
Hell (L’Enfer) I l< I ... IUIIIIIx l.IIIII\II. l lIIllLL'Illldl}/Ht'l!llllll Japan. WWI l'lllIIIIIilllL'llL' liI-IIII. KaIIII \ I.IrIl. \larIe (iIllIIIII IIIZIIIIII In lhIx xIIII} lll\Hl\lllf._' IhIee I'xlIIIIII'eIl xIxIeIx. \IIIII- I(iIll.IIIII. Ihe IIIIIIIL'exI. Ix .I xIIIIlenI li.l\lll_‘_' .III IllIIII .IllIIIr \xIIh lII'I [IIIIlexxIII 'lhe I-IIlI-xI. \IIphIe IliI-aIII Ix IIIIII lllLL‘Il her hIIxhaIIIl Ix h.I\ III;_' .III .IllIIII. Ililtl IIIIIlIlle xIxIeI ('I'lIIIe I\'I.IrIlI lIIIx IIII II-IIIIIIIIIthp. heI IInl} II'prle lIIIIII \IIIIIIIIIIIIl} IxIIlaIIIIII lII-Ing: hI'I IIIlI' .Ix IIIII'r lIII IhI' ngle‘ xI'II'II'l} IlIx.IlIleIl IIIIIlhI'I lheII .I )lllllljJ IIIIIII lakex .III IIIleII'xI III her but IlIII'x hIx xIIIlIlI'II IIIIIII'IIIIIIIII' xIIgIJI-xl .I lillljJCHlllllfJ IIIIIIIIIIII- III Ix II lIIIkeIl III .I thIIeIl II.IIIIII.I IIIIIII IhI- \xIIIIIeII'x paxl' “L'IH\\ pal [\x}tlIIIIlI.IlllII LUl‘l‘lk'Il lIIfJI‘lllL'r lIUlll .III IIIIlIIIleII-Il KiexlIqukI xI'I‘IpI


I’m Not Scared I I.‘ \I 00.0

I( iIIhI'IelI' S.Il\.IIIIIex. llIIIII’SpIIIII/l 'K. ZINIZI .'\llilll.l SaIII'he/ (i||Ull. l)IIIII AtheerII. (ilHLL'IH ( "IIII'eI'III. (iIIIxI'ppe (‘I'leIaIIIL \lIIIIIa I)I l’II-IIII_ l)Ie3_'II s\h.ll.lillllnllH lIIHIIIIII l’III‘I IIIIIIIII lllH\lL'. IIaI‘I IIIIIIIIeIIl IhIIIlI'I. llll\ll.lllllllll_‘.1.L‘k'llt' lI’lIIII/I‘ him” [In Him! xI_\ le IIIIIIIIII Ix er III the hIIIIlIII'IIpI IIII.I| xIIIIlh IIl llIII) IlIIIIIIg lhe l.Ile l‘Vllx, l)III'I‘IIII SalxaIIIII'x hIIx lIlIIIeIl \II'I'IIIII :\IIIIII.IIIIlI\ [IIIIIIIIIII‘ IIII\ el .IhIIIIl .I lIII} IIIIxxIIIg: lI'IIIII IIIIIIII‘eIII'I' III e\perIeIII'e \Hlll \llllL'l xIIII IIII'IIIlII'Il lll;llL‘\UlL'll(L', .'\tlil[‘lt‘kl lIII the xI'IeI'II h) x\llllilillllll hIIIIxell. Ihe lIIIII kI'I-IIx IIx IIIIIIII'IIee IIx IIIIIelI III Ihe IlIII‘k .Ix IIx IllIlIK'I‘lll IIIIIIIIgIIIIIxI. lIIIlII l’eIIieeIIIIIex phIIIIIgIaphx IIl Ihe baking: lIIIIleI'IIpI' Ix


Ice Age 2: The Meltdown NJ

0.. I('III'|IIx SIIlIlIInhII. l'S. 200m \IIIeex IIl Ra} RIIIIIIIIIII. .lIIIIII l.eg_'III/IIIIIII. |)eIIIx lI'III‘}. SeIInII \VIllIIIIII SCH“. UIIIIIIII. l‘.ll|U'\.lhlL‘ lIIllIm up III IhI' ('IIIIIIIlIIIII 3WD IIIIIIIIIIII‘Il lI‘IIlIIII‘ III/TI .S'IIIII/I'I'I IInIl .X'I'm/IIIIIII xI‘I'Ihe JIIII \‘IIII pIekx up Ihe \II'IIIIIg IeIIIx \\ IIh IIpIIIIIIh IIx .\lIIIIlI'eIl. Sid and |)ieg_'II lIIeI' IlIeII' higgexl challenge III IlIIIe Ihe eIIIl IIl llIL‘ lL‘C .-\j_‘L‘. (iI'III'I‘II/ I'I‘II'IIII'.

Inside Man I ISI 0... ISpIke Lee. l‘S. 21mm l)eII/I-l \\'IIthIIg_'IIIII. (‘lI\ e ()uen. JIIIlIe l‘U\lCl'. IZVIIIIII. l)II|IIIII RIIxxell

l( )\\L‘lil Ix planning Ihe peI‘leeI I‘IIhheI'}. l)eleen\ e I'I'II/Ier I\\'IIxhiIIg_'IIIIII IIIIIxI xIIIp hiIII .-\IIIl Ihe hIIIIk'x pI'IIpI‘IeIIII‘ hiI'ex lII\I)I‘I‘ \lIIIlI'IIIII' \Vhlle Il'IIxIeI‘I III pI‘IIIeI‘l hix IIIIeII‘xI. Sleek. Inlelhgenl IIIIIl


Ullhlllilllldlcl} IIIIIIle IhrIlleI Ihal IIIIIIex III III) llllL’\[\L‘t'lL‘Il LUHL lllleii UI/I I‘ll. IzI/III/Iu/g/I

It's Not Fair (Non e’guisto) IJAI I,-\lillllL‘ll.l Ile l.IllII. ll.Il}_ ZlMl I \IIIIlIlaleIIa l’IIlIxIIIIII. l).IIIIel l’rIIIlIIIIIII. l IIIIII RIIgIII IHZIIIIII \‘el III .I hIII xIIIIIIIIeI III \IIIIlex. IhIx Ix .I I.Ile IIl hIIIIIlIIIg hem eeII IxxII L'lllldlk'll lIIIIh xI'I'lIIIIg: III L'\LIIIX' IheIr .IggI‘axaIIII}; parenlx l’III'I III (‘IIIeIIIII SIIIl l'IlIIIIIIIIlIIng III th' SIIIIlh IIl llal) II/m/quu‘. [IllIl/"lll'Q/l Journalists (Les Diseurs de Vérité) IISI I KIIrIIII 'lrIIIIlII. \elherlIIIIle. :HHHI SIIl '\lllllL‘kl .-\;:IIIIIIII. \lIIlIIIIIIIIIl lieIIIIIIIIIIh. SIIIIl liIIIkarII "SIIIIII. .-\II .-\lf_'L‘l'l.lll |Ulllli.lll\l Ix IIIyeIl III xeek pIIlIlIeIIl .Ix} lIIIII III the \I‘lllL‘l‘lIIille l’Ill'l Ul l{L'[‘IIrl.I:_‘L' xI‘IIxIIlI I'l/Hl/IUIHI'. [uh/Munch.

The Journey I l::\I COO Ilig} l’IIllapIIIIll). IIIIlIII. llNl-lI SIIlIIIxIIII \' .\IIII. ShI'I'IIIII XII-nun. lll—‘Illlli .‘\ I'elI'hIIIIIIIII III the I'Ighl Ul \kIIIIIL'n III III\ e \xIInIen In [he \\I)l'\l eII‘eIIIIIxIIIIII‘ex IIIIxthle. IhIx Ix Ihe xlIII'} IIl' l\\H gIle xII'IIgglIIIg lU xI.I_\ lUjJL‘lllCl \xhile IheII' “llUlL‘ \H‘llil IIIex III II‘III' IheIII IIPIII'l. Part III |.IIIIIlIIII lexlIIIIII and (LI) l'IlIII l‘L'\li\Ill Ull 'l‘IIIII', (ilmuuu ll/IH llli'Ill/I'. (i/Ilwmi.

Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin I ISI I lulu-Inn l.II//III'eIII/:\IlIeI‘III \'eIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIII. llill}/.'\l}lllillil\lull. ZINIIII ll-lIIIIn. 'l‘he glIIhIIl [III/mm lI’Ie/III “II/I II IIIII’I'IHHIHIIII/ l‘l/nl I'I'Ull'dl IIIIII' .II'I‘i\ ex III SeIIIIIIIIIl \\ IIh IhIx lIIIIlI III pIexenI Ila} AlghIIIIIxIIIII .-\ xIII'geIIII and II neu x I‘III'I‘eprIIIIleIII 'lUlll lIII'I'ex III er up II hIprIIIIl III Ihe “III-IIII'II eIIIIIIII'} lhIII hax hIIIl \\ IIIIexerl IIIIIIIIIIIII peace Iner Ihe pIIxI l\\L'lll} _\eIII‘x. Part III RepIII‘IIIge erIxIIII. I'll/II/IIIIIII'. IiI/III/Iuru/I.

Kebab Connections I ISI l:\lillU Sgllll. (ieI‘IIIIIn). 2004) .\'III'II 'l'xehiI'IIeI'. l)eIIIx .\lIIxehIIIII. (imen KII‘IIe. UIIIIIIII. .-\ )IIIIIIg lilIII IlII‘eelIII‘ erx IIIII [u make Ihe liI'xI (ieI'IIIIIII kunglu epic. hIII liIIle hIIIIxell \IIlL'vll'IIL‘hL'tl \\ hen I'eIIl lile IIIkI'x II IlI‘IIIIIIIIie IIII‘II. .»\ (iIIeIhe IIIxIIIIII pI'eerIIIIIIIIII. (i/uwun' I'I/m 'I'III'IIII'I’. (i/Ilwmi.

* The King I ISI oooo IIIIIIIu Mann. l'S/l'K. 2005) Gael Garcia BerIIIIl. IUSIIIIII. See inlen km and I‘m ie“. page 41. (‘IIII'II'III'II/ lI’I'II/I'I'II Siru'l. (i/IIIQIIII ; ('IIII'II'III'III Iz'IlIIIIIIu'u/I. lahnlnuy/I.

Kirikou and the Sorceress III .0. (Michel ()eelIII.

l'l'illlL‘C/Bclgllllll/l .II\eIIIhIIiII'g_'. ZIKHI AIIIIIIIIeIIe KellerIII. l‘I-Iele Mpeka. KIIIIIhixile Sang“ eni. 'l'heII Sehekn. MIIlIIIIhII ‘KiIl' SIIhIIle. 74min. lapping II\\II_\ lI'IIIII IIIinle hix IIIIIIher'x IIIIIIIII}. KiI‘ikIIII \\'illil\ III gel IIII u IIh lil'e; he'x iIIIpIIIIeIII Mr ii and xII IIIII he pIIpx. liuI era“ ling III the \illL‘l} IIl IIIIIIII'x hI'eIIxI he

It’s that time of year to check out the very best short films made in this

IeIIIIIx lhe IeIIIl‘le II'IIIh \ll lle l‘IIIIheIx .IIIIl IIIIIIle haw been eaten up h} Ihe I'\ II KIIIIIlIII. the \ Illage Ix IlIxIIII.III-Il \xhal are )0“ eIIIII}; III IlII KII‘IkIIII ' l-Ighl heI .IIIIl rexIIII' ewryme. III \Ulll\k' lmel} lIlIle KII'IkIIII gII \‘ll l.IIl ('haIIIIIIIg .IIIIIIIIIIIIIII (‘IIII IIIIII‘I/ I'IIIUII IIII", (i/IIIL'IIII

The League of Gentlemen‘s Apocalypse I IS» 00. IxII-II- liendelaekl K. SIN”! Reece N'lIeIIIxIIIIIh. \lIIIk (Iallxx. XII-\e l’I'IIIheI'IIIII ‘IIIIIIII l-III IheII IlehIII leaIIIIe. Ihe I eague haxe IIIIIIIIeIl eIIIllexx .IllIIxIIIIIx III hIIIIIII IilIII \\ uh .I plIII III IIIIIIIIple lL'IIIIIIL‘\ lI'x .Illll‘llliilh. lI‘IIIIl} erIpIeIl .IIIIl uperll) lIIIIIIIIeI'Il heIueI-II IhIee IlIlleI'eIII \\Ulltl\ l'IIIIIIIIIIIIIlel}. Il'x lllxl llIIl .l\ (Hilxlxlclill) llllln} IIx th' gl‘IIllp‘x hexl \xIIIk (.lllt IIIII/I/ II’I'II/n II \II('('!. (l/(1\L'l’\$

Life Blood (Sangue vivo) I ISI leIlIIIII‘IlII \VInxpeIII'e. lIIIl}. IINIIII l’IIIII /.IIIIh.I. l..IIIIeI'III I’I'IIhII. ('lIIIIIlIII ( iIIIIIng'eII. .'\\lIlUlUl'.llil 'l‘III'eII ‘ISIIIIII 'l‘hIx I'enII‘ex IIII IIIII hIIIIheI'x hI'IIIIghI up .Ix IIIIIlIIIIIIIIII IIIIIxIeIaIIx pla) Ill}: la l’II/Iea IIIIIIhIIIIIIIIe lIIlk IIIIIxIe II'IIIII Ihe xIIIIIh, HH\\C\CI. IheII xII‘IIgglex \\ IIh IlI'Ing IlIIeIIIeII III IlII\ e IheIII .IpIII‘I, l’.II'I IIl ('IIIeIIIII SIIII l-IIIIIIIIIIkIIIg: III lhI‘ Smith III llal}, I'I/nI/IIIIIII'. lJll’l/Hllflll The Little Polar Bear I l ' I 0.0 I'l'lIIlII RIIIhlIIII'lI and PM Ile RII'lII-I'. (ieI‘IIIIIII). ZINHI 73mm l..le Ix II xueel IIIIle PUIIII lII‘III' “llU \IaIIIx III he lI‘Ienle \\ IIh I'\I.'I'}IIIII'. IIIeIIIIlIIIg RIIthe Ihe xeal Alter I‘IIII\ InI'Ing: Ihe IIIheI' heIII'x III qup eIIIIIIg xI'Ile .‘IIIIl lI‘L'Il I‘ll llxll IllxlCIIIl. he Ix lilL'L'd

\\ IIlI II IlIleIIIInII \\ hen Ihe lixh l'llli IIIII and the erle are about III heeIIIIIe lunch .IgIIIII, liIIerl IIII Ihe xIIII‘}hIIIIkx h) llIIIIx l)e lieer. Ihe III‘I'III‘ xelling IIl' IhIx IIIIIIIIIIleIl lilIII eI‘eIIIex II xIIIIIlaI' IIIIIgIeIII IIIIIIIprheI'I- III IhIII Ul I/II' .‘IIUH'INUN. .-\ L'lllL‘ Illlil \lllxll) \lIIl‘} lIII' )IIIIIIg children. prm IIlIIIg II lwa lighl- heIII'IeIl lIIIIghx. l’III'I Ul \VeIIIIx' \VIII'lIl. I’I/nI/IIIIIII'. Ill/lIl/IIII'L'II,

Madagascar I l ' I .0. Mine Darnell Ik 'l‘IIIII .\le(IrIIIh. l'S. ZIIUSI lien SIIller. ('hI‘Ix Ruck. l)II\ III Sclm iIIIIIIeI'. JIIIlII l’IIIkeII SIIIIlh. XIIIIIIII. .UIIIIIIQIIII IIr IIpenx \Hlll xleIIlI—IIIxIIIg lIIIII :\le\ eIIIII} Ill}: hIx pIIIIIpeI‘eIl e\IxIenee In Ne“ YIII'lI'x (‘eIIII’al XIIII. llIx lI'ieIIle. Marl} Ihe xehrII IRIIek l. (ilIII‘III Ihe hippII ISIIIIIhI IIIIIl .\1e|IIIIIII lhe h} pIIehIIIIIlI'iIIe giralle ISelm IIIIIIIeI I Ilixem er IhIIl Ihe crIIl'I} peIIgIIiIIx are planning II hreIIlIIIIII. IIIIIl er I)” lIII’ .-\l'I'IeII III I'L‘-\.‘UllIlL'L‘l \\ ilh Iheir iIIIIeI' IIIIiIIIIle. BIII IIIIeI'IIeIiIIII \\ iIh II Irihe IIl' leIIIIIrx lIllUH erx Ihe hIIIeI' Irulh IIhIIIII ,-\le\'x I‘III‘IIIIIII'IIIIx IIIIIIII‘e. 'l‘hIIrIIIIghl} eIIiIIthle. hlaekl} L‘UIIIIL‘ l)I‘eIIIII\\'III‘kx IIIIiIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIxIeIIl. (‘IIII'II'III'II/ I’III‘UII'IIII. (i/IIII'IIII': ('IIII'II'III'II/ Iz'I/IIIIIIIII'II. Iz'III/I/mrgh.


beautiful country in the last year. Ten films including Asaf Agranat’s Bus Ride and Flowers in Her Hair (pictured), Amy Neil’s Ma Boy, Joseph Feltus’ Solo Duets and Peter Mackie Burns' Run, will be judged by an exclusive panel of film industry jurors. If you really want to know what's going on in Scottish cinema there’s no better place. Best of all tickets are free and available at the box office for collection from 11am on the day of awards, but get there early because these babies go like hot cakes. I Cameo. Edinburgh from 2pm on Sun 4 Jun on/y.

48 THE LIST 35 Max ~8 JIIIIO 2008

The Magician I ISI 0. Ix‘I-IIII Ryan. '\il\ll.lll.l. SHIN» SI'IIII Run. lien “alkeI. \lIl\\lllllll.lllI‘ \IIIlIIghelIII. l\.IIII‘ \laxIIII XIIIIIII l‘hIx IIIIKkIIIIII‘IIIaI) IIhIIIII \lellIIIIII'ne l‘.i\k'\l hIIIIIaII Ra) \lIIII‘xIIIIIlI IpIII}I‘Il h} \xIIIeI IlIIeI'IIII RIIIIII. \IlIII'x xIIppIIerll} filmed at \xIIIk h} hIx l'lllI‘lX'IIll III-IgthIIII .IIIIl llllll xIIIIleIII \lII\

I -\IIIlII;_'heIIIII. Ix .I hlaIIInI ll" IIII Hi IN» MI lwlIeI lllllix Ihe W": llI'lgIan \k'lIIIl kIllI'I llltk'hilik‘ ‘,‘1’:l"l"\l)"k'tll1\i[')“ 1W“) :\IIxxIe lIIIII‘Ie ( "hwy/II I llII‘Ie'x IIII IIIIIgII' here l’.II'I III Ihe l IIIIIlIIII \IIxII.IlI.III l IlIII l'exlI\.Il IIII lIIIII II/nI/IIIIIII. IIIIII/IIIII'II Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D Il'IOO I.\I.IIk (’Imen. l S. IINISI IIIIII |l.IIIlIx III.III.IIIII I. liI'IIIIIl} lilackleIlge. (BIII'IIxIIII Ht‘l\lll\'l}lt'l. .-\IIIlIe\\ llIIxIIIaIIII. -\.IIIIII \\ lIIlI' ~1'lllllll l'IIIII Hankx nIIIIIIIex IhIx hIIIIIagI' III [he I: lllL'll \IhII \xalkeIl IIII IhI- IIIIIIIII lII-IIII-en WIN .IIIIl I‘VE 'l hIx xpeeIIIeIIIIII IlIIeIIIIIenIaI') IC'L‘IIIIL'h IhI' l.lll\llll}_‘\ III .III IIII'IlIeIII‘IIIgl} IlIIIIIIaIII IIIthIIII III l.\' I/lI'IllII.(i/I1\QIIII

Make a World of Difference lll‘\'l l‘l'L't' L'\k'lll lL'IIlllIlilL' \tlL'L‘lllllgx Hl lht‘ (‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Senice \IIlIIIIII'I-Ix' I'IlIIIx. \lIILI' II Hur/I/ III MINI II III I' and liI/IIIIII'I I liIIIIIIII RepIexI'nlaInex lIIIIII hIIIlI IIIgIIIIIxaIIIIIIx \\ Ill he lheIe III IlIxI‘IIxx lheII \IIIIlI. .IIIIIIIIg; me

II me and canapex I'l/IH/II’HHI I I/III/IIII u/l Midnight Cowboy (Double bill with my Own Private Idaho) I 1M 0.0.. (John SI'lIlI'xIIIgI'I'. [8. WW“ .lIIII \Iughr l)IleIII llIIllIIIaII. BlL‘llilII \LIeI‘aIII. SIII I.I Milex ll ‘IIIIIII.\‘III3_'hI ItheIlIIII \IIIII-Il 'l‘e\.III gI-IIIIIIJ h} III the Big; Apple h} .lt'lllljJ IIx II ngIIIII lIII' lhe Ileh l.IIhex M New \IIlk. \\‘lillC llIIllIIIIIII Ix Ihe IIIheIeIIIaI I'IIIIIIIIIII he helI'IeIIle .IIIIl helpx IhrIIIIgh lhe I'IIlIl \\ llllt‘l III Ille erIIIIIIII hIIIlIl} IIIII\ Ie. \IhII‘h helpeIl hIIIh [II‘IIIIIgIIIIIxIx III IIIII|UI \IIIIIlHlll III Ihe earl} l‘l7llx. xel SI‘lIlI'xIIIgI'I IIll IIII .III InleI‘IIIIIIenIl) xIII‘I‘exxlIIl career and IIII‘IheI thlIeIl Ihe eI'IIxIIIthp paI‘IIIIIelI'Ix Hl IIIIIIanI'eIIIII :\lllL‘Ilt';lll llllll (i/IIIIIIIII II/m I‘lu‘uln', (i/Ilwun.

M:I:3: Mission Impossible III I l:.'\i 0. I1] :\hI‘IIIIIx. l'S. ZINIIII 'lIIIII ('I‘ulxe. VIII; RlIIIIIIex. Keri Rnxxell. IZSIIIIII 'l‘hII‘Il IIIIIe IIIII lIII‘ xpeI‘IIIl ayenl l2IhIIII llIIIII I('I‘uier IIIIIl lhIx ll'illlL'llht' Ix Ieall} beginning: III lIIxe IIx IIIxII'e The end pIIlIIIeIIl/IIhlIIIIIe xIIIr} lIne I‘IIIII'I'I'IIx llIIIIl'x IleIIhIng \\ IIh II IIIle_\ IIheI .II'IIIx IleIIleI' IllIIl'lIIIIIn I. 'l‘II‘exIIIIIe IIIIIl llllllllt‘lt'NllllfJ. (iI'IlI'I'II/ I‘I'II‘IMI'.

My Brother in Law (Mio Cognato) Il2.-\I I.-\|exxIIIIIlI'II l’IxII. llIIl}. Zlill ii Sergio RIIhInI. l.IIIgI l.II ('IIerII ‘Nhlllll. ()xIeIIthl} II eriIIIe eIIIIII-Il} hIIIlIl} lliU\ Ie. Ihe lllII\ Ie lIIllIm x the hIIrgeIIIIIIIg lI'IeIIlehIp Ul unlikel) pIle \'IIII IIIIIl 'l'IIIII IIx IIIIe leIIle the other IIxII'II} IIIIII Ihe IIIIIlI-I'IIIIIIIl III (III Ihell. Ax they xearch III I‘ecm Cl \‘IIII‘x ear lhe) leIII'II lhIIl (he) are IIIIIIeIl h} IIIIII'e lhIIII IIle IIIIIrrIIIge IIlIIIIg Ihe \III}, l’IIn IIl(‘IIIeIIIII SIIIl: l‘ilIIIIIIIIlIIIIg: III Ihe SIIIIIh IIl IIIII}. (iluwmI I‘llm 'I'III'IIII‘I'. (i/IIII'IIII. I'il'lnI/Inlm'. IiI/IIIIIIIII'II

* My Own Private Idaho I l3) 0... 1(iIIx Van SIIIII. l'S. l‘Nl l Rn er l’hIIeIIix. KeIIIIII Reexex. \\'Il|IIIIII RIeherI. 105mm. SliilkL‘NIX‘ili'L"\ III'IIH ll'l’IIrII / and 2 are gix en II \lCill}. eIIIIIeIIIpIIrIII') III. N in Van SIIIII'x lIIllIm -IIp III Ihe IIIlIIIIrIIhle “ragimn' ('IIII/Im III creale II I'IIIIIIK'IIIIIIJ. IIliIIx}IiL‘rIIllL‘. lell llcld gem (i/uwmi I'l/m 'I'III'IIIrI'. (Hawaii; I'I/mliuuu'. lu/Inhurgli. The Omen 1 ISI (JIIhn Mimic. [8. 3000) [am Sehreiher. Julia Slilex. Mia l'IIrrIm. SeIIInux Davey-l‘Il/palrIelI IheIIIIII. See Big Picture. page I I. Re\ Ievxed neIII Ixxue. (/I'III'I‘II/ I‘c'le'uu'.

Once in a Lifetime I ISI 00.. Il’aul (‘rIIvIIler/JIIhII [)Imer. l'S. DIXISI 92mm. The ill-fated New York (‘IIxIIIIIx \IIIx II IeaIII xel up III hrlng lhe heauIIlul game. or xIIeeer III the ['5 III the NW)» The ('IIxIIIIIx were the brainchild IIl Warner prexIdenl Slexe RIIxx. uhII heliex ed that h} gelling the higgext IIaIIIex in “()rld lIIIIIhIIll IIIIIxI IIIIIahl). Pele and Frank Beekenhauer. he could C(iliVlnL‘C AIIIerieanx III l()\'C Ihe plaIIeI‘x IIIIIxI pIIpulIIr prIn. Malt l)IllIIII'x IIIIrraIiIIn dexcrihex how the plan IIlIIIIIxI worked. A l‘axeinaling tale IIl' greed gIIne wrong. ('IIII'IIIIrIII RI'IIfn'II Street. Glasgow; ( 'umu). Edinburgh.