Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


Activates And Fun

Saturday Art Club Sat 2" Ma} .k Sat 1 Jun. lltain lpiii l'lL'L' (iallct‘) ot \lodcrn Art. Ro}a| l:\ch.ingc Squaic. 33‘) WW) I'un art acti\itic\ toi cliildicii agcd 3 I” rclating to art on nihpla} u itli diamng. collagc. \ciilptuic iiialxiiig and j_'.tltlt'\ l’ttlt'HIS can gct \tuck in too

Sunday Craft Club Sun 3H \la} tk Sun -1 Jun. llain lpiii l'icc (ilaxgou .\luwuinx Rc~mucc (‘cntitz 3th \Voodlicad Road. \itxhill. 3"!» 0V5. l)iop iii ciatt cluh \Hlll a diltcrcnl thciiic cach \icck :\j._'c\ 5 l3.

Alice Through the Looking Glass l'ntil Sat 3” Scp. lltaiii (ipiii. (ilaxgou SL‘IL‘IIL‘L' ( .L'llllL'. .5“ l’acilic ()lta}. 43” 5mm l:\p|orc all thc cool trick\ that )oiii' mind can pla} on _\ou. throuin lotx ol hrain hcnding intciacti\ c acti\ tllL‘S.

Professor Bedlam’s Potion Show l‘l't 2o Mon 3‘) .\la}. noon. 3pm ck -lpiii. l'icc \Hllt Scicncc .\lall cntr). (ilaxgou Scicncc (‘cntrci Scicncc Shou l'hcati'c. 5H l’acitic ()ua}. ~12tl5tlltl, 'llic magical and iii)\tci‘iou\ \oiccrci gi\c\ a \pccial Hank Holida} Slit)“ cianinicd \\Illl llaxlicx and c\plo\ion\l

Art Workshop l'l'l 2t» 2‘) Ha}.

I Iain lpiii it 3 -i|tltl.:\l\ti3.lttt13 inn. l‘rcc. Hurrcll ('ollcction. Illtill l’ollokxhaux Road. 237 2550, Nurturc thcir crcatix c talcntx at onc ol thc liui‘i‘cll'x rcgular drop in \Htl'hSllUPS. inxpii'cd h} thc gallcr} \ curi‘cnt c\hihition\.

Grub’n’Grog Galore! Sat 27 Mon 2‘) .\la}. noon 3pm. {-1.05 1(3.5(l £375), 'l'hc Tall Ship at (ilaxgou Harhoui'. lltll Stohci‘osx Road. 333 35 l 3. 'lakc )out' placc at (‘aptain Scall} \xag'x tahlc and liiid out “hat a piratc cats tor hrcaktaxt. thcn tr} _\oui hand at raixing thc llag. \ci'uhhing thc dcckx and lighting “tilt thc 'lall Ship l’iratcx.

It’s a Gas! Sat tk Sun until 25 .lun. 3pm tk ~lplll. lncludcd in tttlltll\\ttttt. (ilaxgou SL‘iL‘ttL‘L‘ (‘L'tttt'cfi .5“ Pacific ()tltt}. 4le 50M). liwr \xondci‘cd \\ hat inakcx li/l} tll'lllhx tin} or “hat happcnx it _\ou put _\out' hand in l‘rcc/ing nitrogcn'.’ liind out at lllt\ L‘\plo\i\c li\c \cicncc \lto“.

Toy Cars Sat .3 Jun. lit) 3.30pm. l-rcc. Mltxcuin ol'l‘ranxport. Kchin Hall. I liunhouw Road. 2S7 2(i5 I. (ii\c )Httl' kidx thcir tirxt di‘ii mg lL‘\\ttll in onc ot' thc niuxcuni'x to} pcdal carx. .-\gc\ 5 8. Sunday Morning Family Club Sun 4 x Jun. ltl.3llani noon. £5 tadultx t'i'cci. l’ollok Houw. :llhll l’ollokxhaux Road. (ilti (i-lltl. lzducatioiial t'im tor childrcn agcd 5 l l and thcir lainilicx. 'l'hix \xcck. makc a \\liirling “llltlllllll and Icarn him to tcll thc tinic “lilttttll a watch. Booking rcquircd.

Crookston 600 Sun J Jun. llain 3pm, l-‘rcc. ('t‘ookxlon (‘axllcfi 'liillct'ow l’at'lx. 35-lh \Vcllxliot Road. 763 l.\'(i3. lianiil} gala da) cclchi‘ating thc (itltlth anni\ci\ar) ol thc Stwartx‘ caxtlc. tcatui‘ing magic. :\t'i'ican drumming. \tor}tclling. inc-dich cooking. ganicx and \hicldinaking \xorkxhopx. \

Flat Tyre Printmaking Sun J Jun.

noon 3pm. l-‘i‘cc. .\llht‘tlltt ot 'l‘raiixport. Kchin Hall. I Bunhouxc Road. 38" I‘ll). (ict art} and inakc \onic inagnit'iccnt printx using thc inuwuiii'x pi‘cxx. .-\gc\ 5+.

Theatre & Dance

The Puzzle Hi 30 N Sat 37 .\la}. 4.3ttpin (Sat matincc at l.3tlpini. £3 (£1 l t'aniil} tickcti. (icott~ Shim (‘oinniunit_\ (‘cntrcn 35 Kcri) lamonl .-\\cnuc. 'l'or}glcn. 35" 5tttttt. (iiant l’rixluctionx prcxcnt a nc“ intcractixc SllU“ l'or ktdx agcd 5 3. Booking rcconmicndcd.

Scribble luv 30 .\la). lll_3(l;tltl &

l.3t)pin. Pt‘iL‘CS \ai'}. 'l‘hc Baiiihur}. (i7 Yatc Strcct. (‘ainlachicx 287 98-13. Scc Bank ot Scotland (‘hildrcn'x Intcmational 'l‘licatrc li‘xtiutl.

A Cloud’s Journey ltlL' *H \l.l_\. lp L5 it 3: lioii lll'c‘ttlik'. (13 lioiigatc. 55 43h" Scc Hanl. ot Scotland ( "liildiciak lntcinatioiial lhcatic l c'\lt\.tl Yum and Yuk Sat 3Jiiii. Ipiii A 1.1 So iL—li \u‘lihl‘i \lad. .iiid l’iippct (-c'ttltk'. \ l'l\.tllk‘\ \\ L'tlttt'. lSL‘lHtttlal'c'. 34" (ilh5 Sokohaiino lllc'alt'c' picxciit lltc' lit[t\_\ tun} talc ot two Scattlc l'ttl1.tlt\ llic \ccond \liou ot tlic da} \i. ill hc pcitoiiiicd in l'icnch

Monkey \\cd " Sat llt .hiii. 5 3Hpiiii \lxo inatiiicc 'lliu .\ Sat l 3ltpini L" «Ht. :35 taiiiil} ltattma}. 35 \lhci‘t ltiixc. H\~15 33” 35ltl Scc Hank ot Scotland ( 'liildicn\ liitciiiatioiial I'hcatic l‘k'SllMtl


Fimbles Storytime Sat 3 .ltttt. Spin l'icc Hottlch Hoolw. loll l\'cl.ill l’ath. 3"“ l’i’o\.in “alk. ""3 I‘tllt \ \pccial l'lltll‘lL'\ thcincd \lHlHtltlt'. \‘-lllt \toiic\. jJ.tlltL'\ and llL'ixL‘h [H \L'c‘ llk' l'lllll‘lk'\ .tl lllk' lltL‘allt‘ Ro).i| Iatci in thc month to hc \ioii


Activities And Fun

Monster Creepy Crawlies t 'iiiil \‘iiii ZS .\la}. lliu Sat Iltaiii 5pm. Sun

noon 5piii. L5 i‘;3 Hi; taiiiil_\ tickct Ll5 l<tt};tl .\ltt\L'llltl. 3 (‘hainhch Sticct.3~15 43W. 'lakc .i largci than litc look at thc \HtttdL‘tlttl \\otltl Hi \\ L'L‘ lk'.t\llc\ Art-tastic! Sun -1 Jun. noon ~lpiii l'icc Ro)al Botanic (iaidcn. l:\hihiiion Hall. linci'lcithRo\\.553515l.(ict\tuckinto lotx ol cm ironincntall} thcincd ail} acti\itic\. l)rop»in c\cnt loi' all agcx Drama Group lhu 35 .\la_\. lliu l t\' l'liu -\' .lun. -l.3ll (rpm. [-1 it: £2.5lli. \ttt'llt ladinhui‘gh .'\l'i\ (‘cnti'tn |5a l’cninucll (‘ourt. 3l5 2|5l. (ict on \tagc and c\ploic lltc‘ L‘\L‘lltttf_‘ \Uil'ld ttl lltcalt't‘. .-\_L‘L'\ llla’ Doodles and Tales Sun 2.\' .\la}. 3 -tpiii l'it‘cc. National (ial|ci"\ ol Scotland. 'l‘hc .\lound. til-l (iltltl, .loin \tot'Hcllcr .liid_\ l’;itci\oii and ttt'lt\l Juliana ('apcx tor lotx ot tun ttL‘ll\lltL'\. hi'inging iiiodci'n paintiiigx and \culpturcx to lilc. .\gc\ 5 ‘l.

Bits and Bobs: Father’s Day Card Making Sat 3 Jun. ll3ltani 3pm. £5, Ititx & Holtx Scrap Stoic. l’nit l5 .\m l.aird\|iip Yai‘dx. lliooinliouxc Road. H3 (Mitt). .\liihL' a uniauc l'atlicr'x |)a_\ cai‘d iixing thc inultitudc ot ltll\ and picccx at tlic \tot‘c. Hooking L‘\\t‘ttll;tl. l.a\t cntr) l.3ltpiii. North Edinburgh Arts Centre |5a l’ciiinxxcll ('oui‘t. 3 l 5 3151. 'l‘hc ccnti‘c'x i'cgulai‘ pi‘ograininc ot c\cnt\ coiitinucx. catci'ing loi' lainilicx and childrcn ol all ttg‘t‘x l‘ittt’ lllL‘ \L't'} \\ L‘L‘ UllL‘S illL'lt‘iS liookx tor Baltic-x l llt.3(laiii. it Jim l. and at tlic t‘l‘l’l‘Sttc L‘ttd til lltc‘ \L'ttlc. ncxx \Htt‘loltt’l‘. Jainniing. l Ipiii. 3 .luni t\ a inu\ical \cxxion \ihcrc tccnagcrx can \hai‘c ncu idcax and \oundx. tor agcx inhctxxccn thcrc\ a inultitudc ot lltll\tL‘. dancc and art \\Ut’i\\llttp\ to chomc lt'ttltt. (io to iiiirtlicdinhurgliartxcirut. or call thc ccnti‘c toi‘ lilll'lltt‘l' intorniatioii,



Shopping for Shoes l'l’t 3 .liiii. Ipiii.

L' l. \\'ll.i\l.l:. 3t) \\'c\thtii‘ii (iro\ c. \chtcr Hailcx. 45S 320". Scc Hank ot Scotland ('hildrcn‘x lntci'nalional 'l‘hcatrc l'L‘\lt\.tl. You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown in 2 tk Sat 3 .lun. 7.3llpni iSat inat 2.3ttpiiii. L'ltltL'Si. Si ltridc\ ("c-iiti'c. ll) ()i‘\\cll 'l‘ci'racc. 340 l4ll5. Spinning a ~clcction ot hand-pickcd I’i'iiiiiiix ltltttttt'ltlS into a \inglc thrcad. thc .\lL‘lUtlt'.lltt.tltc\ picxcnt a da_\ in thc litc ot ('harlic Bron n

Books & StOrytelling

Scottish Storytime Min 25 .\la).

llt.l5 I lain. lii'cc. \chtcr ll.tllL‘\ |.ihrar_\. l \chtxidc l’la/a. “3 I‘tltl, .\ll undcr tixcx and thcir lttllttllL‘\ \xclconic tin or ii’ii I'nlii'ii/ HI .\‘i'omx/i lit/tin: SUN/i, Storytelling Day Sat 35' .\la}. noon. l'i‘cc. ()tlakar\ liooiuhop. [hit to. ('aiiicron loll Shopping ('cntrc. (i l.ad_\ Road. (who ISM». liltltt} lltL‘ (lthxlc‘ Hut") til lilti'l'i Hm ill! U/(l lmh lt/li’.\ill(1//l‘ll('(/(l/'/\. lolloucdl“ a cult hawd acti\ it). ' Julia Donaldson Sun 23 .\la}.

2.30 3.30pm. l'il'L‘L‘. llChCiCtl. MacDonald

Fusing contemporary dance and hip hop. Freshmess

present a triple bill of fun new works as part of the Bank of Scotland Children’s International Theatre Festival. Aimed at 8-16-year- olds, the company’s accessible style will put a smile on your face, regardless of age.

1.‘ tw' [lira/ti \4’.

l ihiai_\. .\lacl)oiiald Road. 7"; NIH. 'l’hc .mai'd \\ inning (irii/Iii/o author .tc‘lx out lici \lHt‘lL‘S and \ingx \ongx \Hlll )oiii hclp. .\L’LN 5+. I’ill'l HI I/Ii' li'\llti1/ l" .\t rill/\lt H'I'Illttg' JUN/r.

Nicola Morgan Mon 2‘) Ma}. 3pm, l‘i'cc. (iit) .\rt (‘cntic. .3. .\lai‘kct Sti‘cct. 53‘) 3‘Ni l'hc author ot l'llW/l/Hll/lxt'l talk about lttm ical c\cnt\ in l‘lth ccntur} ltdinhui'gli inxpircd lici \L'c‘ttltd tccnagc noxcl

Edinburgh Tue 23-Mon 29 May, Scottish Tour Sat 27-Tue 6 June. Times and prices vary. Go to for further information. Call 228 1404 for tickets.

Psst! 'l‘liu 25 .\la_\. Ill.l5ain tk l.l5pni. ’l’i‘axcrxc 'l licati'c. (‘ainhi'idgc Strcct. liallc'l‘tltth. iugglcrx and clounx lcatut'c in llll\ chai'ining puppct \hou tor agcx -1 I”. Scribble 'l’hu 35 .\la}. lll.|5ain t\ 3 pin; l'l'l In .\l.i_\. llt.l5ain tk l3llpiii.

.\'oith l:dinhui‘gh .'\t'l\ ('cntrc. l5a l’ciiii}\\cll (‘ourt Sci'ihhlc iiia) hc \niall. hut \hc\ alxo \ci‘} clcxci'. l'tttl and Iauglitci litt'c‘ltlltll't'lt ax _\oung a\ot1L'. and tlicii' l;tlttlllt'\

The Giraffe’s Journey 'l‘liii 25 .\la}. llt.3llaiii tk l2.45pin; in 20 .\la} 3.3llpin. .\orth Izdiiihui'gh .-\rt\ (’cntrc. l5a l’ciiii}\\cl| ('ourt. 'I‘hc talc ot thc tirxt girattc in l'raiicc. and onc inan\ iournc} to bring it hack to '\lrica. .\gcx H+. Shopping for Shoes Thu 25 .\la}. llt.3llain & 5. 3ltpiii. St Brich ('cntrc. lll ()i'\\cll 'l‘crracc. \ l\ll‘lL‘ lic‘ltttIIN ptcwnh liin ('iouch'x touching talc ol an uiiicciuitcd cruxh. lt'tL'lltiSlth and \hocx. ;\gc\ HI I4.

Them with Tails 'l‘hu 25 .\la}. 10.45am ck "pin; l‘l'l 3h .\la}. lll.l5aiii & 3pm. 'l’i‘a\cr\c 'l'hcati'c. (aiiihridgc Strcct. liiipi'ox ixcd ti‘i\olit} troin tlic \cr} \iondcrtul 'l‘all Stoi‘icx thcatrc coinpan}. .\ch .5 l l.

Freshmess Triple Bill t'niil Mon 2‘) .\la} tnot l-'rii. ’l‘hii l.3ltpiii; Sat lll._3ll;tlttl

Sun/.\lon “pin 'liawixc 'l‘hcatrc. (‘ainhiidgc Strcct. l'tL‘SllltlL‘\\ incigc hip hop \t} lc \Hllt contcniporai} dancc to cicatc an c\citing and acccxxihlc ncu lorin. .-\gc\ S It).

Monkey l'ntil Sat 37 .\la}. 'l'hu ll). ittain tk “pin. l‘t‘t 7pm; Sat 2pm LES Rinal l._\ccuin 'l'hcalrc. (iiindla) Stich Scottixh l)ancc 'l hcatic and thc |)undcc ch lanxcinhlc collahoi'atc on llll\ tun \hou tor all thc lauiil}. inning dancc. drama and martial .‘tl'i\ \\ itli tottgtic in chcck coiiicd}. .-\gc\ 8+.

A Clean Sweep l'l‘t 2t). Itl.,tt)aiii tk 3pm; Sat 37 .\la). 3, illpin & 7pm. St Ht‘ttlLN (t'tllt't. Ht ()tucll 'lci‘iacc. l’lttlot l.a Vic uxc clou ning. dancc animation and \t\ll;tl \toi‘}tc||ing to cxplorc thc Ut'dlttat‘} \Mil‘ld oi lit)ll\L'llttltl lHllSllt'S :\gL‘\ 7 l-i _\L'at‘\.

Goodbye Mr Muffin Hi 20 Sun 2.\‘ .\la}. l‘l't Ill-15am & l2 ~l5pin; Sat l3.3llpin ck 5pm; Sun ll3Haiii. 'lia\crxc 'l'hcatrc. ('aiiihridgc Strcct. 'l'hc hcart- rcnding \tor} ol thc laxt da_\\ in thc lilc ol a hclmcd guinca pig .-\gc\ 5 ‘I.

A Cloud’s Journey Sat 37 .\la}. l2.3llpin & 3. illpin; Sun IS‘ .\la}.

Ill Want it l2.3tlpin; Mon 2‘) .\la} lltain ck l.3(tpin. .\orth ladinhurgh :\rt\ ('cnti'c. |5a l’cnnpxcll ('ourt. .\ thcatrical dclight tor all thc \cnxcx. packcd \iith magical ll';tlt\lttt’lllitlltHTS. colourx. \ccrctx and \tttcllx, .\gcx 3 7 )L‘ttt'x.

The Brave Tin Soldier Sat 27 .\la} 3.30pm; Sun ZS .\la} 3. illpiii 6; 5pm; Mon 3031a} 10.30am & l2. tllpm. .-\\\cinhl} RUHIHS. 54 (icot‘gc Strcct. A uniquc rcwiorking ot thc Hanx ('hrixtian .'\tltlL'l'\Cll talc. lt\tlt_‘_' inno\ati\c \hadou puppctr}. Agcx (i | I.

Love Sat 27 .\la}. 5.30pm it 7.30pm; Sun 2S .\la}. tttmtt ck 2pm; Mon 2t) .\la}. It). I 5am 8x; l23llpin. 'l'raxcrsc 'l'hcatrc. (‘ainhridgc Strcct. l’crlorincd h} onc ol lhc thhcrlandx' llttrxl adxcnturous coinpanicx. IJIH’ t\ a lttlllttrrnlh ph} \ic‘ttl parod} ol' thc mating dancc tor agcw

8 l3.

The Little Match Girl Sun 28 Ma}. (ipin; Mon 3‘) .\la}. lll.~15ain ti; Ipiii. ’l‘raxcrsc 'l‘hcatrc. (’anihridgc Strcct. Hans ('hrixtian Aridcrxcn'x claixxic l‘air)ta|c about a littlc girl al'raid to go homc ax \hc haxn‘i \old cnough matches. Ang 7+.

2-: Mia-a aim; was THE LIST 59