nnh thix rcnouncd orchcxtra \xho pcrlorm in pcriod unilorin


I Fraser Anderson and Jane Taylor 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc ('ahaict Hat. (ill lhc l’lcaxancc. h5ll 3 34‘). S. 3llpin. W5” lUH. ('ontcmporar) tolk/ia/I xingcr/xongurncr douhlc hill.

I Theo Travis Quartet la/I ('cnuc. 'l‘hc l.ol. 4/!) (iraxxtnat‘kcl. 407 53‘)“ S3llpm, LES Saxophomxt and llautixt 'l'hco 'l'i‘aux lcadx hix icgulai quartct \Hlll Simon ('olam ipiano). haxxixt .\nd_\ llannmll and drummcr Marc l’arncll.

I Beat Root Juice 'l'hc .la/l Bar. I ('hanihcrx Strcct. 33t).13‘)l). ll).3l)pm. l't'L‘L‘. St't' 'l lttt 3.5.


I Average White Band 'l'hc l.lt|llltl Room. 0c Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. 7pm. No.5”. 'l‘hc lunkicxt hand mm to conic lroni l)undcc. or Scotland lor that mattcr. 'l‘hc} 'rc a hit long in thc tooth lhcxc daxx htit thc} can xtill rccapturc that SI} Stonc/lxlc) llrothcrx xummcr xpirit lll thcir ctirrcnt xct.

I Cathie Rae and Maria Turk _la// ('cntrc. 'l‘hc l.ol. -l/() (iraxxmarkcl. 407 53()(). 7.3llpm. £7 (Ur). ('athic Rac ix ioincd h} l)anixh ia/x \ocalixt Maria 'l‘urk lor xomc claxxic ia// xtandardx and popular conlctnpoi'ar} tuncx.

I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce .la// (‘cntrc. 'l'hc l.ot. 4/(i (il'axxltlal‘kt'l. 4(i7 5300. lt),3()pm. £7 (Ur). \cnc/uclan xalxcro. l’cna. l‘rontx thix poucrlul hand that co\cr xamha. rumha. xon and xalxa.


I Eddie Walker Rouanlt‘cc l‘olk (’ltih. liaglc hm. lS’l) llcllxhill Road. “IN/S 3(w3l‘l3 . liolk. hlucx. ragtimc and grcat guitar pla} ing.


I The George Penman Jazzmen Molilt‘oxc ('cntral. (i/S \Valct'loo Strcct. 33l 0500. 3.30pm. l'il'L‘L‘. SL‘C Sat 37.

I The Alan Gilbert Quartet Hrcl.

3‘) 43 :\xhton l.anc. 343 40%. 3pm. l-rcc. Straightahcad ia// l'rom thc gil‘tcd guitarixt plux hand.

I Jazz Supper with the George Penman Jazzmen (‘alc Sourcc. I St .-\ndrc\\"x Squarc. 548 mm). Spin. Stippcr l‘rom U005. ('laxxic .\'c\\ ()rlcanx 5(lx Ja/l \xhilc )ou dinc. l'rom thix xtaluart of thc Scottixh ja/I xccnc and hand.


I The Mellotones St) Quccn Sti‘ccl Bar and chtaurant. St) Qticcii Strcct. 330 5007. 3 5pm. l-rcc. Scc Sat 37.

I Moishe’s Bagel Ja// (‘cntrc. 'l'hc l.ot. 4/(i (iraxxmarkct. 407 53t)(). S.3t)pm. U). Jan inllcctcd klc/mcr and Balkan dancc muxic l'caturing (ircg l.;l\\xt)ll t.\lr .\lcl5al|‘x ('hamhcr) on liddlc. l’ctc (iarnct on accordion. l’hil .-\lc\andcr on piano and Mario (‘arihc on haxx.


I Edith Budge Scotch .\lalt \Vhixk} Socict}. 'l‘hc Vaultx. S7 (iilcx Strcct. 554 345 I. 7pm. l‘rcc. l)amc lidith pcrlorinx a xct ol'ja/l traditional numhcrx ax part of thc [HI/r I'k'sln'ul.

I Jazz Night 'l'hc Jam llouxc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 330 4380. Split. l-‘rcc. Scc Sun 3S. 3‘ Tommy Smith and Brian Kellock Qticcn (‘harlottc Roomx. 5ha Quccn (‘harlottc Sll‘L‘Cl. 5.5.5 ()(ihll. Split. i; ll). Sctting a nc\x intixical xtandard \\lll1 t\\o ol‘ Scotland'x grcatcxt ja/I macxtrox lct loo.xc on .xomc old xtattdat'dx. ’ut‘! UH/tt' [with I‘i'xllt‘rll.


I Average White Band Rothcx Hallx. Kingdom (‘cntrc. (H.593 ()l | NH. 7.30pm. L‘IS t£l.‘~). Scc Fri 2.


I The Scottish Jazz All Stars lirunton ’l'hcatrc. l..id_\\\cl| \Va}. \ltixxclhurgh. (r05 3344) " 30pm. Ll3 it ll!) .-\ xtcllai linc up tor thix hand. lcatuiing l-orric (‘airnx. l-ionna Duncan. Brian Kcllock and John Rac

I Swing 2006 ()uccn ('harlottc Roomx. 5ha ()uccn ('hailottc Strcct. 555 (wool). Spin. £5. Swinging llot ('ltih»xt_\|c |a// \xith xaxoplionixt l)ick l.cc. guitarixt .lohn Rtixxcll. haxxixt Ro} l’crc} and guitarixt and \iolinixt Slcpltcn (iottttx. I’ru'l of (In [mil/i /’(’\Illtl/.

I QC Jazz Club ()uccn (‘harlottc Rooinx. 5ha ()uccn (’hailottc Strch 555 ()()()(l, .\'_3llpnr L3H paxx tor [hr- \xcck. (ircat linc up ol Scottixh ia//. l’url rr/ I/lr' /.¢'II/I ll'\/lltl/.

Tuesday 6


I Infinite Trio featuring John Burgess ()uccn ('harlottc Roomx. 5()a ()ticcn ('liai‘lottc Strch 55.5 ()()()ll. Spin. £5. Scottixh xa\ophonixt tcamx up with thc |.cith trio. I’url o/ I/Ir' /,(‘ll/I /‘('\Ill'(1/. I QC Jazz Club ()uccn ('harlottc Rooinx. 50a ()uccn (‘harlottc Strch 555 (mot). S.3l)pm. £30 paxx tor thc

\\ t‘L‘k. SL‘L‘ Moll .5.

Wednesday 7


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()\na. Int) l)canxton l)ri\c. ()4‘) 735S. Spin. £3. SL‘C \Vctl 5 l.


I Louise DOddS ()ttL‘L‘tl ('harlottc Roottlx. .503) ()uccn ('harlottc SII'L‘L‘L 5.5.5 ()()()(l_ Split. [5. l.otttxc l)oddx and hcr hand. lcd h} pianixt ’l'om Scott prcxcnt ‘l)ukc lillington: in a SL‘tlltlttL‘lllttl .\lt)t)tl'. I’rll'l HI I/Ir' [ill/I l't',\ll)'tl/.

I Ken Peplowski Quartet with Brian Kellock Jan ('cinrc. 'l‘lic l.ot. 4/(i (iraxxniarkct. 4(i7 53H“. S.3()pm. L'l3. liquall} imprcxxn c on clarinct ax on tcnor xax. l’cpltmxki ix onc of thc \xorldx moxt in-dcmand hop and xxxing inuxicianx. ioincd h} Scotland'x l'a\ourilc piaiiixt Brian Kcllock.

I QC Jazz Club ()uccn (‘harlottc Roomx. 5(ia ()uccn ('harlottc Strcct. 555 ohm). S.3llpm. £30 paxx for thc

\\ L'Clx. SL‘L‘ Mon .5.

Thursday 8


I The Dias Quartet ()uccn ('harlottc Rooinx. 5(ia Quccn (‘harlottc Strch 555 (mot). Spin. £5. l’ulxating grooxcx Irom thix iaH-l'unk quarth l'rontcd h} Bra/ilian trumpctcr chinaldo l)iax. I’rirl o/ l/Ir‘ [ill/I I'r’xlii‘ul.

I Guitars 3 ()uccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Slrcct. (itiS’ 3t)l‘). Spin. £3 U7. Martin la} lor ix joincd h) likc-mindcd inuxicianx in thc torn) ol‘ Sting guitarixt .\'cil Stacc} and \irtuoxo guitarixt Dominic .\li|lcr l'or thix xpccial gcnrc- huxting pcrl'ormancc.

I Mario Caribe’s Nu Quartet Jan ('L‘ttll‘c‘. 'l'ltL‘ l.ol. 4/0 (iraxxmarkct. 407 530i). S.3()pm. £7 tL‘o). l5o|louing an a\\cxotnc autumn pcrl‘ormancc thc lh‘a/ilian haxxixt and hand rcturn \xith inorc rollicking rh}thmx and llllt‘t‘lltllIS groin cx. \Vilh l.aura MacDonald talto xa\ ). l'x'cx in Maclx'cnxic and 'l‘om (iordon tdrumx).

I QC Jazz Club Quccn (‘harlottc Roomx. 50a Quccn (‘harlottc Strcct. 555 (mm). S.3l)pm. £30 paxx for thc

\\ Cc‘k. SCL‘ Mon .5.

>i< The Neil Cowley Trio ’l’hc Jan Bar. l (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 330 43‘)”. Soul and funk xpccialixt \\ ho hax tourcd \xith lllC llkL‘\ of thc Brand NC“ llca\ lL‘\. (iahricllc and [cm 7 promoting hix tic“ album of chilch acotixtic ja/l. “tsp/urn].


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to henryGlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.


I Storytelling Ceilidh (‘rookxton ('axllt‘. [litillt'l'th l’ark. 3.54h \VL‘llxltol Road. "(13 lSti3. 7.3llpm_ £3 Stor_xtclling. li\c muxic and dancing at (ilaxgou 'x laxt mcdtcxal caxtlc.

I Johnny Silvo Saint :\ndrc\\ 'x in thc Squarc. I St ;\ndrc\\ ‘x Squarc. 55‘) 5‘lll3. Spin. to 1L4). .\ hlcnd ol ia/l. hlucx. Iolk. countr} and xottl.


I Michael Marra and Liz Lochhead: In Fragrant Delicht .\lacl)onald l.ihrar}. .\lacl)onald Road. 343 S053. S ltlpm. L'S’. l.ongxtanding collahoratorx \\ ca\ c togcthct' xong. inuxic and xtor}tc|ling in an c\ploration ol‘ thc hig thcmcx ol' lilc. low. moralit}. mortalit} and l'oothall. ’urr o/ I/tr’ l'i'xliiu/ u/ .S‘rulli'xlr ll'rili/tg 3mm. Booking cxxcntial.

I Out of the Bedroom 'l'hc (‘anonx‘ (iait. 333 ('anongatc. 55o 44Sl. Spin. l-‘rcc. ()pcn mic xcxxion l'or lidinhurgh- haxcd xtngct'/xoltg\\t'tlct'x. l-‘olk. punk. l'unk juxt hring along )our original xongx and xign up to pla) at Sixh.


I Sarah Harmer and Vienna Teng ilillt‘ .-\l‘cltcx. 3.55 Alp} lL' Strch 0370 34() 753S’. 7pm. L'ltl tL'S). I’axxionatc countr}. l‘olk and hlucgraxx lrom ('anadian llarmcr \xilh xupport l‘rom _\oung San l’rancixcan xingcr 'l'cng. I’urt a] Big Big ('umilri‘.

I The Glasgay Ceilidh LGBT Birthday Bash Saint .-\ndrc\).“x in thc Squarc. I St .»\ndrc\\"x Squarc. 55.3 3(i()(i. 7.30pm midnight. [l5 tL'l3). ('clchrator)‘ l'undraixcr for thc Stralhcl_\'dc (3a) and l.cxhian

S“ itchhoard (30 _\carx old) and thc LGBT (‘L‘tllt‘t‘ ( ll) )L‘al‘x old). will) thc .\lacappclla ccilidh hand. 'l‘hcrc‘x a hul'l‘ct and ral'l‘lc. tickctx xccuring l‘rcc cntr} to chncttx or thc l’olo l.oungc al‘lcrxxardx. (ict thcm l'rom thc l.(il£'l~ (‘alc. Rc\ol\cr Bar and ('lonc /.onc.


I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh .-\xxcmh|_\ Roomx. 54 (icorgc Strcct. 333 1 I55. Spin. [S L'll). ('cilidh hand “LI and callcr Kcn (iour'la) lcad thc l'cxli\ ilicx.

I Session A9 Quccn'x llall. (’lcrk Strcct. (ioS’ 3(ll‘). Spin. fill) L‘l7 (£3). (’harlic McKcrron ((‘apcrcaillicL l)uncan ('hixolm t\\'oll’xtonc). (iordon l)unn thix cpon} moux hand). and Adam Suthcrland t(’rolt .\'o 5) gct togcthcr to pla} traditionall} inxpircd. contcmpot'ar} Scottixh liddlc muxic.


:i= John Martyn 'limn Hall. Sandgatc. t)l3‘)3 ()l I333. 7pm. U350. 'l‘hc rcxpcctcd Scollixh xonguritcr \Nllll thc huxk) loncx and folk and jaw muxical inllcctionx pla_xx thc l-‘cxtnal (‘luh I’url u/ Iii/rm .rln 'xl ' 'I'liul.


I Alejandro Escovedo 'l'hc Arctic-x. 353 :\rg}lc Strcct. 0870 340 753S. Spin. {I350 tL‘l l.5(l). ('laxxic l‘olk- hlucx “ith a grill} rock cdgc. l’urr of Big Big ('uu/irr).

I Nicky Spence ()ran Mor. 73I r735 (ircat \\'cxtcrii Road. 357 ()20”. 8pm. {I l. Winner ot~ thc Kathlccn Ferricr Young Singcrx Award. the l)uml‘ricxhirc

Folk Music

horn \ocalixt dcmonxtratcx hix paxxion tor claxxical and traditional Scottixh


I The Edinburgh Samba School 'l‘hc Bongo ('luh. Mora} llouxc. 3" llt)l)t‘t)t)tl Road. 5.5.5 THU-l 5.5llpllt [.5 it 3). .\lulti incinhcr xainha action \\ ith a lira/than tlaxour

I Scottish Fiddle Orchestra: Prince of the Mists l'xhcr llall. l.otlnan Road. 33S ll55 7 3(lpm.

{ll 5U {3U (‘onductorx John .\laxon. .-\ndrc\x .\lc( iar\a and thc liddlcrx \xill ha\ c _\ou dancing in thc aixlcx to thcn xtirring ini\ ol rcclx. iigx. \\.ilt/cx and hcautilul inclodicx at thix grand Scottixh. orchcxti‘al. chain) pcrlormancc.


iii Dougie Maclean 'l‘oxxn llall. Sandgatc. (ll 3‘l3 hl I333 7pm. [I350 Scotland'x lorcinoxt lolk/rootx tt‘ouhadour pla_\x thc l'cxlnal (‘luh ’urr o/ [from .-ln'.>l' l’lrul.

Sunday 28


I Clive Gregson 'l'hc .-\nnc\c (‘atc. ‘)a Stcxxartxillc Sti‘cct. l’arttck. 7. lllpm. (S. l"olk_\ \clcran uho ix a mcmhcr ol Nanci (irillith'x hand. and hax tour dccadcx ol xolo xongxxriting and collahoration hchind him.

I Deseo ('alc ('oxxachok. Rtixxian (‘ultural ('cntrc. Ill King Sum. 55.3 0733. Split. £5 tL'3). .-\ l.atin llourixh h) (ilaxgtm 'x top llamcnco outlit.


I The Gypsy Kings l’|a_\houxc.

lb 33 (it‘ccnxidc l’ltiL't‘. llS7ll (ll)(l.542‘i. 7.30pm. Unfit). ’l‘hc lcgcndar)’ l‘rcnch hand rcturn to kccp lhc l'laincnco tradition thing and rccall a timc uhcn it \xax compulxor} tor thcir track ‘Bamholco' to hc pla}cd ax hackground muxic in rcxtaurantx.

I The Space Cadets ’l'hc l.ct'i Bank. 37 (iuthric Strcct. 335 0744. 8pm. l’i‘cc. l.L‘l.l Hank'x t'cxtdcnt lolkIL'x uith a chilch Sunda} xct.

I Sara Kamin ch l-‘olk ('luh. Rinal ()ak'. lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 3970. 8.30pm. £3. Singcr/xonguritcr Sara hailx l‘rom 'l‘oronto. and hax a John l.cnnon xongxxriting auard undcr hcr hclt.

I Voces del Sur Southxidc. I I7 Nicolxon Strcct. (m7 33l3. lllpm. l'rcc. ()nc ol' thc moxt intcrcxting ('hilcan \‘oic‘c‘x in thc l'K. \'alcntina Montoyt— Martinc/ prcxcntx a night ol' l.atin Amcrican lolk' muxic.

Tuesday 30


I John Alexander, The Doghouses Roses and the Ballahulish Hellhounds 'l‘hc Liquid Ship. |7l I75 (ircat chtcrn Road. 33] l‘)t)l. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. l‘rcc ('and} Sc'xxionx. including (ilaxgow-haxcd lingcr-picking xingcr/xongwritcr Johi) Alcxandcr. whoxc xound ix a plcaxing hlcnd of folk. hlucx and countr). hcadx thix triplc hill.


I Karen Need 8. Roger Wilson l.cith l-‘olk' ('luh. 'l’hc Villagc. South l-‘ort Strcct. 47X 78H). 7.30pm. £5. Accordion and mud partncrxhip. accompanicd on liddlc and guitar.

I Kate Kate Campbell & Will Kimbrough thc l’lcaxancc ('aharct Bar. ()0 The l’lcaxancc. 650 234‘). 7.30pm. U3. Doublc hill of Naxhvillc xingcr/xongwritcrx.

I Ceilidh Club 'l‘hc l.ot. 4/6 (iraxxmark'ct. 335 239‘). 8pm. £6. ('cilidh dancing. furioux liddlcrx and callcrx to lead you through the xtcpx. featuring Norman Mackay'x Ceilidh Experience (30 May) and An Talla Ban (6 Jun).

25 May—8 June 2006 THE LIST 75