Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Adelante Muchachas I I’( it I I1Hka IIaI/cr. (icrrnany I’IInIiIlIIIax 2004 l (illllllll .-\ IInnIIIiIan xanII PIILII aI Iunphnrxtrng aIIIInIII- ilLI\ ax Ihc IHt'alIlIdkllI}: hacIIIIrnp InI lIaI/I'I'x IIIKIIIncnIaI‘}. \NIIIL'II IUIIIMx Ihc (HIIMIHII nl Iun Iccnagc girlx' Icarnx IInIn nppnxilc xIIch nI Ihc Irat‘kx. \\ ith a xharcd paxxinn lnnIhaII \‘nlrlr I.I/IIr/mIq/I .'II'!\ (I'm/I: [Jim/Hugh

Alien Adventure 30 I140... Int-n SIIaxxcn. Japan. 200! l \Inu- nl Jnhn I‘In) Ic. IInuII l.anncrx i7nnn '\n aIIcn racc Innking InI a planet In cnlnnixc linII earth and nnlanunaII'I} t'IIIL’I a Ihcrnc park \xhcrc Ihc} (illl\t' much arnuxingg Ina_\hcnr I.II.-I.\'

I/II III/r, (i/uwmi.

Ballet Russes I ISA; COO Inamcl (iL‘IIL'l/IXIMIII ( inIIIlinc. I'S. 2005i I ISInIn. x\ IIm'uInI-nlar) cnIanIxIny archiw Inntagc nI the 30th ccntur} IIancc IInnpc IiaIlt'I Rll\\t'\. “Inch cnrnpctcd in the Inlaninnx ‘haIIcI hatIII'x' xcvn Ill prc-\\'\\'|| I.nnIInn. (i/m um: I‘I/In l/II'IIII‘I'. (I/IHQIIII .'

I'I/m/quu, lall/I/mru/I.

The Beat That my Heart Skipped (De Battre Mon Coeur S’est Arrete) I I5) 0... IJacquc AIIIIIarII. lirancc. 2004i Rnrnarn I)Iirix. Nit-Ix .‘\rt'\IfllP. I.lllII- I)aIn I’IiaIn. Iimmanucllc I)c\nx, I0nnnn. (ianptcr anII uannahc planle 'I‘hnrnax IIhII‘Ix) anII hIx II‘icnIIx xpcntl Ihcrr IIa} x and nighlx \ inlcnll} managing: I‘L‘I'Itgcc xquallcd I‘IaIx lnI greed} I’arixian Ilcxclnpcrx hut hix \t't'IL'I iIIIII‘IIIUII ix In Iiccnmc a cnnccrt pianixt. Direclnr AIIIIiarII anII xcrccnu riIcr 'I'nninn Bcnaulurxla'x xu'nnII I'I'aIIirc tngvlhcr (their lier “ax Ihc xupcrh Raul .\I\ lJ/Hl ix a qunning rcrnakc nI‘JaInL'x 'l‘nliack'x I073 xmaII IIII'IIICF I'Inue’n. In npcning up 'I‘nhack'x \xantnnl) Inachixmn InIIic IIICIN In incInIIc man) nI Ihcir l‘a\nIIrItc IIII'InI'x IInixIrcatIncnI nI I‘L'IIIL‘L‘LW. InargInal characlcrx caught In \agucl} IIiIchcnckian IncInIIrainax L‘IL'I IIIC} II;I\ c achIcwII xnincthing \cr) unIixuaI a rcrnakc that IncaxIIrI‘x up In Ihc nriginal. ('umvn, lit/IIII’III'QII.

The Benchwarmers I IZAI O

II)CIIIIIx I)ugan. [8. 200m Rnh Schneider. I)a\ III Spade. Jnn IIt‘tICI'. Jnn I.n\ iI/ 30min. Scc .-\Ixn Rclcaxcd. page 43. (ic'm'ml rI'II'mI'. Brick I IS! 0.. IRian Jnhnxnn. I'S. 3005) Jnxcph (inI‘Ilnn-I.C\ iII. Nnra '/.chctncr. Iimilic IIc Rmin. .\IaII ()' I I0Inin. (icck) Inncr Brendan I(ianInn-I.C\’iII) ix

hax ing a bad week. llix junkie c.\ girll'ricntl ix dead and hix im L-xligalinnx arc leading nImhcrc. ()n hIx inIc. hc hax Ihc Brain It)‘l.car_\ I and rich girl xnphixlicalc In) xIcr) \tnman l.aura I/L‘hctncri. hIII Ihcn hc crnxxCx high xchnnI crimc IanI the Pin Il,ukax Ilaaxi anII hix Inuxclc Tug I.\'nah lilcixxi. (‘nmmcndahlc hut Ilccpl) IIau Cd and nccaxxinnall} cringy IIpIIaIc M the


L'Iaxxit IiIIn nan In a InnIIcrn I \ high xthnnl chIIng; A Inr ctlan. (. Inr cwtulrnn

\(‘II I II I/ II Iran

Capote I ISI .0. IlicnncII \IIIICI.

I S. 2005» Philip Scynnur IInIIInan. (‘thcrrnc chncr. (‘Iillnn (‘nIIInx I Hnnn In I‘IS‘) authnr 'I rIIInan (‘apntc IIIHIIIIIJIII dragged hrx wal tnch Harper I cc le'ccnI-II In rural Ix'anxax In H“ L'xIIgaIc IIIC hIIIIaI IllllltIt‘l\ nt Iarrncr IIt'rI‘ ( ‘IuIIcr. hIx \\ IIL‘ and hIx tun Iccnagc L'IIIItIl't‘II \\ hat InIInucII \\.Ix xaII. xhnckrng; and III Icrrnx nl l S IIIL'IJIIIIL'. ncar rcxnInIInnar} .InII \xnnltl I‘I'xull III Ihc puhhgatrnn nl (‘apnlc‘x nnI} 'nnn Iit'trnn nnx cI' In (in/II Ii/mu/ licaulrlull} [\I'I'InIIncII hut xnrnchnu aIrchx anII \IIIIL'tI IuIcaIInn nI IIlt' cwnlx IIIal \UrrnllnIIL’tI IIIL' t‘IL'aIIIIII HI .I Ill.l\It'l'PICt'C. ll/Hl/IUHH'. lit/III/IHIL'II Chicken Little It»... I.\IarI\ I)inIIaI. IS. 3005) \nII'I-x nI Xanh IIIaII. I’alrick Stcxxart. Jnan ('Iixack. (iar') \Iarxhall. Htlinin I'nllnmng; Ihc IIcth nl hix Innlhcr. (‘hrckcn I.IIIIc I\Itlt't‘(I Ii} XI Ill/N xIar IlraIII xIruggICx In cnnnnunrmtc \\ uh .I hutch lthcr uhn'x 'ncwr Ihcrc InI him'. Ihcn xcnIIx Ihc ln\\n inIn L‘Ilanx aIII'I InIxIIIagnnxmg IhaI Ihc xk} Ix IaIIing. 'I'III' tun hccnrnc Ihc laughing xtnclt In all but a chx cquaII} anraI‘IchI nIIIIhaII lI’II'nIIx, I'axl pact-II. Inn and a IIIIIL' cnrn} but \\ lIIl IIx hcarI In Ihc right placc. .S'I'II'I ml I'i'lt'IIH'. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Senior Screening) II’( it C

I:\nIIrC\\ .-\IIamxnn. I‘S. 2005i (icnrgrc IICIIIC}. \VIIIIaIn .\Inxclc_\. SkanIIar Rum-x. Jana-x Max-Mn}. Ra) \VIannnc. I)a\\n I'rcnch. 'I’iIIIa Smnlnn. I35Inin. IIIIx, Ihc 0er nl xcwn prnpnxcd children IanIax} hlnckhuxtcrx hame nn ('8 LC“ Ix‘ much

In\ C(I allcgnrical nn\ L'I\. ix an ahxnlulc innkcr. anII nnc made all the Innrc unpalatahlc h) Ihc IacI IhaI thc wr) Iinchrixtian grccd nl iIx pInIIuccrx Ix xn IiIIcrl} palpable nwr Itx xccmingl) L'lItIIL'\\ running time. l’rnnl' Ihal grcal I‘INIk‘ can Inakc trill} appalling Iilmx. ()Ilmn .-\1 Ha Qlun. (HUTL’UH', (i/IIwmI‘.

Cinema Dada I ISI I(‘clinc Dulac/IIanx Lichtcr. l‘rancc/(icrman). I03 I ~23) «llnnn. .-\ xclcclinn nI nriginal I)aIIa liIInx \\ ith Inc AIL‘CUIIIPAIIIIlIlClII\. 'I'hnxc l’caIurCII arc Ila SI'III/II'I/ and [/H' (YI'IjQiNIII/I. R/IVI/IIIIIH 3/ and (i/Imlt IiI'lm'I' [Mark/mt. I'I/m/muu'. lit/I'n/nufiu/I.

Cockles & Muscles (Crustaces 8- Coquillages) I IS» 000 IJacqucx MartincaIi/()Iix'icr Ducaxlcl. I-‘rancc. 2005) Valcria Bruni 'I‘CIICxchi. (iilhcrt Mclki. Jcan- Marc Barr. Rnrnain 'I‘nrer. IiIIuanI ('nllin. 03min. Bcatrn I’I‘cdcwhii and Marc IMcIki) gn nn hnIitI;I}' In IIIC Rh icra \\ IIII IIIL‘Ir Iccnagc xnn ('harl} I'I‘nrrL‘xi and their InIIcpcnIIcnI-Inimch IIauinIcr Laura. \\ hn Icaxcx I'nr l’nrtugal \\ iIh hcr hiker hn} l‘ricnII alman nn arri\a|. Bcatrn and Marc lit-gin In “OIILICF ahnnI ('harl} ‘x xcxualit) IIIic In hix hahit nt‘ Iaking Inng walkx alnng the cnaxI

\\ iIh hix IricnII Martin I('n|linI. \L-r} inI} but cnjn} ath (’nIc II'.-\/Iir \L‘\ Iarcc. I'I/m/muu'. lit/Inlnufiuh.

Arguably the greatest Scottish film ever made, Robin Hardy and Anthony Shaffer’s unique,

brilliant and downright unsettling horror/musical about police officer Edward Woodward‘s investigations into the devilish goings on at a remote Scottish island gets a special ‘6/6/6 number of the beast’ screening. Forget the new Omen film go and see this before the imminent US remake comes along and spoils everything.

I GFT. G/asgow (Tue 6 Jun Only)

find my soulmate meet more women have a threesome stop hiding the truth

start a family

1.3» I Lay-

Th i n" "sir I; " BEfOl'e You're30


Ii' I 'I .’.//:i

.1: : I i? ‘I";. SU‘PERSIZE



2? mmrmn


cost of Iow price


1/", Ma, 41 JUN: 27,", THE LIST 45