Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.


Activities & Events Storytelling Ceilidh ( 'iookxion ('lixllc. llollct'oxx l’al'k. 35-ilt \Vcllxltol Road. 70% txm 7. illpni. £3. Stor}tcllrng. lrw nuixrc and dancing at (ilghgtnk ‘\ ltixl tllctilcutl cttxlh‘.


At Home in Space ( iltixgou Scicncc (‘cntrc. 5” Pacific Qua}. -l3ll 50“). 7pm. £31.05 Spacc lti\lot‘l.ill l);r\ c Sha} lcr lookx .rt tltc cllcct ol \pacc lra\ cl on thc lurrnan bod} and (lllk‘SllHllS \ihcthcr man could c\cr} trul} lch at honic thcrc.

Fairs Miso Funky Fair llillhcad l.ibrar_\. HS Htrcs Road. KW 7333. Want -1pnt. l'rcc. liorgct knittcd \\;ll‘lllcl'\ and Iaxcndcr \tul'lcd draucr ircxhcncrx. this conlcrttlmrar'} cral't lair \xrll bc brimming with original knick knackx to l'urtkil} )iitii‘ lilc. Oxfam Collectable Book Sale Hillhcad library. 343 “yrs Road. 53‘) 7333. ||._it)am 4.30pm. l‘rcc. Ht‘o\\\c a rangc oi quirk) and collcctablc bookx l‘roni rctro kid\' nunibcrx to niodcrn lirxtx to hpr raixc luridx l'or‘ ()\lillll.


Garden Clean-Up liglinron loll. ()t'l liglinton Road. ()7S75 ‘l5S3o5.

l Iani 3pm. ’I'hc battlc against thc \xccdx at thc liglinton ('ontrnunit} (iardcn continucx [tittx \ccd somng and mural painting. (‘ontact inlotuiartt74,ot‘g lor rnorc dctailx.


David Graeber llclitcl‘lltgliill RL‘xcttl'L‘lt ('lub. l3 l'ni\cr\it_\ (iardcnx. Kill 4503. 3 7pm. 'l‘hc anarchixt tittlltropologiSl li'oin Yalc l'nncrxit)‘ l;tlk\ abotit his \xork. l‘olloucd by a discuxxion and social cxcning.


Ignite Your Inspiration Mitclicll Librar}. 301 North Str‘cct. 387 390‘). 3pm. l5rcc. (ict _\our crcalix'c iuiccx flowing at llti\ \pccial al‘tcrnoon \mrkxhop l‘or ttxpit‘ing phi} \\t‘ig|tl\. Hooking L‘\\Cttll;ll.

Sunday 28

Activities & Events

May Magic at Mugdock Mugdock ('ountr) l’ark. ('raigallian Road. Milngmic. 95o M00. l 4pm. £3. :\n altcrmmn ol‘ \\ ild tun tor c\plorcr\ )oung and old. \xith RSI’H Scotland and [fast Dunbartonxhirc Rangcr Scnicc. Tea Dances .\1u\cuni oi~ ‘l‘ranxport. chin Hall. I Bunhouxc Road. 387 3b5l. 3 4pm. l"rcc. l’orgct all [how nc\\ langch now. this ix rclincntcntarania. 'l'rip thc light fantastic.


Bark in the Park l’ollok ('ountry l’ark. l’ollokshtms Road. (336 (N30. lilani 5pm. l-‘rcc. Scc picturc caption.


Voodoo St Mungo Mtrxcum ot‘ Rcligious |.il'c and :\r1. 3 ('a\t|c Strcct. 553 3557. 3 4pm. l'nlonunatcl} thc livid loot/rm c\hibitron had to bc canchch at thc last rninutc but tlrcrc'x still a chancc to find out tnorc about thix ol‘tcn llliSlllltiL‘fSltXXi faith at this afternoon Session.

26 THE LIST '35 May—8 June 2006

Monday 29

Activrties & Events

Walk to Carbeth \itrgdock (‘ourttr} l’ark. (‘raigallian Road. .\1r|rtga\rc.‘l5b (SS6. lprn. .\ rarnblc through \koodlatlth. \ictlandx and countr} c\tatc\ \kllil Mugdock‘x Rangcr Scr\ tcc.

Tuesday 30

5| 7: CD

* Modern Chinese Culture (iarncthrll ('orninunrt} (‘cntrc. 3| Roxc Strcct. ‘33 ()705. 7. iilplll, L'l.5ll it'l l. Scc Hllltxl.

Wednesday 31


Big Knit Out! North Star ('alc. lilb' ()trccn Margarct l)ri\c. 57o (ll l3. 7pm. Knitting. tca and cakcx.

Activities & Events

* Guided Walk Around Possil Marsh Poss“ Mat'xlt \Vildlilc Rc\ct'\ c. ()ll' Balrnorc Road. Nr lirxhopbriggx 770 5506. 7.l5pltt. l’rcc. Scc Hillixl.

35 x CD

Cafe Scientifique: Scottish Dinosaurs 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 'l‘rongatc. 553 4367. 7pm. .\'cil (‘lark. curator ol l’alacontolog) at thc lluntcrian Muxcuin. looks at thc c\ idcncc oi' dinosaurx iit

Check out the

on paqet3

Scotland and ponch thc kllk'SilHll ot \shcthcr .\'c\\rc could actuall_\ ha\ c bccn an clcphant.

Tuesday 6

Activities ES Events

Fatal Towers ('rookxtolt ('a\tlc. 'l'ollcroxx l’ark. 35-1b \VcllxhoI Road. SS3 W35 noon l illprn l-rcc. donationx \kclconic. Bring a picnic and \cc il _\ou can \olxc a (LISSIL‘ crirnc at thrx \cricx ol rnurdcr noxtcr) lunchtrntc t‘\t'lll\ in thc grounds ol' thc ca\tlc. Hooking t‘SSt‘lllldl

Thursday 8


Conversation Pieces: Roberta Taylor Rina] ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 Stilt). lpni

£4 {5. Tim aclt'cxx most larltottx lot' bcing Ircnc in Iz'mri-m/r-n and (iina (iold in Ha “I”. \xho bcgan hcr‘ carch on thc boards ol' ( ilaxgim \ ('iti/cnx' 'l‘hcatrc. rcturnx to ( ilasgou to talk abotrt hcr autobiograplo 'Iim .tlrmx Mollie-n.

Ongoing Glasgow

Activities & Events Move-Me'l'hu I Tim l5 Jun. I'rarnua}. 35 .r\|bcr1 l)ri\ c. 0845 xii) .‘i5tll. l'i‘cc. .»\ chancc to dancc along u ith chor‘cogr‘aph) by chorah Ha). Shobana .lc'};i\irtgli and Stcphcn l’ctronio lll lill\ \pccially crcatcd booth.


Architecture in Scotland 2004-2006: Defining Place l'nnl Mon 5 Jun. 'l'hc l.ighthou\c. I l Mitchcll Lanc. 33] (1303. Mon & ch Sat lllfillarrr 5pm; 'l‘uc l lanr 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. An c\hibition ol~ cight rcccnt proicctx to mark the publication of thc third bicnnial rcx'icw ol' architccturc in Scotland.

Babes in Sport l'ntil 'l‘uc 37 Jun. 'l'hc lighthousc. l l Mitchcll l.anc. 33l (r3o3.

\lon .\ “at Sat Ill Wain 5pm. l‘uc llant 5pm. Sun noon 5pm lntagcx c\arntning thc lt‘ldllt‘llSllll‘ bctuccn tcinrninit) and sport i‘tllll photograpth trorn drxcrxc backgroundx iincluding an. laxlnon and prcvl ucrc tnxitcd to portta) thc \xork ot HJHISil LISillrlll dcxigncr .4\nna (ittlttl.lltll. \\ ho icuorkcd traditional \[N‘lilllg‘ outlitx uxing tcchnitiucx \uch ax patclmork. knitting and bcading

Inside Out l'ntil Stilt 4 Jun l‘hc

l ighthouxc. l I .\litcltcll l anc. 33l Mo? Mon .\ \\cd Sat lll illain 5pm. luc llant 5pm. Sun noon 5pm Showcaxc ot \\tlli\ b} cight dcxigncrx troin thc \clxct Houquuc collcctix c. baxcd around thc thcinc ot 'rnxidc out'

The Tartan Army l'nnl \Vcd 1| \ta_\ Scottixh l-ootball \ltrxcurn. llainpdcn l’ar‘k. l Cllk‘li‘} Ilrnc. (\Ih hi i"

lilani 5pm. llani 5pm \ \pccral

\lto\\ caxc on thc \crttablc .lllll) ol Scotthh tootball \upportcrx \xlto lollim our national tcant \xltcrcxcr tltc) go


Books at the Botanics Sat .‘5 Mon 3‘) Kid} (il.i\f.!it\\ Hithllllt‘ (iatth‘llS. 7 i” (ircat \chtcrn Road. ii-l 3133

Want 5pm. .\ popular book niarkct Ill tltc llopkrrk Building

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 37 .\1a_\ .\1an\lic|d I’ark. oll lhunbarton Road. HI USN. lllani 3pm. \Vho nccdx \urwrniarkct toxh \xhcn )iiii‘\c got happ} producc l'rotn happ} placcx 'laxtc thc ilrtlcrcncc.

Queen's Park Farmers' Market Sat i Jun. ()uccn'x Park. 530 langxidc Park. 3S7 737i. lilani 3pm,


Drop in Class for Beginners l'\\'l} 'l‘hu. (iltlxgnu HtltitillISI (‘cnlrc. ‘33 Sauchichall Strcct. ‘33 0534.

Ill..illarn noon. £3 lt'3l. liind otrt inorc about Buddhier at thcw \icckl}

To celebrate 75 years of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, this Special three-mile sponsored walk positively encourages the inclusion of your four-legged friends. It has been

organised in conjunction with Blue Peter so presenter Matt Bark(er) will also be there on the day with Meg the dog. Even if you’re not walking, there's plenty of musical entertainment from Andy Cameron and jazzster Andi

Neate, plus treasure hunts, a bouncy castle and lots of other fun and games.

I Po/lok Country Park, Glasgow. Sun 28 May.