Music Rock&Pop'

I A Gayboy Scene, Proxy and Another Bendy Window \N'histlebink’ies. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 5| [4. 8.45pm. £4. Post-rock.

I Kubrick, Yahoo Serious and The Rites Whistlebinkies. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. l‘ree. Indie night.


I Orson Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 University (iardens. 339 9784. 7pm. SOLD ()1 'T. The recently chart topping LA quintet perl'orm their commercial power pop.

I Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band ABC. 330 Satrchichall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £l2.50. (iodspeedl You Black limpcror (illshoot returns. with reinl‘orcements. in more choral gtiise. promoting third albtirn Horses in the Sky:

I George Thorogood & the Destroyers and Deadstring Brothers ('lyde Auditorium. l-‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £22.50. Veteran blues guitarist. born in Delaware. and influenced by John Lee Hooker. ('huck Berry and the like. The l)estroyers once played the Iilty American states in fifty day's btit they 're getting on a bit rtow I‘or that caper.

I The Plimptons The Ilali Bar. I00 Woodlands Road. 352 9990. 8pm. liree. Pop, prog. ragtime and the kitchen sink. I The Research, Dartz! and After Christmas Barfly. 200 (‘Iyde Street. 0870907 0000. 8pm. £7. See 3| May. I Statler Project, Flyer and Fast Track Outlaw The Arches. 253 Argy le Street. 0870 240 7528. 8pm. £0. l)ance basslines. guitars and attitude I'rom the Statler Project pltis indie rock supports at this Access night.

I The Sundowns 'I’Iie (ioat. l287 Argyle Street. 357 7373. 8pm. Free. Americana quintet from lidinburgli.

I Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. and :( King Tut's Wah Walt Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £5. Southend-based musical superhero. known as Sam to his mum. who combines melodic guitar work with laptop-generated rhythms.

I You Can’t Eat the Word Food and Bucky Rage Nice'n'Slea/y. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £3. Alternative rock going oil at various quirky tangents.

I Eye Contact Leads To . . . The Hall Bar. I00 Woodlands Road. 352 9990. 9pm. Free. Alt.pop.

I Symbolics, Idols are Higher and The Coviets I3th Note (‘al'e. 50—00 King Street. 553 I038. 9pm. £4. Local indie rock.

I Supragod The Bull. I42 Bath Lane. 248 I777. liree. Rock/punk/metal combo who claim to ‘play taster and with more ass than anyone else‘.


I Maxi Priest The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2504. 7pm. £12.50. The second most successful solo reggae artist in the world (alter Bob Marley) promoting his new album 2 the Hm.

I 3 Steps Back, Granger and Ben Cozlne Whistlebinkies. 4-0 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 8.45pm. £4. Indie rock.

I Underbelly and Greenspace Heriot-Watt University Union. Riccartoii. 45] 5333. 9pm. Free. Anthemie rock from Bellast's Underbelly. launching their new single ‘(‘ome in to Land'.

I Indelible Sounds The Bongo ('lub. Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7004. 10pm—3am. £4. Jill/Cd up drum ck bass with a dash of house from seven piece Sher Khan plus electro Glasvvegiaris Vancouver Deluxe. with D&B and techno DJ delights from the Treasury and C obi.

I Reptiles and Penpushers Cabaret Voltaire. 30—38 Blair Street. 220 0170. 10.30pm—3am. £5. Massive Attack vocals meet downbeat Aphes Twin glitch electroniea from the Reptiles with local

70 THE LIST 25 May-8 June 2006

weirdo hip hop heads l’enpuslicrs at this (ileiitiddrch lrideperiderit Mix with DJ sets lrom l'iiabombers. Peter Parker il'itigathmgi and 'l rouble


I Exit Pilot, June, Kempes and Eric 8- the Bunnyboilers The liquid Lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 0 3 33 7pm. £4. :\Iilitc‘llllc rock Irom i'.\ll l’ilot I Jolie Holland .-\B('2. 3 30 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £l2.50 ()ver- Isis show. (‘oriibining blues. tolk. ran and pop in totally inventive ways on new ilii‘lllll [2H Ullllll/(l.

I The Valor, Late Night Traffic, The 1,2,3s and Liberty Hunting Soundhaus. 47 llydepark Street. 22l 4059, 7.30pm. £0 i£5 I. ()vei'» l4s show .\li\ed bag ol rock acts.

I Good Shoes attd The X1 liarlly. :00 (ink Street, 0S7” 905,. 0999 Spin £5. Hook-riddled guitar music liom (iood Shoes.

2i: Live Music Stereo. l4 Kelv mliaugh Street. 570 50IS. 8pm. Stereo has its Iirial lillig 0\CI‘ liils weekend l‘L‘litI‘c ll closes tls doors Ior good. inviting back many ot the best bands who have played there over the years and special guests to be corilirined. I MacFloyd The .-\rclies. 25.3 .-\i'gy le Street. 0870 240 7528. 8pm. £10, Scottish tribute to the mighty l’mk liloyd. I Cobra Grande, Dresden and Information Control Stet-'ii‘SIt-a/y. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 3330900. 8.30pm. £3. lndie rockin‘.

I Fortune Drive King this “an \vali lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22| 5279. 8.30pm. £5. Old school rock’ri'i'oll band l'i‘om Bristol. tipped to shake your I'oundatioris.

I The Epic, The Jack, Abraham Gone South and Well Kept l-‘ury .\ltir'i'y"s. 90 .\la\w ell Street. 22l 05l l. 8.30pm. £4. including entry to posbglg club. Weekly showcase of indie bands.

I No 80b Rocket Samuel i)ti\\ 's.

()7 7| Nilhsdalc‘ Road. 42.3 (H07. 8.30pm. Free. Rock covers.

I Hotel Hotel, D Abraham Turner and Lanterns l3th .\'ote ('ale. 50 00 King Street. 553 I038. 9pm. £3. Hotel Hotel are an ambient trio l'i'om Austin.

Lapsus Linguae

'levas. plus .tllllitsl‘ilt'ltv sounds trom l) \braham 'l tuner

I Locksley Baiily. 200 (‘lyde .Sltccl. its"ii 00‘ 0000 III 10pm {S ((-1! \Ilegedly mlarrious Brooklyn-based rock'ri'roll baud play the l-tmhouse

I Samba Yabamba \Ioiio. I2 Is'uigs ('our't. King Street. 5.52 9458 l0 30pm l-ree l8 piece samba druriiriiriig band hailing trom l’aisley with riilectious rhythms


I Fair Witness, The Last Resort and The Flavours llie .Iam House. 5 Queen Street. 220 4 380 0pm l‘rce betore l0pm. £5 beIore lam. £2 attei Popular covers and (hits l‘racey is tonight‘s guest with the l'lavours

I Average White Band The liquid Rtiiiltt. 9c \ It‘litlta Sll'c‘t‘l. 22.5 2.504 7pm. £l0.50. The turikicst band ever" to come Ir‘om “make or Scotland lot that matter

I Carter, The Hurricanes, Kudos and The Pegasus Corporation Subway (‘ovvg.itc. 09 (.tt\\“._'illt'. 225 0700. 7pm. £tbc, lndie rock

I The Kays Lavelle ('abai'er \‘oliaiie. 30 38 Blair Street. 220 0l'70. 7pm. £5. The Rays l.avelle are an lzdiriburgh quintet blending Iragrle and dark guitar rock.

I Journey Playhouse. I8 22 (ireenside Place. 0870 0003424. 8pm £30 £35. Sari l5raiicisciisborri .-\riierrcaii rock act teaturirig Iormer Santana members .\'eal Sclion and Huge Rolie. plus Ross \'alor_v. (ieor‘ge 'l‘ickiier' and Prairie Prince.

I Degrassi, Jacob Flynch .lllti Pilotcan \\'Iiisrlebirikies. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 5l l4. S.45pm. £4. l)egr'assr are an lidinburgh combo mixing post- punk and posta'ock. and leaturing es ldlewild man Bob l-airtoull on bass.


I Panic Cell, Three Days Born and Forever Never .»\B(‘2. 330 Satichicliall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £0. ()ver- l4s show. Heavy metal thunder. l’antcra and Metallica influences abound.

The List has always had a soft spot for young men in matching outfits, unpleasant stage names

(Magaloof Taylor? Penelope Collegefriend?), who know lots of big, long,

and very rude words and sound like they’re constantly fighting with their instruments. And winning. That’s why Lapsus Linguae are so appealing.

This rare outing is in the company of Dundee’s greatest Van Halen math

rock tribute band Laeto, so promises to be bloody marvellous.

I Barf/y. Glasgow. Sat 27 May;

I Bon Jovi and Nickelback llariipden Park. I etherby littve. Mb 0000 5 30pm £32 50 £45 l‘oodlc rockm' veterans induce the masses to punch the air \rrrv e late Ioi ttiigid complaint rockers \ickelback

I Picture This Reritrew lett'y. :\IIdt‘I\li\Il Quay. l'he Biooriirelaw. “INKS 205 5| l 2 30pm LS iadv I. tlll ldootl \\et “H \\et tribute outlit who resisted the terriptation to call themselves l)i‘ip ltr‘rp “UP

I Capstin Pole, Lizzies Arcade, Cortez and The Fighting 69th The .\rches. 253 \t'gy le Street. 0870 240 ~52S Spm £0 Melodic indie rock trom (Lipstiri Pole and l i//res .»\rcade with rockrci and punkiet sounds hour the rest ot the bill at this .\ccess night

I Dame Shirley Bassey SH ‘(‘. i'lllltlt‘slttlt Quay. 0870 040 4000 8pm

£ 35 £4" 50 'l he \Velsh l)ame belts out her hits with glrt/ in .i show bound to be ram packed Itill ot p/a//

I Help she Can’t Swim, Tiger Force and Ursula Minor Bart'lv. 200 (‘ryac sum-r 0s“o 00“ 0000 spiii rri lielle .\ Sebastian inspired |)l\’ indie lr‘om Southariiptoii

3i: Live Music Stereo. l-l Kelvmhaugh Street. 570 50lS 8pm See I ll 2,

I The Jackals and Delta Mainline .\'ice'n'Slca/y. 42l Sauchiehall Street. H10900830prii. £3. .larigly guitar pop with heart lr‘orii the .lackals

I Matt Costa King Tut's \\ah \\.ih lltit. 272a St \Iricenl Street. 22| 52'79 .S'.30pm. £l0. i‘ttI'Iltt‘l skateboard enthusiast liom ('alilor'iiia. who swapped his board lor a gtiitai alter art accident halted one potential career

I Mojo Rising The Hall Bar. I00 \Voodlaltds Road. 3.52 9990. 9pm. l'r'ec llot blties action.

I Pablo Eskimo llcthermgtori Research ('lub. l3 l'riiversity (iardciis. 330 4503. £tbc. See Sat 27.


I Robin Guthrie’s Lumiere Live ('ameo. 38 Home Street. 228 4 I4 I. 7.30pm. £|7.50 t£|5i. The ('octeau Twins' Robin (ititlirie provides atriiospheric guitar based insti'uiiientals to an especially assembled aiiiriiated backdrop.

I Alex Hodgson, The Dynamic Duo, My Tiny Robot and The Flavours The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 220 4380. 0pm. lii'ec bel'or'c l0pm; £5 beIore lam; £7 alter. (iuitar pop I'ollowcd by ltousebartd the l‘lavours with guest vocalist ('hr'is 'l’racey.

I Good Shoes and V for Victory ('abaret Voltaire. 30 38 Blair Street. 220 0l70. 7pm. £5. Hook-riddled guitar music lrom (iood Shoes.

I The Overside l.eith I-estival ('Iub. 2nd l‘loor. ()ecan 'lerminal. l.cith. 0845 4589709. 7pm. £l0. Mellow. soull'til sounds Irorii this seven piece hand. I’m! HI I/Ii' /.t'Il/t l't'\llt'tl/.

I Little Green Machine and Sweet Chin Music Subway ('ow gate. 09 ('owgatc. 225 0700, 7.30pm. £4. Alternative rock.

I The Blue Vintage City, Big G, Milophobia and Stem “'itlslichlltklc‘s. 4 (i Stittlh Bridge. 5.57 5l l4. 8.45pm. £4. West l.othian three- piece ii\'('.

I MJ l.eith l‘estival ('lub. 2nd Floor; ()cean 'l’ermirial. l.eith. 0845 4589709, l0.30pm. Lil). Killer grooves and int'cctious basslines l'rom this tour-piece combo combining the l)J/production litlc'lil UT (icneral .\vi()\L'S (AKA “an id Amos and (iraeme Keani and [Us Bruno l‘K and Ryan lillis. I’ur! of the Ia'il/I l't'vlit‘tll.

I Prestonpans Music & Ale Festival l’restonpans. Preston Road.

I 0.30pm. £l5. Pipers to open the festival t'ollovv ed by blues from Mike Whellans. covers from the Scarecrow s. indie t'rom Nitrogen Scy and Bleeker. more covers from the Rab llowitt Band. all headlined by Scottish favourite iiddi Reader plus a nice selection of ales to wash it all down with and lireworks.