhIng: IIIIxxInII. l’ur'm/Iw Mm Ix prIIII.II’Il} .I hIIIlIl} hllIlIl} HM“ II' 'l'hL‘ l'K l‘I'h‘Jw ILIlL' \\.I\ pIlepIInCIl hunth nl th' 5/7 inndnn hnIIIhIIng. .IIIIl xIIIcI- Ihcn II‘x hI-I'nIIIc lhI' lIer l’.I|cxIIIII;III lIIIII In \I III .I (inldcn (ilnhc ;I\I.IrIl illltl I'I'I'I‘Iu- .III ()xmr liIIllllllilllIIll ('unu'n. IfI/III/Iuru/I

Phase IV l l’(II 0.. ISJIII dex. 1'5. I‘)7‘~I \Igcl I).'I\I'IIpnII. \lIclmI'l Murphy MIMIC l'I'I'Ich'It'k. '\l.lll (iIllnI'Il. SJIIIIII. 'l‘hc lll\l lc.IIIII'I' II‘IIgIII llllll In hc IlII'I'I'IcIl h} anx .IlII'I .I xIIu'I'xxlIIl I'III’I'I‘I‘ IlI'ngIIIng llllt'\. lll\Il|\C\ .I IIIIIIIIIIIIII' nl xIII.II'II'I Ih.III IIxII.I| IIIIIx. :\ xln“ hIII‘IIIIIg. IIInIlI-I‘IIII'I} IIIII'IIIchII hnIInI. Huxx I'I'III'x nII hIx \ IxII.I| xlIIll In I'II-\.III' IIIIx xI'I lI .Ihnx c Ihc I'I-xI. Part III (‘IL'L‘["\ ('I'.I\\ III'x' Suixnn. l'I/III/Inuu'. [ail/IIIIIH'QII,

Pierrepoint l ISI .00 I.-\III‘I;III Shcrgnld. l'K. ZlNlfiI’l‘IIIInIh} Spull. JIIIII‘I SICH‘IIxnII. liIlIlII' .\l.II'x;In. 85mm IIIII'I'I-xIIIIg IlruIIIII uhnIII nIIc nl. Ihc l'K‘x I;le thIIgIIII-II. Alix-II l’IcI‘I'I-pnInI. HIx \lIII'} Ix il gI'IIIIl} lgichIIuIIng UllL‘ illld IlIrchnr Shcrgnld .IIIIl xI‘I'cL'ImI‘IIcr .lcl'l' I)II'I\ I-IIIIII I.Ul'(' l’npc gn lnr .I hquIIcI'Il inpI'nIIch. llL‘\L‘r III'IIInIINng I’II'I'I‘I‘pnInI. nnr pIIIIIlI-rIIIg l'nI' x) IIIpth}. 'l'hcrc'x “CICUIHC xpucc In Inukc IIp )nIII' nu ll IIIIIIIl ilhnlll PII'rrcpnIIII'x \Inrk. (i/munu' l'I/m 'I'lu'um'. (ilmunu:


The Pink Panther I H i- O

I\'h.I\\ II I my I \, 21mm \Icw \‘Illllll. KL‘\lll khnc. ligannu' kIInxxlI'x ".‘IIIIII RI'IImkI‘ II'\nl\ III: .III‘llllIl IhI' IhI'lI nl lhI‘ I'pnII} IIInIIx Ih.IIIInIIIl ('hIcl IIprIx InI l’lL'}lU\ I KIIIII‘I IIxcx l‘llllll‘llll‘.‘ lllx[\\ InI (’lnIImeI I\l.IIIIIII .Ix .1 Jan}. I‘lll\ In haw (‘lnIIxInIII xnlxc IhI- \lllllL' \ ’lwIIIII' nl lllI‘llL‘ll k'\\lk'lllk'lll Ih.II nukcx Ihc p.III h_\ angIIIdlx lnnk lIkI- llld\lk'l\\l‘?h\ \l .‘I . II

H [((1\(

Primecll-MOOO IIiI'IIMIIIIIgI'I. l \. ZlNHI I hid IhIIIIII.III. \1k’l}! \III'I‘p

IllSIIIIII \ kl'lllk'khk lnnk .II [Inc IhInIigh IlII- I‘II'x nl .I III'\\ I} dunnul \JIK'CI \\I\lll.Ill. IhI' _\IIUllj_' .II1IxI xhc l.Il|x lnI .IIIIl hI'I IhcmpIxL \xhn IIIxI lI.IppI'IIx In hc hIx lllI‘th'l l Ikmhlc \C“ Milk l‘.IxI'Il LIH‘I‘ \I‘C \IMI RI'II'JxI‘Il (II III III] H /I IAN

Puppy l l M l KII'I.III ( i.I|\ III. \IIxII.I|I.I. ZlNISI .\.IIlI.I 'lnunxcnd. SIIxJII l-IIIx. Bt'llltlld ('III'I}. /.II' th‘hllh'lhl “*IIIIII \ [Illlldllllt‘ IhI‘IlII'I lh.II xIIIII'x In hc IIInII' l)clIIxInII.I| IIIleIIx l l/ and y\l\i\'ll xI‘I'k III L'.IL‘h IIlhI‘l‘ lhc \UIJI'L' lh.Il ka‘lL‘l} Ih'lllI'x IhI'III llIII \IIII hIx IIII-III.I| Ill\l.ll‘llll_\ .IIIIl hI'I prnpcanI} In hc lmIl In lllL'\ II.Ih|I' \Il\.l\lk‘l l’IIrI nl l.nIIIlnII \IIxII.I|I.III l-IlIII |’\'\ll\.ll nII ‘I‘nIII. I‘l/IIl/IIIHH. I'.IIIII/I1u'«.}/I

Rash I l3.’\l (\II'hnIax ILIIIxI'II. \IIxII.I|I.I. ZlNlSI "' iIIIIII l-nIInIIIIIg; lht' I‘Ixc III panIl.IIII}. .IIIIl .IL'tL‘I‘lJlltI‘ nl. xIII'I'I .III nI IMAM—Ill. IIII'I'I‘InI H.IIIxI'II pIn\ IIII‘x .III IIIII'I'II.IIInII.Il xI.Ig_'c lnI xnIIII' nl \II'IhnIIIIIIVx pIIhlII .lll. SI-I .I;.IIIIxI lhI' IIIII up In my 3va ('IIIIIIIIIIIIuc.I|IlI ( I.llllL'\. ILIIIxI'II lik'l‘l\l\ IlII- xlrugglc hum CL'H IlIxxIIlI'IIIx xIII\ III}: In nukc IhI-Ir lllllqllL‘ \nII'I-x hmnl .IIIII IhI' IIKJI cnIIIIL‘IIx‘ I'llanx In pII'xI'III .I \.llllll\L‘I| pIcIIII‘c nl Ihc (ll) l’uI'I nl InIIIlnII \IIxII.IlI.III l'lllll l‘cxmul nII ‘l'nIII lI/mlinuu. Inl/II/Iu/IIII

Romance and Cigarettes l H. CO. IJnlIn ’l‘III'IIII‘I'n. l'S. IINISI .l.IIIch (Illllthlllllll. SIIxzm SIIrnIIIlnII. K.III' \VIIIxII-I HSIIIIII. ’I'ulc nl hlIIc I‘nll.” IIIlIIlI-III} ImanIng chuIII-xIIInLIIIg IInIIIInI'kI-I' \ka ((lillltlllllllll l. Inrn thxIcI-II \IIlc KIII) (Silrillldnll) and MIIIII‘IIIIIuII I;IrI \\ IIlI II hI'uI‘I 'l'IIlu IWIancI I. 'l‘III‘IIIrI‘n IIIpx IIIIn I)L'lllll\ PnIIcr'x lexng lllll\lL‘.’Il \ll'.ll\'j_"\ III \\ hlL‘h clIurucIcrx lle' pnplllnr \(III);\ [II

IIIIlc.:xlI IthI I'IIxnzInIIx Human": l..’.":.".II-\'i:

Russian Dolls (Les Poupées russes) IMO. -I I-IIIII Mmmh lI.III\I‘_ :llll‘n Rt‘llllllll llIIIIx_( A Mr Ilc 'lthk'. \IIIlIIw [.IIIInII l:"lllll‘. lnIII \c IIx nII lInIII Ihc xIIIpIIxc l\n\ nllIIc xIIH I'xx nl \IIIII-I IlIII‘IInI khll‘lullK l’ufl .. - InIIII'x lhIx xIIIIIl.IIl_\ llllih'l\\ll\'lllllll;' chIIII'l /\'.'I\\I'I.": I’r'ifi IIII-IIH xnIIIthIIIL'x \IlIn \II'II‘ xlI.IIIII-.' .2 ll.II III

lhc xlIIIL'III

“.IHCII‘IM ll.I‘-I' llI‘\\ \\ .lll\'[\'\1.l\l“\\ llllHPC \ppII-‘II hIII: hIx lllllllI‘lll lIIIIhIl.I\ \.I\ lI'l Il)llll\| Ix xIIIIgglIII-J In III.IkI‘ hIx III.IIk .Ix .I \\lll\‘l .lllIl In llllIl IlII' \\I‘lllllll nl hIx IlII'.IIIIx ('n_\ IIIthxh II.'..\.;n~.I III”:

[/11 “'I'II. (Hing ’-\ [LINN-j, g“, [Hwy-J, (I; Sailing Home (Tornado a Casa)

I I: \I I\ IH\\'H/l‘ \IJILL ll.I|_\ ,‘lN'lI \.ll\.llI‘l\' |.l\\.lllll|‘. \IIII'lIn \InIIn

I). \IIIIInIIn. ( IIn\.IIIIII |.l\\.lllllI‘ \.\IIIIII \ pinup nl lnIII lIth'IIIII'II II.IIIn\Il\ I‘xmpv \.l[lllllk' uhIII‘ lllk‘}_‘.l”\ ll\lllllf,‘ III \lllx‘lll \\.III‘Ix lll'\\\'\\'l.|1kh\l‘llk' lwmy xhnI .II. mm (“X My In II'IIIIII lk'}_'.ll\“k'\\ nl IhI‘ InIIxI'IIIII'IIII'x \II lI.I|I.III ll\lllllj_'. IIIIIIII;_'I.IIInII .lllIl \l.IlI.I lIIIII l‘.III nll IIII-III.I \IIIl I'IlIIIIIIJkIIIj: III IhI' \nIIIh nl II.I|\ (I/IHQIII: II/HI [in win. (Max-gun II/HI/Inuw. I Illrrlwlg/I Salo, or the 120 Days of Soddom I15: O... Il’II'I I'.Inln I’.IxnlIIII II.II\,

I" "I I’.Inln HnIIJI I'HI. ( iII‘Ign ( '.II.I|IlI

l IIIhI'IIn l’ (‘)llllll.l\.lllk' ll.‘IIIIII |.l\ IxI ll.ll\. I‘l-ll l-nIII “(Jilin IIIII'IIIIII'x _~.'.IIhI'I III .III .Ih.IIIIlnIII'Il III.IIIxInII \IIII'II' IhI'} II.I\I' .IxxI'IIIhlI'II .I leIIllP nl Mum‘s lllI'll .IIIII IInIIII'II \\llI‘ Ith\ xIIhIIxI In .I \I‘l|\'\ nl x;‘\II.I| InIIIIII'x IhI'xI' .IhnIIIIII.IIInIIx .III' IlI‘pIIIu' III I'LIphII. H'l‘k‘lllHI' .llltl

IIIIllIIII hIIIg: IlI'I.IIl In \\ll.Il pIIIpan‘ l nI IhI' III-.Illh} hnxlx. hunuw Ihc} I .III InI l’.IxnlIIII. II'x .I InIIIIIII'III nII Ihc II.IIIIII' nl \1IIxxnIIIII‘x l.l\l\l xIIIII' lh.II'x \IlII IhIx lIIIII Ix .III. IInI IllL'lL' j_'l.llllllIIll\ I‘\[‘|I|ll.lllllll III Lu‘l. II'x .I IIIIII'xInIII' III lIIIII hIxInII

(flux-Jun II/III I/II (ll/I. (III/nun:

Scary Movie 41 IMO. II).I\IIl

/III'kI‘I. l'S. jnnm \IIII.I I .IIIx. lx’I'j.'III.I ll.Ill. (‘I.II;_' HII'Ikn I'Iillllll IIIxI.I||IIII'III III IhI- pIIIlIII xpnnl hnIInI xI'III'x lhIx llllk‘ IhI‘II‘ INC I‘lL'dlk'lJl‘lk'. Il nu.IxInII.IIII lIIIIII_\. xI-IIIl


'* II

Pier Paolo Pasolini’s final film was undoubtedly his most controversial. An update to Nazi controlled Italy of the Marquis

De Sade’s much vilified source novel, Sale is an incomparable essay in abuse and perversion. The film is still banned in many countries and took years to be certified here, but for those who like this director’s work or are new to it, this is either a fittingly voyeuristic farewell or a shocking and intriguing introduction to the work of

one of cinema’s true masters. I GFf. Glasgow (Wed 24 May only).