
V I Saw You Su/annc III )irnr chant} \ltnp and lltcn III thc Iiaillc on Saturday Ynu'rc Iitl.lll} IIIII. 'lakL‘ ti cltancc t\

\ all Inc a\ Iliclc's Hill} \u titan) lnmk\ a gu} can lcgitnnatcl} hu}. l 7450/14

V I Saw You through thc \HIIL‘I'} light nI our lirst cainp tng trip nI lhc )mt'. II \\;t\ nipp) nndcr carnas hut )nur hcard kcpl inc uarrn. l',\cl_\ ucckcnd I\ all adxcntnrc \tith )[IIL tour (i(i \ l 7450/15

V I Saw You hlondc. \\IllI )nur culhlll allci ['Itragrimxc. (ll'lllk\ at )iiurx. (ircccc 20”” playing [L‘l;t\\lc‘l and Doll} l’aiton : ['3’ [7450/30

V I Saw You \xlicn _\nu carnc hack Irotu _\nur tour nI thc \wrld' \';i_\l No“ _\nu haxc nnc til thcxc almut )tiul l'll llll\\ _\nu \xhcn )0“ 330 back III IIIL' pcgl [7450/ *7

V I Saw You \nu'rc a Nursc. “ailing to hit} tickct at \Vaxcilc‘} II'RIIII station III/3 around 5.30. l hiiught _\nn a har nl~ chocolatc thcn lcl't. \Vanna \xait tngcthcr Im‘ a drink‘.’ [7450/38

V I Saw You Hit liaxt l'nuntainlu'ulgc. lidinhurgh. Ih/i. u. lnckcd out nI studcnl I‘Iat. nccdcd toilct. | ga\c )iiu IIIUIIL‘} Im‘ thc hus I'roin Il;i_\iuarkct to gct kc} \. )nu't’c \\\ ccl. \xattna Ittcct'.’ [74.50/30 V I Saw You at l‘axl at 'l‘ltc Bongo on l’rida). You in a gimp III;I\l\ pla}ing \Ulllt‘ inind hltm— ing sluII. Apologicx to thc nth» cl'x. ldidn't incan to him _\nu. It “as thc drink \\ hat donc it. [7459/40

V I Saw You gm‘gcntlx (ilaxucgian 'Rof l danccd tltc night auay \xith _\ou in thc Sti'cct and at 'lackno ml thc .illth .-\pril thcn you and Richard disappcarcdl This Ilutc running chavcltc \muld [M c to tncct up with you again. nunus thc \Iilc‘lluxl S [7458/I 3

V I Saw You lid“ in and Sarah in tltc 'l‘rax har hantcring aua) lilc likc :tl\\;t}'\. [7458/I4 V I Saw You 'I‘-(iirl. in thc sun“. in thc rain. in thc phnnc hm and on thc hcach. Not \ccn cnough so I'll hc hack...\\ait I‘or tnc‘.’ [7458/[5

V I Saw You ahoard thc Shirlc} \alcntincl I IIII\\ thc sun- \hinc. l.ct'\ Ily a\\a_\. [7458/Ih V I Saw You my littlc sugar hnogcr. l.o\ c _\nur \mrkl Look I‘orxx'ard to sun. \c\ and amid- ing gctting sand in nu crotch with you. [74.58/l7

O I Saw You at (‘in (Litt- \ktllkIIIL‘ hclnnd lltc har. 'lall. \lltil'l dark hall and .t hcautilul Ictnalc hnd}, ('all inc \nccl clIL'ck\ [WISH/l8

V I Saw You hcing ph}\i call} ahuxcd h) a inalc in (‘ah Vol. I Itclpcd win allch to )nur lll|[lI'_\. I tlnnk _\nui uatuc l\ Anna. l likc yin l7458/l‘)

VI Saw You hut \tull III thc ’l'ra\cr\c \\ lllI _\our long hair and )iiur \c\) ga/c. (‘hcckin' out \UIIIL' hm} lad} with \c\_\ \xcdgcs. luck} hilch' [7458/2” 0 I Saw You ltlnndc hair \lIIIIIIIL‘ ltkc lhc hnin; Racliacl...all III ltlack. ltkc thc .\lilktra_\ Man; lidurn. You gun mckl Scc )ittt at Radinltcadl [7458/2I

VI Saw You and Inuit gut gcnus Italian chocolatc starlish in thc 'I‘raxcrxc liar. Your c)c\ anta/cd inc and _\nur \nnlc lk‘tltt/llc'tl IIIL'. [7458/22

V I Saw You Karcn )ou arc a pl\\lIL';t(l hut his not lct our I'ricndxhip hc IIIl\lL‘tl. l kntm.

\\ c kunu. \\ c arc ouc. \thn _\nu arc 4t) _\nu xx ill ha\ c in} con. [7458/23

V I Saw You in Houdicltc. licautil'ul hlnndc \xilh thc “in ning \niilcl \thn will _\uu inarr} inc and \\ c cart lta\ c litllc Rur}? [7458/24

V I Saw You in \\'hi\tlchinkic\. in tltc \\ cc hours 2l/(I3. Big inan \\ ith long hlondc hair. 2 cam ircx uppcr right car. You cuppcd in} Iacc and said it \\;t\ hcautil'ul. You changcd in} Inc. I \xant tn giw _\nu a hug. l mm _\nnl BTW that gu} “as NOT in) Iiancc. l’lcccaxc \u‘ilc to incl "()nt uI unrk Ltc‘ll‘c'\\" \ [7458/25

V I Saw You \cr\ ing nic in l'lnpp. .\lc - \L‘l'_\ L'\L‘I[L'tl It) lk‘ hit) ing thc hcxt ol' .-\ha. You - hnpcl'ull} not judging incl [7458/20

V I Saw You Iltc' lk‘al‘tlc‘tl harrnan in thc lira“ Mnnkc) in lidinhurgh. l \iIIIltg on thc

hrtm n couchcx in thc corncr. L’UllltllI-l ltlkc‘ III) C) L'\ ulil )ittl.l \\ car glaxscs and haw plaitcd hair. I \kill hc hack. 'l‘i anio. [7458/27

V I Saw You at \lcadmx hank Stadium gyn. .\Ir hlnc Von Dutch t-xhirt. \Vc alua} \ \ccnt [U gc‘l \\\ L‘tll} UII lltL‘ \[L‘DPCI‘ nut to cach othcr. Wanna go [or a cuIIicc or drink winctiinc'.’ [7458/28

VI Saw You on I” in.i_\ NHL on It'll} Road \nu \wic looking dchonau III that chainpagnc tic. laughing .I\ lllc ltccgccx pl.i_\cd III thc hackground Still \\.ill[ to inch inc at thc Borough tor .I drink .\ ["458/2‘I

V I Saw You \\IllI )ntu \pnl I} \nnunci tllc‘\\ lcanng IUI \wik laxkctl in_\\cll uh} I [I.t\L'l \[3 Iar .ma} IIHIII yin cach [Ln li'_\ ing to changc IllIIIL'\ to hc ttcat' Ill\ (i(i

[7.1% an '

V I Saw You I caught yin c'.IIL'\\III_L' Ihc luau-x HI hicad III Scrilnnd on a radiant \Vcdncxda} aIlcrnimn. \\c \pukc hrictl}.. l'anc_\ a dccpci .inal_\\i\ hc_\nnd thc cunlincx nI lhc \upcrinarkct [7458/il

V I Saw You .\ll\.l l‘k'k'll looking Int _\nut cra/_\ l‘t’cnch fJL'\llL'lll;llIHlI\ and ha/cl mm on lhc 4th Ilmir. Him “as thc oral" : I l,ct\ ha\ c a cuppa [7458/‘2 V I Saw You hcautrlul Spanish ho}. mhmc nainc hcginx with a It. at (‘(‘ lIliutllh on Saturda) 22nd. \Vc danccd. \\ c I\I\\L‘[l ltlll l lttul [U lca\ c _\ou..:ti \Vnuld low to dancc \\itll )iitl again..... (ila\gii\\ git’l liinua. \\ [7458/33

V I Saw You \ahnont at 'l'hc l.)cctnn 'l'ltcatrc on Saturda} night. You can liaisc dangcrnus I} \xith ntc an_\tiinc. You must Iorgnc in} Inmardncxx. It's hcyind III} control. [7458/34 V I Saw YOU lL‘ttH‘ [I\ [III 'l'hursda}. .\Il\\ l)a\ ics. ’l‘ltc ol'licc is a dull \thI \\ ithnut _\Ull. chp smiling and iniciug until \\c' mch again. [7458/35 sun. [7458/3ti

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100’s .. nArfiuvs [INIINE NIIW! {a at

loleani—G—er & Id'\I)I.III Swtlx hthuI

Support, information and advice on all matters of emotional and sexual health for lesbian and gay people and anyone questioning their sexuality. In strictest confidence and anonymity.

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