Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.

Thursday 25


Roy Chubby Brown: If Easily Offended Please Stay Away ('l}de .»\udtturttnn. l‘llilllt'Sltlll (Jim). 0870 040 4000, 7 l0ptn. £20. Bltte curried} hunt the une atid unl} Ru} \tun \axe}.

The Thursday Show lhe Stand. 3 *3 \Vuutllalltlx Ruad. 0870 000 ()055.

8 illptn. U) iL'5; U lllL‘llllK‘l'Sl. (‘an't \iait lut‘ the neck tu end Scult ('apurru‘x Sail l‘taticlxcu \ ltt'lul. utie ul (ilaxguu \ llllL‘Sl in (iarr) little. and cute. annahle llllS Batket lllllSl agree. l't‘ed .\lac;\ttla} IS L'ttlllpt'l't‘

Edinburgh Them With Tails 'l’ra\er\c ’l‘llL'illl'L'. (‘atnlutdge Street. 228 1404. 10.45am A; 7pm. Sill} tales and lar-letched ll'l\t)lll} iii a \iutld \xhere _\uur tnmt t'tdtculuux thuughtx cart \pring tu ltle. Agex 5 ll )catx /’ur! u/ Illt' Hunk 0/ .St Ill/(lllll (‘ltt/tlrt'n'x Init'r'mtlrmttt/ Ilit'ttlr't' I't’tlrtttl. Grumpy Old Women Live l'exlnal 'l'heatt'e. l3 2‘) Niculwtl Street. 52‘) (illllll. 7,3(lplll. U750 L'l‘). lltL‘ llll “Bf: shun. cu \tritteti h} Jenn} liclan'. cutnex l0 lllL' \lttgt‘. Big Word Poetry Slam 'l'he Bungu ('ltth. Mura) llttllSt‘. 37 llul}ruud Ruad. 558 7004. 8pm. £4 tUi. .-\ next \llllllllcl' puetr} \latn chatnp ix tu he ct‘uuned lrutn 25 hupelulx. \\hu ha\e tuu lllllllllL'\ tu make a lllttl'lx un the judges and audience. Sign tip lur tlte challenge h} cuntacting .lenn} l.llltl\;l_\ un 07089 508430 ur jenny lindsa} (it gtnailcutn. The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 lurk Place. 558 7272. ‘lpttt. Ur 19.5; [3 lllL‘lllllL‘l'Sl. Jane .\laclta_\ lead\ the charge. in the cutnpan} ul' \ltarp-drexxed tnan Siniun lixanx. deal cutnic Stexe l)a_\ and (‘ultnn .\lcl)unald. Capital Comedy The Arcade Bar. 48 ('uckhurn Street. 220 I207. 9.30pm. £3. Rick Mulland huxtx this henelicient nigltt. “llL‘I'L‘ pttt'l Hi. the ticket price guex in chain}. 'l'\\u lll}\lL‘l'} guextx are prumiwd. The Snatch Social The Liquid Ruuni. ‘lc \'icluria Street. 225 2504. I lpin Rant. 95. (‘unied_\ caperx lruttt llttl‘l') :\in\\\ut'th and 'l'un} (‘arter at thix cheek} caharet- cutn-dncu. Baltex and 'l‘rend} \Vend} llltttltllll) resident) \uppl} hip hup and funk} lllliL‘S. ('heck \llttlc‘llxttclttl.L‘tllti l'ut' inure inlu.

Glasgow Boy Chubby Brown: If Easily Offended Please Stay Away (lxde :\tltlllt)t'lllllt. l’inniextun Qua). 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £20. See Thu 25. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jungleurx. l'(i(' Bttildittg. Renl‘re“ Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. U0. Marti l’elltm lttttkttlikL‘ Micke} lltlllutl ltllllS littlt} laced children's 'l'\' pt‘exenter Dex (Luke and Mike Milligan. \thu‘x cutne all tlte \ta) lt‘tlttt NC“ Cttxllt‘. See 5 RCtISttltS littt‘ Clarke. You Owe Me Glue Blackl‘riarx. 30 Bell Street. 552 5924. 8pm. [3. (“them curried} \ltetch \hu“ h) 'l'utn Brugan attd l-‘raxer ('antphell. Featuring l)a\ie the \Vet‘exxull': l'tiiun Rep and .-\li\un Ma}. The latest in a tnunthl} rexitletic} at Blaclttriarx. The Stand The Stattd. 333 \Vuudlanth Ruad.0870(t00tt055. 8.30pm. £81£7z £5 metnherxl. lluxt l'red .\lac.-\ula} \\;tt‘ttt\ tip lur San Fran ga) man ul‘ lilth Scutt (‘apurtu (iar) Little. llllx Barker ta \tniling asxaxxin ul‘ uhxenatiunl attd .\lr Reg .-\ndet‘.\un.


Them with Tails Tra\er\e Theatre. (‘amhridge Street. 228 1404. l0.l5atn & 3pm. See Thu 25.

The Dorothy Show l'c'xlthtl lllcaltc.

l 5 3‘) \lc‘ttlxttll Silt't'l. 5:” NW“

7 illptn. {In |)uruth} l’attl \Kllll llllalltttlS \hL‘lL'llL‘S uld and tie“ Jongleurs Comedy Club Jungletnx. ()mnt ('entre. (irecnxtde Place. 0870- 870707 8 l5ptn t'l0 (itngetrhatted Sc’ttllhll t_\tu Brtatt lllg'g'llh IS accutnpanted h} experienced cutnpete and teller ul llllllt} anecdutcx Silk}. .unung tilllct'\.

The Stand 'l he Stand. 5 \‘urk Place. 558 7272. ‘iptn £8 «£7. L5 lllc'llllk‘l’w Suxan Mut'ttxun pl.t_\\ ntuthet hen tu pultte \ tdet drinker Snnun l:\an\. deal cuntedtan Slexe Ha}. (‘ultnn .\lcl)unald and tlte gltttet'~encrtt\ted Junathan .\la_\ut


Blackfriars Bumper Value Comedy Blttcltlt'iat‘x. in Bell Street. 552 5024. 8pm. £3. ll'lSllll'dllldli (ieutdte l’atrick .\lunahan IS .\l(' tut tlte Sll'll ttlltllllllIS l)e\ ('lttt'kc'. lace ut .-\hhe.\ Natiunal Ju} (alter and the lu\el_\ Scutt Agnew See 5 Reaxunx lur ('larke

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttllglt'lll‘x. l'(i(‘ Btnldtng. Renlreu Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. L'l ‘. See ll! 20. The Stand lllL' Sittlltl. 5 55 \Vtmtlltttlth Rtmtl. (LS-I'll (till) (>055. 3. ill ‘lplll. 1; I” See l‘ri 2(i. Cosy Comedy Café lhe State But”. I48 llulland Street. 020 028‘). ‘lpnt Ur t£5 i. The ltttpt‘u Bahhle (‘unied_\ l’la}er\ t.-\l\'.t\ Bill} Bunlterx. l‘rancex l|ea|_\. .-\ll\llll lame. ('hrix Bruuntlield attd l'l'lt‘lltlxl \lttm till their ll‘L‘c‘ullt'L‘llllg‘ itnprux talents.


The Dorothy Show l‘cxtnal 'l‘heatre. l5 2‘) .\'icul\un Street. 52‘) 0000. 2.30pm tk 7.30pm. to {In Sec lit 20 Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltillglc‘tlt‘x. ()ntni ('entrc. (ireenxide Place. 08707 870707. 8.l5pin. U2. See Hi 20.

The Stand The Stattd. 5 Yut'k Place. 558 7272. 9pm. U0. See lit 20.


Dylan Moran: Like Totally l’a\ iliun lllL‘illl'L‘. l2l Renlield Slt'L‘L‘l. 552 l84(t. (i.45ptn. U450 U7. Retuuched and ttll‘ltl'IISllCtl. the luuxe-cuttghed cutnedian rettn‘nx tu demand _\uttr attenliun. ()\ er l5x unl}. See pre\ text. Bank Holiday Special The Stand. 33% Wuudlandx Ruad. 0870 (ll )0 (3055. 8.30pm. £8 (Ur). Banish Sunda} night ltltlL‘\ “llll hutnu htttnuttr l'runi Scull ('apurru. haldnexx truth the in-_\er-lace (iat‘) Little. and e\pt'e\\i\e itnprux tnan l’attl l’irie. l-‘t‘ed .\lac.-\ttla_\ rule\ the ruuxt.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 Yurk Place. 558 7272. lpnt. l‘t'ee. lltllllxll that tnurning-alter feeling u ith a duxe ul' tree tl‘urtni laughter l'rutn itnprux \tarx l’aul (irahatn and Stttart \llll‘plt}. Bank Holiday Special The Stand. 5 Yurk Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £8 tun. \Vttxpixh \atnp Bruce l)e\|in intt'uducex Sintun li\an\ attd his \napp} \tat'druhe. Ste\e l)a_\. ('ulutn .\lcl)unald and Phil l)iller un tlte hulida} \teeltend.

Monday 29


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 533 \Vuudlatldx Ruad. 0870 000 (1055. 8.30pm. £4. 'l'eam .\lunl\e_\ thetter knuun a\ Sand} Nelxun. Allen ('halnierx. l’aul l’irie and Ra} ntund \leartixi spice tip a dull \teeknight \\ ith inure \pttlilttllL‘tlllS \ltetchex. llillSlC and gagx.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 Yurlt Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. L‘l. lt'x a true L‘tlllictl} lutter} l'ur neucumerx \lluu ing ul‘l' their best line\. suppurted h} the e\perience ul~ Steve Du} and (‘ulum .\lcl)unald.

SlANi) lli)


Not quite sure what they put in the water down Navan way at the end of the 19605, but for a town whose population is equivalent to a three-quarters full Comedy Store to spawn two future Perrier winners is quite some feat. Pierce Brosnan also hails from those parts, but that's probably another story. Whatever the reason for this Spurting of the comedy genes in County Meath, papas Moran and Tiernan should be warmly thanked. While Tommy Tiernan has continued to plough away at his art with immaculate success especially now that he's decided that the TV world, post-Small Potatoes and The Stand-Up Show, might not be for him after all Dylan Moran has successfully blended exquisite stand-up with a burgeoning acting career.

One of the more disturbing filmic images of recent years was witnessing his fate as the pompous David in Shaun of the Dead, but Moran is more likely to be viewed in his movies or TV appearances as a grumpy, young- ish man rather than brunch for zombies. His last tour, the coincidentally titled Monster, won him rave reviews and increasing audience acclaim. The flights of surreal fancy merged with accounts of how annoying life can be when you’re a parent and dealing with kids acting beyond their years, or the trauma of getting older and not quite understanding the vagaries of hip hop; all of it as infectiously hilarious as it was so very, very true. Now he's back with a national tour dubbed Like, Totally in which he will ramble on amusingly about US imperialism, Catholic faith and the way Germans talk. If all this is what apparent discontentment does for an artist, then let‘s hope he stays grumpy. (Brian Donaldson)

I Pti‘./.’ll()/i lilttnm. (mango... an! .t

Tuesday 30


Red Raw The Stand. .33 \Vuudlandx Road. 08-4) ()llll ()055, 8}”an [3 ML] titemherxl. Special tttght lut' tne\perienced l'ttnn} peuple tu tr} uttl then material. lluxted h} l’aul Pine and ('ulttnt Mttc‘lhttlttltl.


The Stand Improv 'l‘he Stand. 5 Yuri Place. 558 7272.850Ptn.L4t£31£2 lllcllllk'rSl. 'l’he Stand l’la_\er\. Stuart Murph} and Paul (iraharn. ruatn lreel} u\ er tlte platnx ul intprux cutned} in \earch ul' hig laughs.

Wednesday 31


Best OT II'iSh lhe Sltlntl. 5.55 \VtmtlltllltlS Road 0870 “ll” (i055 8,30an {7 (UH. Bejexux and hegurrah. it's inure cutned} itnpum l'rutn the linterald l~le. Ke\ in .\lc.-\leer. Michael Redtnund. ('ultnn .\lac|)unald and Niall Bruune \huu ull their particular gilt ul' the gah.


Best of Scottish llte Stand. ‘3 \uil. l’lacc. 558 7272. 8 lllpttt. t-5 l’attlultc tlut’tlt ul tltc-ltutdet curried} night \kllll l’at'tut. Ken \lc.-\lll\lt‘l. \latl. Bratcltpiece and Paul l’ttte


The Thursday Show 'I lie Stand. “4 \Vuutllandx Road. 0870 (.00 on“ 8.30pm. U) 1L5. U lllL'llll‘CISl Bruce l)e\ltn \tl}\ ‘hall\' to \xutlttng hard un l-rtda) til the cutnpan} ul Kenn .\lc.-\leer\ ttnlettet‘ed itnagntattun. l.t\erpttdltan talent (‘ht'tx ('attnx attd lut'ttter actut l’attl l’ttte.


The Thursday Show 'I lie Stand. Yurk Place. 558 7272. Uptn 1L5; lllL'llil‘t'l‘Sl Juc lleenan IS _\uur litt\l lHl' hit 8111 (ireg l)a\ IL‘S. pup tlupx l)te ('latterxchcnltenlietertnatix. Niall Hrtmllc and l.utt ('hattner'x relaxed \tur}telling. .-\ \nealx preneu ul tlle

v. L'L'hL‘llkl.

5 l3

'.'r:. ", ,.' i; .w '. THE LIST 37