MusicJa'gi 1


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to henry® Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.


I Johnny Silvo Saint \lltllt‘“ K in thc Sqiiarc. I St .‘\lltllL'\\ \ Stiuaic. ‘5‘) 5003 Spin. (Hi. ;\ hlcnd ol i.i//. lllllt‘\. loll. couiitr) and will.


I Fat Sam’s Band 'l lic l,ol. ‘t/ii (iraxxinarkct. H, illpin. L"). 'loi- lapping tuncx. L‘ti\t'l'lllf_‘ iiiinp-inc to \u ing. and ia/l grcals lroni (ilcnn .\lil|cr to l’.ll\ l)oinino lroin llll\ iiiiic-piccc lcd h} ll;lllll\ll .\lc(iicgoi.

I Beat Root Juice 'l'lic Ja/I Bat. I ('hainhcrx Strcct. 33H 43‘)”, llHllpin l‘i‘cc. .-\lrovhcat. Latin and \ka ll'tilll rcxidcnt hand thc (ioal Slcu ()rchcxtra. plux |)J Barnc} and thc odd li\c gucxt and \plllllt‘l.


I A Night with Duncan McCallum & Dougie Morrison and Guests Mugdock ('ountr} l’ai’k. ('raigallian Road. .\lilnga\ic. U50 (illltl. 7.45pm. L'H tL'IZi. .-\ ini\cd cx‘cning ol iii// and popular laxoritcx.

I The Strathclyde University Big Band (‘alc Soiii'cc. I St :\lltll'L‘\\ '\ Sqtiai‘c. 5—18 (illlll. ‘lpin. l-rcc. .\'o\\ in thcir 27th )car. thc unncrxit} '\ Big Band gct tlti\\ll and pla} a \clcction Ulla/l ltlllt‘\ ll’tllll thcir c\lcnxi\ c rcpcrtoirc.


I Haftor Medboe Group JaI/ ('t-nirc. 'l'hc l.ot. 4/6 (ii‘axxintil‘kcl. 4(i7 530i), 7.30pm. £7 (Uii. Rcinxcnting litiropcaii ja/l \\ ith thcir uniquc compound ol' cncrgctic gromcx. inliiiiatc \oundxcapcx and arrcxting inclodicx. Mcdhoc's group lcaturcx Sign} Jakohxdottir. (‘hi'ix (iric\ c and Konrad “ix/nicuxki. Join thcin ax thc)’ launch thcir ncxt ('I).

I Guest Bands Night lllL‘ Ja/I Bar. l (‘hainhcrx Strcct. 320 420i). ‘lpni. l‘rcc. l‘caturing dillcrcnt local gucxt groupx cach \tcck. including ('anadian drtininicr ('hris \VilllilL‘L'I\ (‘litlox 'l'licol'} (30 Ma} l.

I La Rumba Caliente .la/I (critic. 'l‘hc l.ot. 4m (il';l\\lll;ll'l\Cl. Ill axon. ll)..‘~()pni. £8. in c pcrl'orinancc lining tlic \Ulllltl\ ol‘ South and ('cntral :\incrica to producc tiniquc. lunk} and highl} danccahlc \oundx.

I Late Nite Groove 'l‘lic Jan Bar. l (‘hainhcrx Strcct. 220 4200.

midnight 3am. £5. chular lirida} night l'tinkxtrmagan/a \tiih lixc hand\ and UL. Funk} jaH hcatx l'roin thc chixtancc 13o Ma) i.


3‘1 Steve Noble and Peter Dowling Duo 'l’hc ('hanging Room. 35 'l'hc Stirling .-\rcadc. ()1780 4703M. h..‘~(lpni. ()pcniiig l.c chkcnd \\ ith a l'rcc iniprm \ct on \a\ and tll'llllh. l’uri o/‘lt' ll'i'clciid. Scc

p'rc\ icw. pagc ol.

‘1' SPKE, Mukarji, Nakamura, Korber & Wastell and Max Richter 'l‘olhooth. Jail \\'_\nd. (ll 780 374mm. 7.30pm. £12 it'h‘i: \xcckcnd paxx {fill ([20). Sl’Kl‘i'\ LNPL'L‘lull} tlL‘\ l\L‘tl plt‘c't‘ l'or l.c \Vcckcnd; l'olloxtcd h} ja/l llllpl‘tl\l\cl‘\ Mtikarji. Nakatnura. Korhcr & \Vaxtcll \xhilc t\la\ Ritchcr pt'o\ idcx a ncxt piccc to accompan) nc\cr-hcl'orc-xccn lllllh from Dcrck Jarinan. I’urr (if/x ll'n'kmtl. Scc prcvicn. pagc hl.

Glasgow I The George Penman Jazzmen Montrose Central. 6/8 \Vatcrloo Strcct.

74 THE LIST 25 Man -8 June 2006

III (Will Jillpni l'tcc \inlagc \c'\\ ()rlcanx ran with a <ll\ l|.i\oiii tioin llll\ \taluart ol thc Scottish [.1// \ccnc I Trading Standards Bit-l. W .11 .v\\hton HZ Woo ipin licc 'I'orch \ongx and inaiiNicain i.i//

I The Michael Deans Quartet B.” Bloc. ll" Halli Sim-t. 5‘4 (llllih

5 Npiii. l‘icc. \lodcrn |a// quaith lcd h} icnor \.i\iiian l)caii\,

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Hal lxi. Buchanan llotcl. IS.< Buchanan \iicct. ii: 723-1, 5. ill Upin. l'icc, Swinging Satuida} ia// \L'\\Ioti.

I Montrose Supper Club \loiiiimc ('ciitral. (i/N \\.itcrloo Sti'cct. Ell lNlll {HUS l.cana l\ hack hoiiic .iltci muting thcin Ill (‘apc loun .ind .\lll\lt‘l'tl;llll


I The Mellotones Nu ()uct-n \ut-ci Bar and chtatii‘ant. Nil ()uccii Sticci. 32h 5H0? 3 Spin. l'rcc. .liinni) I.i}loi and hand pla} \ongx h_\ \ch loriiic and othcr grcat gia/x \ocali\t\.

I House Trio 'l'lic .la// Bar. l ('liainhcrx Slrccl. Jill-12W). Spin. licc Rc|a\cd alicrnoon \ltil \\llll tlic llotixc lt‘io on piano. ha“ and tll'lllll\.

I Lorna Reid Trio Nil ()uccii Succt Bar and chtaurant. Nil ()uccii Sticcl. 220 50‘)? ‘)pin lllltllllg'lll‘ l‘t'cc_ .\ \clcction ol li\ c Mung/mid llllllll‘t‘l’\ li'oiii llic cool and claw} local \ocalN and hand.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'l'lic _|a//

Bar. l (‘lianihci‘x Sli'cct. 220-120”, “Pin.

l‘rcc. Var} ing linc-upx lor llllx li\c piccc hand ol top lllll\lL'l;tll\. £l\\L‘llll\lL‘tl cacli \tcck h} inainxta} ol thc lzdinhurgh ia/l \ccnc. druininci Bill

K) lL'.

I The Dias Quartet llL‘lll‘} ‘\ (‘cllai Bar. 3 Ma Morrixon Slt'ccl. 333 ‘l W is 9.“)an H. l’tilxating gromcs lroin llll\

ia/l-l‘unk tiiiartct l'rontcd h_\ Bra/ilian

ti'tiinpctcr chinaldo |)ia\. I Fish Fry lllt‘ .la// Bar. I ('hainhcrx Strcct. 330-1200. I lpiii ~iain. l‘rcc


‘0 [if .

hcloic ll illpin. L; altci ~\tottixh ltl//l lunk. soul and I aim handx ioin l),l\ liilt l)‘\il\ing and \\llitl‘ii_\ including thc |.i// piano and (‘uhan llllllll‘c‘h oi l).t\ (it‘llll.t\ 1:“ \l.t_\ l ultil ll.t\c' l‘t't'll coiiipatcd to thc Bch and (iioot c \iinada


31'- Steve Noble & Alex Ward, .llltl It‘l’lti\ [)1 i,.’H\ 1!! .' lolhooili. ,l.ii| \\}iid. HI “Mi 3*.itiiitl

illpiii L l .‘. ILM. \xcckciid paw L ill itllli linpiox tiihutc to llcick Bailc} lioiii \ohlc & “aid. coinputci wiind\ lioiii Bilhao‘x \lalliii and licc iiiipiox ltll/ lroin thc lohi.i\ l)t‘llll\ Allct lcatuiiiig lrixtaii llttlhlllflt'l. ,loc \\llll.llll\ttll and Han Bcnuink I‘m! it! It Hi ('14 Ht] \t't‘ l‘lt'\ lt‘\\, P.1:__'c‘ (ll

Sunday 28

G asgow

I Joni Keen Trio lhc lilllll\\\lcl\ llotcl. [Ho 3 Bi‘tiiixxtick Sltcct. <‘3 lllllll‘ -lpni, l'icc. \lclloxx |.l// \l.llltl.ll'tl\,

I Deseo (ulc (.H\\;Iclltil\. lx’tt\\l.tll ('ultuial ('ciitrc. lll King Sticct. *5; U“ i i. \piir t5 ll; ii. .\ | atin lltlllll\ll h_\ (ila\go\\ \ lop llaliicnco otlllil

I Niki King and Marcus Ford lion 'l'hcalic. (ii liongatc.553-130“ \'piii

L lll l (W. 'lcndci and intiiiiatc. acouxlic litllltttlx .‘tlltl \tlplll\llc‘;tlt‘tl \'tl\ lioiii llic \tai |a// chaiitcuxc .ind talciitcd guitarixt,


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l‘orth l'loor chlauranl Bat & Bi‘axxci‘ic. llar\c} \lc‘lltil\. fill i-l Si .\lltllt'\\\ Sqtiarc.5_‘-1835ll 13.3” 3.30pm, Kt‘l\ll.‘t\\ pro\ ltlL'\ llic pcrlcct lllll\lt';ll acctiinpaiiinicnt to a linc Sunda} lunch with hi\ xoai‘ing \a\ \oundx.

I House Trio ’l lic .la// Bar. l ('li;iiiihci\ Sticcl. 330.139” ipin, l‘l't‘L‘. Scc Sat 27.

y :" 5...,

= '-

This excellent saxophonist and flautist leads his own Theo Travas strong quartet on the opening night of a Scottish tour, and has recently become a permanent member of the Soft Machine Legacy band following the sad death of the great Elton Dean earlier this year. I The Jazz Centre at The Lot. Edinburgh Thu 7 Jt/r:

I Maria Speight and Steve Gossart ( ‘ciziouc. lo“ ticoigc \ticci. 4 :lll‘lll licc (izcai \otah and piano I Live Jazz ( alt‘ ( iialldc'. l\‘1 Bititihlicld l’lacc. 33\ ll.\.\ ‘pin llll\ \xcckk nuixical cnicitaiiuncni coincx touitm} ol \l‘\.lll\l l oina lx’cid and ix'c'\l‘it.iltll\l l'aul lxiih}

I Jazz Night llic lain llouxc. (‘luccn \ticclr 33h l 1M! \pni licc ll.iltoi \lcdhoc .uid lll\ trio lccl licc to loin in tlic l.llll. lll\l toutacl \lcdhoc on .iiii\.il


iii The Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet lolhoolli. lail \\\nd. lll «Ni

3“ lllllll " :lll‘lll Ll.‘ HAL \xcckcnd [law 1 kit I if" Bli\lciing licc l.‘.//' lioin llll\ lllll‘lt‘\\l\t' lcn pictc ctixcinhlc t\\llll llllll \ticcningx ol li'ii \Iiugi. \im. this. In ( Han: Iriu and \uimi.’ .il lpiiii It Ht i All Hi," \t‘t' [‘l\'\ lt'\\. l‘.t_L‘t' ll!

Monday 29


I The Great Jazz Jam Session llic .l.l// Bar. I ('liaiiihcix \ticcl. 33H lI‘Nl ‘lpin l icc l \pcct .i ll\ li llll\ ol \ltlt'x .l\ laccx old and rich drop iii to pciloiin

\\ llll tlic llouxc liio cat Ii \xcck

Tuesday 30


I Jason Faichney .\_\_‘.'ll. Ii ('liailoiic lanc. 335 (illhll hpni licc \\ccl\l_\ icxidcnc} loi thc \ingci .iiid pianixt.

pla) iiig i.i// inicclcd l\llit'\. hoogic and MN”

I Live Blues lhc ,l.iiii llottw. 5 ()uccn \ticcl. 33h lihll “pm midnight licc \\ccl\l} hlucx \t*\\iiiii .it thc .l.llll llouxc lionch h) \t|l\.ll Barcla} \ll .iic \M'lctllllt‘ to |Ulll in

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet llic .la// Bar. 1 (‘hainhcix Sti‘ccl. 330 43‘)”. “pm. l'icc l phcat group lcatuiiug Bill K)lc ltlllllll\l. Doug liplad} Ham-xi. l’aul Kllll} ipiaiioi and KM lll (ilaxgou thaxw

Wednesday 31


I Burt MacDonald Quintet ( "it; ll;tll\l Rccital Rooinx. (‘andlciiggx iii Htlllll, lell. L5 l'catuiiiig l\\ti ol (‘hicago'x llltt\l inlluciilial llllplti\l\t'l'\ l'rcd l.onghcig and \likc / llc'\ll lroiii pcrlorniiiig \xitli llic l’ctci Brot/inan lcntct at |,c \M'ckcnd. and l)aiiicl l’addcn i\'ocano llic Bcai and llic ()nc l‘.ll\t‘llll\lt'l

I Michael Simons 'I chat (MILL lot) llcanxton l)ii\c. (i-l‘) "3‘3 fipiii Ll (ilaxgotx haxcd guilaiixl pla_\iiig lolk. l‘lllt'\ and hc}ond


I Lorna Reid Trio \loiilmildo. H Btcad Sllt't'l. :3l “*5. (illlllc l'lt't'. St't' Sal _q.

I Arguelles/Guilfoyle/Black .la// ('cntic. 'l lic l,ol. -l/(i (il';t\\'l\t‘l. lo? 53‘)”. h" illpin‘ LN, x\ll \tai cincinhlc \tairiiig \;t\t|pllt)lll\l \igiicllcx. h.i\\i\t (itllllti) lc and druiiiinci Black Scc pin ictt. pagc- ()l

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session Mi ()ut-cn Sirct-i Bat and chluumnt. Nil ()llL'L'll Slit't'l. 2:“ SW? ‘lpni inidnight l'icc. l'Hlll _\car\ on. Sti‘x trust} opcn inic \L'\\ltlll l\ \llll going \trong. alhcit llti\‘. inidticck. :\ll arc \kclcoinc to ioin in lhc ltiii.

I New Bands Night 'l hc Jal/ Bar. l ('haiiihcrx Sircct. 33H 42‘)”. ‘lpni l'rcc. l'p and-coining hands \himcaxc tlicir |.’t// talciitx cach \kc'c'lx. NY \Hc'ttlhl chx .\hrain\ and hcr trio 1 il Ma} i arc all conliriiicd \ti tar.


I The Glenn Miller Tribute Orchestra l’a\ illon 'l‘hcutrc. l2l RCHllCltl Strcct. 332 “8'46. 7.30pm. L'IS. l’optilar Jan and “king: lill\ l‘roin thc «Ills