Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Rachael Street.



353 .»\rg}lc Slrcct. 0870 340 7533. Illam lllpm; Sun noon lllpm. Folk l'util Thu l5 Jun. l)i\lorlcd portrailx h} Ian llcal}. crcalcd using stock pholm or maga/incx which arc lhcn la)crcd with paint.


3W)” l’ollok’shawx Road. 387 35.50.

Mon Thu & Sal lllam 5pm: Fri A; Sun I lam 5pm. l‘rcc.

Through Your Eyes l'ntll Sun 28 Ma}: lixhihition ol photograpr takcn h). communit} glollpx acrth (ilasgow that ol‘lcrx ncw w a)\ ol~ looking at ohjccls l'rom thc liurrcll ('ollcction.


350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4900.

Tuc l-‘ri llam (ipm; Sat Illam (rpm. Ross Sinclair: Real Life Painting Show l'ntil Sat 3 Jun. l‘rcc. A \olo \llow' l'rom acclaimcd Scottish conlcmpot‘ar} artist Rosx Sinclair that invcxligatcx thc importancc ol colour h} \tripping w‘ot‘kx hack to thcir mmt haxic componcnts. Scc rcx lcw. pagc 03. /’url of (iluxguw Iltlr’l‘llrllinltrll.

Matthias Muller Thu 35 May it Thu l Jun. (i.3l)piii. £3.50 ll.'3l. Thc intcrnationally acclaimcd artist and lilmmakcr introduccx llllx thrcc-part rctroxpcclix c ol' his work to tnark thc launch of '/'/u' .ano Book I'll/m um! Vii/ms Irv .llulI/um .llullcr. l’arl onc w'ill hc shown on Thu 35 May. l‘ollowcd by partx

- WMN‘N “ii—i»? .LWW‘” " 3......»- M

u Kn'dqé

two and thrcc on Thu l Jun NE


73 'l‘rongalc. 353 4900. Tuc. \Vcd tk l‘l‘l l lain opm; Thu l lam ()pm; Sat ck Sun noon opin.

Beck's Futures 2006 Thrcc \lal'x. l'nlil Sun l-l Ma}. Thc \c\cnlh licck's l‘uturcx award lourx to (ilaxgow tcalurmg Simon l’oppcr\ rcmtcrprctaluinx ol Jamcs Jo} cc. Stct'an liruggcmann'x tcxl piccc. work h} l“la\ la .\lu||cr Mcdcrim who marrics [fun Rn/cr w ilh (icorgc liuxh and (Mix ia l’lcndcr\ Manga lilSPlrc‘d L‘Ullllc hook. Scc .-\rthcat. lASl CHANCE lO SEE:


l'iiiwrxit} ol' Slrathchdc. 33 Richmond Strccl. 548 3558. Mon in Want 5pm: Sal noon 4pm. l-‘rcc.

The Collector’s Landscape: Pamela So l'ntil Sal l5 Ma}. (ilaxgow artixt l’amcla So cxplorcx croxx-culltu‘al thcmcx rclaling to hcr (‘hincxc—Scottixh hcrilagc. bringing togclhcr an inlricalc papcr inxtallalion with largc \calc photographs. lASl CHANCE.‘ l O SH. Insect Safari: Barbara Reed Sat 20 Ma} Sat 34 Jun. li\hihilion ol‘ appliquc'd tcxtilcx h) Barbara Rccd dcpicling thc cullurc. landscapc and w ildlil'c of

Botswana. NEW SHOW.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Royal lixchangc Squarc. 33‘) [990.

Mon \Vcd & Sal lllam 5pm; Thu

Illam 8pm; or & Sun I lam 5pm. Material World: Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection l-‘our stars. l'ntil Mon 35 Scp. l-rcc. Scc

rc\ icw. pagc 03 and llitlist.

Curator’s Talk Thu l I May.

(x30 7.30pm. Natalic Rudd l‘rom lhc :\l‘l\ ('ouncil discuxxcs thc ongoing cxhihition. .Uulc'riu/ llin'ltl.

New Ruins Thu IS May. 6.30pm. lircc. A group ol’ Scotland-hath artists dixcltsx thcir work. which was rcccntl} on show

ax part ol thc ('ullural l'cxtnal ol lhc Mclhournc Zooh ('ommonwcallh (iamcx. Chad McCall Thu 35 .\la_\ Sun l.‘~ .-\ug. l‘rcc. .-\n c\hihtlion ol’ ncw work h} (’had .\lc(‘ail. w hmc paintingx c\p|orc thcmcx ot \ iolcncc and \ocial tlllrcxl. NE"... SHORE.


33 ck 35 King Strcct. 553 H304. Tuc Sal lllam 5.30pm.

Keep Right l'ntil Sat 37 .\la_\. Painting and printx h} (il’S mcmhcr l’aul Kcnncd) looking at thc conccpl ol limc. with particular rcl‘crcncc to thc \iluation in which i\ oltcn lcclx mml prcvmg

w hilc w ailing tor puhlic tranxporl. lASl CHANCE TO SEE

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART lo7 chlrcw Strcct. 353 45le. Mon l‘l'l Illam 5pm; Sat Illam 3pm. l‘rcc. Kaleidoscope Tuc Io Sat 27 Ma}. Atrium (iallcry A \howcaxc ol‘ work h} lhc currcnt artixtx-in—rc\idcncc at lhc (iSA jcw cllcr) dcpartmcnt. Marion Barcla} and M Morita. NE‘W SHtNJ. William Kentridge l'nul Sal l3 Ma}. Thc Mackinloxh (iallcr). ('harcoal

draw ingx. collagcx. animation and short lilm h} thix South .-\lrican arlixl. w hoxc work chartx a pcrxonal journc) through thc t‘raughl lcgacy ol' aparthcid and colonialism. I’ur! oililusgow Inlcrnulronul. LAST CHANCE TO SEE Hiscox MFA Interim Degree Show

Sat 30 l-‘ri 36 Ma}. Annual c\hihition ol

work h) first _\car \lUdL‘ltl\ on thc pmlgrauluatc Maxtcr ol' l5inc art cour\c curatcd hy (iraham Ramxa) lol' licaglcx & RillliSil}' lamcl. NEW SHOW. Mette Juul: Away and Back l'ntil Sat 30 Ma}; Podium (iallct‘). Photograpr of lltl\ (iSA \tudcnt‘x trawls trom l)cnmark to Sihcria \ia Poland. liclarux. Rtlssizt. lixtonia and\'ia which aim to portray not old} lhc dil‘l’cring cullurcs hut an inlcrior cmotional journc}.

An exhibition of animated films by the South African artist, as part of Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art. Kentridge’s work is based on his

personal experience of apartheid and colonialism, themes that are examined in charcoal drawings, prints and


I Glasgow School of Art. mack/mosh Gallery. Glasgow, unt/l Sat 20 May.

94 THE LIST 1 1—25 May 2006

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l‘nwcrxit) ol(ila\gow. S3 llillhcad Strcct. 33H 54“] Mon Sat " illam 5pm l‘iliL'k'

Monty Etchings by Rembrandt l'nlil Sal l5 Jul. To cclchratc lhc ~1lilllh lurthda} ol lhc grcat liulch pamlct. tho dixpla} pick out \omc ol lhc ltltc‘\l clchingx trom thc gallcl_\ \ collcctton ol o\ ct Sll \lIL‘t'h.

Animal Architecture: Do Brighter Birds Fly Faster? l'nul Sat 3“ \l.w \cw tilmx and phologiaplw ctcalcd ax part ol .l collahotam c ptolcct hctwccn Mark \cnllc and \c‘lt‘ltll\l\ troin (ilaxgow l'nncrxm \ ln~lilulc ol litomcdtcal and |.llc Scicnccx l-luolcxccnt hudgctigatx and lurd ncxlx m ahandoncd (ilaxgow council cxtalcw arc all part ol thc mu lASl CHANCE l0 till


3 Sinclair l)ri\c. hi3 llSlll .\lon .\ l'uc Illam Spin; \Vcd lllam 5pm. l'hu

noon 8pm; in Sat "am 5pm.

Nature’s Fury l'nnl Sat 1 Jun l’holographx h} Shaludul ..\l.un dcpiclmg lhc dclcrmmalion and lt‘NlllL‘llt‘t‘ ol pcoplc cllcclcd h} lhc carlhquakc m l’akixlan


ll Milchcll lanc. 33l h ;()3 .\lo|l \\ \Vcd Sat lllfillatti 5pm. 'l‘uc llam 5pm. Sun noon 5pm. £3 lS’llpl. Architecture in Scotland 2004-2006: Defining Place I lllll Mon 5 Jun. .-\n c\hihilion ol cighl icccnl prolcctx to tnark thc puhlicalion ol thc third htcnnial rc\ icw ol arclntcclluc Ill Scotland. To accompaiw tlnx \llow lhc Lighthouxc ha\ a \aricl} ol dcxign lclalcd dixplap. including \howc.l\c\ h} (Elam lio\ luntil Sun 3| .\la_\ l and \clxct lioultquc lllllltl Sun -l .lunl. [illh \ monx tor a communit} grccn in l’tllltlkSlllt‘ltlS and thc top cnlrlcx lrom a photographic compctilion lholh until Thu IS Ma} l Babes in Sport l'nlil Tuc 3“ .lun lmagcx mamining lllc lc'lttllnllxlllp hclwccn t'cmininit} and \pot‘l lw loul photographcrx l'rom dt\cr\c lILtL'lstlUlllltlS lincluding art. l.t\llloll and pl'c‘SNl. liach w ax imich to porll'a} thc work ol l).llll\ll lashion dcxigncr Anna (iulmann who hax rcworkcd traditional \porlmg outlilx uxmg tcchniqucx \uch ax patchwork. knitting and hcading.

Earthquakes, Lanslides, Pakora and Tea Thu 35 .\la_\ Sun ‘) Jul li\hihitiou documcnling lhc work ol \tudcnlx trom lhc Mackintosh School ol Archilccturc w hcn thc) trawllcd lo lhc north wcxt ll‘onticr ol l’tllklfldll to hpr with rchuilding programmcw lollowmg laxt ()ctohcr'x cartluluakc. NE W Sl l()‘.'.'.


Station Road. Milligaxic. 578 33-17.

Tuc Sal Illam lpm (k 3 5pm.

The Macfie Gift l'nlil \Vcd 34 Ma). lircc. An c\hihition ol' 3‘) works donach hctwccn l‘)(i(i and IVS-1h} Maclic hrolhcrx Alan and John. ncighhouix ol thc g;illc’f_\"\ l’oundcr Rohcrt Lillic. lASl CHANCE TO SEE.

Emerging Images l'nul WM 24 Ma}. l-‘rcc. Painting and prmlx h} l’ilc-haxcd artist Mar} Bond. cmcring two dccadcx ol cxploration into lhc ancicnl culturcx ol India. Mcxico and Spam. lAS'l CHANCE TO SEE.


('cntrc l’or l)C\'clopmcnlal Artx. IX Albion Slrcct. 553 3833. Mon l‘l'l Ilium-75pm.

Substrata l'ntil l-‘ri l‘) Ma}. l’apcr picccw h} artistx trom thc Trongalc Studim. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Young Talent 06 Hull Hi I] Ma}. Work by up and coming artists lrom acroxs (ilasgow. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


('hincsc Am and Cultural ('cnlrc. 4| (iraham Strcct. 33| llll‘). Tuc Sat 10.30am 5pm.

Shanghai Sunday l'ntil Fri 26 Ma}. Photographs of cvcryday life in Shanghai by Keith lngham.