
* John Hammond 'l‘hc Alchcx. Arg}lc Strcct. 0x70 340 7533. Spin. £ l 5 i£l3r ('clchralcd }_'llll.'il'l\l couiitrylilucx \ctcran lroni (itlx .\'c\\ York. Hammond hax pcrlorincd \kllll llltMl ol thc grcatx. including John llooltcr. lloulin‘ Woll and Mudd} \katcrx. Support lroin (Brant ('aniphcll. l’art ol [flu Iii: ('uimlri.


I Foakie Doakies 'l‘hc- \‘illagc. In South l-ort Slicct. l.cith. 47S '73“), Split. £3. Acouxtic llllhlL‘ and poctr} troin thc likcx ol thc 'l‘ra\clling \\';i\ci‘lic\. Nanci Sonicrxillc and licrnard Brogth Part of [Jilin/Hugh RIM/I.


I Johnny Silvo Stirling l‘olk ('ltih. Stirling ('ount} Rugh} l'oothall ('luh. liridgchaugh l’ark. ('ziti\L'\\;i_\lic';itl Road. 0|35‘) 3lS53 l. Spin. \ctcran lilcnd ol ia/l. hlucx. l‘olk. countr} and \tilll.

Tuesday 23


ii: Eliza Gilkyson with Robert McEntee 3 lion 'I‘hcatrc. 'l’i‘ongalc. 553 43(i7. Spin. £l3.50 l£l0,50l. liincrging \l.” \tillg\\l‘llCl‘ and captixaling \ingcr \\ ho \ltoltc on thc Milan trihutc alhuin. Shc conicx lroin nohlc musical \lock hcr dad urotc ‘Barc Ncccsxiticx' li‘oiii 'l'lit' Jung/r Hook and hcr hro pla} cd \i ith llix liohncxx and “nits. Part of [flu Big ('olmlri.


I The Tannahill Weavers l.cith l~'oll\ ('luh. 'l'hc Villagc. South l‘ort Strcct. 47S 7Sl0. 7.30pm. £8. ()nc ol‘ Scotland‘x loligcxl-L‘\lillili\ltctl lullx hands \\ itli lhcir st} Iixh takc on traditional tuncx and song» A big \ound in lltL‘ \\ CC room.

I Beating the Retreat by the Scottish Combined Cadet Force ('astlc li\planadc. lidinhurgh (‘axtlc. Ro}al Milc. 335 IISS. 8 8.30pm. l5rcc. .-\ displa} ol' pipc hand music and dancc. I50 plpcl‘x. druniincrs and tltiltccrx l‘l‘om Sc‘tillisli (‘(‘l'. \L‘lltitilx.

I Ceilidh Club 'l‘hc l.ot. (il'tl\\lil;ll'l\cl. 335 330‘). 3pm. £6. Dancc to llill\lL‘ l'roin thc Bcnachall} (‘cilidh Band.

Wednesday 24


I Jesse Dayton .-\B(‘. Sauchichall Strch 353 S000. Spin. £l0 (£8). Honk} -tonk. high-cncrg} t‘ockahill) l'roni thc 'l‘c\a\ \ongxxritcr and guitarist \\ ith Johnn} (‘axh and Wu} Ion .lcnningx. l’urr o/‘Iiig Big ('omirriz

I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()Vna. Dcanxton l)ri\c. 64‘) 7358. 3pm. £3. SL‘L‘ \Vt‘tl l7.


I The Arrogant Worms lidinhnrgh Folk ('luh. ('aharct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. 650 334‘). 8pm. £6 (£5l. ('anadian conicd) loll. trio.

I Foakie Doakles 'l‘hc \‘illagc. In South Fort Sll‘L‘L‘l. l.L‘llli. 47X 78“). 8pm. £3. Scc Mon 33.

I Eliza Gilkyson Quccn's llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. (ms 30W. Spin. £l3-£l-1. Scc 'l'uc 33.


I Storytelling Ceilidh (‘rookston Castle. Tollcroxs Park. 354h \Vcllxhot Road. 763 lSo3. 7.30pm. £3. Storytelling. lix'c music and dancing at (ilasgoxi ‘s last mcdicx'al castlc.

I Johnny Silvo Saint Andre“ \ in the Square. St Andrcxx 'x Square. 559 5903. 8pm. £6 (£4). Scc Mon 33.

80 THE LIST 1 ‘—35 May 2006

A ,. ,,:,.,..r LlCLleiLAUZ:

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thoroughly Modern Music ('it} Hallx. ('andlcrigg\. 3.53 5000. Split. £l3 l£4i Jti\tapoxing lrcc iinprm ixation and contcinporar} L'l;l\\lL‘lll. llil\ collaboration hctixccn llan Volkox. thc BBC SSO. lllthlcl' pcrcuxxionixt ladic Pic-\th and lllll\|cl.tll\ lroin .-\.\l.\l includcx \iorkx h} Scclxi. Jitll]L‘\ 'l'cnnc} and \arcxc.

I Classical Guitar Concert 'l‘hc (illl\:_‘ti\\ Art ('luh. lS5 Bath Strcct.01-l| Mo 3333. Split. £l0 (£8). Allan .\'ca\c [k‘rltil'llh a progrannnc ol intcrnational 'Aoi‘kx h} coinpoxcrx including l.auro. 'l‘akcinitxu. Sor and othcrx.


I Hebrides Ensemble: Rush Hour Concert St Mark'x (‘hurch. (‘axtlc 'l‘crracc. 0131 338 ll55. (ipnt. £(i l£4i l)c\igllctl lo liiccl llic ltccd\ oi loda} \ niodcrn audicncc. thc linscinhlc'x hour long conccrtx pi'mcd popular additions to thc claxxical calcndar l'ollon ing thcir launch in 300—1. 'l'onight'x pcrl'orinancc hcralds thc launch ol' a \ccond inini- \cricx and l'caturcx a lircnch \clcction l'or \tll'ltilh combinations ol' \ iolin. ccllo. l'lutc. \ iola and harp h} Rm cl lhc Illll'rulllt'llrlll (rm/silhij l)chu\\_\ and Kocchlin.

I Rinaldo l'cxliuil 'l‘hcalrc. l3 3‘) Nlc‘tilxtin Sll'CCl. 53‘) (illllll. 7. l 5pm.

£l3 £30. RSAMI) \tudcntx pcrl'orin llandcl'x opcra haxcd on ’l'axxo'x cpic pocni ahout thc lirxt cruxadc. l.u (it’rmult'nmu' [JIM/um.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart’s Requiem l'xlicr llall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm.

£8 £33.50. 'l‘hc S(‘() bring thcir scaxon and thc Mo/art 350th Llllllhc‘l‘xul‘} cclchrationx to a clmc with a pcrl'orniancc ol' thc chuicm. conducch h) l)ircctor ol’ thc Iinglixh (‘onccrL Andrcn Man/c.


I RSAMD Lunchtime Concert RSAMI). I00 chlrcix Strcct. 333 5057. lpni. £7 (£5). .-\cconipanicd h} pianist Julia I.) nch. rcnonncd incl/o—wprano and RS.-\.\ll) tutor .lanc lruin [k‘l’lttl'lih norkx h} Bcrg. \Voll and l)chu\\}.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music: Big Band RSAMI). |00 chlrcxi Strcct. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £7 l£5l. Big Band \0tllitl\ courtcx)’ ol‘ )oung inxtrumcntalixtx and \ingcn from ihc RS.~\.\ll).

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Mozart’s Requiem ('it) lltlllx. ('andlcriggx. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£9 £3 l .50. Scc Thu 1 l.


I Rinaldo l5cxti\al 'l'hcatrc. l3 3‘) Nicolsolt Strcct. 53‘) (illllll. 7.l5pm.

£l3 ~£30. Scc Thu H.

I O’Jerusalem (irc) ll‘lul's Kirk. (ircyl‘riars l’lacc. (1th 30W. 7.30pm. £‘)r£l3 t£().50--£S.50i. (Hint). thc l'cmalc \oiccs ol' (‘apclla .\'o\a. arc joincd h} William Taylor on mcdicial harp tor this muxical pilgramagc thl‘U\\ liuropc to thc llol} Land.


I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni Thcatrc Ro)a|. 3S3 llopc Strcct. 333 0000. 3.15pm. £6.50—£55. Mozart‘s latitotix opcra haxcd on thc lit‘c ol‘ Don

Juan. a notoriom ladicx' nian \ihoxc ~c\ual ad\cnlurc\ \xould \CCllt to knou no houndx But criitic lurnx to lL‘llll‘llllt‘ll and lhc Ii.t\lillt:_' l)on\ domitall to llcll I RSAMD Youthworks Music: Choir Concert RS;\\ll). 100 chticxx Sll‘L‘L'l. 1:: “'57 4pm l'lL‘t‘. lickclcd .-\ piogiainnic ot choral llllhlc troni church to \lagc. pcrtointcd h} thc RS.-\.\ll)\ Junior. Scnioi and ('hainhci choiix


I Rinaldo l‘cxtnal lhcall‘c. l3 3‘) Nicolxon Sticct. 53" 0000. ~.l5[‘lll.

£ l 3 L3” SOL“ llill ll

I The Kevock Choir Annual Concert l'xhci llall. l.othian Road. 335 I I55. 7. 30pm. £0 £l 3. lltc .\ll.\tiong chck (‘hoir inakc a \iclcontc rcturn to thc l'xhcr llall pcrloniing thcir annual conccrt. cotlduclcd h} (irahain l.o\cll_ I Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()uccn\ llgtll. (.IL'l'k Sll‘t'cl. Nib 3lll‘l. 7.45pm. £‘l «£1 £7l l’ctci laxanx and llallidi llallgriinxxon conduct thc ltdinlitngh-liaxcd orchmtra \xho pcrlorin llallgrinixxon'x [hm/It‘an m Number-x ll. Schumann's I’itmo (‘om ('I'Iu m .‘l nnnm; Up 54. \\ illi thc tilll\l;llltlll1}_' )oung (‘_\priot pianixt lilcni \laxrotnouxtaki ax \Ultlhl. and lirahinx'x .Stmp/ium ,\'u .i'.

I Edinburgh Symphony Baroque: Lully and Liturgy ('anongatc Kirk. I53 ('anongatc. 07‘)57 497373. S lllpin.



Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sun 14 May; Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 21 May

1" H34! l‘hc leH pcrtorin a xclcction ol “orb c't‘lli[‘\‘\t‘\l tor thc lircnch church hclxxccn lo50 and l750 ()pcning unit

1 ull_\ '\ inagniticcnt lt' lh‘um thc piogi‘ainnic \xill includc ('orrcttc'x [dill/(UHIH I! and l cclatr\ I’n'mu'r

Rn n .trron

I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (irc) ll'l.ll\ Kirk. ('andlcniakcr Road l'ickclx at door 7 30pm £7 i£~1tlrccl (iciard Hohct't} conducts a Scandinaxian piograinnic ot Sihcliux' liril'tmt/iu. Kill't‘/li1.\lllit and Sim/thorn .Vo /. along \\ itli thc (lurian (out c No h} .\'ic|\cn


I Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra with Valery Gergiev Ro}.il (‘onct-rt llall: \lani .-\uditoiiuni. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000 7.30pm. £15 £35 Sharing ll\ honic \\llll thc Knox Hallct and ()pcia. thc .\lariin\k_\ 'l'hcali'c ()l'cltc\ll.i Ix Ullt' til lx’tlvla'x Ultlk‘\l .tlttl inmt \ll\l|ll}_‘lll\lk‘tl llllhlc'dl lll\lllllllttll\. 'l‘onight (icrgim cotiduch a pcrlorinancc ol liol‘odiiiK In {In Xle'p/im of (.(IHIU/ Mm. an c\ccrpt lioni Rllll\l\_\- Koixakox .\ St lir'hr'l'tlfirli/r' .llltl

‘lt'llllllxtfi \k} \ Sump/nun .\'o .5.

I O’Jerusalem Saint .'\lltllL'\\ \ Ill thc Squarc. I St Andrcu '\ Squarc. 55‘) 5003 Split. £0 £l3 t£050 £S 50i Scc l-ri I3.

When it comes to orchestral concerts, Scotland is pretty well served. RSNO, SCO, BBC $80 and the Scottish Opera Orchestra all perform on a regular basis. Some go as far as to say there are too many orchestras, particularly as they are all competing for an increasingly elusive audience.

Music lovers now have even more choice, thanks to the impressive series of international orchestras presented by Edinburgh’s Usher Hall and Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Big name orchestras with big name conductors - Mariinsky Theatre’s Kirov with Gergiev and Tamas Vasary's Budapest Symphony are next - are designed to attract a crowd, whatever they play, but repertoire tends to be drawn from well-known classics, often home-grown, such as Tchaikovsky and Kodaly from the current visitors.

‘All of these orchestras are very distinctive’ says James Lowe, RSNO Associate Conductor, ‘with a clear-cut personality of their own. They all come from a certain playing tradition, whether Hungarian or Russian, and while it’s vitally important for orchestras like the RSNO to have an all year round presence, it’s fascinating for audiences to hear different ways of doing things.

Music is never the same twice.’

Key to success is the maestro on the podium. ‘lt’s a two-way street,’ says Lowe. ‘If you get a relationship where the orchestra and conductor really match - like Gergiev and the Kirov - and where there’s the ability to create an intense relationship, then everybody really listens.’ The intangible charisma of the conductor is hard to pin down. ‘l’d love to know how it works!’ says Lowe, ‘but, for me, with all of the greatest conductors, you don’t see the join between them and the music. They become the music and the music becomes them and taps into something incredibly deep. That's the magic of

going to a live concert.’ (Carol Main)