()1 il l l‘? r ZlNl Mil LONDON LESBIAN AND GAY FILM FESTIVAL ON TOUR GFT, Glasgow from Sun 4 Jun and Filmhouse, Edinburgh from Wed 19 Jul.

It feels like only yesterday that critic 8 Ruby Rich coined the phrase ‘the New Queer Cinema‘ in her attempts to quantify the seemingly simultaneous appearance of films dealing openly and aggressively with queer culture. This year the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival celebrates its 20th year, having brought many highs, from Haynes‘ Poison to Araki’s Mysterious Skin.

This year’s programme is full of promise, with Don The Opposite of Sex Roos‘ new film Happy Endings positioned as the glistening centrepiece. As one would expect from this writer/director, it’s a multiple-story, blackly comic, jaundiced look at family, sex and tragedy starring Maggie Gyllenhaal, Lisa Kudrow and Steve Coogan (at his campest). Possibly the festival‘s highlight is Whole New Thing, a dramatic gem about hippie parents, gay recidivism and the betrayal of teacher/pupil confidences.

The most intriguing film is Ligy J Pullappally's bewitching and hateful debut The Journey, an Indian feature about one woman’s surrender to her lesbian desires in modern day Delhi. Also of note is Stewart Main’s Guy Madden-esque coming of age film 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous, based on Graeme Aitken‘s excellent eponymous book, and Cassandra Nicolaou’s refreshingly demented orgy chase thriller Show Me.

On a slightly more worthy note is German filmmaker Angelina Maccarone’s Unveiled, the dramatic story of an Iranian lesbian who lives life as a man to escape repatriation. Documentary Feline Masquerade charts the history of lesbian visibility, and there are two short film showcases, Girls' Summer Shorts and Boys’ Summer Shorts. (Paul Dale)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gay@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


I I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing (ilaxgou \Voinen'x l.ihi‘ai‘). lll‘l ‘l'rongate. 553 S345. 0.30pm. l‘ree.

Mo\ ie night loi‘ “omen. Scatterhi‘ained. ‘orgaiiixationall§ iinpaired' l’oll) hecomex \milten \\ ith her emplo_\ er. the heautilul and charixmatic art galler} curator (iahi'ielle.

I Pakeezah (ilaxgou \Voinen\ l.ihrar_\. ltl‘l 'l‘rongate. 553 S545. opin. l5ree. l‘Vl Indian claxxic \tarring Meena Kumari. \;ii‘gt\ i~ courted h} a prince. htit ix rejected h} hix lamil}. She dies ol' \orroxt. lea\ ing her daughter to art uncertain late. l’art ol~ ('lrrtmei' I’opr‘orir. a \ltUI‘I \L‘t’ic\ ol Bull) \xood lilllh.

58 THE LIST Mas 77:4 Jane 30.45


I The Glesgay Ceilidh LGBT Birthday Bash Saint :\ndre\\ \ iii the Square. I St .-\ndre\\ '\ Square. 553 3mm. ".Rtlpm midnight. U5 t£l3i. ('elehr‘ator} lundraixer lor the Strathchdc (ia) and l.e\hian

S“ itclthoard rill )eai‘x oldi and the

l.( illl (‘Cllllt‘ 1 ll) _\L‘;li‘\ Ultll. \\ illl lllL‘ Macappella ceilitlh hand.

I Utter Gutter Rherxide ('luh. 33 MA Street. 348 .iIJJ. Midnight 3am. to L‘S. ('ock-pop. homo-electro. dirt} houxe. demon dixco. punk treat\ and tech heatx courtex} ol~ Madame S and lluxhpupp}. ()pen to all \\ ith a health} attitude.


I Blaze ligo. l—l l’icard} Place. 4".\' "434. l lpm Sam. 9.5. D] Jamex Longuorth ignite\ the ga) \teekend mm a chart and lunk} houxe soundtrack. (iet _\our\ell' primped and preened lor the lidinhurgh heat ol Mr (la) l'K (June - l.


I Burly Too \ldl'lllt‘lS. 4” ('omiiieicial Street. I eith. 555 5h33 ltl illpin iarii L" LS lhe ga_\ and hi men\ cluh thatK dexigned to he cllll\_\ \iilt' the tllL'\\ ciltlt' tlL‘llllll. \[Nill\. mdtixtiial. tinilorin Ma} \eex a conxtiuction theme gix e _\oui liaid hat a [‘tllISll

I Fever l'.f._'tl. l~l l’lcdltl} l’lacc. ~l~.\' "J H llpiii \im thl 1L3 lllt‘llll‘t‘l\l laxte lll.llll\l.l_\\ l‘ISlIL'l tk Price and Martin Valentine are on the main llooi. \xhile the \ixitoi and Kaupuxx take an aii}thing goe\ attitude into the (‘octeau lounge.

Sunday 28


I Booty Medina. 45 4” lothiaii Street. 335 (til i. ltlpm iam. U helore midnight; H alter. More ol a Stinda} \ocial than a lull oii glam allaii. \\llll l).l l)ale l.ll\ll. Siiiiinone lllack and occasional :Jtlt‘Sl \upaxtax inning tip Rtkll. hip hop. soul and lunk

I Tackno lago. H l’icar'd} l’lace. -l”.\' 7434. llpm 3am. £7 (L5 members and the appropriatel} drexxedi. l’ack the cream linen \tlll\. inxect \pra} aitd htiiiliitg rillex. ax 'l‘rend} Weird} and her kitxcli cla\\ic\ go on \alal'l.

I Taste 'l'he liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 335 350-1. llpiit 3am. t5 helore ll.5llptll'. [S alter tto memhei‘xi. lixher & l’rice \uppl} a [ii'rigi‘t'\\i\c- mr\ ol lltllISL' arid garage in the main rooiit \xhile Martin Valentine \\o\\\ \xitli ltlllk) l'S lltitISL‘ gemx through the hack.

Monday 29


I Passionality ('uhe. 34 Queen Street. 33o SW)”. |l.3llpm 3am. L3 L5. l’leming chartixti'} lrom l).l Shaun Rtllk'l'IS. l'L‘StISL‘lltlllllgj the \teekeiid tor the gzi}/irti\ed croxx d.

Tuesday 30


I FUN (.lll‘L'. 54 Queen Street. 336 SW)”. ll.3llpm 5am. L5 tL'3i. I)J Sha/xa llalliu ell mi\e\ older claxxicx and ltm tunex Rt‘tlllt‘xlx \telcome.


I Vibe ligo. l4 l’icard} Place. 478 743-1. llpiii 3am. £4. (Ea) night \tith .lamex l.oitg\\orth oil the deck\. [llth the Dancing Stud Mullinx. the Singing llair) Bloke and the Miming .\'tm. l)on't \a) we didn't earn )a.

Wednesday 31


I Allure lhe ltmnel. SJ Mitchell Street, 3m iiioti. llNiprn 3am. U. llapp}. cheex} pop lrom l).l Darren and the ginx heltind l);i\\ititlttlll}.


I Burly lllL' .-\rche\. 5t) \litlltilltl Street, tlS7tl 34(l 753S. ltlfitlpm 3am. L'ltl ttSi. l'i'iendl} masculine cltih lor ga} and hi-men 35+. Leather. induxlrial. ltlL‘leII'thS encouraged. \lthlc lrom lli lii Sean and Rayno.

Edinburgh I Blaze ligo. l4 l’icar‘d} Place. 473 743-1. llpm 3am. £5. See l'ri 3o.


I T-Shirt Making Workshop (ila\go\\ \Vornen‘x l.ihrar_\. lll‘) 'l‘rongate. 553 8345. l 4pm. l-‘ree. ()ppoitunit} to create a celehrator} t- xhin helore the Lesbian Archit e goes into storage. Booking C\\Clllltill lunch prm ided.


I Luvely lhe l iquid Room. "c \ ictoi'ia Street. 335 35h-1 lll ztlpm 1am 113

It lll lllt'llll‘chl '\ \atic} \oiiee ol ltill on. dining houxe muxic. \\llll lt‘\ltlt‘lll\ lomm} Ka}. llean \e\\ton. (iiuin Stone and Jon l tl\\.ll\l\

I Velvet \ldllllt‘lx ~ttl (‘oiiiineicial Street. I eith. 555 5h33 ltlpm 3am Ur. L-l helore lll illpm rL'5i \\omen\ night loi ga_\ girliex and their \pecialh in\ited ho} liiendx. leattiiing a next llltl\lc poqu that \panx the geniex


I Taste lhe l iquid Room. ‘lc \ ictoiia Street. 335 35o»l llpm iam t5 helore ll illpin. LES alter ith lllt‘llll‘t'Hl See Sun 3.\'

Monday 5


I Passionalityt‘rrlre. 1.1 Queen Street. 33ttS‘l‘lll ll illpiii 5am (3 1‘ See Mon 3‘)


I Eurostar Mood. ()irmi. (iiceimde l’lace. 55H lit-ll) ltlpin iam l'lt‘t' helore midnight. t3 alter lLl meiiiheixi lhe hext Ill chem}. camp litiro pop and chart. li'om tlte Sllx to tlte [ll't‘St‘lll

Tuesday 6

Glasgow I FUN ('uhe. *4 Queen Street. 33o S‘l‘ltl ll..illpiit iam U it'3i See 'ltie ill

Edinburgh I Vibe lago. l-l l’icaid} l’lace. VS 7434. llpiii iam. [-1. See lire it).

Wednesday 7


I Oisko Bloodbath lago. l-l l’icaid_\ l’lace. ~l7S 71 H. ltl. ttlprn iam t i. .*\ll eclectic llll\ ol electi'o. indie. ptiiik and rock lor thoxe \xho are \cr'eammg otit loi \omethiiig drlleient oit the ga} \ccne,

Thursday 8 Edinburgh

I Fur Burger lago. l~l l’icai'd} l’lace. ~l7S 743-1. llprn 3am. U. Night loi girl\ who like gir'lx. dirt} iokex. innuendo and an met—eclectic llltISlt' policy. Bop. _\oti need a lemale excort loi enlr}.

Scene & Exhibitions

Q Q) (/3 LO Q E

I Bennets Noam (ilaxxloi‘d Street. 552 57(il. Wed 'l'hu tk Stiii llillpm iam. l-ri Sat l|._illpiii Villain, l'riendl}. tltl\\ll to earth lateemght disco \cnuc recentl} relurhixhed and rixing l'rom the axhex alter a major tire.

I The Polo Lounge at \Vrlxon Street. 553 l33l. Mon 'l'hti 5pm lam. l'l'l Sun 5pm 3am. Slitlt'lttlh. \uaiik}. f3:l}/llll\L'tl Merclranl (‘it_\ cltih. \Hlll \e\eral room\ and a do“ iixtaii‘x dancellooi‘ open at the \xeekend 1L5 alter llpiiii.


I CC Blooms ('(‘ llltNHllS. 33 34 (ii‘eenxide l’lace. 55ft 933 . Mon. l‘l'l Sat (rpm 3am; Suit. 'l'ue lhti Spin 3am. lhe L‘;t\l ctitixl \cene queen ptllilp\ tiul dance and cheexe delights e\er} night.

I Mist 3(ili l)uhliri Street. 5 ‘slx' 7775. Mon lllll noon lam; l-ri Sat

iroon 3am; Stiii l3.3llpm lam. l'ormerl} the \eutouri liar. and mm reopened alter a \t) le rexamp. 'l'xttxt lL'ttlllrL'x a disco har dov. llSltllh eter} weekend.

I Rainbow City (in Art ('enire. 2 Market Street. 53‘) 3993. l'ntil Jul} (i; Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. ('ollection ol memorabilia lrom the Remember When archixe. which ltiokx at hott the capital's l.(iB'l‘ lites hate changed between the lhth and 3lxt centuries.