lroiii ch. York uhcrc Ilic} pla}cd at 'lartan ha}.

I Ptarmigan 'l‘hc Villagc. l6 South l-ort Strccl.l.cith.08~15 458 970*). Spin. £4 Scottixh and Irixh traditional and coiitcmporar} xoiigx and high ciicrg} tiddlc lroiii thix talcntcd lolk hand. I’m! of [hf/1‘11]! I'r'xliiiil.

I Dick Gaughan, Andy 8. the Zealots and Nancy Nicholson l.L'llll l'cxlnal ('luh. 2nd l-‘looi. ()ccan 'lt'lllllllitl. l.cilh. (IS-15 4539709. S 15pm. £l0. Scaxoncd xiillj_‘\\l‘llt'l' \iith ncarl} 30 _\carx ol \tit'lill and political coiiimciit uiidcr liix lk‘ll. l'ilI'IrI/I/Ir' It'll/l /‘(\Ilii1/.

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest Variotix \cnucx. lxlc ol' Arran, (ll 77() 302663. linch \ar}. l’t‘ic‘cx \ai‘}. .-\ cclclii‘ation ol (iacltc muxic and dancing. (‘onccrtx h} traditional iiiiixiciaiix. lt'illlll'lllg ()ld Blind l)tig\. Maliiik} and lhc .-\\cragc lilllk Band. and lhc opportuiiit} loi‘ adultx to Icarii xiiiging. dancing and inuxical inxtriinicntx.


I Michael McGoldrick Band 'liilltttttlll. .lail \\‘_\iitl. (ll 786 274000, Spin. 1: ll) lid). Michacl .\lL'(ioltll‘IL'l\ lx an auard “inning llautixt and pipci‘ and ix touring \iith liix hiin octanc Itixioii hand.


I Michael McGoldrick Band ()iiccii‘x llall. (‘lci'k Strcct. 668 20W. 7.30pm.

[3 £l7. SL‘L‘ lit 2.

I Moishe’s Bagel Jan (critic. lllL‘ l.ot. 4/6 (ii'axxiiiai'kct. J67 5200. 8.30pm. £0. Ja// inllcctcd klcrmcr and Balkan daiicc muxic lcatui‘iiig (ircg l.;t\\xoll i.\lr Mcl‘all‘x (‘haiiihcri on liddlc. l’clc (iat'licl on accordion. l’liil :\lc\aiitlci' on piano and Mario (‘arihc on haxx.

I Prestonpans Music & Ale Festival l’i'cxtoiipanx. l’rcxton Road.

I 9.30pm. £l5. l’ipcrx to opcii thc l'cxti\al l'ollo“ C(l l3} lilticx l'l‘olll .\lil\c \thllanx. L'U\L‘l'\ I'i‘om thc Scarccro“ x. indic l'rom Nitrogcn Sc) and Blcckci‘. morc co\crx l'i'oiii lhc Rah llouitt Band. all hcadliiicd h) Scottixh lilHllll‘llt‘ liddi Rcadci' pltix tircxxorltx and a iiicc xclcctioii ol‘ alcx to \iaxh it all doun \iith.

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest \‘arioux \ciiucx. lxlc of Arran. (H770 302668. 'l‘imcx \ai‘}. l’riccx \ar}. Scc Fri 2


I Acoustic Heaven Raiiixhoi-n 'l'hcatrc. US Ingram Strcct. 552 3-189. 7.30pm. £6 (£4i. .-\couxtic xctx l‘i'om thc ci'cam ol (ilaxgoxx 'x rixing talcni.


I The Space Cadets 'l'lic l.cll Bank. 37 (itithric Strcct. 225 0744. 3pm. l-‘rcc. Scc Stiii 28.

I William Douglas 8. the Wheel, Catalyst and Joe Jones l.cith l)ocl\crx (‘lulx l7 .-\cadcm_\ Strcct. l.cith. 467 787‘). S.l5pm. £5. Punk goxpcl l'i‘om William Douglax plux cxpcrimcntal rock from (‘atal_\.xt at this Buriixong Scxxion. I’url oft/iv [mil/1 I‘i'.\lll'tll.

I Mike Whellans \Vcc l-‘olk (‘Iuli. Royal Oak. lnlirniai‘) Strccl. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. .-\couxtic Bordcrx hlucx.

I Voces del Sur Soullisldc. I I7 Nicolxon Strcct. 667 22l2. lllpltl. l‘rcc. SL‘C Still 28.

Isle of Arran

IArran FeisFest Varioux \ciiticx. lxlc ol Arran. 0l770 302668. 'l'imcx \ar}. l’riccx \ar). Scc Fri 2.


I Ceilidh presented by Alzheimers Scotland Alhcrt Hallx. Dumbarton Road. 0|786 47354-1. 7.30pm. £7. .-\n cx'cning cclchrating Scotland in “ords. mu.xic and dancc.


I Hazel Morrison, Jim Bryce mitt .-\nd_\ (‘huiig l.cith l)ocl\crx Huh. I" Acadcm} Strcct. l.cith. 46" ‘8'“)

S l5pm. £5. ('cltic (‘onncctioiix \iiiiiici .\lorrixoii. .i hlciid ot Iollt. muxic hall. rock and ia/l from Hr} cc \ihilc ('hiing pcrlormx li‘om hix iicu .ilhiiiii Ilii

.llui (‘limic in thix litirnxong Scxxion It“! or l/lr' Irirli I't'\lll(l/

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest \ai'ioux \ciiiicx. lxlc ol Arran. lll770 302663. 'l‘imcx \ar}.

l’i‘iccx \ar}. Scc liri 2

Tuesday 6


I Cantarach 'l'lic Villagc. l6 South l'Ul'l Slrcct. l.cith. 473 78“) 3pm £5. \ihranl littll'x. PM"! (If I/lr' [Ill/I l‘i'\[l\ill.

I Ceilidh Club 'l'hc l.ot. 4/6 (iraxxmarkct. 225 220‘). 8pm. £6. Scc Inc 30.

I Foakies Roin ()ak. llllll‘lllill'} Sti'cct. 557 2976. Spin. l‘rcc. .\loiith|_\ night for axpii'iiig xiiigci‘ xongui'itcrx and poclx. ll )iiti arc iiilcrcxtcd in pci'loi'miiig contact 'l‘om l‘airiiic at toinlw mixciii‘p.ctl.;ic.iik.

Isle of Arran I Arran FeisFest \‘arioiix \ciiucx. lxlc ol' :\rraii. 0| 770 302663. lllllcx tar}.

l’riccx \ar}. Scc Hi 2.

Wednesday 7


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()Hlil. I60 l)caiixtoii l)ri\c. 64‘) 7258. Spin. £2. Scc \Vcd 3|.


I Rosanne Cash ()iiccii'x llall. (‘Icrk Sti'ccl. 668 20W. Spin. £l7.50. .lttllllll} (‘axh‘x datightcr tourx hcr latcxt. dccpl} pcrxonal. alhum Ii’luil (.(Itll/llll'.

I Song Writing Competition lidinhurgh liolk (‘luh. (‘aharcl liar. 60 'l‘lic l’lcaxancc. 6.50 234‘). 8pm. £6 (£5 l. [p to 25 ncxx \(illgSAllltlgL‘tl h} jur} and atidicncc.

I Michael Marra and Little Pebble l.cith l)ockcrx (‘llllx l7 Acadcni} Strcct. l.cith. 467 787‘). S.l5pm. £l0. litirnxong xcxxion l'rom l)uiidcc'x .\lichacl Malta and thc l't‘liL‘L‘ (‘ollcclhox l.illlc l’cltltlc. l’ur! (till/Iv [wit/I I'r'\lli‘tl/.

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest \'ai'iotix \cnucx. lxlc ol .-\rraii. III 770 302668. ’l‘imcx \ar}. l’i'iccx \ar}. Scc Hi 2.

Thursday 8


I RSAMD Scottish Music Concert: Agus an Cu RSAMI). 100 chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3. 'l‘hc Iinal [k‘l‘lttl‘llltlllt‘t‘ of thc Scottiin .\ltixic and Piping BA xtiidciitx' Scottixh tour. 'l‘hc l5-xtroiig group. show iiamc ix ('iaclic tor ‘.»\iid a Dog. comprixcx an imprcxxixc liiic-iip ol t'iddlcx. pipcx. clarxach. accordion. piano. “hixtlc. pcrcuxxion and \'ocalx.


I Leith Community Concert Band St 'l'homax' l’arixh ('hurch. I23 (ircat Junction Strcct. l.cith. 7.30pm. £3 i£l.50i. 201h annual lcxtixal conccrt \xith xpccial gucxtx thc (‘ollumhcillc ('cilidh Band and Shanc Brogan. l’uri of lllt' /.(‘l!/l l-t'irii'iil.

I A Night for Woody Guthrie Quccn (‘harlottc Roomx. 56a Qticcn ('harlottc Strcct. 5.5.5 6660. 10pm. £5. 'l'rihutc to thc grcat man all in aid ot~ thc Scottiin Huntingtonx .-\xxociation. I’urr oft/iv [Ill/I I'iwlli'rll.

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest \ariotix \cnucx. lxlc

of Arran. 0|770 302668. 'l‘imcx \ar). l’riccx tar}. Scc Fri 2.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules© Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.


I Music at the Mitchell: Danny Driver .\litchcll l.ihi.ii"\. 20| \oi'lli Sticct. 2S~ 20‘)”. 6 30pm l'rcc. l’iaiio rccital prcxcntcd h} Ihc .\litchcll l ihi‘ai) iii pai'tiicixhip \xith tlic Scottiin liilci‘iiatioiial l’iaiio (‘oiiipctitioii

:51 Scottish Opera: Carmen 'l‘lit-iiiic l{ii};ll. 232 llopt' Sticct. 3.32 ‘lllllll ".l5pm. £6.50 £55 lii/ct’x paxxioiiatc Scx illiaii opci‘a. .ihout thc l)oii .loxc\ ohxcxxioii \Hlll lhc \\llllll (\ii‘mcn. ix pci‘toi‘mcd h_\ .i caxi including .'\Iltllt'.l S/anto and l’ctcr .i\ut_\.

I BBC 580 Thursday Night Series (it) llallx. ('aiidlcriggx. 353 S000, 7.3llplll. l.“ l2: l .5”. lllL‘ Bl“~ SSl )'x llL‘\\ axxociatc gtlcxl conductor. Slt‘lali Stil}iilll. conduch Silicliux‘ I." Saw: It’lll' pmm. Ihc Scottiin pi'ciiiicrc ol .ltiditli \Vcir'x xollgw‘} clc .Vutimi/ lll\/UI'\ and Shoxlaltouch'x Soup/ruin Mi 5. Pic colicci'l talk at 6.45pm \\ ilh Jiidilli \Vcii and thc orchcxtra‘x .\luxic l’roducci‘. Simon Lord. in coiixcrxalioii.

I La Boheme Kiiig'x 'l‘hcali‘c. 207 Bath Strcct. 240 llll. 7.30pm. £l3.50 £33. ('hixiiiau National ()pci'a pci'loriii l’ticciiii‘x i'oiiiaiitic opcra ahout .\liini‘x loxc tor an iiiipmcrixhcd “l'llL‘l'.

I NYOS Stafta Award l’ollok llotlxt‘. l’ollok ('ountr} Park. 2060 l’ollokxhaux Road. 332 S3| l. 7.30pm. £I6. (‘oiiipcliiig l'or thc prcxtigioux Stal'l'a Award rim h} thc National Youth ()rchcxtrax of Scotland thix .‘L'ar arc llatitixt ('larc Jcl'l'crix. dotihlc haxxixt (icorgiiia l’oad and \ ioliiiixt .\lidori Stigi}ania. 'l‘hci’c \\ ill alxo lic a Pt'l‘lttl‘lllitllc‘c‘ I‘roiii laxt )car'x l'llllllL‘l' up. trumpclcr 'l‘homax ()xhornc.


I Hebrides Ensemble: Rush Hour Concert St Mai'k'x (‘hurch. (‘axtlc 'lci'racc. 22S ll55. 6pm. £6 (£4). 'l‘oiiight'x pcrlormaiicc ix thc xccoiid ol‘ thix Ma) 'x mini-xcricx and lcaturcx iiioi'c l-‘i'cnch muxic to tiimiiid to altci' \iork. including thc I’m/iii 'I'ri'o h} Ra\ cl. \ihoxc ('liurixorii .ilurlr‘i'riw'i arc xiing h) iiicI/o l.ouixc lniicx. ax \icll ax xomc xoiigx h} Kocclilili.

I George Heriot’s School ()uct-ii‘x llall. ('lcl'lx Strccl. 663 2lll‘). 7.30pm. l’tipilx lrom l’J l’7 pL‘l‘lUl'llilllg a \arict} ol' imixic. including choirx and inxtrtiniciital cnxciiihlcx. 'l'ickctx axailahlc ll'olll thc \L‘liool.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: In Tune Live! (‘in llallx. ('andlcriggx. 353 8000. 5pm. lircc. Scan Ral‘t‘crt} prcxciitx a li\ c cditioii ot BBC Radio 3’x claxxical muxic programmc.

\\ ith artx llL‘\\x. \ IL‘\\\ and art cclcctic choicc ol' niuxic l'caturing pcrl‘ormanccx I'rom thc orchcxtra including a ncu comiiiixxion trom (ilaxucgian compoxcr liduard .\lc(iiiirc.

I La Boheme King'x 'l‘hcatrc. 2‘)? Bath Strcct. 2-10 I I I I. 7.30pm. £13.50 £33. SOC Thu 25.


I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni Thcatrc Ro);ll. 252 llopc Strcct. 332 9000. 7.l5pm. £6.50 £55. .\1o/art'x lamoux opcra haxcd on thc lilc ol Don Juan. a notorioux ladicx' man “how xc\ual adwnturcx uould xccm to knovi no houndx. But crimc turnx to rctrihution and thc daxhing l)on'x tltmiitall to llcll.

'«i= The Sixteen For their second year of ViSiting St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh, this stunning vocal ensemble have put together a sumptuous programme from the Spanish Renaissance composer Victoria. Halfway through a UK tow. the group has received 5- Star reViews. all of them undoubtedly iiistified. St Marv's Episcopal Cathedral. Edinburgh, Sat 27 May.

-I= RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Passionate About Tchaikovsky Can it really be time for the proms already? The opening night of three weeks' worth of popular mUSic in Edinburgh and Glasgow features tune after familiar tune in this evening devoted to Tchaikovsky. A taste of what's to come really in this yearly musical feast of the familiar. Usher Hall. Edinburgh, Thu 8 Jun.

1'5 Scottish Opera: Carmen Hot on the heels of their new Don Giovanni and continuing to mark the company's return to main-stage. Scottish Opera revive Aidan Lang's successful 1999 production of what must Surely be one of the most popular operas of all time. But whatever will they do ab0ut the cigarettes on stage this time round? Theatre Royal. Glasgow. Thu 25, Tue 30 May, Sat 3, Tue 6. Thu 8 8 Sat 70 Jun; Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 73. Sat 77, Tue 20 8 Fri 23 Jun.

I La Boheme Kiiig'x 'lhcatrc. 2‘)7 Hath Strcct. 240 I I l l. 7.30pm. £l3.50 £33. Scc Thu 25.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music Chamber Orchestra Concert RSAMI). lllll RL'IIII‘L'\\ Strccl. 3.32 .5057. 7.30pm. £ If) l£6i. Julian ('la}toii conduch thc orchcxlra in a pcrloriiiaiicc ol viorlitx h} l.utox|a\ixki. ll:i_\dii. Siik and liccthoxcn. With ccllixt Laura Scrgcant. I Nicky Spence ()l'illl Moi. 73! 715 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 357 6200. 3pm. U l. \Viiincr ol thc Kathlccn l'crricr Young Siiigcrx .-\\\ard. thc l)umlricxhirc horn \ocalixt dcmoiixtratcx his paxxion lor claxxical and traditional Scottixh muxic.


I Come and Sing: Mozart Coronation Mass Si ( ‘uilihc-ri'x ('hurch. 5 l.othian Road. 226 2206. 7.30pm. £9.50 £l2.50 i£7 £‘).50i. 'l'hc latcxt ‘('omc and Sing" l'undraixing conccrt xccx conductor Marlx lliiitllc}

joincd h) around 250 amatcur xingcrx

l'rom all oxcr Scotland tor a pcrlormancc including Mo/art‘x ('urunuiimi Muss and lla}dn'x lll\(lll(l(’ ('1 lunur' ('imu'. raixing monc) l‘or Wmcrlc} (’arc.

2’. May—8 June 2206 THE LIST 77