I The Whisky Works, Rule of Thumb and Blackout I IN} \lurr} K. WI \iauxell SIIch. 22l (i5ll S “rpm

L1 intal band \llH\\c.I\L‘

I Cartel and By my Hands I ah \nrc (Lac. 5” Ml KlllL’ SIiecI. 55‘ M“ lllll“ Li \leIal/hip hnp LlH\\H\L'l deal

I Dresden and Rocketfox l'IIcuach. iIll Sau_hiehall SIieeI. i5-1Hi5‘l ‘lpm l'iec \ng pnp Ila\nur In PlHLL'L'IlllljJ\ \kiIh \nmc dark llIII\L'\ l)Ic\den

I Gallusbilly llal lllnc. ll“ llalll SIIeeI. 5710mm ‘lpin. l rec Rnckabill} club \inh Iixe mum In be cnnliriued.

I 0 without U, The Elegies and The Aphrodisiacs BaiII} lllp\lall\l. grin ( ‘ILIII- sin-er n57) UH” MINI) (rpm, L4 IL i \\ llli Il_\ei I \eu l’eII_\ \endelIa club nighI lcaIurmg li\e lllll\lc Irnm neu \xaw} clecIrnnica \Hll\ I) \\ iIhnuI l'. upbeaI clchrncnrc nuIliI Ihe lzlegie\ and \lnIheixxcll elecIrn Irin Ihe .kplundixiacx. I Bush Tetras 'l he Sub ('lub. 22 Jamaica SIrecI. 243 4000. llpm. lec ()pIimn \xelcnmex nrigmal Sllx \cu ank IIImaH‘ Illln lllhll ‘lI'll.I\ in lllc pal'l}.


I TWO Day Punk Extravaganza 'l he l;\change. 55 (irn\ e SIreeI. 44“ Il4Il-l. 2pm uudmglil, Ll5 IL25 \xeekend pawl. See SaI 27. Sunda) I\ headed b_\ l'lx' Subx \inh Ilie Blaggerx. \lenace. l)emnb. S\\ ellbell} \. llalclul. ()uI|~l\\. Bunbnmb. Ihe (‘nm Mum and :\cid 'lnngue.

I Mayhem II SIIIdIn 24. 24 2h ('alInII Rnad. 55S .V5S. 2 llplli. LS llard rnck Ill all ll\ glnrinux lnrmx Irnm \kacnre In claxxic meIal In grunge. .\lan nl Ihe llnur. l}ranl l.i/ard Kingx. .lackie 'l‘reehnrn and Ihe l’unchline l\ .\lurder all cnnlirmed \n Iar.

I Dropkick linI'IlL‘lx linnkx. lb“ 20. lan lx'umaird ReIail Park. 057 404i 2pm. l'ree. ‘l‘he acnuinc dun drnp b} In prnmnle laIexI album .llinli In Him "/1 Sher/r Iii.

I Emergenza Semi-Final The liquid Rnnlll. ‘lc VIL'lnl'ia SlI'L‘L‘l. 225 2.504. (Milpm. L‘l IL'b Irnm band memberxi. 'l'lie indie and pnp \emi—linal \\ iIh Ihe (liming. Bn Deadly \'inIage. Kinaeda. lace and :\|l‘nII/n.

I Jason Mraz (‘lueen'x llall. ('lerk SIreeI. (36S 2(ll‘l. 7pm. Ll-l. .-\ nexx mainxu'eam \ingcr/xnnguriIer lnr _\nur cnnxideraIinn. .\ira/ ix baxed in \nthern (’alil‘nrnia. “here he emerged Ihrnugh lllL‘ SIIII lliegn C(llilit't‘ \llnp \L'L‘IIL‘.

I Union of Knives, Luxury Car, Swimmer One and Little Doses ('abareI \'nllaire. 3r» RS Blair SIreeI. 220 MM. 7pm. L5. .\'e\\ (ilaxgnu acI I‘nrmed b_\ e\~Bab} ('ham and l)eckard man ('hrix (inrdnn \xhn liaxe _iu\I launched Iheir \ell'—IiIled debuI lil’.

I The Gypsy Kings l’la}hnu\e. IN 22 (il'L‘L‘ll\lLlL‘ l’lilt‘L‘. (lb-I‘ll 000.5424. "Hillplli. L‘3h.5Il. ’l‘he legendar} l-iench band reIurn In keep Ihe I‘lamencn IradiIinn

ll} ing. and recall a Iiiiie when u \\;l\ cnmpulxnn lnr Iheir Irack 'Bambnlen‘ In be pla} ed ax ixickgrnund mu\ic in rexIauranIx.

I The Spacial Entrepreneurs, The Fatalists and Mr Greentinger \VhixIlebinkiex. 4 (w Snth Bridge. 557 .51 I4. 3.45pm. L'4. Rnck and indie.

I Raft and Oatbeanie \Vhixilebinkiex. 4 (i Snth Bridge. 557 5| l4. 0pm. liree. ('laxxic and cnnIempnrar} cn\er\.

I Hobo 'l'he Bnngn (‘lub. .\lni'a} llnuxe. 55 llnly‘nnd Rnad. 553 7004.

IIIpm 3am. l-‘ree beI‘nre l lpm; L‘.i aI’Ier. in e muxic and aIIeI‘naIi\ e dixcn Inr IriinIied \innerx'. ()nl} nne llnbn llli\ I'annighI. l'eaIuring YS.\' and l"i\ e l’ark l)ri\e I2S‘ Ma} I l‘nllnxx ed b_\ SI Jude'\ lnlirmar} and l’np-l‘p I4 Jun l.


=31 Sons 8: Daughters and My Latest Novel \VellingInn Square. (H202 bll 222. 7.15pm. Free. l’ree enncerI. headlined b} nne nl' Ihe man e\ciIing and \ iIal band\ In cnme nuI nI~ Scotland in recenI Iimex. \\ iIh \uppan I‘rnm much InuIed BC“ cnmerx ’ur'l nf' “(INN .ln ".l ' Thai.

68 THE LIST .25 .davfi claw 2.1.1?

‘iwrr Dray Purii—I Reel; Iii::iraiiuai1-.:

With kicking on for twenty-four hours of live music, this must surely be in the running for some sort of award from the plain

English society for Clearest Music Festival Name or something. 22 bands will be unleashing their fury, from heavyweight veterans such as Angelic Upstarts, Goldblade (pictured) and UK Subs to a whole host of local angry young (and not so young) men, bands like Swellbellys and Buzzbomb easily holding their own in such illustrious company. If it‘s relaxation and subtlety you‘re after, go elsewhere, but if it‘s the true spirit of punk rock you‘re

after, this is the place for you.

if fl, , .;,.,,, , , ' V,., ,,\ (Mo ,' " (‘

3:- Sam Brown 'lnun llall. SandgaIe. Ill2‘)2 bl I222. Tillpm. L275“. l'c\Ii\al ('lub appearance linm .lnnl\ llnlland\ l;l\UIll'llL‘ bluex} \ncalixl cnllalmralnit ’u/‘I n/ Ilium .ln ‘4' I‘lrul.


=51 The Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet ’l‘nlbnnlli. .lail \V} Iid. (ll"S(r 274M)”. 5. lilpm. Ll2 IL'SI; \xeekend pII\\L'\ LRII IL2IIi. Blixlering Iree ia// Irnm Ihix imprexxne Ien-picce enxemble I\\ Hi] Iilm \creening\ M The .lluen Sun. ()I'III'III' ('n/e/mm [rm and Sunni] al lpuII. I’III'I u/ I.(' Hamil. See pI‘e\ ie\\. page M.

Monday 29


Iii The Futureheads and Field Music ('arling .-\cadem} (ila\gn\\. l2l liglinInn SII'eeI. IISTII "Tl 2H0“. "pm. Ll2.5Il. l’mI—punk au~IeriI_\ and imenunu Irnm Ihexe )nung nanherneix \\ hn aim knnu llU\\ In dn a damn line Kale Buxh cn\ er. Suppnrled b} Iheir Sunderland breIhren.

I Radio 4 .v\B(’2. 33H Sauchiehall SIreeI. 332 2232. 5pm. L105”. Danceable punk-Iunk. .\'\’(' \I}le. punIing Ile\\ album [anemic-x like HIM.

I Thursday llIL‘ (iarage. 4W Sauchiehall SIreeI. 332 l I20. "pm. Ll l. ()\er-l4\ \llnu. li\Iremn Irailbla/erx Irnm .\'e\\ Jerxe} reIurn \xilh neu album .‘l (in In [he lie/11 nn ulul.

I The Cooper Temple Clause and Howling Bells King 'l‘urk \\'ah \\‘ali lllll. 2"2a Si VillL‘L‘lIl Sil'L‘L‘l. 22l 52“). 8.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'l‘. 'l'he hedgehng- haired (‘lauxe ma) lia\ e ln~I baxxixl l)id/ llammnnd In l)ll'l_\ l’I'L‘II} Thing» inI \xe‘re \ure Ihe} 'll \urx i\e ax Ihe} relaunch Iheir indie rncking campaign. Suppaned b_\ l.nndnn-lxi\ed cnunu'} gnIh .-\u\\ie\. I Beth Fouracre, 2 Hillbillies and A Guitar, Boxy, Mark Keegan and David Burns .\ladne~\. 3U Bnihu ell SIreeI. “pm. L4.

I Cinders Fall, Bleed from Within, Final Outcome, Novella, Shelf of the Slain and Centuries Cry

Snundhaux. 4" llylepark SII‘eeI. 22l 405‘). ". lem. L5. ()\ei> |4\ \hnu, \ielal line-up

I Billie Joyce and BJ Baartmans Brel. 3‘) 43 .-\\hInn lane. 342 4min. S‘pm. L5. llnuble bill nI .-\mericana Irnm a ('anadian and a llulchman.

I Clorinde, Dank Anvil and Vase of Litchi SIeren. l4 Keb inliaugli Sheet. 5"!» WIN. Hpm. L5. l‘riple bill nI ci'aI} caIx. I Jont, The Opportunity Club and Ben T-D llal'll}. 20” (ink SIIL‘L'l. “Nail UII',‘ Il‘N‘). Spm. L5. .lnnI ix a Springxleen/l )} lan-inlluenced arIixI “aging a “in sign-rm! S/I (p accnrdmg In Ihe IiIle nI lll\ album.

I Miss Atlanta Bar Blnc. ll7 Baih SIreeI. 574 mm». 0pm. l‘ree, l'.lecll'n rnck I 15 Times Dead, Donphobia and Theory of Mine IRIh .\'nIe ('aIe. 5H NI King SIreeI. .553 in“. ‘lpm. L5 .\leIal line-up IeaIuring Ihe \ell-xl}lcd ‘cnmic bnnk lIcI’n IlIeIak nl l)nIIplIana - rnck \\ iIh nperauc Iendenciex.


I Thee Comrades, The Acute and The Rushes ‘l'he l.lqllltl Rnnm. ‘lc VicInria SIreeI. 225 25(34. "pm. L5. (iig raixing Iundx lnr lidmburgh Sick Kidx. See l".\pn\ure. page ()2.

I Battle and Humanzi (‘abarei \nlIaiI'e. Rb 33 Blair SIreeI. 22H (ll-.(l. "pm. L5. {p and cnming Indie \hmmdie I}ke\.

I Fall Out Boy, The Academy is . . . and The Hush Sound ('nrn l:\change. ll .\'e\\ \larkeI Rnad. 4"’.' 35”” TRIlpm. S( )l.l) ()l "'l‘. ('hicagn emn quarIeI \\ hn are Ihe laIexI [S rnck cnrnbn In Iake Ihcxe \hnrex b} \InI‘III. ax Ihe} reIurn Inr Iheir 'Black (‘lnudx and l'nderdngx' Inur.

I Sumo for Now, The Munchkins and Ultra Violet Pilot \Vlllxlle‘l‘lllklcx.

4 6 Snth Bridge. 55" .51 I4. H.45pm. L4. Rik'k.

Tuesday 30


I Phoenix and The Like King 'l‘ur‘x \Vah “ah Mm. 252;: SI VincenI SIreeI. 22! 52“). 3.30pm. Ll l. (irnm) l‘rench


pnpxleix \klln IIIaI‘I‘} llIL' lk‘\l nl “(h pup \\ Illl a club \L‘llNIl‘llll} Suppniled b} (‘aliInrnian griil Irin \\iIn\c dad\ are all nld rnck hand» See capunn. page 7*

I Cosmic Rough Riders l‘I )l’l’. III l'mnn SIreeI. (NI)! 2 “55' 2‘)” lpm. l‘l‘L‘L'. SL‘L‘ l'l'l 20.

I Therapy? 'l‘he (iaiage. 4W Sauclnehall SIreeI. 3 i2 l|2Il 7pm. lll\ll prm er meIal Irin \xhn hax e been .iI Ilux game lnr a nughI} lnng Iime nnu.

I Rip in Reality, The Temps and Viscious Kinnit Snundliam. 47 ll}depark SIreeI. 22l 405‘). 7. iilpiu L4 lhc lieadlincrx are a lncal rnck/melal quarrel.

I Bert is Evil, Without Malice, Dante’s Dogs, Gunstar Theory and Kung Fu Barll} lll[l\l;I|l‘\l. 2!)” (dee SII‘eeI. HIGH nu" INW, Spin. L5 Rnck. indie and punk line-up.

I Jim McAteer 'l cliai ()\ na. 42 ()Iagn lune. 555 4524. Spin, L2. Bluex/Inlk guiIarixl and \mger/xnng“riIer

I Metronomes and Larry Guild SIeren. l4 Kehinliaugli SIreeI. 5V» Sula. Spill.

I Takota Bai‘ll_\. 2M) (‘l_\de SIIecI. (ram (m? (NW Spin. LS. ()range (‘nunI} quinIeI inxpired b} Ihe nld \L‘llnnl I‘nck \nundx nl /.L‘ppL‘lIII. Queen and lnurne).

I John Alexander, The Doghouses Roses and The Ballahulish Hellhounds 'l he qulllIl Ship. l7l I75 (ireaI Wexlern Rnad. “I Will. H,_‘~Ilpii1. l-ree. l‘ree (and) Sewinnx. including (ilaxgnu -ba\ed lingeivpicking \lllg’L'l/xnllg’“l'llL‘l Jnhn .-\le\ander. \xhnxe \nund is a pleaxing blenan lnlk. blue\ and cumin").

I Titus Gein, I Am Fire, No Kilter and Fragile l51l1 .\'nIe ('aIe. SI) (ill King SIieeI. 553 HHS. 0pm. L3. lzlecIrn prng meIal cnmbn punI Iheir ,'l(/l(UI( ('(I In lmiqum fur Hum/s and I've! album.


353 Jim Hair The Venue. l7 2l ('alInn Rnad. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £3. \VexI ('naxl \unxhine pnp \()Illl(l\ I'rnm .\'nir. uhnxe Writer u} Lure album has been